“Shakin’ the House in 2024” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/25/2024

I have been wounded by the Christian church several times. I was betrayed by some I trusted with all that I am, and that is not something a believer in Jesus Christ can quickly heal from to trust others again. If you’ve known me for any time at all then that might surprise some since I’ve been in church for most of my life. That’s a part of what makes something like this hurt so much. You think that you’ve found your church FAMILY to joyfully worship with, think are actually friends, and personally adopt into your Faith life; but then they suddenly reject the main things you shared with them as your God-Given calling with Gifts you have no doubt God Almighty gave to you for HIS purpose to reach the lost that so many others seem to ignore. It hurts more than about anything the world itself could do to you personally.

Some might simply say that I need to pray, forgive, and move on. That’s easy to do if you don’t actually care for those that used to be part of your world that you had to walk away from just because of the actions of a few or even one. I HAVE forgiven and I KEEP praying. I can’t help but wonder if this is not just happening to me but also the reason WHY the real Revival hasn’t happened in churches yet. It might be. Such hurt between those all supposed to be serving the same God Almighty of Creation Who gave His Son Jesus Christ for humanity might be what the REAL enemy (that is SATAN) could be using right now. Hatred between church denominations, races, political parties, and any divisions used could be the ploy of the destroyer of this world if the True Church doesn’t WAKE UP and REACH OUT to ALL who are LOST!

The song “Thankful Heart” by Petra came into my heart on January 8th, and that led me to listen to their album “Back to the Street” from 1986. The song name of this Op-Ed’s title hit me like a ton of bricks! Russ Taff’s song “Shake” has always been one of my favorites to instill the need to pay attention to what’s going on in this world at any given time. Petra’s song reminded me that the ‘Shake’ is going to begin with the house of God… to the real Church of the Lord Jesus Christ! How many believers are ready for that? Do we understand what it could really mean? Petra’s song makes it really clear that we might not understand WHY some things are happening, but maybe it’s WHY some (or even most) are blind about it right now. It breaks my heart since even though I’ve been hurt I don’t want ANYONE to be lost by dismissal.

Since 2020 so many have lost family, friends, and loved ones due to Covid-19, and that loss has maybe hardened the hearts of people to an all-time stone condition. That’s also the reason WHY we all need to reach out to each other in a kind and understanding way of other’s burdens so that healing can begin. If we don’t get our own Houses in order then the final Revival might NOT happen before the Rapture takes place. Do any of us really want to see people be lost and go to Hell because of hurt feelings, unresolved anger, or festering revenge just because some Church person failed to help you? I DON’T! I don’t want to be the reason why a single person refuses to accept Jesus Christ as Personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty! No matter what happened to me or how upset I’ve been, I CHOOSE to forgive ALL who hurt me.

THAT is part of the ‘Shakin’ the House’ that some might not understand. Many view it as getting more ‘religious’ for the sake of seeming ‘Godly’ to others but without honest spiritual growth. It seems like the majority isn’t even paying attention to the heart of the real ‘shaking’ this means – YOUR OWN HOUSE! Some in Christian churches have become worldly to the point that unbelievers wouldn’t even be convicted of sins. Conviction leads to Salvation by Grace through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! I deal with my own shortcomings daily and pray my lapses haven’t caused a single person to turn away from Christ. I fail, but God Almighty through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit has NEVER failed me! I’ve questioned things that have happened and been hurt over outcomes, but Jesus has been faithful to me for my whole life.

I’m sure many Christians today with all that’s been going on have struggled to keep their fires of Faith burning to be witnesses to those who don’t know Christ as Savior yet. At the same time, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of those claiming to be ‘Christian’ who don’t even believe in true Salvation by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for sins. THIS IS A PROBLEM! False doctrine, false teachers, false prophets… Jesus Christ told His disciples to TURN AWAY from them. We need to be reading the Christian Holy Bible to know what is RIGHT so we don’t accept what is WRONG. I might not have all the answers someone might ask me, but I KNOW when I hear something that is OFF. If you ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as you read, HE WILL DO IT. It’s time we ALL STUDIED the Holy Bible.

I have Bible Sermon Notes up on my www.tribulationhelp.com website for anyone to read for FREE! I also have some essays, links to other study helps, and even prayers for different circumstances. I’m not always right, but I believe in what I’ve written and shared with others in my life and on this website. I’m still mainly Assembly of God in my beliefs. I don’t agree with some restrictions that some teach or the even stricter ones by others, but I do try to live by the teachings of Apostle Paul, and he told Timothy to ‘study to show thyself approved’. If what I have taught or done is wrong then I’ll answer for it at the Judgment Seat of Christ. If you refuse Christ because you got ticked or hurt at someone who failed you or something someone said then YOU will still be responsible for your own soul’s damnation if you refuse Jesus Christ.

I can’t blame those who failed me for the choices I made after them since we each are responsible for ‘our own soul salvation with fear and trembling’ because each of us is supposed to read the Holy Bible on our own to find what it says for ourselves! No preacher will be responsible for you refusing the Salvation that Jesus Christ gave to each of us by shedding His Blood on Calvary to redeem each of us from sin. EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT SOUL! NO ONE ELSE is responsible for YOURS but YOU. Jesus Christ being accepted by a best friend, parents, grandparents, or link back through ancestors doesn’t save YOU. Jesus Christ accepted by your Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, or church pastor doesn’t save YOU through them either. ONLY YOU CAN CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY!

Let me start spitting bars – to keep from ending up in Eternal Hell that will happen to you if you don’t seek the ONLY Salvation from Sin, YOU PERSONALLY must accept Jesus Christ as YOUR SAVIOR by believing HE did all He did for YOU. It is a Spiritual transaction in Heaven – By His Grace and Through Your Faith that He shed His Blood IN YOUR PLACE on Calvary will settle the balance of your own Soul’s Ledger since your age of accountability! If you let His Love into your heart as His Holy Spirit reactivates your spiritual soul-to-God connection that all humanity lost in DNA when Adam and Eve sinned in Eden. Once this major spiritual transaction is applied to YOU God Almighty sees YOU through the blood of Jesus Christ that COVERS YOU upon acceptance for as long as YOU BELIEVE IN HIM!

Yes, there are many religions in this world other than Christianity, and I respect the rights of others to believe in their chosen faith. I simply have studied the Christian Holy Bible and seen that it makes the most sense spiritually. It also does historically, archaeologically, geologically, biologically, and psychologically. Some might argue against that due to those sciences, but I’ve read enough to wade through pseudo-science muddle to find misunderstanding timelines and even an unwillingness to see that science and Christianity are NOT at odds if everyone would be HONEST and not make stuff up that has NO proof at all. Christians need to get over Darwin used as the main point of contention against ALL sciences. Real Science Facts point to something before Adam and Eve, so accept it and preach Jesus Christ to ALL RIGHT NOW!

My possible non-fiction book title is BEFORE ADAM, and some actual Science facts explain how incongruities with the originally accepted Christian timeline, Carbon-14 dating not being as reliable as stated, and technologies pointing to certain things that really DID happen BEFORE the dating of Adam being created in 3762 B.C. will explain WHY two different timelines of Earth existing does NOT disclaim the most important one of Jesus Christ having become humanity’s Savior after homo-sapiens fell from Grace to need HIM since He was ‘slain before the foundations of the world’. It seems Cain comingled with a possible Neanderthal or Denisovan for Nephilim giants to enter his line. When Jesus Christ died for humanity He died for ALL of the resulting humans. Mary’s line was from ONLY homo-sapiens DNA.

Fallen Lucifer renamed Satan tried to use the divergent DNA from other beings before Adam with Cain and fallen angel spawn with human women to create Nephilim giants to pollute the lines of humanity, but God Almighty KNEW the end from the beginning, so the line through Seth was preserved to allow our Savior to be born of a virgin with the Father’s blood of God Almighty for Jesus Christ to have the lineage of King David and Priest Zadok through Mary to make Jesus Christ meet the prophetic demands as Jewish Messiah (Christian Savior), Priest, and King. Mary’s husband Joseph wasn’t the biological father of Jesus Christ, but he ALSO had proper lineage so there would be no discrediting the full lineage of Jesus Christ legally. While Judaism doesn’t recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah, many Jewish Christians HAVE.

Shakin’ the House should lead Gentile Christians to STOP hating and blaming the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE… NO ONE took it from Him. I’ve read Christian leaders in our history make very anti-Semitic statements that are NOT TRUE. Ancient Jewish spiritual leaders like the Pharisees and Sadducees were part of what led to Jesus Christ being crucified, but they still did NOT have the power to TAKE the life of Jesus Christ on their own. NO man did. Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL HUMANITY. If hating those responsible for what did happen you should add Rome and all the other nations of people who were THERE and did anything to Jesus Christ. NO MATTER OUR PAST ANCESTORS, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE! We need to acknowledge THAT REALITY.

The Christian Church needs to embrace the Jewish believers in Christ and unite the two groups that share twenty-four thrones as written about by John the Revelator in the Christian Holy Bible New Testament book of Revelation. That might become the HOW a final Revival begins soon! Gentiles are not the only ones represented in the End Times. Jewish believers in Jesus Christ were the FIRST CHRISTIANS and are ALSO part of what makes the COMPLETED Christian Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as Jewish Messiah AND Savior of ALL others! Satan using this hatred to divide those supposed to be working for God Almighty of Creation has always been part of his playbook. Christians should be more aware of this in 2024, but many seem to let divisions between Gentile and other cultural believers discount those others.

ALL Believers in Jesus Christ as Savior: we each need to get our own house in order before it’s too late! We ALL MUST be praying for ourselves and others, reading the Holy Bible for clarity, and living our lives to witness to the others in this world as time seems to be running out for the Grace Period of Biblical Dispensations. Yes, it seemed to have been thought when Jesus Christ rose back to Heaven that He would return in a short time by the original Disciples. Back then there wasn’t what needed to be in place for it to happen prophetically. NOW is VERY different. We MUST be aware of our limited days to show the love of Jesus Christ to a world we ALL have FAILED since an unknown amount of people still need JESUS! Each and Every person who claims Christ as Savior has a CALLING TO FULFILL RIGHT NOW.

You might not be able to preach, sing, play an instrument, or do major outreach due to a number of reasons, but we all can still PRAY and show HIS LOVE to others around us wherever we go. We ALL need to stop judging those who still need to understand the REAL GOSPEL of Jesus Christ without the church indoctrinations, meaningless platitudes, or constrictive dogma that WILL NOT SAVE THEM. Stop preaching hate and start sharing LOVE! Call sin what it is AND give the answer to their soul deficiency – JESUS CHRIST! The Holy Spirit is the ONE who brings conviction to a person that leads to Salvation. Christians can’t do it themselves. ONLY the Holy Spirit can begin the transformation of a human soul being SAVED BY GRACE AND THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Share Jesus Christ until we leave…

“The Wheels of the Bus Don’t Go Round Now…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©10/17/2023

A satanic group has been pulling young people into doing horrible sex acts and even suicide. A teenager threw a chair at a teacher in class. A school’s buses that run on electric can’t run at all. What do all of these things really have in common? AMERICA IS FALLING APART! As I see all of this happening, I can’t help but think, “Where IS the Church of Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of this craziness?” Do any of you know? There is a role call failure and few seem to care about it. While I shake my head and wish Revival would begin so we could get out of here by Rapture, looking around I wonder if MORE than a few are hiding and refusing to see what’s going on in reality just to stay in this world as it is for as long as they can since they are COMFORTABLE. Christians are to LOVE PEOPLE NOT THE WORLD ITSELF.

After the terrorists attack on Israel began days ago, the students in various so-called ‘universities’ have lost their blasted minds! It wasn’t but a month ago that we remembered 9/11, so how in the world could ANYONE be for terrorists so soon after watching the REAL LIFE atrocity footage that showed what happened in AMERICA in 2001? I do support Freedom of Speech, but ALL STUDENTS need to be taught FACTS instead of the brainwashing of LIES! I lived during 9-11, and even though I didn’t lose anyone in the Twin Towers my heart still breaks for ALL of those who did! How low has America fallen? How crazy will parents let their kids become from ignorance, brainwashing, and absolute disconnect from REALITY and ACTUAL HISTORY? PROOF has been shown, but the protestors won’t acknowledge FACTS!

I don’t have children but I helped raise my brother’s kids, their kids, and now the third generation of kids. I’m VERY concerned about what the latest generation is being taught right now. In addition to that, seeing what students in college are willing to support like terrorists makes me infuriated; not only at teachers, unions, and politicians, but those that claim to be ‘Christians’ in 2023. I’ve asked so many times in my Op-Ed’s, “WHERE ARE YOU?” Are you scared and hiding? Or are you actually joining in with those going against what the Bible actually says just to be ‘safe’ or for some measure of status? Last time I checked Christians are to be ‘set apart’ from the world and always stand for Israel! Reactions I’ve been seeing are absolutely appalling and blatantly anti-Christian in content within our own country.

This is dangerous for every person who claims to be a Christian (saved by believing in Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ as your Savior), but if you follow a bunch of ‘leaders’ that speak ill of Israel and Jewish Americans then you are also disgracing the ancestry of Jesus Christ. Was Jesus Christ upset with Jewish leaders of His time? Yes, He was. Did Jesus have reasons to be? Yes, several. Does that mean Christians are supposed to now hate Israel? NO, IT DOES NOT! Jesus Christ FULFILLED THE LAW of Judaism, creating the NEW COVENANT for ALL people. Christians and Jews serve the same God Almighty of Creation. Jesus Christ IS the Jewish Messiah as well as the Christian Savior, including the Jewish nation of Israel and every practicer of every other religion in the world if they choose Faith in Jesus Christ.

My issue with what is happening today is the tactical, measured, and ongoing degeneration of History, Science, and Religion to create a completely false narrative and understanding of our collective pasts. THEY ARE LYING! This is why I’m ALWAYS reading as much as I can while I can. Those in academic power are trying to ‘REWRITE’ everything! As parents, grandparents, or family of any sort, we each need to be AWARE of what is happening and try to be advocates for real education before this latest generation is ‘programmed’ to accept anything those in power try to force them to see as real when it is nothing close to reality at all. THIS IS FRIGHTENING. I read George Orwell’s 1984 again this year and was astounded and abhorred by how close to what happened in book is happening in America NOW. It’s simply horrid.

I KNOW what I was taught in school from 1977-1990 in the Northridge School District in Dayton, Ohio. I might not remember every single thing, but when I saw varying facts being taught in schools from when I helped my niece and then her children, I realized that this degeneration had been going on for decades. When Christians got angry with higher academia over Evolution and retreated from education, we did the worst disservice to all of our descendants. We let the devil take over, and we didn’t even seem to notice then and don’t even acknowledge it now. At least Jewish and Catholic religious orders kept manuscripts that gave us some additional historical and religious backgrounds that helped to keep false claims from being accepted for centuries, but in the past decades people began accepting everything against them.

Rewriting History is straight from the novel 1984. It is one of the reasons why all of the governmental groups that seek socialism, communism, authoritarianism, or even theocracy seek to use that tactic along with destroying anything to show historical facts like statues, books, art, religious liberties, and anything that goes against what they are going to do to rewrite what happened. The next generation will accept it without knowing what they had lost or how their ancestors had lived or believed. THIS IS DANGEROUS. While I agree with rating of books to show what age they are appropriate, I am NOT for banning books simply because I don’t agree with the content. While some groups have freaked out over the years about how books, games, or movies are evil and just needed destroyed, I think we need to try explaining WHY FIRST.

The Nazis burned books, but some religious groups more recently did too. I don’t support children reading books that would destroy their innocence, but I also don’t agree with treating knowledge as evil if you don’t know how it relates to the Bible and reality. People judge things before they even know what things really are just like they do people. “Judge not lest ye be judged,” apparently wasn’t taught in many churches over the centuries, or at least wasn’t followed correctly. You get overly religious or overly worldly and Christianity loses what it’s really meant to be to become prison instead of Salvation. Christian believers need BALANCE. Love people but hate sin. Reach out to everyone but refuse to follow the false teachings. Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved. ALL Christians need to try to STUDY MORE!

War in Ukraine and now in Israel really does seem to be part of the Biblical ‘end times’ prophecies about wars and rumors of wars. The shifting of political powers and alignments really should cause anyone who has read prophetic scriptures to question where we currently are right now in the timeline. Many in younger generations after Gen-X don’t even have the facts of history that include World War II, so how can adults expect younger family members to KNOW why the United States of America needs to stand against terrorism, let alone KNOW anything about what the Christian Holy Bibles says is going to happen with Israel BEFORE Christians are supernaturally rescued BEFORE the first of 21 judgements from God Almighty the Creator rains down on the entire world AS the anti-Christ leader comes to power.

Unfortunately, this might be the last time that America will stand with Israel once the Christians are taken away. The current situations SHOULD be WAKING those CHRISTIANS who have been ASLEEP FOR TOO LONG! We’re supposed to have already had a Real REVIVAL BEFORE all of these things had begun, but how much of the ‘so-called’ church is really part of the TRUE CHURCH and how much is really part of the FALSE CHURCH? Everyone who calls yourself a Christian NEEDS to ASK yourself WHICH AM I? Jesus knows I try to make sure I remain with the TRUE. It can be easy to lie to yourself, though, which is why the Holy Bible told us to look at the kind of fruit has come from the works we have done for Christ. I can only hope mine will show souls being saved, delivered, healed, and encouraged!

I haven’t always done what was right, and I’ve done a lot of what was wrong, but Jesus knows my heart and soul has and still belongs to HIM. I might not always write or say things that are as anointed or inspiring as I hope, but Jesus knows ME. I’m not perfect but I belong to HIM. No matter whom you are or what you have done, JESUS CHRIST CAN SAVE YOU! It’s not religious tripe; it’s an actual understanding that you have sinned, Jesus died in your place, and by believing He did it for you and letting Jesus begin to change your life, you will be saved from eternal damnation in actual Hell. Hell is not going to a party. Hell is going to be eternal anguish, not only from torment but from being completely cut off from the God of Creation forever. You might think this isn’t true and you will be fine without Jesus. You are wrong.

God Almighty of Creation sent Jesus Christ to DIE FOR YOU because He saw you BEFORE you were ever born. He knew the moment that you would realize you need Jesus, and He allowed all of the circumstances to happen to bring a need for Christ become the most important thing you need at that moment. It might be now. Please don’t let Satan, former angel Lucifer who is now fallen and hates humanity in general, make you doubt that Jesus Christ didn’t see a split second of you while He was on the Cross of Calvary. I believe that, and I hope you will allow Him to PROVE IT TO YOU. All you must do to begin the greatest change in your life is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, King, and the Son of the God of Creation. HE LOVES YOU. He wants you so much that He had me to write this right now for you. Pray:

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus is Your Only Son who was born without sin, died a sinless life, shed His blood for my sin on the Cross of Calvary, died and was buried, rose again three days later, and ascended back to Heaven to pray for me until He comes to take me to safety in Heaven. I believe, Lord, so fill my heart with Your Spirit to reconnect me to You as Your reclaimed child. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ and will let You begin to change my life to share You with others. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!” If you prayed this, then YOU ARE NOW SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Read the Holy Bible online at https://www.blueletterbible.org/ . I suggest Romans Chapter 8 to begin. Love & Prayers! ~TK~

“Israeli, Palestinian, or any other group in Israel: Jesus Christ Can Save Your Soul!”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©10/16/2023

I don’t know how many have online access at this point in any area of Israel or Gaza, but if you do then read and share this with as many as you can. I love my Jewish brothers and sisters even before I found the slight ancestry link, but I want to encourage you to call out to Jesus Christ in this time of trial since HE IS YOUR MESSIAH! I also want Ishmael’s line to have a chance to know Jesus Christ as Savior too. While some Americans and even Christians have acted from fear or hatred to either or both of your groups, Jesus Christ still came to SAVE ALL GROUPS POSSIBLE! Any other human following any other religion has the opportunity NOW to call on Jesus Christ by accepting that He shed His blood on the Cross of Calvary FOR YOU. No matter what you have done, JESUS CHRIST CAN SAVE YOU… ANY OF YOU!

That probably sounds like an easy out if you have done really bad things to a lot of people. It does, but it still is true. Jesus Christ knocked Saul off of his donkey after Saul had been killing Christians as a Jewish leader. Talk about a really BAD background for becoming the Apostle to reach the Gentiles! He still did, and he gave his life for doing it. It might mean your own life if you do accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but there is a promise that you will reach Heaven. No matter where you are right now or what you’ve done before, you CAN be Saved if you repent from your sins, ask Jesus Christ to forgive you, and then turn away from the bad things you have done. I know turning from a prior belief can be scary, but I have studied various religions for forty years and believe Jesus Christ IS the ONLY answer for ALL of us.

Christians need to pray for others to known Jesus Christ and for safety. Jews, Muslims, or those with other beliefs, please call to Jesus Christ for soul Salvation through Him alone and then begin to pray for safety. From my understanding, any other religion but radicalized jihad that Hamas or Hezbollah support will have you be killed as an infidel, but belief in Jesus Christ can possibly help you to find a way to get to safety if at all possible. It is now after 2am in Ohio, and Egypt is now allowing those from Gaza to get through to safety, so please seek evacuation and keep praying for the ones still held hostage in Gaza. I know this situation has to be terrifying to all in Israel and Gaza. My prayers for ALL of you will keep being given during this. I can only hope and pray that at least one of you will read this and call on Jesus Christ for help.

If you are ready to let Jesus Christ come into your heart to become His, please pray: “Gracious Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus came as Your Only Begotten Son, was born without sin, lived a sinless life, died on the Cross in my place for my sins, was buried, rose again after the third day, was taken up to Heaven where He is praying over me, and sent His Holy Spirit to be with me now. Forgive me of all my sins, give me a new life as Yours, and help me to help others to know You too. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.” If you have prayed this and believe then you are now SAVED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. You can find online Holy Bible in various versions at: https://www.blueletterbible.org/. Jesus Bless & Keep You!

“Israel IS STILL God Almighty’s Chosen People, so YOU CURSING THEM WILL CURSE YOU!” Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©10/11/2023

The King James Version of Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” It’s clear as to where God Almighty the Creator of ALL stands when it comes to Israel. ANY Christian should be standing with Israel RIGHT NOW. My mind is baffled with some reactions to this horrid attack by terrorists on Israel with some blaming Israel. I can’t fathom what is happening since my whole life of 51 years has always shown the support of Israel by Americans and Christians. The Holocaust in World War II really HAPPENED, and I know it for a fact since my father fought and saw the atrocities done against those by the Nazi’s. We have some German ancestry in our family, but we have Jewish too and NEVER will I stand against the land of Israel!

How can any in America think Israel is to blame? I say they need to READ verified History, look at REALITY, and STOP letting anyone cloud your mind with anti-sematic ideology! ISRAEL IS OUR ALLY! I’m ashamed of any Christian who actually says anything against Israel in general. WHO ARE YOU? I’ve read where some actually accuse them of killing Jesus, but THAT IS NOT TRUE… JESUS GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL OF US! This Jewish hatred is demonic and NEEDS TO STOP NOW! Everyone needs to accept Jesus Christ as Savior to forgive all sins, no matter if they are Jewish, Islamic, or Gentile. EVERY SINGLE HUMAN! Since this war is going on, and so many need this, I wanted to post for ANYONE who wants a Spiritual Salvation by Grace and through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ.

We don’t know how long we have no matter who you are or where you are. Things are coming to the place where a final worldwide revival is expected. Each and every person has the choice of accepting Jesus Christ as YOUR personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation. There are so many religions in this world, but after my own study of them and Christianity, I still choose Jesus Christ as the ONLY way to get to Heaven. I’m not brainwashed or ignorant. I know Jesus PERSONALLY! Even though I have my human moments of acting stupid like any other person, I still know that I know that I know that Jesus Christ is the One who died FOR ME, FOR YOU, FOR EVERYONE, FOR ANYONE! All you have to do is BELIEVE in what HE ALREADY DID. No matter what you’ve done, HE CAN SAVE YOU!

Please pray for Israel, and if you need Jesus Christ as Savior for your Soul to be Saved from Hell and changed to go to Heaven, please pray, “Gracious Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son Who died on the Cross for me. I believe He was born without sin, lived life without sin, was falsely accused, died on the cross of Calvary, was buried for three days, rose again and ascended to Heaven to pray for us after promising the arrival of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty to come to help those who believe in Jesus Christ. Help me to live for You and lead others to find You too. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray… Amen!” Go to www.blueletterbible.org to begin reading the Holy Bible of Christianity to learn how to live for Jesus. I suggest the King James Version or NLT version for clarity.

I suggest the Bible book of Romans to begin since it has my favorite verses Romans 8:38-39, “[38] For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” No matter what is going on, Jesus Christ is still Lord of All and can help us if we look to Him and not lose our conviction that what He promised He WILL do. Things might not happen the way we want, but whatever does happen, we have to trust Jesus with it being the way toward all things working together for our good. It’s not easy to do, but we have to keep believing even when things seem so dark and hopeless wherever we are in whatever is happening.

I’m facing changes where I live that are breaking my heart right now, and I don’t know how this is going to be worked out for mine or anyone else’s good, but I must hold onto the promises made in the Christian Holy Bible by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ since He has NEVER failed me though I have failed Him more times than I wish to count. No matter where you are right now, Jesus Christ can help you get through the situation. Reach out to Him. He can give you strength, hope, mercy, grace, and His touch at any moment to help you get through whatever you face. It’s hard to type that since I don’t know how my situation will end up being, but I have to Trust Him no matter how much it hurts thinking things can’t be put to rights no matter how hard I try to hold onto my ongoing hope that they can be righted.

I’m sure there are those all over the world in situations that frighten you and put you in harm’s way, so hold onto the Unchanging Grace of Jesus Christ if nothing else can be done. Jesus is Lord and God is STILL on His throne! When life hits you and you don’t know how you are going to survive, try reading the Christian Holy Bible, pray for God to help, and just believe His promises are true for every single person who believes in His Salvation. You might give your life in the days to come, but don’t go down without holding onto the Hope of the Afterlife in Heaven of Judaic and Christian teachings. Whether Israeli, Palestinian, or any other group in Israel Jesus Christ can save you and point you to a better path if you LET JESUS INTO YOUR HEART! EACH soul is priceless and EVERY soul is wanted by Jesus Christ!

“Post Rosh Hashanah 2023 with Disciple” by Tonja Condray Klein ©09/17/2023

Yep… we’re still here after 09/17/2023! I’m actually thankful since I still feel a calling on my life, saw many souls be saved or rededicated at the Disciple concert in Beavercreek at Today Church, and THEY were WHY we hadn’t left yet since those souls were meant to be saved in this Grace Dispensation BEFORE the Rapture happens. We just don’t know WHEN that last soul will be saved, but THAT should be WHY EACH and EVERY person who loves Jesus Christ should be doing EVERY THING WE SHOULD! The new Disciple album “Skeleton Psalms” is so gripping, convicting, inspiring, energizing, and everything each person needs to be thinking about in this life to see there is SO MUCH MORE FOR any person to understand the AMAZING GRACE that Jesus Christ wants to give to EVERY SINGLE PERSON!

I don’t know where my path is going. I don’t know who my path will intersect with for God Almighty’s plans. I don’t even know if any of the Disciple members I gave my two books to Kevin to share with them have read them or my CD that had my songs has been listened to either. What I do know is that their music and ministry has been a part of my heart ever since I first heard “God of Elijah” so many years ago. “Radical” is my newer favorite that I was up on my feet for and basically jumping, throwing my hands up in the air, and yelling the lyrics with complete abandon. I know some don’t like their style, but I’m telling you right now that I haven’t felt as at peace in years as I did at that concert! I sat on the floor when not standing to watch the groups, and even songs’ music I didn’t even know resonated all through me.

I saw so many older people than even my fifty-one years and Ken’s fifty-five there, and then there were families with little kids wearing protective ear muffs but jamming for Jesus while the parents lifted hands and praised God too. If some of the ‘regular’ churches would get that kind of excitement in their services then we really WOULD have GLOBAL REVIVAL! I sang with the songs I knew and felt the power of the Holy Spirit as people were honest with themselves in front of each other. THAT is what the ‘regular’ churches are missing… HONESTY! Be REAL with each other, act as a healing family, and STOP being a bunch of self-righteous fools! We need to CLEAN HOUSE but LOOK AT YOU first BEFORE condemning someone else. God Almighty knows I have enough flaws that I try to not judge but uplift others.

Kevin shared so much last night that I had to re-examine how I handle certain things in my own life. THAT is the POWER of being REAL with other people who NEED JESUS! NONE of US are perfect, and some of us struggle with as much or even more than those in ministry. THAT is the whole point of coming together – to share, to learn, to love, and to surrender to be empowered again. Christianity is NOT a once and done thing. It is a DAILY thing! Picking up the cross to follow Jesus is a LIFETIME thing. Fighting our own demons that keep trying to interfere with our lives and testimony is another kind of BATTLE that some will lose at times and have to go back to the cross to lay it down another time. It’s so hard for some people to understand that this is an ONGOING situation. NONE of us are RESTORED completely YET.

Whenever and whatever I write ALWAYS extends to ME. I struggle with a lot of things I SHOULD NOT at this point in my Christian life, but the enemy KNOWS our weaknesses and uses them against us EVERY SINGLE TIME we step out to follow the path God Almighty has laid out for us to meet the people we need to intersect with for their or our own good. I don’t know any of the people I met last night, but I gave my website info to one man, and I hope he’ll share with someone that my books or songs can reach. I’m not sure if my Eirinth 3 SEEKING THE LIGHT will be out even by Christmas 2024, but I’m trying to work on some new songs. That is HARD without Ron Short to play instruments and be the male vocalist. Ron is in Heaven now, but I miss him and am still trying to go forward. It’s not easy but I’m trying.

So, no Rosh Hashanah Rapture. Still, I had an awesome time at the Disciple concert and feel energized to get on with my own songs. I also need to finish the outline for the new Historic Paranormal Thriller that I’m writing based on a dream Ken had. It came out of the blue (or fog of Ken talking in his sleep!), so I’ll see where THAT leads me too. Each and every one of us has gifts given for YOU to use for Jesus Christ. You have to ask yourself what you love to do and if that focus can lead them closer to finding Jesus Christ or encourage them in their relationship with Him already. Despite how long we’ve been saved, we each need some encouragement, and that’s what church is SUPPOSED to be about too. With Ken’s knees issue, I’m still bound at home, but we’re trying to get that situation resolved. I’M STILL PRAYING!

I get frustrated at those in church that judge others than I do at those that struggle with past addictions, lifestyles, or things like anger reactions that become mentally programmed responses. THIS is where the church needs to focus on the HEALING of each other. Praying together, reading the Word together, listening to anointed music together. Do you SEE the most important thing? TOGETHER! I don’t have a church anymore because of Ken’s situation and Mom is still ill too, so it’s difficult to do the TOGETHER part. I try to listen to ministers I trust and read emails from them. I LOVE the people I went to church with for the past 41 years and am friends with many on Facebook still. Technology has some down sides, but at least it makes it easier to KEEP IN TOUCH than it used to be! Sunday made me realize how much.

Sometimes we need in-person collective worship and interactions to keep each of us in the right frame of mind and spiritual awareness of Truth when we hear it so we can apply it to our own life. This has been a problem with church since about 1985. We had a resurgence of the Holy Spirit back then but after the initial awakening it fizzled out, but why? How did corporate mindset take over the leadership of churches? THAT is a MAJOR issue that has STOPPED the flow. We need to kick the corporate brainwashing fools to the curb and CALL OUT TO GOD ALMIGHTY TO REFILL OUR CHURCHES WITH HIM! Allow the Holy Spirit INTO your churches! STOP BEING AFRAID! How can you fear the ONE sent to be OUR COMFORTOR? It makes NO sense! Disruptive behavior is NOT the same as a MOVE OF GOD!

So, here we are post Rosh Hashanah 2023. Jesus Christ could come back at any time, but many believe there will be GLOBAL REVIVAL first that we still haven’t seen yet. Do you not know WHY? You should already now. LET GOD MOVE THROUGH PEOPLE WITH HIS HOLY SPIRIT! It is NOT some sham. It is NOT something evil. Anyone who says that the work of God Almighty is from the devil was stated BY JESUS CHRIST as being the unpardonable sin. You don’t have to speak in tongues or dance in the Holy Spirit, but you better NOT be talking against a real Gift used or you will pay the consequences now or at the judgement seat of Christ. People in the world need to experience the real Power of the One True Living God, especially since ‘super heroes’ have become their icons. Jesus Christ is THE Super Hero!

Sooner than any of us might think, Jesus Christ WILL return in the clouds to take out His believers, both Jews and Gentiles. When Jesus Christ comes back to set His feet on the Earth again, THEN the Power of His Deity will be shown to ALL. I’d really love for more people to come to know Jesus Christ as Savior instead of as Reigning King who returns as a conquering Lord against the false king in Jerusalem the anti-Christ. Facing our LOVING SAVIOR will be BETTER than seeing Him for the first time like the Christians and Jewish believers have known all along. I’d rather serve God Almighty of Creation who died to save my soul than God Almighty of Creation I refused to even consider as God at all. That’s just something I want everyone reading this to think about. You still have time to KNOW JESUS. Find Him a prayer away…

“Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Only Son and died for me on Calvary for my sin. I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty the Son and ask for Him to come into my heart to re-establish my connection to the Creator. I repent of my sin and ask for help to begin with this new life He is giving to me by Grace and through Faith in His shed blood on Calvary’s cross. Give Your Gifts as You wish and help me to be the person I was always meant to be. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!” You can read the Bible for free online at blueletterbible.org in various translations but I suggest NLT even though I prefer King James. As long as you try to understand the Lord will give you the ability. SEEK HIM! He’s been seeking YOU before your birth!

“Saturday Mid-Holiday Rosh Hashanah”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©09/16/2023

I posted the first 2023 Rosh Hashanah Op-Ed last night about this weekend possible leading to the Christian Rapture of the church. These writings are not meant to ‘SCARE’ people in to a false religious experience. So far we’re still here in the Grace Dispensation Period and haven’t seen the Rapture happen yet. I stated before that since we haven’t had a Global Revival yet then we probably will still be here until that Revival at least begins and maybe not until after it ends. So what is the ‘church’ doing? Not sure. I will be at a church on Sunday for the Disciple concert so that is exciting! Mom being so sick and Ken being in pain from his knees needing to be replaced have kept us in a state of ‘I can’t really do anything or go anywhere!’ Those who know me will know that this is like torture for me since I love going places!

I spent time yesterday after posting the Op-Ed for Friday praying in the Spirit for God to help every single post, article, song, and book people are creating that brings anyone closer to Jesus to find EVERY SOUL it’s intended to reach for Him. This isn’t a game or trying to get press – this is meant to see ANY and EVERY person still needing Jesus Christ as Savior to read, listen, and pray for that real spiritual relationship to begin. If a Global Revival begins then we might be closer to the Rapture happening. Could Jesus still come back THIS Rosh Hashanah? Not sure. I’m simply trying to get the Christian church to WAKE UP! We don’t know how much longer we have to REACH those souls needing to know Jesus. It’s not about being religious enough; it’s about KNOWING the Season and working! We need to throw our nets wider.

I’m stuck at home now, but at least I get to share my books and music with those who deliver our orders we can’t pick up now and still post Op-Ed’s on ten different social media platforms. The Disciple concert Sunday will be the first outing Ken and I will have had in weeks or possible months. Time has been slipping by at both breakneck speed and turtle speed. You would think that would mean that I have been writing on Eirinth 3, but that is waiting for a little longer. I have a new book outline for my first Historic Paranormal Thriller that was inspired by a dream Ken had! It has a possibility of maybe being film-worthy. This is IF we’re not gone by Monday! We are supposed to keep working until that trumpet has blared out our rescue. I want people to be AWARE of the times and possible occurrence that Christians have waited for!

If you claim to be a Christian and are NOT WAITING then you need to check your spiritual thermometer! We are supposed to be FLAMING HOT and a Church that is GLORIOUS! I’m not seeing that yet. I’m seeing a bunch of people who judge others, support things that the Bible CLEARLY says NO about, and don’t seem to want to see people be saved, healed, delivered, or any other spiritual change that can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty by Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Where is your Faith? In some denomination? In some preacher? In some worldly group that wants to actually delete Christianity from everything? Come on, people! THIS IS WRONG! WE NEEED MORE OF WHAT WAS PROMISED TO THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE PROPHETIC BIBLE BOOKS!

More prayers. More praise. More tears. More shouts. More healing. More humbling. More of everything that God Almighty already said WE WOULD HAVE in the Last Days! I’m not seeing it yet. WHY? Are you too comfortable? Do you not want to leave all of what YOU have accumulated? Do you fear what the world will say? I’m not ashamed of THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ for anything in this world! If what I put in that new book offends the world in some way then I MUST be doing the RIGHT THING! If some egotistical book guru decides my book isn’t good enough because I won’t have tons of bad language and graphic violence and sex, then it will NOT be done. Having pertinent scenes for the story might not go over well with some people, but I will be the one to stand before my Savior for it, so either like or ignore it.

When I first began writing my Eirinth books I was bound and determined to write my Kouken as Messianic Jews and my Bengosha as Christian Gentiles to show in my Eirinth how it could be on Earth. It was meant to tie together both groups who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. Jesus Christ is BOTH. We need to work together just like Sid Roth said in his book for actual REVIVAL to happen, and my Eirinth series was meant to SHOW it in allegorical story way. I wanted to reach the Fantasy readers and the Japanese Anime fans too. It’s discouraging when the one group you have represented for the past forty-three years of your life is the first to seem to condemn something they didn’t try to even understand. Unfortunately, this is how a good portion of the Christian church responds to any ‘something new’.

God Almighty might be trying to use unusual things to reach certain people in various groups that regular staid religious diatribes NEVER will. Some might say that sounds a bit radical. Well, I’m all for exactly what Carman and Disciple BOTH have in their songs about that word in regards to Christians. Do you serve a namby-pamby Savior? If that’s what you claim then you’re not serving Jesus Christ! He tore up the temple merchants with His righteous anger. Pharisees might not have gotten the worst of it, but then again He said they were dead men’s bones. WE NEED LIFE! This is why we are LOSING THE YOUNGER GENERATION! I don’t want some “show”, but there MUST BE the SHOWING of the Holy Spirit working in people’s lives right in the middle of a service! I’VE SEEN IT HAPPEN!

WE NEED REVIVAL! There is NO OTHER option, and the only way we can have it is to SEEK JESUS. Do you hunger and thirst for HIS Touch? Do you remember when you ever had that and now miss it so much it feels like a part of you is in a coma? I DO! I anointed my sick Mom with oil and me today after watching Gabriel Swaggert preach and then prayed for us in the Spirit. Gabriel was pretty much laying down the line about WHY so many Christians are failing to be connected the way we NEED to be for that REVIVAL to happen. Michael W. Smith’s song “Love One Another” was the song that came to me while Gabriel was preaching. WE JUST DON’T SEEM TO BE REAL OR EVEN CARE! This is NOT the Glorious Church that Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds for! We each have our own issues we need to let go!

Jesus Christ endured so much to gain our Salvation. Are you not willing to even be a little uncomfortable with a person who desperately needs that Salvation just because he or she isn’t what you want to see at church? That IS a HUGE problem that we ALL need to STOP! We don’t get to choose WHO. We are supposed to be reaching out to ALL. NONE of us has the right to judge one single person based on our own preconceived ideas about what a Christian needs to look, act, or be unless it is directly against actual sin. Even then, it’s not up to us to police each other. We are meant to PRAY for each other and BEAR one another’s burdens. We’re supposed to be a spiritual FAMILY! While I know how crazy a family can be, I also know that God Almighty PLACES people in congregations for a purpose. But Satan does too.

New wine skins NEED to be created. Those old skins won’t work anymore. I’m not talking about diluting the real Gospel. I’m talking about finding ways that overcome the enemy’s lies that are sneaky and seem to sound okay at first to some the simply lead them down a path to destruction. My books do NOT have anything in them that isn’t with the Holy Bible when it comes to the concepts. I wrote my Eirinth using 1 Corinthians gifts as a way to WAKE UP younger people who LOVE the action movies with heroes. Churches need to show how COOL our warriors for God are from the Bible! It seems most people in churches are TOO AFRAID to display God’s Actual Power! Don’t you all know that He is going to UNLEASH it when He’s good and ready to do it? I want to make sure I’m in HIS FLOW when it finally happens here!

This is the Jewish New Year. A new beginning. A new promise. A new possibility. What is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ offering to the world? Dead men’s bones? Brittle words with no power? Incessant condemnation without the warming Love of God Almighty for humanity? WE NEED TO EXAMINE OURSELVES! Haven’t any of you really read Revelation and how each of the churches are condemned for their failures but GIVEN the way to come back from it? HE THAT HATH AN EAR LET HIM HEAR! There was a time not long ago that I LOVED going to church, listening to the sermons, praising God with others and great music, and just being with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. Several churches have been that for me, but they seem to suddenly fall apart. Why must we fall apart instead of binding together?

I don’t want any carefully crafted sermons; I want Holy Ghost filled come to Jesus pleas of Power. I don’t want any songs that have trained singers but no anointing; I want music that rocks people on their feet! I don’t want some slick preacher promising all these worldly benefits; I want a preacher who can call out sin as sin, spiritual gifts as spiritual gifts, bondage that needs broken, lives that need restored, and miracles that can shake a church like an earthquake in a second! I NEED THAT! I don’t just WANT IT… I NEED IT! We need to humble ourselves and PRAY. We need to repent of ALL the things of the world we have let into our hearts! We need to stop fighting and start loving. The Lighthouse on a hillside needs to NEVER BE TORN DOWN! We just need to add MORE LIGHTS WITH MANY MORE COLORS & SHAPES!

We shouldn’t forsake the old songs of power, but we can add some new ones too. We can’t forget the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we need to point out the complexity of His plan. We see through the glass darkly, but we can at least try to let Jesus make it a prism that shines through us. The song “Reflection” by the DMB Band that was the Dixie Melody Boys has always been one of my favorites because it tells how we are a reflection of His perfection if we simply let HIM be the Light shining Through Us. Miracles are supposed to be happening in the Last Days, so if they aren’t then something is wrong and WE NEED TO LET HIM FIX US TO FIX IT! SOULS are at stake. Do you care if someone is going to Hell for eternity? I DO! My heart hurts as my tears fall for Salvation for them. Do yours ever? TK ;__;

“What If We Leave This Weekend?” – Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©09/15/2023

While some people would want to know exactly WHEN their lives were getting ready to change forever, there are some who would not want to ever know. This human truth might be WHY God Almighty left the ACTUAL day or hour of the return of Jesus Christ as a mystery. Do we love our Creator with all of our heart or ONLY when it might show us in our best light? Do we want to be mindful of the final HOURS of our existence in this three-dimensional realm or would we rather ignore it to do what we think would be the last THINGS we’d get to do as JUST us before meeting our end? Is it too hard to say goodbye to some people if that TIME was imminent? Or would be drive ourselves crazy with the ‘I just WISH lists’ that could have been done if we’d only known our moments were this limited? Isn’t it something we all fear?

Yep, this is a kinda heavy concept to deal with on a Friday night! Most people are taking a sigh of relief for the end of a work week. Some have plans that do NOT include any kind of ‘religious’ self-examination since they have to be at the club, party, friend’s place, or event that SEEMS to be the ONLY thing important at this moment. Bringing up the possibility of life-altering and changing events is NOT something a majority of people want to consider on Friday! Come on, people, we need the WEEKEND to de-compress from the grueling week of work, problems, and life in general! To make someone have to THINK about Eternal-Soul-Salvation on a Friday is a LITTLE heavy handed! Why not wait until at least Sunday? That’s when most people do the RELIGIOUS thing, right? BUT what if Sunday will be too late?

Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset tonight. I’m not Jewish by Faith, but I have a part of my ancestry that was, and I try to honor each part of me at every moment it is necessary or meaningful. Right now, this part begins today. Did I do all the things on my lists of HAVE-TO’S, NEED-TO’S or WANT-TO’s yet today? NOT EVEN CLOSE! I was in bed ALL DAY! I feel horrible. I haven’t eaten a bite yet. I haven’t talked to my Husband or Mom since I woke up yet. I have a list of lists that I haven’t checked off a single item on yet, and that bothers me more than anything right now. So what will I make a priority to DO at this point? Well, I have a grocery order I have to meet the driver to get help get inside between four and five, and then I have to WATCH whatever programs I usually watch. THIS was NOT on ANY of my LISTS!

I woke up and began thinking about sunset. This writing is what came of that thinking, and I considered what I’d want my possibly LAST writing in the Grace Dispensation Period to contain. It MUST have spiritual meaning. It MUST have a little snarky humor since that’s an important part of me. It MUST have enough realistic interactive prose. It MUST have that inspiration that grabs the heart. IT MUST say the things I always wanted to say to a wide range of people so the impact will be substantial. It MUST… well, it just MUST. What if I CAN’T, though? What if I need to get my contacts in before I get dressed, grab a protein shake, and get ready for the food to get here? What if my mind is so consumed with all the MUSTS that I forget about the NEED and WANT parts? What if I’m not ready to say goodbye to my life as it is now?

THAT is the point! I know Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior, Lord, King, God Almighty as well as Messiah, so I don’t really FEAR the trumpet sound announcing Jesus Christ in the sky for me… I FEAR IT FOR YOU. I know many who have put off truly accepting Jesus Christ as Savior for various reasons, and IF that trumpet sounds then you won’t be going with me. I’m not perfect or live a Christian life as well as I wish, BUT I do know my Savior even when I make Him begin praying over me for me being stupid about something unimportant. It’s a DAILY and even MINUTE situation! I’ll still fly along with ALL of those who know HIM, and then seven years of the Judgement Seat of Christ rewards and real celebrations in Heaven begins for US. My heart hurts for what will begin FOR YOU, though. My heart hurts right now.

It’s getting on into the afternoon. I haven’t gotten any of the food for the holiday yet. I’ll try to do that tomorrow IF I’m still here. If not, it won’t matter. THIS writing right now MATTERS. Jesus Christ was an aspect of God Almighty in the Beginning and was slain BEFORE the foundations of the Earth were laid. In other words, Jesus was already dead and rose again before it even happened. Were we already Saved on His mind before we were even born? That is another heavy concept, huhn? I don’t believe that some people were born to be Saved and some born to be Lost to Hell. I think EVERY SOUL has been given moments to make that choice at various times. MAYBE yours is this one! What if it is? I truly hope if you are reading this NOW that you will make that choice in case Christians are called away this weekend!

There is no secret passcode or specific ceremony for someone to be Saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on Calvary. There is ONLY a simple prayer if you truly want to be Saved: “Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is the Only Son of God, that He died on the Cross for my sins, and that all I have to do is confess that I have sinned and NEED Him as my Personal Savior. I accept Him now to let You change my life from the inside out, and fill my heart with your Holy Spirit link that humanity lost to sin. I will try to let You reclaim me as Yours as I begin to read Your Word to let my life become Yours. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!” blueletterbible.org is a great online Bible that you can choose which version to read and I suggest King James or NLT!

If we DON’T leave this weekend, now you can begin your new life in Christ anyway! I’ve known Him since I was 8 years old, and now at 51 years I have NEVER regretted that choice. I’ve regretted a lot of the other choices in my life but NEVER the one letting Jesus Christ have my heart for His Holy Spirit to move in, through me, and out to others. Even through the hard times, when life gets too much to bear with the problems, and I pray for Jesus TO COME RIGHT NOW! I STILL am thankful for His LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, POWER, PURPOSE, and TOUCH that He places on me EVERY moment of my life… even when I’m being that stupid that He has to pray OVER ME. Let Him begin to have the place in your heart to pray over you too! What if we leave this weekend? GET READY AND BE WAITING! TK

“Rosh Hashanah 2023 – Revival or Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/13/2023

Rosh Hashanah 2023 begins at sunset on Friday 09/15 and lasts until sunset on Sunday 09/17. Although this is a Jewish holiday, some Christians have proposed this might be when the Rapture of believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah (both Gentile and Jew) could happen then since it has been taught this holiday has the Jewish colloquialism that means “No man knows the day or the hour”, and Jesus said it in Matthew 24:36 when speaking of when He would return in the clouds to take all of His believers to supernatural safety from Earth. God Almighty will then send judgment in the Great Tribulation Period that will last for seven years as explained in the Old Testament books of Daniel and Ezekiel and New Testament book of Revelation. The one major thing that needs to happen before two final Prophecies is REVIVAL.

We recently dealt with the pandemic level loss of life from Covid-19. Weather-related disasters around the world have impacted various countries. A major war has affected all of us in many ways from opposite sides. All of those losses together DON’T compare to numbers lost in Revelation. IT HASN’T STARTED YET. We haven’t had actual worldwide Revival either. There were revivals through the pandemic and even this year, but I don’t think many see this as the ‘Great Awakening’ many Christians have expected in the Last Days noted. I could be wrong that recent Salvations through Faith in Jesus Christ haven’t fulfilled the final Harvest of souls, but it still doesn’t seem enough for the Christian church to earn that “Glorious” status the Bible claims the church will be BEFORE the Rapture happens. There is still something missing!

I read Sid Roth’s THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH recently and agree with his assessment of a possibly WHY the last Revival seems to be stalled. He is a Jewish believer in Christ as the Messiah, and his step-by-step explanations of how and when Christian churches seemed to have revival outbreaks in history is with when the Jewish community had spiritual revivals first. I hadn’t known of this or about how even some of those seen as fathers of Christianity through history also had various anti-Semitic teachings. THE FIRST CHRISTIANS WERE JEWS, PEOPLE! How could any actual Christian ever be against the Jewish people when we serve the SAME God of Creation? Yes, some haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as Messiah or Savior yet, but Israel didn’t take the life of Jesus Christ… JESUS CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US ALL!

Even more ‘spiritual gifts’ denominations of Christian churches are NOT seeing Revival yet! Maybe THIS is the reason why. Hatred for race, color, creed, background, or any other characteristic seen as different should NEVER keep a person from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior! WE ALL HAVE SINNED! We are not to continue to tolerate sin, but we are not supposed to judge each other the way some seem as a way to place a bar of achievement to make them feel even more superior. Some live their lives closer to God Almighty, but there isn’t a single person who can claim to be perfect or to be without sin since the Christian Holy Bible made it clear that NO ONE can stand without JESUS CHRIST covering them with His shed blood on Calvary. WE ALL FAIL… so Judge not lest you be judged. LOVE ONE ANOTHER IN HIM!

I’m not saying we should tolerate ongoing sin, but sometimes what people say is a sin to one is NOT also a sin to another as taught by Paul the Apostle. We have to work out our own soul Salvation with fear and trembling… because IF we’re wrong then we aren’t right. It’s that simple. I have a horrible temper and have to ask God to forgive me every single day at a rate of at least once every hour – sometimes less but sometimes more. As I’ve been working on a different Op-Ed it’s been a WHOLE LOT MORE. I’m not happy with myself over that. I had a rough day yesterday. I was crying, yelling, and praying for most of the day in between trying to get normal day stuff done. It’s frustrating, and when I realized I was not getting the other Op-Ed done I began this one since Rosh Hashanah is closer by another day and it’s really important!

I have written about Rosh Hashanah for the past two years for this holiday, and Jesus Christ still hasn’t come back to get us yet, BUT… and that word means A LOT at this point… Revival hasn’t happened yet. What IF Revival begins on this Rosh Hashanah? What IF we have one more year? I know we’re not supposed to put a date on it, but WHAT IF Rosh Hashanah IS the HOLIDAY? I don’t know, but with all the craziness going on right now I really think believers in Jesus Christ need to LOOK UP, PRAY, and REACH OUT TO ALL WHO NEED JESUS! It’s not about those you want… it’s about those HE wants! We each have a ‘Harvest Field’ to be working in right NOW! WHAT field is yours? Do you even know? YOU SHOULD. If you don’t yet then pray, ask trusted believers, and then WORK YOUR FIELD! Souls wait…

Ken and I will be at the Disciple concert on Sunday 09/17 before Rosh Hashanah ends. If Jesus Christ does return Friday or Saturday then we won’t be there or anywhere on Earth. Disciple and most of those going to see them won’t be either. If we are, then maybe the Revival I’m praying for will begin there or at least soon after! I don’t know, but for now I’m trying to encourage HIS believers to REALLY examine your life, seek those that your heart leads you to witness to, and be mindful of how you share this Gospel since you might be the ONLY believer that can reach that ONE PERSON. That is a major deal. EVERY SOUL MATTERS! Why do you think I write all of these Op-eds and put them up wherever I can? I KNOW JESUS CHRIST AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR… AND YOU ALL CAN TOO BY ASKING HIM!

If I’m still here on Monday 09/18 then I’ll simply keep writing, keep singing, keep posting, keep praying, keep sharing, and keep trying until we’re out of here. No matter how long it takes, I still believe Jesus Christ is the ONLY SON of God Almighty the Creator. I’m not ignorant, idealistic, conditioned, or insane… I’m simply SAVED by Grace through Faith in the shed blood of Christ and not in myself so I can’t boast. Am I passionate? YEP! Am I even more convinced of this? YOU BECHA! Am I prone to wanting to go away from here sooner? AT LEAST ONCE A DAY! My own physical condition of Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis disease is in Remission, but I stay tired all of the time, so I’m limited more than I was. I want more people to be saved by Jesus Christ, but weekend Rapture might be okay with us already…


I was the only Finalist in my genre, so only three other books made it above mine. I was sent link to Certificate as Finalist for my Fantasy novel TREADING THE PATH in the Global Book Awards 2023. It and book 1 are both available online at Amazon in E-book & paperback and at Dayton Public Library downtown location in paperback too. You can read FREE Samples for both books at my eirinth.com website! ~TK~

May be an image of text that says 'AWARD CERTIFICATE Congratulations for winning Finalist in Glabal Book Awards 2023 FINALIST GLOBAL BOOK BOOKAWARDS AWARDS'


NEW Cinematic Trailer for BREAKING THE SHACKLES 05/31/2023


“Rebirth of Eirinth” Fantasy Novel Series Book 1 by Tonja Condray Klein is now up on my YouTube Channel. Book available online at Amazon in E-Book and Paperback. Paperback at New & Olde Pages Bookshoppe in Englewood and Dayton Public Library Downtown or by request. Song Melodies, Dramatic Narration, and Video Creation by Tonja Condray Klein. Music by Ronald G. Short (Rest in Peace, Music Bro!). Art by Sara H. Sweitzer (Rest in Peace, Art Sis). All owned by Tonja Condray Klein(c)2009-Present. Please watch and leave decent comments (no bad language since kid-friendly) Enjoy!😁