“George Orwell Was Forty Years Early But This Still Might Be Too Late…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©06/09/2024

I watched the BBC version of the book 1984 – NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR by George Orwell after reading the book again. I’d never seen any film adaptation before, but if I’d thought the book was frightening to read then I should’ve known any of the live action would be even more disturbing. The problem is that in 2024 I’m seeing that we have veered off our path of personal freedom to finally give into our own ‘Big Brother’ in reality! I used to trust the ones we vote into government when I was younger and thought that America had fought past the Authoritarian, Communist, Marxist, and Socialist groups influencing or trying to take over our government since we’d learned from our past and had been trying to implement more balances to stop anything like that from happening. Any of us who did think that were VERY wrong.

I won’t point to any single event that should have alerted anyone my age. The eighties were just the recovery from the seventies, and then the nineties were time to celebrate our country and prosperity. Two thousand was a turning point in technology even more than in the past thirty years then, but we were so used to our ease of life with further developments, we never thought to look at the growing power some groups were acquiring at our own expense. Do any of us right now? I’m not sure how many are observing the signs but still not willing to give up amenities that they feel they’ve earned from going up in status, position, or power. As upper Middle Class goes up and lower Middle Class falls down a notch then that means the upper lower class is getting even more crowded and the lowest lower class suffers like slaves or maybe worse.

What does that mean for regular hard-working Americans? It puts ALL of us closer to becoming the slaves of the Upper Ruling Class who are trying to take away any resistance to whatever government type they are trying to replace our Constitutional Democratic Republic with to then become ACTUAL dictators in name and actions. THAT is coming if WE THE PEOPLE fell asleep! Watching the ending of the movie adaptation of the book, I felt so dejected about Winston and Julia who both lost each other when ‘Big Brother’ tore them apart to get them to betray each other, lose all their reasons to fight for freedom, and were indoctrinated AGAIN. I shook my head and thought, “How could they give in and not fight?” I then thought about what could be used against ME – medicine, family, and Faith. It’s scary how easily it could happen.

What about you? As a Christian who has believed since I was eight and will be fifty-two in September, I’d like to think my faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty could keep me from denying Him for any reason. I can only hope and pray it never comes to that for me since I already have a problem keeping my anger from coming out over regular daily frustrations. As to ‘Big Brother’, right now I’d like to take a big political gun and shoot every ‘follower’ that would try to take my rights away from me as a Christian American, but most of those we know on sight are only the pawns for those with the actual power. I think most of those who feel as I do also know we are waiting until we have no choice but to fight or give into the growing despotism. I hope I’d be brave enough to stand up even if I’d die fighting.

This might sound really scary to some who have never read or seen the BBC movie, but as things get crazier and more unlawful in America that used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, I think each person should ask his or herself how much is too much to take from corrupt politicians? I’m not talking about the person just indicted either but the ones who orchestrated the most dishonest use of the American legal system EVER done to date! Disagree with me all you want, but I call it as I see it, and since I have READ A LOT of History, I think I have enough common sense and intelligence to see it for what it is and call it out for what it was used to do. America is on the brink of losing FREEDOM completely, but if people don’t stop giving into the lies from the news being blathered all day then AMERICA will end!

Do you have any concept of how many Gen-Z-ers know NOTHING about REAL HISTORY? Diluted and lying information is indoctrinating their generation to ready them to become complacent to allow this political change to reach completion. Gen-X and even Gen-Y (Millennials) had some History taught to them without replacement information, but I’d bet the majority of Gen-Z know relatively NOTHING that is TRUE. Since I was going to be a History teacher at one point in my life, this makes me want to sob while I pull out a theoretical computer machine gun to destroy ALL the lying digital text books in existence. OH, HOW I WISH! Media also LIES EVERY FREAKING DAY! Freedom of the Press was meant for Americans to be told FACTS, not to let one party control every single narrative of all the situations in life.

I’m a Conservative Independent since both parties seem to have the same kind of turncoats in them. It can be hard to vote when you’re voting for almost the same party no matter which side that is. That is being done to BLIND US. Each side gets a bit of what they want so they give a bit of what the other wants as long as the people stay ignorant of it so all of their power remains intact, much like what ‘Big Brother’ did in the same exact way. Trump was the outsider to see that a disparity needed rectified and decided to act. THAT is his real ‘crime’ that both sides are working against to stop him from doing what REAL Americans want him to do – END THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! Almost all of those politicians make promises they don’t keep, but Trump fulfilled ALL BUT ONE that the rest of government stopped.

For years Americans have watched as LIE UPON LIE has been fed to us as those with money seem to get richer and those that are poor seem to get poorer. Those in the middle had two ways to go – decide to pony up to the ruling class and surrender your individuality for their plurality OR maintain allegiance to FREEDOM and try to just hunker down to be ignored if possible… even if you put up op-eds to point out the TRUTH to others. Without having much money keeps you from being noticed. Who cares what Tonja from Ohio says anyway? Hopefully those reading this now, whether you agree or not, and you’ll think about all of this now. If you haven’t read 1984 – Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, you can get it at library for free (if they haven’t removed it yet). IT’S AMERICA’S FUTURE IF WE DON’T STOP IT!

You can let the politicians spin their narratives and give into the lies they spout out of their mouths OR you can READ and learn their playbook to counter it and SAVE OUR COUNTRY! Anyone who HAS read book could possibly understand what I’m warning everyone about that is being put into motion so the same system will be in perpetual power that will have the ability to keep rewriting history DAILY so people remain unaware of what USED to be reality as they are being DENIED everything they should have on a daily basis because ‘Big Brother’ knows better. Their ‘Big Brother’ NEVER KNOWS BETTER, AMERICA! THAT is why all of the failed governments have same playbook to desensitize citizens to the point they will never be able to reclaim relationships or be truly FREE from their complete brainwashing!

Have American citizens already been so brainwashed and desensitized by political news that seems to be ongoing propaganda like Russia and China? Since they love throwing this in their claims towards conservatives, like evil Nazis? I tell you right now, three men in my family fought in World War II and one died, so when you accuse those of us wanting to keep our God-given rights and Constitutional American Freedom of being one of those damnable bastards that need to stay in Hell then those are fighting words that could lead me to take a baseball bat to anyone who hurls those at me! How Dare YOU!? You lying sacks of crap need to go crawl back to your pigpen and leave the LAW-ABIDING AMERICAN CITIZENS ALONE! While it might already be too late for America, I WILL FIGHT TO NEVER BECOME JULIA!

If you haven’t read the book, get it. It is absolutely frightening how it compares to where America is heading. If you can’t read then go to YouTube Link for 1984 – BBC and watch it. It doesn’t end well at all and had me begin writing this op-ed. If we keep going down the path we currently seem to now be on then THAT is our future! With the blood shed alone in WWII that outcome would be an atrocity and something that those who allow it to happen without any kind of a fight will be held accountable for someday. I refuse to be one of those. The ones not willing to be either might be able to turn the tide before we do go under this wave of indoctrination that could end America. “Freedom is only one generation away from extinction,” according to President Ronald Reagan, and I agree with him seeing what’s happening right now!

Is that terrifying premise already being proven in America in 2024? I hope and pray to God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ with the power of His Holy Spirit that it won’t be this year! I’m trying to put up my opinions everywhere I can to try to bring attention to these happenings that some might be completely unaware of for several reasons that might not even be their own faults. Trusted institutions that used to be respected have now been hijacked from us, and if you just can’t see that yet then you might not realize how close our own networks of every kind have been taken over by those we can’t assume will give FACTS. To them, there are none, but THEIR interpretations are what WE need to know as FACTS for their machinations AGAINST KEEPING FREEDOM for the American people at ANY and ALL cost to ALL OF US!

How many Americans are willing to do whatever it takes to keep your Personal Freedoms? Even if you are with a different religion, background, race, political side, or a self-defining individual you think the present ruling class will just accept, then you need to read the book or watch 1984 – BBC Production that has actor Peter Cushing from STAR WARS to see how those kinds of leaders finally demand that a citizen lose whatever you are most protective of keeping to have you become a useful slave to their political agenda. This is an ongoing brainwashing that can finally lead to the physical torture used to reshape your mental ability that is done by all of the governments I’ve mentioned. No American citizen should be put into ANY mental modifications of ongoing brainwashing or physical torture! WE MUST FIGHT THAT!