By Tonja Condray Klein – 11/24/20
I’ve read apologetic Biblical works, prophetic Biblical studies, and even historical non-Biblical books, but what’s been making me question some of the teachings I’ve studied for the last thirty-five years of my forty-eight has been how prophecies have been fulfilled in undeniable ways but revival has been brought to a grinding halt. Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020 have made Christian meetings outlawed in some places, but even before then hadn’t many already stopped trying to change their communities in a positive way? Didn’t many quit praying? Didn’t many just give up completely? From what I’ve read in all of the Christian ‘end-of-times’ main teachings, ‘true’ believers in Jesus Christ were to have a Revival like has never been seen before that leads to the last soul to be saved in the ‘Grace Dispensation’ that immediately causes the ‘calling away’/‘meeting in the sky’/‘Christian evacuation’ known as ‘the Rapture’ before the Great Tribulation begins. If things expected to happen a certain way doesn’t then does it mean we missed the point where it would have but we failed the test of understanding and awareness of the present times like the foolish virgins? Will it not now? I don’t know.
Prophecies are interpreted differently by various groups of people, but many had been in one accord for the past few years, so I’m asking what many believers are right now, “WHAT HAPPENED?” While some still preach the Gospel in several media formats, Covid-19 has limited or even stopped the coming together of churches for an in-person revival, so what now? While we have technology to keep spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ on ‘airways’ if nowhere else, what about if (or when) those media outlets take away the platforms to silence us? When our everyday rights and freedoms are being limited or taken, what makes us think for even a moment that any anti-religious group now in power won’t use this opportunity to outlaw any size of gathering if we hold true to our callings? I never thought in my lifetime that I’d see this possibility, but as things happening in 2020 begin to reach the place that screams critical mass reached, we should take an inventory of our beliefs, evaluate our plans, and strengthen our fortitude to keep our Faith while trying to keep the peace until we have no choice but to practice social disobedience to fight for our Constitutional rights and freedoms.
Many outlets have already begun to ban any opinion they don’t agree with, so how much longer will we have a right to express ours individually or even as a group? We really need to be figuring out our plan to not be silenced if our freedoms now become only freedom for others. Being a singer, songwriter, author, and webpage designer I’m really not taking anything for granted since my ‘voice’ could be taken in a single moment. Are you thinking about that if you are a believer who depends on channels, radio, media outlets, bookstores, websites, web hosting companies, online stores, and all other technological advances that only a few corporations actually control? What will you do when or if they pull the plug? I’m not trying to instill panic but want believers in Christ to be mindful of this situation now. I posted long ago on my site about how people during the Great Tribulation might be able to maintain freedom with their faith without underground technology, but WE might have to use those ourselves now. Are you ready for something like that? You should be checking backup plans, backup supplies, and backup media should we face this now in 2020.
I’m NOT part of a survivalist group. I’m NOT part of some religious order demanding money. I’m NOT against our Constitutional Democracy when it follows what is stated in our founding documents. What I AM is a Christian who is NOT going to stop spreading the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! If you are part of a different religion then you still need to be concerned since this possible totalitarian regime that may take over soon will be against ANY RELIGION that isn’t their government. Many of you were not taught about the USSR (what Russia used to be) and their methods of a total governmental control. It saddens me that two generations have lost knowledge that I now prize more than all of the diamonds in the world! I WAS ALIVE WHEN THE USSR STIL EXSTED! I SAW EVIL THEY DID TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE! I SAW IT TELEVISED! I READ ACCOUNTS OF THE ONES WHO ESCAPED! IT HAPPENED EVEN IF YOUR SCHOOOL NEVER TOLD YOU! This is why former President Ronald Reagan said that Democracy is only a generation from extinction. Once education becomes indoctrination then our freedom and democracy is lost.
I READ. I QUESTION. I STUDY. I TEST. If something doesn’t match known history, proven science, linear mathematics, and basic Christian theology at the same time then it doesn’t pass the test of REALITY for me. That may seem a bit theoretical, heretical, and anti-establish-mental, but it is the scientific method at heart even if those in a field disagree. I’m not looking for funding or a grant, so take your assessment elsewhere. My point is? There is a reality that has existed since time began, and some yahoos running our country now are trying to rewrite history, redefine science, and nullify mathematics for the purpose of making generations younger than mine be unable to know the absolutes that were proven in every single one of these varied disciplines that held for historians, scientists, mathematicians, and even theologians for centuries up to millennia! THEY SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO THIS! When did most of the parents claiming to be Christian give up the educating of their genealogical lines to be done by atheists or ‘worse’? Yes, ‘worse’ than atheist is rather troubling, isn’t it? At least atheists just say there is NO god. ‘Worse’ claim to BE god.
How will we as Christians or even people of other faiths not in power endure this coming storm against freedoms and rights? With technology changing so rapidly and abilities to circumvent the biased channels to even give your opinion without it being removed happening, I’m not sure what our path to being as free as we have been will be now. Freedom of Speech was given by our Founding Fathers for this country. I will fight in all the ways I can to make sure that I don’t lose it completely. Maybe this was what was needed to instigate the final Christian Revival but in ways we didn’t image in the United States of America. I’m still not sure. I’m really not sure of much of anything except in the Salvation by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ and infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues with promised Gifts if we simply repent and allow redemption to happen. I’m like Paul the Apostle when I say that I speak in tongues as often as others but seek prophecy to uplift and encourage believers in these last days. Paul thought he was living in the last days back then, and that was in early AD, so we are closer if not there yet. Redemption may draw near sooner than expected…