All posts by Tonja Condray Klein

“Day BEFORE the Resurrection…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04-09-2023

Imagine how Peter, James, John, and the rest of the disciples of Jesus Christ felt the day AFTER the Crucifixion. After the masses left, Peter denying the Lord three times, and then all of them hiding for their lives thinking the Roman soldiers would come for them too, did they wonder IF Jesus Christ would rise again? Did they look at each other for any comfort or at least a lessening of their grief? Did they discuss what Jesus had told them, what He had promised, and all miracles He had done? Could He actually be raised from the dead and give them eternal life if they waited for Him like He’d said? What if their Faith had been for the wrong reasons and they would pay the ultimate price for their mistake? Would the Temple accept them back or would they be lost and go to Hell for heresy by simply following Jesus Christ?

“Arise My Love” by NewSong is a powerful message done in 1987 but still infused with anointing, and I listened to it on 04/08/2023, cried over what I thought the disciples could have been feeling on that day, and then reminded myself how blessed I am now since I already KNOW that Jesus Christ rose again! They didn’t yet, so it had to be one of the most heartbreaking, soul-tearing, and even physically overpowering time. How must it have felt all night as they waited for any sign, any sound, or any kind of change that alerted them that the stone was rolled away? I would think they would pray or share at least the lyrics of songs quietly, but what if they were so terrified that every sound made them jump, every minute seemed like an hour, and every shared look was filled with loss of not just everyday life but the future that could be?

Peter had denied Jesus, even cursing at the guards to make a point, so how despondent did he feel through that night and early morning? Since I fail every day in some way, I understand that frustration, the agony of not being right with actions I can’t explain or wish away. Peter had made the declaration of WHO Jesus Christ was, and yet he denied Jesus THREE times! Then again, how many times have I denied Jesus with my own words spoken in anger when not realizing how it could make someone else feel around me? How did the other disciples feel when Peter denied Jesus? Would they have judged Peter or have understood since they were all linked to the same man turned over to be killed because of what had been considered blasphemy of the religion they might have all once followed themselves?

How had Mary, the mother of Jesus felt? She had known what the angel of God had told her, and she’d believed all that had been shown to her as the path her Son would have to take, but how would the once-virgin Mary deal with the same crowd Jesus had taught, healed, fed, laughed with, and even made wine for at the wedding suddenly turning on Him so easily to demand His death? How does a person forgive something that was blatant betrayal? How could she even look at anyone when she went to get water at a well? I know how hurt I have been over things I felt were betrayal too, and I’ve tried to forgive those responsible, but none of what I’ve faced has been on this level. Church hypocrisy hurts, but it never actually kills in this present day. Back then, it could have. Even with the others looking after her, Mary had to be afraid.

As Christians, we can rejoice because WE KNOW JESUS CHRIST LIVES! He restored our link to the Heavenly Father through His blood shed for us and is praying over us from Heaven until He returns for all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. We have songs to remind us of WHY and HOW, but those waiting together for the morning AFTER the Crucifixion were trying to believe and keep from being arrested. We have some around the world in places they hide now since not all countries allow Christianity and even believing could get them killed like the ones waiting so long ago. Jesus Christ rose again, came through a wall (quantum tunneling is my scientific explanation), showed His scars, forgave Peter, and brought Hope before He left for Heaven while leaving the mandate to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit and SHARE Jesus!

I don’t know what any of you are going through today, Resurrection morning 04/09/2023, but I do KNOW that whatever it is, Jesus Christ can help you handle it if you give Him your heart in return of His Salvation. Human hearts can be wicked, so this sinful member traded for restoration isn’t really a great deal for Him, but it will be the best one you can EVER make. You are reading this because you need HIM. HE gave this to me this morning of rejoicing, and I want to do everything I can to SHARE the JOY HE has given to me for my almost fifty-one years. Jesus loves you no matter what all you’ve done. Look at what Peter did. Look at what Paul did later. Our sins for His RESTORATION of the Soul as we let His Spirit give us what we need to at least TRY to let JESUS CHRIST lead us to the path we were ALWAYS to have.

The path can be hard to TREAD just like my second novel tried to show through fictional characters, but in reality it can be even harder. We have spiritual gifts if we allow them, but we don’t get elemental or energy gifts like most of my Eirinth characters do. I have been used with the spiritual gifts, though, and I’m telling you right now that feeling with any connection to them is beyond anything you can ever feel from anything else in this world. There are many reasons why I can sing the song, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know Who holds the future. And life is worth the living JUST because He lives!” It was true when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 1980 and still is now in 2023. I might do stupid things, but He KNOWS me, and still can SAVE ANYONE!

“Is America Funding Gog in Magog in 2023?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/07/2023

I just finished the historical book AFTER THE FLOOD by Bill Cooper since I’m very interested in history, both Biblical and secular, and have been astounded by the other historical books I’ve been reading for the past couple years as led by my ancestral research. As I have stated before, I had planned on becoming a history teacher at one point in my life, so this subject has always been something I can NEVER get enough of reading. As a Christian I find it frustrating to see how present-day archaeologists and scientific researchers seem to dismiss any theory against accepted ones from decades or even centuries ago in those fields. I’m also reading AMERICA BEFORE by Graham Hancock so you might assume that I agree with both writers’ insights into what is being missed by those refusing proven reality. You would be right.

Around three a.m. on 04/01/2023, I looked up where descendants of Japheth came to reside, and even though I knew some were in England, Ireland, Scotland, and even Spain, I never thought they also would be in the countries now considered to be the Carpathian Basin through his son Magog that includes Hungary, Transylvania, and even Ukraine. It had always been taught in churches that ‘Magog’ from the Christian book of Revelations was Russia, but with this new insight into Carpathian history from the book MESOPOTAMIAN HISTORY: SUMERIANS, HITTITES, AKKADIAN EMPIRE, ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, BABYLON by Hourly History, I’m amending my previous assessment. Magog might not be a ‘leader’ at in this technological world but perhaps a ‘system’ or ‘entity’ that could even supersede humanity.

Russia is battling Ukraine, Iran is friendly with Saudi Arabia again, and China is looking to take over Taiwan, so I can’t help but wonder who is America actually funding right now? The last time we waged a world war the United States had defined allies and enemies. With the allegiances forming in 2023 I don’t know which side our government is now on. Is it possible that Russia and Ukraine will come to an agreement? All peace-loving people probably wish for that, BUT is anyone asking what would happen to all of the weapons and technology sent to Ukraine? Is it possible that Russia could use that to be part of that agreement? Once again, has ANYONE asked ANY of these questions, and have ANY of those responsible for those answers given them to ANYONE yet? This situation needs to be considered by ALL Americans.

IF (and that might not be an unrealistic if at this point) America is sending funds that are being forwarded to one or more of the main players in Revelation prophecies, THEN how can any Christian not be concerned that we are aiding enemies of humanity that will lead to untold deaths in ours and other countries WHEN a final puzzle piece is placed and ALL Christians and Messianic-Jews are TAKEN? Some have been asking how close we are in 2023 to supernatural and physical rescue as promised by Jesus Christ. With things lining up now like they seem to be, I don’t know if we will stay until 2029 as a given possibility by the one Israeli writer. Reading historical FACTS and how the Christian and Judaic writings from centuries to millennia ago coincide with where certain places mentioned are right NOW is sobering.

Once again, this is NOT to make someone have a ‘religious experience’, buy gold or other items thought to help you survive, or even contact your congress rep to alert them. This is for those who ARE Christians and need to see these things, those seeing what makes you question your own choices right now, and those who want to know what to look for and when before too late for you and those you care about helping. This insight keeps me writing this because it hit me like a two-ton heavy thing days ago. When my husband woke up during the night, I asked what he thought about all this. He then told me that he pointed me to read the Bill Cooper book since he’d wondered the same things when he read it! I hope those with the Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, or Discernment sees it now and shares it with those still blind to it.

This country is being led down a path to destruction, and there seems to be more people willing to go than I’ve EVER thought would happen in the United States of America! Which ‘church’ are you in 2023? Laodicea seems more than others, but all seem to be showing up here and there now. Read Revelation chapters 1 through 3 and be HONEST with yourself! God help me, I want to always be Philadelphia, but I’m not a liar so I won’t claim that even to make me feel better about myself. Unfortunately, I’ve been Ephesus – I lost my first love and repented to keep my candlestick in place. No matter how each of us have gotten to where we are, each church type is given a way to be restored before the believers are removed and twenty-one judgements begin to fall on all of humanity. I want as many as can to escape it!

I was given abilities by my Savior, Lord, King, and Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ to share with others all of the FACTS as I have come to know them through listening, praying, reading, researching, and also studying various histories and lineages. We are not meant to live in pride from vain ancestries according to the Holy Bible. What I have found is that KNOWING where we come from and what our legacy can become is empowering when we place it in the Father’s hands to remold it into something HE can use through us. IF those thinking we leave on Rosh Hashanah are right, then last soul will be saved in this dispensation and last Israeli to return to Israel will soon. IF that, we could leave in about six months. If not, it still could happen at ANY time once the last two things happen. The last full revival could happen at any time!

If EVER the body of Christ should get real about the need for souls to be saved, lives to be changed, people to be healed, and gifts to be used to energize everyone IT IS NOW! Could we still be here in 2029? Maybe. Past that? Perhaps. With the possibility of nuclear war if things keep going the way they are, I really don’t want to be here, and I don’t want anyone else who is meant to know Jesus Christ as Personal Savior to be either. I don’t want anyone part of another world religion to not consider Jesus Christ as a better explanation of existence and spiritual fulfillment since I’ve found Him to be everything I will ever need in this life and beyond once my human time ends and eternity begins. Could I be wrong? I’m betting MY OWN LIFE that I am not. Can you? Check out AFTER THE FLOOD before you really answer that.

One of the most recent attempts to let criminals out of jails is calling attention to the fact that if that happens then our society will be at a greater risk… as in being like in the days of Noah. Sound familiar? IT SHOULD! I’m completely astounded at what some of our leaders want to unleash in this country and the world, but I guess I shouldn’t be. It seems to be just another sign of where we are in this Grace Dispensation or Church Age on Earth. I have tried to warn people to keep your eyes on the times and what is happening to show Biblical prophecies being fulfilled more and more every day. Some were fulfilled way before now, but some could not be until this present time of technology. Some who claim to be Christians seem to ignore what is going on and keep their heads in the sand. Do you think you will go if in that position?

I’m a webpage designer, so technology is NOT something I shy away from using. Am I okay with IA? Nom since I remember the movie TERMINATOR even if it was Science Fiction. How about the new proposed Central Bank Digital Coin? I certainly remember reading in the Christian Holy Bible and hearing in Sunday school and church about the ‘mark of the beast’ that will be the ONLY currency used for goods that also links a person to the anti-Christ who is son of Satan and enemy of the One True Living God of Creation who came as Jesus Christ to die in each person’s place before any of us were born. HE saw you. HE died for you. HE loves you. Even if you have done horrible things in your life, HE takes away our mistakes of sin and gives each a NEW life in HIM. It’s that simple. ASK HIM for forgiveness and HE WILL.

As for Gog in Magog, I’m still concerned we are giving too much of our resources and will be left too weak as a nation to help Israel or NATO nations when needed if things continue as they are now. I’ve never been an isolationist but I’m not an empire builder either. I’m an American by birth and a Christian by Faith. My father fought and bled in World War II, but he never approved of endless campaigns in foreign lands that seemed to have a sole purpose of making a U.S. military industrial complex richer since it always costs more than money; it costs the blood of our soldiers! IF I am right about Gog in Magog then we need to REALLY consider this as more than a cooperative initiative against our old enemy; it could be what finally destroys the country that made a Constitutional Democratic Republic the greatest on Earth.

Jesus Christ will be returning probably sooner than many believe. I have led an interesting, loved, inspired, and creative life in my going on fifty-one years in 2023. I don’t want it to end before I’ve done all that the Lord called me to do, and I’m sure I won’t since He anoints, empowers, and protects those who are His until their calling is completed and their life is meant to be transformed into a new fourth-dimensional realm of existence with Him. “For we know in part, and we prophecy in part, But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” (KJV 1 Corinthians 13:9-10) It might be more than 4 dimensional, but I trust my Savior to fulfill His promises to me as I try to fulfill mine to Him. I fail often and let people I love down in spite of my best intentions, BUT JESUS NEVER FAILS! ~TK~

“A ‘Just Rip Off The Roof’ Revival in 2023!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/07/2023

The Revivals happening in Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee at the universities in 2023 have led me to be hopeful for a wildfire Revival to sweep all over America and around the world soon. Since it’s a younger generation that is taking up this mantel of Faith, we older generations like Gen-X need to be seeing it as the Grace of God to us since we FAILED to lead to this in our time because we lost our passion in light of how some churches let its leaders hurt regular members, older church members dismiss younger ones for a simple difference of style instead of loss of message, and giving into a lie of convenience leading to using catch phrases, less absolutes, and more secular ‘entertainment’ instead of music filled with the Holy Spirit fire that changes any soul that accepts and believes to be changed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

“Just Rip Off The Roof” is my latest song that was inspired by these revivals happening! It hit me how the church has changed to the point of there no longer seeming to be many believers in Jesus Christ who would be like the friends of that man with palsy who did what my song title says to get him to Jesus for healing. How many reading this would? Does anyone know a single person they’d climb on top of a house, ply off boards, and lower a stretcher with a person to see the Only One who could help? My point is that we SHOULD be those true friends! Each believer is said to be His salt of the Earth and His disciples! When did Soul Salvation cease to be the priority to see as many souls saved as possible? Look at someone this day and ask yourself if you care if they go to Hell. What if you could help them to go Heaven instead?

I know many people don’t have the abilities, resources, or talents to do certain things, but it seems like a majority of those that claim to be Christian in 2023 don’t really care whether or not someone dies and goes to Hell. If they do then they will help as long as they won’t be inconvenienced. Inconvenienced? After being striped for our healing, spit on, and nailed to the wooden Cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ bled and died to redeem each human soul willing to accept Him as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation! What can WE do that is MORE inconvenient than that? I’m not saying there aren’t people who already do all they can for Jesus. I’m saying many won’t do ANYTHING to take them outside of their comfortable, safe, and acceptable zone for ANY soul. Who would you leave your safe zone to see saved?

Christianity isn’t just a stodgy lifeless religion. REAL Christianity is a soul-saving, Spirit-filled, life-invigorating relationship with Jesus Christ as a PERSONAL SAVIOR. Each human born has a sin-damaged soul since Adam and Eve fell from Grace in the Garden of Eden. The ONLY Salvation is by accepting that Jesus Christ did what the Law of Moses never could – He died in each soul’s place on Calvary! By Grace through Faith each soul is saved from eternal damnation. This is the reality of this world that those who don’t want to be held accountable for their sin and want to just enjoy them don’t want you to understand to let Jesus Christ SAVE your soul and CHANGE your life since that makes them aware of their own loss and then blinded by sin and Satan, (fallen angel Lucifer), who wants to claim human souls to punish God.

This has been an ongoing spiritual war since the fall of Lucifer and then the fall of humanity. ABSOLUTES ARE REAL in this existence. No matter what academia says, each person must make the choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior personally so that soul will be saved and restored to kinship as a son or daughter to God the Father and also joint-heir with Jesus Christ the Son of God the Father through Mary as human. This had to be done this way so the blood of Jesus Christ would be PURE by His Father’s blood that divinely joined the egg of Mary to become Jesus Christ born fully human and fully God to die for humanity’s sins to redeem each, rise again to restore each as prophesied, and return as King of Glory to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem after every soul to be saved has been AFTER the Great Tribulation happens here.

The ‘Rapture of the Church’ is when each and every person who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior is supernaturally taken away from Earth for safety (before the Great Tribulation if you believe Pre-Trib teachings as I do). I’m hoping and praying that these revivals happening now are part of the last Great Revival we need. Prophecies in the Judaic Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments seem to have been fulfilled more recently, so it might be down to only two left now is for the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the last Jewish person to return to Israel before the Rapture. Both could happen at any time, and though some think it will be on Rosh Hashanah, it might happen sooner. Time is running out to reach those we can during the time we have left, and THIS IS FOR ETERNAL LIFE OR ETERNAL DEATH!

I’m a Christian Speculative Fantasy Author, but this is NOT fiction. Each soul has a choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but if that person refuses it will mean eternity in Hell along with Satan (fallen Lucifer), his demons, and the lost souls who possibly will be separated from each other but definitely from God Almighty for Eternity, so no parties in Hell. Each person has a destiny once they accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but those who refuse the Gift of Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for humanity will have a fate of darkness and torture. This is NOT my opinion but the sacred writings handed down throughout history. I’ve studied Ancestry, Archaeology, History, Literature, and various Sciences, but even if some in each dispute Christianity, I have seen the proof of my Faith in each topic and every discipline to this date.

Do I have a degree in any of those? No, but I do have a Certificate in Webpage Development. Do I still believe in my own research and study? Yes, since I’ve been learning for forty-two of my fifty years about it and haven’t found proof disputing my beliefs. How can I say that? God’s Holy Bible told humanity to question and study to show them approved, and I want to be found faithful and knowledgeable to support my stance in it all. I’ve studied religions concerning all their differences and similarities, but Christianity is the ONLY ONE that has God Almighty the Creator sacrifice Himself for believers that offers a restoration through FAITH alone. The Cruise Family sung, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” It is Spiritual and Supernatural beyond human capacity for understanding often.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight years old in 1980. I have been blessed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues and Interpretation since I was thirteen years old in 1985. I’ve written songs, poems, and books over the years, and sung in various churches since I was eleven years old. I mess up each day, pray with every opportunity, sing whenever I can, and share my love of Jesus Christ as often as possible. I’m not any preacher, but I am a layperson who knows the teachings of the Word and tries to live by them as much as I possibly can. I fail. I forget. I sin. I repent. I cry. I laugh. I mourn. I rejoice. I’m a sinner saved by Grace, and it’s ONLY by the GRACE of Jesus Christ in His Blood that I can claim any kinship to my Creator. I’m a passionate but sometimes willful daughter.

I’m calling for any and all who know Jesus Christ as Personal Savior and anyone who will accept Him to seek His Holy Spirit to empower you to reach every soul you can while there is still time to do it. We might have a couple to a few more years, but then again we might not, and I don’t want to miss reaching anyone who I’m supposed to share this Truth of Creation and Salvation who will see the Light of Jesus Christ by the anointing of His Holy Spirit that sings through in these words everywhere they can be read. I’m pleading with you to seek Jesus and KNOW HIM. Though I have times too often when I whine as I pray and ask questions I don’t understand reasons for why they happen, I STILL BELIEVE IN HIM. I hate having to state this, but I agree with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” I will at least try…

*** Lyrics for “Just Rip off the Roof” by Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/2023

“Verse 1: When your life’s too hard to take, Your back’s against the wall, And you try to just get by, But nothing works at all. You might cry and yell and scream. Cause no one seems to care, You might seek help at a church, But God seems far from there, People say they know your pain, As they block your road, When you need to see Jesus, A new path needs to flow

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Verse 2: Desperate times can change hearts, If you just believe, Even when it seems so dark, And your future’s bleak, Jesus wants you to get through, Any board or wall, Even if your faith is weak, His Love conquers all. Being lowered from a roof, Might not seem that smart, But when Jesus is your goal, He will do His part

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Coda: People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, To what Salvation is for, Healing, freedom, so much more… Just rip off the roof!”

“One ‘Page’ Away From FAHRENHEIT 451 in America…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02/21/2023

I read FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury sometime between 1985 and 1990. I bought the E-book and just read it again in 2023. Although I remembered what it was basically about, I was astounded by the fact it was from, 70 years ago in 1953! The fact that it is even MORE realistic NOW than back then makes it even more alarming for me. I looked at my bookcases at home and felt fear of what it would mean for me personally if my beloved paperbacks were burned, especially since many can’t be replaced by no longer being in print or E-Book formats now. It would mean I’d never be able to read them again, and THAT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. I’m a writer of my stories and an AVID READER of others’. If someone showed up with a flamethrower to torch my collection, I’d interfere violently.

The woman who collapsed in the house with her books that the ‘firemen’ were burning was someone I related to completely and was in tears over, but then I GOT ANGRY. I understood her dying with her books because ‘firemen’ and local government in the book were against her so she must have thought she’d rather die than live without the books she loved; unfortunately, for any who would try to burn my books, I wouldn’t burn with them unless I took the ‘firemen’ with me and only if I didn’t have any other choice. I’d probably try to do what Guy Montag did to the ‘firemen’ in some way BEFORE any of my books were burned. Even if a book is considered ‘evil’, I’m NOT for book-burning. I’ll cite Henry Jones, “…morons like yourself should try READING books instead of BURNING them!” He is COMPLETELY right!

My point is that even though we haven’t come to THAT point YET, I can see it happening sooner than I thought possible a decade ago. FAHRENHEIT reminded me that once we lose freedom to read former and present books as the written word that I was taught to embrace even in my generation X education, we face the threat turning into a nightmare should the government turn against us and we fail to protect our rights legally. TO READ MEANS YOU KNOW REAL FACTS! Yes, I write fiction, but I research reality too. I read a lot of fiction and nonfiction by writers in various genres. I might be more eclectic than some, but when one to two generations after me can’t read what I did in third grade at age 8 then this is distressing and could be the beginning of the major decline for cherished intellectual learning in America!

READING IS FREEDOM! Whether I’m reading Graham Hancock archaeological nonfiction, Christine Feehan paranormal romance fiction, the Christian Holy Bible nonfiction, or Ray Bradbury science fiction, I find facts from eras and research represented. Some people claim fiction is lies so no facts exist in them, but I’ve read historical books citing mythological stories from before the time of antiquity or the written word in cuneiform text with archaeological finds to question if worldwide ‘tales’ are that off-base with actual history. If you can’t READ the books now, then how can you understand anything like the histories of the world or the way our government is supposed to protect citizens with what OUR RIGHTS ARE? I’m not going to trust ANYONE to tell me ANY of those things. I will READ it ALL for myself!

Verbal history happened before writing began. When it comes to various places around the world, writing didn’t develop as quickly as it did with others, so verbal ‘stories’ were passed on from generation to generation until writing was learned. One of the books that tell this reality is THAT’S WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind. Not only does it explain how Native American tribes passed on their history verbally, it also shows their relating of it through centuries to millennia verifies historical accounts, the Jewish Torah, and Christian Holy Bible. There are many reputable books that bring history into better understanding from research and artefacts found more recently than what we had only two centuries ago. How can we let children, grandchildren, family, or community NOT be able to read at all in 2023?

If you haven’t taken the time to read FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury, then I suggest you find it in a library while you still can or get paperback, E-Book, or audiobook all available on Amazon. It has several curse words so it’s not religious, and it has various books mentioned that I don’t agree with, but it has a message that Americans NEED in 2023. One kid I know in my neighborhood told me he can’t read, and it broke my heart since he’s even older than I was when I got the box set of Narnia books by C.S. Lewis for Christmas and began reading them in third grade. Covid-19 pandemic put learning on hiatus, but I’m not sure that is the reason for this loss of ability. Gen-Z can’t seem to read, write, do math, or even understand the sciences that my ninety-one year-old mother learned before she reached eighth grand long ago!

I read books by people I don’t agree with on some things but at least agree with on something, and I think that’s a way to stretch your understanding of other viewpoints that helps you to become knowledgeable about more than only the things you are comfortable with learning. I’ve read things that went against something that I knew as a fact or believed in personally as proven truth but carelessly discounted without evidence supporting another viewpoint or theory. THIS lack of being able to examine more than one viewpoint or piece of evidence on any given subject then becomes an incomplete conclusion and the beginning of ideological indoctrination used by government systems like socialism, communism, and totalitarianism. WE MUST BE ABLE TO READ BOOKS TO KNOW THE FACTS OF REALITY! If not, we lose all.

This could be WHY education is trying to NOT teach children to READ. If we don’t stand up and demand that all children are given the life-preserving education that previous generations were taught without compromise, then we will see America become more and more like the FAHRENHEIT country that made BOOKS illegal to read or own. America CANNOT allow this to happen in 2023 or any time in our future! I might not like or agree with what some books say or teach, but like FREEDOM OF SPEECH we need FREEDOM OF READING for adults! Age-appropriate restrictions are still necessary to protect kids, but that should be the ONLY censorship. Books from the past might have speech that we don’t agree with anymore, but THAT is what shows we have LEARNED from the past enough to know things changed.

A large amount of young adults and even adults right now in 2023 can’t read books that were read in elementary school only decades ago and can’t understand the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. One of the things used by despots and ruling classes in history was NOT allowing the people of their countries to be able to have education at all so they wouldn’t be able to rise above the ‘class’ the rulers deemed as acceptable… they wanted and still want servants or slaves. That infuriates me since America fought against that kind of mentality to be free to choose our own government laws. Now I’m seeing what should alarm everyone. Protect your rights to keep burning of your books from happening in America… or you might have to protect them with a flamethrower by yourself…

“Revival Begins With a Moment of Allowing God to Use All Our Scars…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02-17-2023

I have been praying for years now that a revival for the younger generations would start soon since things seem to be lining up for the very last Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled in real time. Seeing the commercials on television by a few ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that reach out to the hearts of humanity have encouraged me to keep on sharing the Truth of Christianity and not the religious ploys that have turned people away in despair. Right now, a praise service in a university in Kentucky is going on since February eighth, and I have been praising Jesus Christ for this confirmation that this is NOT the end of possibilities for the last great harvest to happen in time for those who will accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. Though I have failed at times to do all I was called to do, I still believe!

An attendee at this Kentucky revival gave his testimony that shared his scars, and that one step of allowing others to see we ALL need Jesus because we ALL have scars caused a change in the atmosphere that led to continued outpouring of praise that has brought people from all over! THIS is what we NEED to see the change Jesus Christ can give to anyone who is willing to be HONEST with each other and let Jesus Christ use those scars to heal hearts of others. When believers ADMIT THEIR SCARS, it helps unbelievers to SEE the brokenness that we ALL have! I wrote a song I named, “Use All My Scars” a few years ago but haven’t been able to put it to music yet, but this might be what I needed to get back to that and finish it to record and put up online at my YouTube channel for Anyone Anywhere to listen to for FREE. I’ll try!

Each one of us is needed to reach every individual who seeks the life-changing LOVE that Jesus Christ will use to change them spiritually once they believe He died in the place of EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON to be saved by Grace through Faith! All we have to do is BELIEVE He did what He said and allow Him to begin filling each one of them with His Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, and Power that leads to reaching anyone we can for Him. This might sound like a fairytale to some in the world, but I have known Jesus Christ as MY personal Savior since I was eight years old and I’m fifty now. Even when I get upset and overreact, He has NEVER FAILED ME. That is a Truth I live my life by, and I have NEVER regretted a moment of walking the path He’s given to me. I fail at times at worst times, but HE NEVER HAS!

We Need Revival as the body of Jesus Christ no matter what denomination we are! I see Laodicea all over this land, and that is the worst of the churches mentioned in Revelation for their outright lukewarm attitude. We need to be RED HOT! Christianity is NOT a dead religion. Christianity is the Faith of believing in a Personal Savior to change us from the inside out to show HIS love for each individual. Too many churches only care about fame, money, or worldly status. The REAL church of the Lord Jesus Christ only cares about SOULS! I see people who are LOOKING and even LONGING for what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can GIVE THEM! They just don’t know WHERE to look because too many who claim to be saved doesn’t seem to even know how to help anyone else to be saved. THAT IS FAILURE!

I have my moments of meltdown, failed opportunities to witness, and blatant angry fits that I’m not proud of, but if sharing THAT will help anyone else see that ANYONE can know Jesus Christ, love Him even when we mess up since we are ALL still in the flesh and NOT yet changed to our redeemed bodies that will happen at the time of the Rapture of the church that we might face sooner than many think, then I’m willing to let the Lord USE ALL MY SCARS if that can lead a soul to find HIM. Our own pain can be used to soften the hardest heart if we’ve been placed in the person’s life for THAT PURPOSE. If my having Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission to share how Jesus is still using Me for HIM in spite of my loss of energy from the disease then I’m still willing to keep trying even when it is hard to do.

My Fantasy novels and Original songs are meant to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a different way for those age groups that are having a revival right now at the university! Everything I’ve been through will be worth it if there is even one thing in my novels that reaches ONE person. One SOUL is worth a lifetime of work. One SOUL is worth a life of sickness. One SOUL is worth a thousand tears, a million sighs, and a gazillion moments of doubt about me since it’s NOT really about me in the end… IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS! I can be selfish sometimes and end up ranting and raving when I’m overwhelmed over something that really is stupid in the grand scheme of life but important to me at the time, but even in the middle of my worst breakdowns the Holy Spirit reminds me that HE is the ONE to fix ANY problem.

There are consequences for sin even after you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. New and old Christians make mistakes even if they read the Holy Bible to learn more about how to live a saved by Grace life, but my understanding from the Holy Bible does not say there is an ongoing ‘Grace Exemption’ if a person knows they are purposefully doing the things that the Holy Bible says not to do. Ignorance is NOT bliss; the Holy Bible says that in the latter days people will ‘believe a lie and be damned’, so you lying to yourself will probably have the same result. I struggle with things and question others, and I will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ for His judgment of my life someday and will see what turns to ash and what turns to reward, but I’ve paid in life at times for what I’ve done too, so we all need to keep reading.

Prayer is another important thing to keep yourself in the proper spirit to allow Jesus Christ to have His Holy Spirit to revive you to help revive and reach others. What’s happening in Kentucky right now NEEDS TO BE HAPPENING TO ALL CHRISTIANS AND POSSIBLE CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE! With as bad as things have been during Covid-19 pandemic we should have been praying like never before since church services were stopped, but now that things are a bit better than last year it hadn’t seemed any real change had begun yet… until Kentucky! That kind of revival spirit can be at EVERY SINGLE CHURCH IN AMERICA IF WE ASK HIM IN! Maybe that’s the real problem – too many people who claim to be Christian might not want any change because they haven’t really had SALVATION happen to them.

That is one of the saddest things to think. I know that a lot of people go to church, but how many actually asked Jesus Christ to become a person’s PERSONAL SAVIOR by accepting that He died in that person’s place and asking for forgiveness? THAT is the ONLY way to receive Salvation from the sin each person is born with due to a birth taint that came down through humanity after the spiritual fall of mankind. Those students at the reviving services in Kentucky are spreading the Joy of Salvation by simply sharing it honestly, not corporately or legalistically. They have the Power from Jesus Christ showing on their faces, in their voices, and by their words of encouragement. THAT is what EVERY church in America NEEDS… HONEST PRAISE! When was the last time you were in a church service with that?

Thirty-six years ago when I was fourteen (yes, I can do math), I enjoyed services with the most anointed music services I had ever experienced. Although I’ve enjoyed other churches and concerts over the years, there still wasn’t the acceptance of the Holy Spirit controlling the service like back then. It seems like even churches that preach the Gospel and claim to be ‘Full-Gospel’ don’t seem be letting the Holy Spirit to orchestrate anointing, gifts of the Holy Spirit, or testimonies that could lead to the other two happening. Are people that afraid to let GOD ALMIGHTY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT take control? While I know some charlatans have made leaders question the validity of gifts, it still bothers me that there seems to be a corporate kind of dismissal of anything ‘super-natural’ since they can’t control it. That’s wrong.

It’s also WHAT is needed… uncontrollable Holy Spirit Revival that humans can’t control! I’m not talking about being crazy. I believe that services need to be in decency and in order like the apostle Paul said. I’m saying that when it comes to the Holy Spirit moving, no man should try to interrupt it for their own personal control issues. Those who are spiritually mature should be able to KNOW the difference. When people gave Messages and Interpretations in Tongues during those services I was in so long ago, EVERYONE there KNEW it was the Holy Spirit controlling those. Since we humans seem to mess up everything we’re given control over, then I’d much rather have the Holy Spirit be the One in complete control whenever I want to connect spiritually with like-minded Christians so we ALL can be fully blessed.

Even if Spiritual Gifts aren’t openly used, anointed music like shown in Kentucky can open people’s hearts to consider accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and might even lead to miracles that might not be known about until later. I’m okay with that too. I just want the open praising without any purpose but thanking our Savior for all of the blessings He has given and keeps giving to us even when we don’t deserve them or thank Him enough for them. I’m sorry to say that even I don’t as much as I should. I keep writing lyrics for songs, but setting them to melody can be hard at times, so it’s been frustrating lately. I still have to try to at least do the one for “Use All My Scars” since the Kentucky revival really has blessed me seeing all of those young people doing at their age what I did at that same age decades ago now.

Seeking forgiveness for letting Jesus Christ down with what He has asked for us to do as a church or even as an individual is where overall revival can take root in more places than Kentucky. Are Americans willing to examine their individual hearts and be HONEST with their individual souls? I’m not sure, but I’m hoping there will be enough for this amazing revival to continue since it could be the last before Christians are taken away like Holy Bible prophecies claim happens before the Great Tribulation (pre-Trib viewpoint) begins that will shift world focus to Israel as they endure the missing years sentenced by God Almighty for not resting their land as He had demanded. We seem to be coming to the end-times as warned about thousands of years ago in the Jewish Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments.

We’ve had false dates given over the course of time, and I have warned of possibilities for the past few years too as different things happened that seemed to point to it being time or almost time. Regardless, it seems like things are now progressing towards all of the prophecies needed to be fulfilled according to the Holy Bible have been fulfilled except for the last Israeli that has to be back in Jerusalem and the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior at the time of the taking away or ‘Rapture’ of the Christian and Messianic Jewish believers. Nations listed in the Prophetic scriptures are lining up as alliances right now, technology has advance enough to explain some things that could not be before, and things are like ‘in the days of Noah’ once you compare the Old Testament to current day news. It’s just a matter of time and saved souls.

The present-day human interest in ‘UFO’s’ has grown to unprecedented numbers in 2023. This might be what is thought as the ‘great deception’ according to some theologians, or it could simply be something used to explain millions to billions of disappearances when that happens. I’m not sure, but I have written about this possibility and how all people need to NOT accept any identification (implant, tattoo, or device) that requires a person to proclaim a leader to be ‘god’. Those who do will be lost eternally because that leader will be the anti-Christ against Jesus Christ. After Christians are removed and twenty-one judgments listed in prophecies happen, there will be limited time to accept Jesus Christ once these things begin. I urge YOU reading to consider what time it is and how you NEED JESUS NOW. Please pray:

“Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask you to forgive me for my sins as I accept Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior since He died on the Cross of Calvary to pay for my sins so I can be saved and not have to go to Hell once I accept that He is the Son of God, died sinless, came back to life, and is coming back for believers to be taken to safety while judgment begins on Earth. I don’t deserve Your Love, Mercy, or Grace, but I accept YOU and believe I am now saved from destruction spiritually. Help me to learn how to live, reach out to others to tell of You, and KNOW YOU for my loving Savior You have been before even the beginning of Creation. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN!”

“Where Is The Church of Philadelphia from Revelation in 2022?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/17/2022

I’ve been a Christian for forty-two of my fifty years and in church for almost as long. As I see what’s happening around the world and in America specifically in 2022, I’m heart-broken and frustrated as a Christian believer. I’ve asked “Where is the Elijah of each generation?” before, but I’m adding another question to hopefully wake up ALL Christians and bring them to their knees in prayer with understanding and revival purpose. Although I’ve seen groups of people all doing ‘good things’ for others, I’m still failing to SEE the spiritual church of Philadelphia rising again. I saw it in action and was part of it in 1987, so with the prophecies being fulfilled now why hasn’t Philadelphia risen up with His Power? Has the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ become SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP? Does anyone wish for REAL Revival?

I see so many of Ephesus that I have been part of at various times in my fifty years because it’s easy to lose your first love when you’ve been hurt by ‘religious people’ who can be misled. I see some of Smyrna suffering through years or even decades of trial while the rest of us stay safe in pews. I see those trapped in Pergamos, trying to reach the souls their hearts long to pull free from fires of idolatry and depravity that easily ensnare people who don’t know the power of Jesus Christ that can change them and make them whole by His Spirit. I see a few of Thyatira trying to do good works to show loving charity that EVERY Christian is supposed to do in the name of Jesus Christ, but some have been compromised by a Jezebel that shows up as false reward but leads to death. I see those of Sardis still struggling to hold onto true teachings.

The bad thing is that I mostly see those of Laodicea that are neither hot with revival fire of gifts or cold with only poisonous chains of legalism. They are lukewarm with perceived riches that are false as they refuse to accept the spiritual gifts that God Almighty wants to give to them or a calling they fear because they don’t want to lose societal power and are ‘comfortable’ in a world they think they helped to create. They CHOOSE to remain spiritually miserable, poor, blind, and naked. THAT is where a majority of ‘religious’ people living in 2022 are – BLIND TO REALITY. Are you? Do you even know someone who is? Have you been one but were pulled out and are searching for a Spiritual Philadelphia now? Where are you in the spiritual church map? I’ve lived in every single one of them in one way or another over the years of my life.

Although being a part of Ephesus hurts, being Laodicea is the LAST church type you want to be. Read Revelation again and check where you line up right now. Before Revival can even happen, Christ believers MUST BE HONEST with themselves, each other, and the world! There are too many hiding behind their looks of superiority, spouting buzz words they don’t even believe, being slick speakers with messages without a spiritual CHANGE, or teaching we are ALL okay when the reality of our human sin natures means those who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Savior (Yeshua HaMashiach), Lord, King, and God Almighty are in peril of going to Hell. This is a matter of your Eternal Salvation OR damnation. Jesus Christ died in the place of EACH of us on Calvary, and we EACH need to accept HIM personally!

I’m not judging anyone. I’m pointing out that considering where we are right now in the social, political, socio-economical, physical, psychological, and personal aspects of this country, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith in HIS BLOOD GIVEN FOR US TO SAVE US should have already been catapulted into an honest REVIVAL! Why haven’t we been? Is there ANY Philadelphia Christians left in 2022? While these different churches were historic in our past and have spiritual lessons within Revelation, they are STILL AROUND IN 2022. I just can’t seem to SEE Philadelphia. I’ve been looking. I want to be a part of THAT church in these last days because I believe we’re IN the last days of the Grace Dispensation ‘Church Age’. We might even still LEAVE in 2022 if it’s time!

WE MUST EXAMINE OURSELVES! As a born-again Christian and pre-tribulation believer of the prophecies written in the Christian Holy Bible, I have been studying this for forty years. Do I have all the answers? NO. Do I think the Christian Holy Bible does? YES! If so, then why are churches not addressing what is going on in this world RIGHT NOW? I’D REALLY LIKE TO KNOW! The only answer I’ve come up with is that people are refusing to BELIEVE in what the Christian Holy Bible says because they’ve been brainwashed, lied to, and basically BLINDED to what is NOW HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM that the Christian Holy Bible TOLD US WOULD HAPPEN! They can’t SEE IT. It just doesn’t register to their awareness. They’ve accepted a reality that DOESN’T EXIST. It’s all Deception!

I don’t know if the last Great Deception will be alien ancestors, climate change, or some other thing humanity will come up with, but the inability to critically THINK is a MAJOR PROBLEM for humanity! Reading classic literature is no longer encouraged, and when it comes to proven history differing opinions are discouraged. So-called ‘educators’ want all to be ‘group thought’ instead, and that is ignorant and destructive. Satan is LAUGHING. Do you understand? SATAN IS LAUGHING AT ALL OF HUMANITY! Christians gave up education to the enemy decades ago, and yet so many don’t seem to understand HOW America is teetering on the chasm to one of the levels of Hell now! Some didn’t get teachings like I did that MADE a student QUESTION ideas before making a “theory” into a PROVEN absolute, and that’s awful.

I know I write A LOT about the degradation of education in America in these Op-Ed’s, but as a continual learner, reader, researcher, and Christian Apologist, I MUST point out these things while I still have access to get the message out to whomever this is meant for and needs before it’s too late. I don’t know if Jesus Christ will come back in 2022, BUT HE STILL COULD! He COULD come back ANYTIME from this point on. Whether in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 or beyond I KNOW HE WILL. It might not happen the way Christian movies have shown it or even similar to how the movie ENDGAME showed people disappearing, but it’s not a matter of IF or HOW… the matter is WHEN. For my fifty years it’s been taught that a Christian Revival will happen BEFORE Christians are taken, but what if it doesn’t?

I want as many people who can be to be saved by Faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ that purchased EVERY single person’s pardon if you will simply BELIEVE and allow Jesus Christ to restore you to family status with Father God Almighty of Creation BEFORE the Great Tribulation happens on Earth. You can read the Christian Holy Bible Revelation at for FREE in various versions. IT IS REAL NOW AND WILL BE LATER. ALL of it hasn’t already happened. THIS isn’t a fable or story to force you into a religious experience. This is a Historical Past being referenced as churches that DID exist but are ALSO in prophecy NOW. They STILL are here in some form as last things DO HAPPEN. Prophetic Christians believe we will be supernaturally taken to safety BEFORE first judgment seal is broken in Chapter 5.

Twenty-one judgements are SCARY even when put in archaic descriptions. We now have technological relevance that shows HOW it could happen NOW when in ancient times it seemed impossible. It still seemed that way centuries ago and even the decades before 2022. Compare the Christian Holy Bible prophetic passages to the historical evidence, proven scientific facts, real archaeological findings, and current substantiated news. If you place the timelines with specifics then it becomes easier to see they line up to what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen and WHEN. The Christian Holy Bible stated that the Earth had a ‘circumference’ while regular people still claimed it was flat. I think I’d rather believe the Christian Holy Bible instead of worldly teachings, especially when my ETERNAL SOUL is at stake of missing Heaven!

I’ve studied different religions over the years as I met people with them and wanted to know the religion’s history and where it differed from Christianity. After thirty-seven years of study, I still believe Christianity is the one true religion with Judaism as a foundation of the Old Testament that was originally in their writings. There are Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as Yeshua (their Messiah) since their own research has proven this conclusion too, and they have been saved as Messianic-Jews. Factual research is the way to compare and contrast to then conclude that evidence has been proven as without doubt for you personally. I might have questions and doubts about certain teachings by others related to my faith, but I’ve known the LOVE of Jesus Christ as MY Savior, and once you know HIM personally, He NEVER leaves YOU.

I have my moments of emotional breakdown about daily things that drive me crazy and cause me to ask my Jesus where He is at that moment. He ALWAYS shows me in some way that can’t be coincidence, and then I am reminded that He is the Potter and I am the clay. He is God Almighty incarnate and I am flesh not yet redeemed physically but reclaimed by soul already. Jesus Christ is NOT a genie. Jesus Christ is NOT Someone we serve ONLY at Easter or Christmas. Jesus Christ IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE! He IS the Savior of the world so ANYONE can accept HIM. HE IS I AM in human form so He could die in humanity’s place for the sin in each human’s blood by birth. God Almighty of Creation loved humanity so much He had part of Himself born as Jesus Christ to die FOR US so He didn’t have to be without us.

Sin is the kryptonite that Satan (fallen Lucifer that was once a worship angel in Heaven) uses against humanity to keep us from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior just so he can fool as many as he can to separate them from God Almighty to hurt the Creator as revenge for God Almighty loving humanity so much that He made the plan for Jesus Christ (the life essence of God) to be born as a sinless human, die in each person’s place, rise again to give new life to each believer, and return to take ALL believers to Heaven. This plan was made BEFORE humanity was created, and that infuriated Lucifer. JESUS CHRIST LOVES EVERY PERSON WHO HAS EVER LIVED AND WILL EVER LIVE. Accepting Jesus is the way to interfere with the evil plans Satan and his demons (other fallen angels) have. “Philadelphia” needs to share it!

Russia, China, and Iran are now lining up the way the Christian Holy Bible spoke of in Old and New Testament prophecies, so that should REALLY be a WARNING to Christians to understand the TIME IT IS! There might only be two more prophecies to be fulfilled: the last soul to accept Jesus as Savior to be saved in the Grace Dispensation and the last Jewish person that needs to have returned physically to Israel right before or at the time the Rapture (‘calling away’, spiritual translation, or supernatural removal) of Christian believers happens. Revival is spoken of happening too, but it might not be the way any of us thinks it will be. After the recent Covid-19 pandemic, a revival might have been halted, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still happen the way those of us in 1987 were expecting then… maybe better now too!

Where are you, church of Philadelphia in 2022? We have a LOT of Ephesus now, but you can change to become Philadelphia! Each of the churches was given a way in Revelation to leave a state of failure to become part of the church of REVIVAL! Even Laodicea can break free and be restored to soul-saving Gospel sharing. No matter which church you are right now, you can ask God the Father to forgive you by Faith in Jesus Christ and be placed where you were meant to be in these End Times of trial that we ALL face in 2022. Every single believer needs to be reaching for those still lost by sharing the Truth of Jesus Christ as soon as possible. None of us know WHO that last person to be saved is BEFORE we will ALL be transferred supernaturally to the realm of Heaven! What if that WHO is someone you know? What if…?

“Rosh Hashanah 2022 Christian Rapture Alert!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/19/2022

There was an article I read in 2021 that said Jesus Christ was coming back that year. Did I think it was possible? Sure! Some were seeing certain nations lining up the way Jewish and Christian Biblical Prophecy stated they would be, and certain prophecies seemed to be fulfilled month by month systematically. Did I sit in fear or try to sell off valuables? No, because I don’t have anything of great value to sell. Did I pray more than usual? Yes, but not out of fear for my life and/or being ‘left behind’ since it’s not about me and my failures. IT’S ALL ABOUT WHAT JESUS DID FOR ME! I didn’t freak out when Jesus didn’t come in the clouds for me yet. I kept researching my ancestry lineage, reading more books about Christian Faith and Historical Novels as well. Even though we didn’t go in 2021, there might be reasons.

I’ve mentioned this before in a couple other Op-Eds, but I wanted to lay out why I feel I need to revisit this topic at this time in 2022. One of the things that stood out to me recently while I kept going farther back in my lineage was that those who did the maps went from 1 B.C (B.C.E.) to 1 A.D. (C.E.) WITHOUT 0. Is this a problem? I don’t know, but I do know that God Almighty in His Word is a God of numbers… HE NEVER FULFILLED A PROPHECY BEFORE TIME. IF that group was correct with all of the other reasons why they though 2021 was when Jesus Christ would return in the sky to get Christian believers then MAYBE that 1 year could be the reason why we didn’t leave. That might sound over- simplified, but humans make mistakes and our calendars could be off more than 1 year too. That could be why too.

Some have taught a good portion of my now fifty years that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah because Jesus told His disciples that. “No man know the day or the hour,” and that is said by some that it was a ‘wink and a nod’ to His disciples since that is supposed to be a colloquialism for that holiday. It’s possible, and if the 1 year of 0 is the defining discrepancy, then in 2022 from sundown on 09/25/2022 to sundown 09/27/2022 could be the time when Christ returns to take ALL those who have accepted Him as Savior by Faith in the Blood He shed on Calvary for ALL of humanity’s sins IF WE BELIEVE IN HIM AND LET HIM CHANGE US. It’s really that simple. Acknowledging you have the sin-taint of Adam and then accept what Jesus did, it SAVES YOU!

IF this is what happens in about six to eight days, then every single person needs to inspect your heart, pray for the Lord to help you give what you are struggling with to Him to be ready, and share your Faith in Christ to every single person you know or come across this next week at least. I WILL BE. I’m not religious either. I wear blue jeans, tee-shirts, makeup, and listen to eighties music sometimes that isn’t Christian. I also pray for the Lord to help me let go of anything that could interfere with me being ‘changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye’ the way Apostle Paul said. I believe that when we are saved by Grace that it is ONLY by FAITH in JESUS. I don’t earn my Salvation through works. I earn my rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven during the Great Tribulation on Earth. I want Jesus proud of me!

IF this doesn’t happen in about six to eight days, THEN it could be because the final Revival hasn’t happened, the last soul to be saved during the Grace Dispensation Period (Church Age) hasn’t happened, and/or the last Israeli supposed to have returned to Jerusalem before hasn’t arrived yet. I read an article online on Kehila news “Yeshua’s Hidden Identity Revealed on Succoth, His true Birthday!” by Richard Honorof dated Oct. 7, 2020. He wrote an amazing piece about how and why Jesus IS the Messiah that made my heart to rejoice! He also said that His return due to numeric prophecy that it wouldn’t happen until 2029. It is possible we will remain here until then, but I don’t know if he’s basing the ‘return’ as the ‘in the clouds’ to get His believers OR if he meant when Jesus puts His feet on the place where He ascended from before.

THAT difference MAKES a difference! IF he means 2029 in the clouds, his reasoning seemed sound so it is also possible. IF he means 2029 with the feet touching Mount Olivet, THEN that would be AFTER the Great Tribulation. IF it is that, THEN 2029-7=2022. God Almighty IS the Creator God of the Universe with Numeric absolutes in all the Biblical histories. I really WANT another Revival to happen since I haven’t seen it happen yet. I also don’t know who it is that has to be saved or return to Israel BEFORE we can leave. It could take another seven years. It could also only take seven or so days. I DON’T KNOW FOR SURE! I’m just trying to make people AWARE that it COULD! “Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm in Thy Holy Mountain! Blow the Trumpet in Zion! Sound the ALARM!” I’M TRYING TO DO IT!

I’m not the only one. I see many who are trying to reach as many people with the Truth of Jesus Christ each day around America and around the world. I fail to take an opportunity sometimes, but I also try to follow that up with one I do take. During my time at the Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven I will watch as some of my works in the crucible burn to wood, hay, or stubble; I also might have a little gold, silver, or jewels that remain though… maybe songs I wrote for Him, maybe the times I encouraged others for Him, or maybe even one soul or two that got saved from something I said or helped with for Him. THAT is what I hope and pray for every day. Each soul MATTERS TO JESUS! YOU MATTER TO JESUS! No matter who or what you are right now, JESUS WANTS TO SAVE YOU! Let Him… you won’t regret it.

“Father God Almighty, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Son and died for my sins on the cross at Calvary. I ask You to forgive my sins by my Faith in Jesus now. Save me. Cleanse me. Redeem me. Help me to live for You and share what You have done for me with others so they might know you too. In Jesus’ name I pray!”

If you have prayed that prayer and BELIEVED it then you are now one of His. Find a Christian Bible – you can read it for FREE at online with several versions. I prefer the King James Bible version but also compare it with the Revised New International Version and have found it inspiring. I’m a Full-Gospel Christian, which means that I believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit since I’ve let the Holy Spirit flow through me for them to be used in church services since I was thirteen years old and know the reality of them all. Feeling God Almighty let His Holy Spirit flow through you for Faith, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, healing, miracles, discernment, prophecy, messages and interpretations in tongues is the most Divine and fulfilling things in life for me. Salvation and Faith is best for ALL!

“Just Rest Until Then…”

By Tonja Condray Klein(c)09/11/2022

*** Lyrics Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II, Author-Record Producer Ronald G. Short, Freelance Artist Sara H. Sweitzer (t0shirt), and ALL 9/11 heroes and victims we lost…

Verse 1: Your death shook those who loved you, Your loss made many mourn, Your deeds outlive your passing, And show what you lived for, Whether known by royalty, Or just the girl next door, You made a difference in life, For those that you lived for

Chorus: No measure of time now lost, Can lessen what we miss, But memories are lasting, And we must hold to this, Our hearts still are broken, But we must keep going, Embracing your legacy, To keep your purpose flowing, Life can be so hard sometimes, But our tears will end, We will see your smile again, So just rest until then…

Verse 2: Your family is grieving, Your friends do the same, Your colleagues and allies, Now honor your name, Laughter once heard by us, Recent or long gone, Still can give people you loved, Reasons to stay strong

Chorus: No measure of time now lost, Can lessen what we miss, But memories are lasting, And we must hold to this, Our hearts still are broken, But we must keep going, Embracing your legacy, To keep your purpose flowing, Life can be so hard sometimes, But our tears will end, We will see your smile again, So just rest until then…

Once set to music, I will try to record it and share on all social media platforms I have an account. May Jesus helps is heal and comfort all!


Click the link to VOTE for BREAKING THE SHACKLES by Tonja Condray Klein to be BOOK OF THE YEAR at the OnlineBookClub! Many bought and read my 289-paged Speculative Fantasy Novel that has Christian linked Faith, Family, Friendship, and Fighting against evil demons from the realm of Naraku happening in the world of Eirinth that is a parallel dimensional world to Earth. THANK YOU! ~TK~

“United States of Akkad in 2022 A.D. instead of 2200 B.C.?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/10/2022

I’ve been reading a lot of history books about the years of Antiquity and Ancient Empires including Sumerians, Hittites, and Akkadians since I traced one of my family lineages to the Macedonian/Turkey area in 720 BCE historically. When I came across what has been thought to have happened to the Akkadian Empire along with others before in same area at the same time as the Egyptians, I was shocked that Akkad seemed to disappear from the Earth after being a main empire for hundreds of years before. A three hundred year drought happened to cause deaths and then forced relocation due to the loss of crops, water, and lack of ability to keep people alive let alone prosperous as the empire had been for hundreds of years. Weather cycle drought and a main volcanic eruption caused their demise to happen in antiquity.

I had an “Oh, Lord Jesus, could the major drought in the United States in 2022 be a precursor to us like it was to Akkad in 2200 B.C when their leaders didn’t consider prosperity was getting ready to be taken away violently?” Weather cycles has been happening for centuries as noted by various histories, and they still happen around the world today even though ‘climate change’ is the current term that is NOT what they claim. Could this once prosperous country of America see a similar catastrophe happen here as it did to Akkad in Mesopotamia almost four thousand years ago? I’m sure those Akkadian, Macedonian, and Egyptian leaders hadn’t thought the Atlantic current temperature would become so low that rains wouldn’t fall for centuries. Food became scarce, fighting for survival began, and empires couldn’t recover.

The United States of America in 2020 had become energy independent and an exporter of oil to other countries, had businesses with goods to meet the needs of American consumers by stable transportation, and had been enjoying the most robust economy in American history… until Covid-19 became our volcano. Government policies quickly took our economy down more when it halted our main export that made us become dependent again within two years, but Covid-19 had an even steadier descent factor. American liberties were sacrificed to try to save lives since people wanted to live and help others live too. We didn’t realize that personal rights and American resources were being taken away as much since deaths from the worldwide pandemic made living become more important than freedoms that weren’t gone yet.

In the United States of America in 2022, we’re seeing our own country in a 27% drought in July with wheat crops failing and the Hoover Dam losing 158 feet of water as dangerously low! Gas prices are extremely high due to the policies that stopped us from being energy independent with our gas production that had been steady. Our transportation chain has slowed and is causing shortages, and if more crops fail then we’ll see even more increases to costs of main foods that will hurt middle and lower income Americans. Russia war with Ukraine might have caused some of our problems, but leaders have been spending OUR money and giving away OUR oil! Is America NOW Akkad in 2022 CE? Our leaders seem just as unaware of the drastic consequences from their actions as the Akkad leaders were unaware back in 2334 B.C.E.!

Guiana, Shri Lanka, and the Netherlands went ‘green’, gave up ‘farming’, and began starving. In 2018, France had riots when they tried to do the same thing. With these developments the world seems against “Modern Civilization”. If you read Hourly History book MESOPOTAMIAN HISTORY: SUMERIANS, HITTITES, AKKADIAN EMPIRE, ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, BABYLON then you’d know the ancients discovered ways to do things 4100 years earlier than people in 1400 CE England who didn’t. Records about Mesopotamian empires weren’t even found until “Cuneiform” tablets in the19th century and were translated. We now know that the empires kept homes warm, waste away from the homes and water sources, and farming plentiful to the point they exported food… until a volcano and a drought.

While I agree with intelligent and responsible conservation of this planet, some things being forced on the world in 2022 as the ONLY ways to keep ‘climate change’ from happening are more ignorant than the ways that the medieval society had in their time – Bubonic Plague, people! Proper water temperatures ARE needed for RAIN to produce FOOD, and long times of DROUGHT makes that impossible like it did with Mesopotamia about 6122 years ago. So WHY let a non-democratic foreign country buy OUR farmland near air force bases? We have a drought in 2022 for our farmers to deal with already! We risk NEVER being independent from countries that want to take freedoms we have left to then try to RULE OR STARVE us. Is this what the American people want because we are too afraid to say, “NO!” to China?

You can call me whatever horrid name you want, but I have read FACTS to PROVE what I take my time to write. Is it possible I accepted another person’s findings that seemed verified but have been refuted since? It’s possible, but I do have eyes, ears, and a functioning intellect to help me to decide what I choose to stand with when others only have blank concepts that make NO SENSE, emotional platitudes that PROVE NOTHING, and loud voices that only have those two things that are without REAL substance for any intelligent person to accept it. I READ A LOT. I read 113 books in 2020, 93 books in 2021, and 51 books to date in 2022. I don’t take anyone’s opinion before doing my own research of a subject, compare content to known facts, and accept what is rooted in REALITY. I’m not perfect, but I do try to be verifiable.

IF the drought taking place in America this summer lasts for more than a couple years and is said to be caused by ‘climate change’ then I’ll check on weather cycles to see if they explain how weather cycles were responsible instead. IF it was ‘climate change’ as claimed would cause it in our time then I’ll admit it, but I know we wouldn’t last more than a few years let alone hundreds like Akkadians did 4222 years ago. Considering that solar panels and wind mills CANNOT DO what supporters claimed they would in a national capacity, I won’t hold my breath. Fossil fuels (Natural Gas, Coal, and Oil) ALL are used for electricity NEEDED for Windmills AND Solar Panels to work. If we stop using Fossil Fuels we will have NO electricity. NO electronics, heating, cooling, or food storage. Mesopotamia did better on 3 out of 4!

The Russian war in Ukraine has been a current crisis, but now China is trying to secure Taiwan and tried to stop our Speaker of the House from visiting by actually giving a death threat if she did. America’s government isn’t trying to protect our national borders, farming land, energy sources, or even the prosperity of the American people coming out of the pandemic. Instead they are causing a present recession and passing a bill that will steal money from the middle and lower income Americans with tax increases for many years to pay for ideological projects that will weaken this country even more. With the drought already pointing towards hard times for regular people when it comes to just feeding their families, you would think our leaders would try to SECURE what AMERICANS need to survive. They refuse to do it.

If we’d all take a serious look at the historical and archaeological reasons and outcomes of what happened to the Akkadians in 2200 B.C. then we’d be able to see a correlation and try to CHANGE COURSE for America in 2022 A.D. Leaders need to STOP doing the things that make NO sense and makes America WEAKER with their failing policies and impossible allocations of this country’s resources without America’s best interest at all. Leaders need to STOP letting us become dependent on foreign products and resources. Americans needs to create them LOCALLY so we can take care of each other! If not, Americans will suffer a lack of food, medicine, heat, and electronic components used daily. Is that the kind of life any American wants? Are we going to let unaware or uncaring leaders destroy American lives this way now?

I don’t know if the House can stop the horrendous bill going through, but if it passes then our freedoms, those in the middle and lower incomes especially, will be harmed. I’m debt-free, but I have family who can barely afford food or living essentials, and they work now or have worked and retired. If you want to drink the free Kool-Aid some politicians are handing out from both sides, then be my guest. I won’t drink anything they hand to me. Politics are a poison. I hate it and the people who serve as high-priests or priestesses to their ideological religion KILL. “FREEDOM!” is my cry, and I don’t mean chaos that disrespects this country’s laws. I mean JUSTICE by our Constitution with Law and Order for the people by the people; FOR EVERY COLOR, GENDER, OCCUPATION, FAITH, AND SOCIAL STRATA!

ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! That is something I STILL BELIEVE exists in 2022. We just have a bunch of Akkadian-minded leaders who can’t see a volcano or drought bearing down on America in 2022. I SEE THEM! Can’t you? I really want to think that most people in America have at least a BIT of common sense. I’m hoping ALL of you that do will prove it in the upcoming election. Our leaders are not seeing what common people are very clearly, so we could actually think they are technically completely BLIND. I don’t want to be like Akkad. There is a possibility as a Christian that I MIGHT be gone BEFORE these mid-term elections. If not, then I’ll “Sound the alarm!” before that volcano or drought overtakes America completely. I promise to try!