By Tonja Condray Klein©12/31/2021
I’ve always been affected by the song from White Heart listed in the title of this Op-Ed ever since it came out. I was saved when I was eight years old and began going to church when I was ten years old, but my interest in “End Times” prophecy began when I was around thirteen, and then as a young adult I began studying eschatology more. As we face the end of another year tonight I can’t sleep for knowing I need to share what could be the last time I will be on here. It might not be, but just in case I’m writing this to maybe reach just one more before things change astronomically. Like the song says, “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, that’s not the question for me.” What if it is? What if the last person to be saved in the Grace Dispensation will accept Jesus Christ as Savior right before the New Year begins tonight? It might happen!
Yes, I’ve asked this when certain things have been happening for the last few years to try to wake the Christians from their slumber so we could have a revival before the Rapture does happen. I’m not sure that we will have what I’ve been looking to happen. New Wine is never expected to be put into old skins, so revival might be happening differently right now. As a Full-Gospel Christian I was hoping for a round of church services like I saw in 1985 that made me think we were on our way up right then and there, but now? I honestly don’t know. I’ve seen heartfelt messages on television that could be bringing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior without the theatrics or demonstrations that Holy Ghost Filled believers should like to see happen and feel again too. I sure do! Then again, it’s not my decision.
I read an article a few months ago that said 2021 might be the time of the Christian Rapture, or calling away as the Holy Bible says, to happen due to mathematical equations concerning when Israel became a country again in 1948. Some agree with this and some do not. I’m watching the news and think it’s possible I might be gone tonight when the clock strikes 11:59pm. I also know the Holy Bible also said NOT to put a date on this. We are supposed to look at the signs and watch what is happening with Israel and the countries in relation to allegiances and alliances. Things are still lining up right with how the prophecies given hundreds to thousands of years ago stated. Even though I try to live right every day, I make mistakes and have to pray for forgiveness every day and even every hour. I’m more aware of it today.
That might be WHY God Almighty said NOT to put a day or time on His Son’s return to gather us since many or even most of us would wait until the last minute to truly be ‘spiritual’. Once again, I know as well as any other truly saved person knows that we are supposed to live for Jesus every second of every minute or every hour of every day! Can we do that? Not usually, but God Almighty knows that or He never would have sent Jesus Christ to die in place of us. We are all clay – impure, marred, and inherently ruined. Only Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior can change the consequences of that. I fail every day, but I know WHO I can call on for help in the midst of my idiocy of humanity. I’m doing it right now as I type this… not out of crazy zealotry or ignorance but out of loving my Savior and wanting Him to WANT to get me!
I don’t deserve to go to Heaven. No matter how much I’ve given to the poor, tried to lift up someone from being depressed, or sung for the glory of God in front of crowds, I’M STILL NOT WORTHY. Nothing BUT the Blood of Jesus makes me whole. NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS SAVES, DELIVERS, HEALS, AND REDEEMS! I was to see part of my family on 01/01/2022 to celebrate a delayed Christmas, but many are sick so we can’t. I might not be here anyway. I hope we have a little more time, but if we don’t then I’ve tried to show the Love of Jesus to every person I’ve had the time to tell. I fail, but JESUS NEVER FAILS. If we are still here on Saturday then I’ll keep telling anyone I can one more time that JESUS LOVES THEM TOO. THAT is what I’m trying to do with this on New Year’s Eve 2021.
If I’m still here, I’ll keep posting, singing, sharing, loving, praying, witnessing, writing, hoping, seeking, and all the other things God Almighty asks me to do for Him. People might think I’m crazy. YOU might think I’m crazy! I’m then quickly reminded of the other song, “It Wasn’t Raining When Noah Built The Ark”. I’ll try to be like a present-day Elijah with FIRE shut up in my bones to reach as many as I can with what I have for as long as I’m allowed. I’m called but not perfect; I just know in WHOM I believe, and He’s coming again soon. “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, that’s not the question for me. No matter what time, I’m going to follow the Keeper of ALL ETERNITY!” If you call Jesus Christ to be your Savior and believe He died for your sins and rose again to save you, then I’ll see you in the air too whenever! ~TK~
#NewYear #2021End #Salvation #JesusSavior #Rapture #Reality #JesusLovesYou