“What a Difference a Year Can Make in Prophecy…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02-21-2022

I wrote an earlier Op-Ed about the possibility that the Rapture or ‘Calling Away” of Christian believers happening in 2021 due to certain world events happening and even timelines expressed through certain Biblical scriptures, but I also wrote that I wasn’t saying it was definitely going to happen now yet still wanted both Christians and non-Christians to be aware, consider the possibility, and search their hearts BEFORE it does. The Rapture didn’t happen, and I posted the next Op-Ed to explain that it still COULD happen at ANY time due to the remaining requisite being the last human soul to be saved by Grace through Faith in the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for that person’s sins that we EACH are born having through the lineage we ALL have by Adam and Eve since the birth of Creation by God Almighty the Creator.

My own Ancestry searching has led me to not only search out the lineage lines of my parents backwards that has led me all the way back to the farthest ancestor being in 498 B.C. in the Seleucid Empire. That historical searching led me to finding out through articles and documents that reminded me that when we went from B.C. (now referred to as BCE for ‘before common era’ to remove the ‘Before Christ’) to A.D. (now referred to as CE for ‘common era’ to remove the other that was for the Latin phrase meaning ‘the year of our Lord’ that education no longer wants to acknowledge) that it wasn’t begun at zero but at one. This might not seem important to most people in this world, but when it comes to prophecies that are EXACT as to WHEN certain things would happen to prove is was from the God of Creation, so IT IS IMPORTANT!

While I also agree with the ministers who say not to place an absolute date for the Rapture happening since the Bible actually warns against listening to those in the ‘Last Days’ of the Grace Dispensation that we are presently still in during 2022, I also agree with the writings of many who point out that we should still know the TIME before that WILL happen. I came across a writer who pointed out a one year difference because of a B.C. to A.D. calendar change. If that discrepancy is the only difference then when the Jewish writer claimed that 2028 would be the year their Messiah would return if eighty years a generation marker the Jewish Torah uses; yet one year needs added to make it 2029. This Israel perspective for their ‘Messiah’ is in line for Christians who also believe in Jesus Christ, but there is more to it too now.

As a Christian who has studied eschatology for the past thirty years and also believes that the Christian Rapture happens BEFORE the 7-year Great Tribulation period prophesied in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation begins then 2029 is the possible time for the return of Jesus Christ landing on Mount Olivet as stated in the Holy Bible but AFTER the Great Tribulation. If any Jew now believes in Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior then that person is considered as a Messianic Jew who will ALSO be taken to safety in the Christian Rapture BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. For generational calculation to be precise then it is possible that instead of 2021 in the article I read that precipitated my other Op-Ed, and mentioned in my other Op-Ed about 2021 not happening, then the 1 year added for B.C. to A.D could point to 2022.

While I agree that Jesus Christ returning to Israel could happen as the Israel writer stated, he didn’t mention the Rapture, so I’m going to calculate it according to the Christian belief about the Rapture timing known as ‘Pre-Trib’. 2022 plus 7 equals 2029, so that WOULD be the exact year that would line up with the generational calculation of 1948 plus 80 to equal 2028 plus 1 year missed at the B.C. to A.D. change to equal the end of the Tribulation to be 2029 and when Jesus Christ would return to stop the anti-Christ and reclaim the world and His Jerusalem to fulfill all final prophecies in Israel’s Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible related to Israel specifically when the Word is properly discerned as which Scripture is meant for Israel, which Scripture is meant for Christians, and which Scripture is meant for the entire world even now.

There is another aspect that is needed to be pointed out – people are now living longer than 80 years, and the one Scripture says the generation who saw Israel become a nation in 1948 would not pass before the coming of the Lord. My mother will turn 91 this April and SAW Israel become a nation. Anyone alive before 1948 is probably considered THAT generation. There are many people in the United States and around the world who are over 100 years old right now. The calculated possibility of 2022 could still happen, but the reality that the Christian church hasn’t seemed to have any real substantial revival to reach the last souls to be saved during the Grace Dispensation Period now as prophesied to happen BEFORE the Rapture does, but revival hasn’t yet. Christians need to REACH OUT TO ALL WE CAN NOW!

I suggest that every single person, whether Christian or not, read the “Defenders of the Realms” novels by Nathan D. Thomas on Amazon. I’m currently reading Book 3 after the first two that I have reviewed as 5-Star for both, and these novels have really uplifted my heart since the loss of my Book Artist and my Record Producer in 2021. It also has helped me to focus again on my ‘Rebirth of Eirinth” Book 3 – SEEKING THE LIGHT, and my music too. We ALL need to get focused on our given gifts to reach out to those that we are the ones to be witnesses of Christ in these Last Days to that might end sooner than we thought or be lengthened if we fail to see where we need to be to do what God Almighty has called each of us to do wherever in the world we are. Whether America, Israel, or Ukraine, WE NEED A REVIVAL!

All of the different aspects that relate to the Christian Revival, Rapture, or Return mean that we each must study to show ourselves approved as Paul told Timothy in the Christian Bible. We each need to be able to give account to WHY we believe WHAT we believe. That means that we can’t take the words of one person or group to be the end-all-be-all of prophecy or Faith. I’m not claiming to know it all about everything. I’m simply putting out some possibilities for ALL to consider while getting ready for a possible Revival we should be trying to support AND begin. The pandemic has halted ALL church activity, and we have lost so many to the point our sorrows cloud the JOY we have in our hearts for the real Salvation in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the entire world NEEDS IT! WE MUST RESTORE OUT FIRST LOVE!

Is it possible that 2049 is the time Jesus Christ will return WITHOUT the Rapture or the Great Tribulation? The Scriptures give specific prophecies that must occur BEFORE the Rapture can take place, and worse perilous times could happen to shake the church out of its current COMA it seems to be stuck in, but one prophecy doesn’t negate another, so the generation who saw Israel become a nation will not pass away before the Lord Returns is another deciding factor too. Is it possible that the Great Tribulation won’t happen? The Great Tribulation is spoken of happening with certainty in the Jewish Torah and the Holy Bible to the point I’m still surprised there are some who claim to be Christ believers who still don’t believe it will. I understand the question of ‘when’ whether ‘Pre’ or ‘Mid’ but Post or Not at all seem impossible.

I’m a Pre-Trib believer due to the fact the Holy Spirit revives a believer’s spirit to belong to God Almighty again. That very breath of God filling Adam once he was made was that same connection he lost due to sin, but through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ then the Holy Spirit connects us again in a way that might be an even stronger link that doesn’t allow the ‘man of perdition’ known as the anti-Christ spoken of in the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible to take power until Christians are removed – being raised from the dead and those still alive all ‘changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ to meet Jesus Christ in the air and be taken to safety BEFORE the Great Tribulation will begin. Some think the Rapture won’t happen until ‘Mid-Trib’ – 3-1/2 years into the 7-Year Great Tribulation – but I question that possibility.

While there could be reasons why a Mid-Trib would happen, I don’t see Scriptures that support it, especially with 21 judgements being rained down on humanity that Christian believers aren’t listed as having to go through. Not even the Covid-19 pandemic reached the percentages listed in Revelation about how many die with each separate seal, trumpet, or vial judgments as specified. There haven’t been any in history that fulfills a single one even if some in the Post or Not at all group claims it already happened. While some accounts in History might not give the full specifics for certain chaotic situations NUMBERS DON’T LIE. No historical book verifies any of these judgements happening already. The Jewish Torah was the FIRST publication to proclaim the reality that science missed for a very long time – the Earth is round!

I’m not claiming to know WHEN Jesus Christ will return in the clouds, change Christians of all nations, and join Him to get to safety. I’m simply pointing out that with the way certain countries are at this time in 2022 I’m trying to get Christians to WAKE UP! Our Redemption could be drawing nigh soon OR we might all be stuck here for a while longer until we start BEING THE REAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST! I don’t want to see this country become more like the ones that don’t allow the freedoms the Unites States of America allowed pre-pandemic. Things are growing dire for even being able to assemble, so we might be forced to have a revival in a different way that doesn’t include being in the same room anymore. While we have communications to do it now, what happens if the government cuts all of the power?

I don’t want to live under a dictator regime. I want my Constitutional Democratic Republic to be restored. While I know things will happen with prophecies that MUST occur, I still want to try to have our FREE COUNTRY for as long as we can until things can’t be maintained any longer. I didn’t think we would be at this point quite this soon, but when final pieces of the prophecy puzzle are placed then there will be NOTHING that can delay or stop the final event. I still see that piece as the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, and then Gabriel will sound the trumpet, Jesus Christ will appear in the air, and ALL CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS AROUND THE WORLD will be transformed with flying shoes and meet Him for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the Third Heaven to wait for time to pass until we return to reclaim Earth!

I know it’s been since the original Word of God Almighty was given to the people of Israel, and the Christian church began when Jesus Christ came to die for EVERY PERSON’S SINS whether Jew or Gentile, so some might say this is nothing but a fairy tale or religious myth, but I have news for you 02/21/2021 – JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN AND ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIS FORGIVENESS WILL BE SAVED AND RESCUED! Will there be doubters? Yes. Will there be signs that deny any of what I’m typing right now? Yes. Will it mean that any of it could blind you from finding Salvation and safety in time? Yes. That is WHY I put up the information on my Christian website to give you the help if you miss the Rapture. It won’t be easy, and you might still die, but at least READ IT: https://www.tribulationhelp.com

“When I was a Child I thought like a Child… I was Colorblind AND Patriotic!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein(c)02/17/2022

I began learning to sing when I was about four or five years old at home with my mother as we listened to Christian and even some popular secular music like Elvis that we would sing together to while my father was at the Dayton Mall in Centerville, Ohio every Saturday. We watched movies. We watched news. We watched programs of drama, romance, action, and even mysteries. That I was born September 1st in 1972 is something that I’ll be thankful happened for as long as I’m in this world. I believed the United States of America was the best and most loving of all countries with freedoms that we’d never lose in my lifetime. I still believed all of those until 2020. I’ve posted many spiritual warnings in my Op-Ed’s to try to get the reality of what we are facing and WHY it is so important to know.

I’m a born-again Spirit-filled Christian believer, but I am not a religious fanatic or political activist; I vote my faith. I vote my personal convictions. I vote for my voice to be heard in government by the people I choose to support. ALL of that indicates a Constitutional Democratic Republic upheld by laws agreed upon FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. NOT Totalitarian. NOT Dictatorship. NOT Oligarchy. NOT Socialist. NOT Communist. There are enough types of those governments around the world in present day, and they have been noted in documented history to show NONE of them from before have ever been as FREE as the United States of America. EVERY people over time have practiced slavery over other people not of their race or creed. That doesn’t excuse it, but every group is guilty of it.

I don’t judge by color; I acknowledge by character. I don’t choose friends by religion; I have friends of almost all different ones while I hope to show the love of Christ while still respecting their choices even if my heart breaks as I pray for them. I still believe that the United States of America IS the most FREE when compared to the rest of the world now; I simply don’t trust most of the leaders in power in 2022 AT ALL. I’m not a conspiracy theorist; I’m being honest. I’m not a partisan; both parties have bad apples trying to destroy all that I love about MY COUNTRY. I was born here. My father fought and bled in World War II and my uncle died in it. I’m a law-abiding American citizen who loves the Declaration of Independence, Francis Scott Keyes’ National Anthem, 50-State American flag, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

When I was a child I believed that as an American it was my job as a student to learn all I could about our history to become a productive adult who would understand how our freedom was fought for and how we keep the people free by not allowing leaders to take over illegally and without the approval of the legal citizens. This is COMMON SENSE. It is NOT some religious, political, or extremist viewpoint; this is the AMERICAN viewpoint and has been before I was born. I haven’t been brain-washed in school like some in the latter generations have been or at least were subjects for them to be through propaganda instead of actual LEARNING THE DOCUMENTED FACTS. I’ve seen what some in the Millennials group were being taught with my own eyes, and I would bet my bottom dollar it is getting much worse in 2022 now.

I was given scholarships and grants for my 4.3 GPA and ACT/SAT scores to go to college. I’ve told some of this before, but this is a VERY IMPORTANT FACT. I was in college after I graduated 4th in my Northridge High School class of 1990 in Dayton, Ohio. I was taking Computer Science as my major and Teaching as my minor. I was going to code in more than ‘Basic’ and teach History in Middle or High School. I got sick, missed too many classes, and withdrew. I went to work and then got my Webpage Development Certificate at Edison State Community College in 1999 that I still use to this day. I’m PRO-EDUCATION; I’m ANTI-PROPOGANDA. I’ve SEEN class homework since I graduated and tried to help my niece then her children that are my great-nieces and great-nephew; their classes barely had ANY FACTS.

I’m a Christian who supports historical humanities even if they aren’t seen as seemly by some in various Christian communities, but just like Freedom of Speech is supposed to protect my right to proclaim my faith and beliefs without any fear then it also applies to those I don’t agree with so we all have an open right to disagree without aggression or violence. I’m PRO-SCIENCE if that Science is PROVEN and DOCUMENTED; I’m very emotional about many things, but I don’t say that what I feel is FACT because my feelings are NOT Objective, and yet Science is supposed to be PROVEN FACT. I took Chemistry in High School, but I still learned basic biology and chromosome absolutes. I also know that there has NEVER been a racist mathematical equation unless it was a word problem a racist teacher created – MATH IS PURE!

What is my point with all of these examples? I WANT PROVEN EDUCATION! I was going to be teaching kids at one point, but in 2022 I’m actually THANKFUL I DIDN’T become a teacher. I NEVER could have let a teacher union force me to teach LIES to the children in my care or lose my career at their discretion to make my education cost me more than the money wasted if that had happened. I would have QUIT before betraying my compass of right and wrong as well as what would have actually been ILLEGAL according to laws at MY TIME in school. I know many teachers who taught and inspired me would have felt the same way and would have REFUSED to teach LIES if they’d faced it. I still applaud any teacher today who IS standing up for the FACTS and refusing to tell LIES to their students in 2022!

Even though I didn’t get to teach History classes in schools, I at least was able to be a Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Vacation Bible School teacher over the last 37 years. What I taught any of those kids over the years all have Documented secular history from many countries as well as Documented first-person writings other than the Holy Bible, and NONE of them could be refuted unequivocally over the course of thousands of years so far. Some might try now, but I hope any parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or great-aunt/great-uncle will stand up for FACTS and FAITH against the lies being forced upon those in school and even in some churches. Whether you agree with my points-of-view or any or all of my teachings, for the love of everything factual, PLEASE PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM THE LIES NOW!

I might have some ‘out of this world’ ideas about Christianity and Historical records that I write about currently, but what is happening in schools is too important to let doctrinal disagreements keep us from addressing this by standing against their attempts to indoctrinate (brain-wash) children against our country and our way of life to protect FREEDOM. As a Christian I don’t want to see more violence like we witnessed in the 2021 riots. I will defend myself and those I love if someone attacks, but I want for people to try to LEGALLY change policies, schools, or churches. If they won’t then it might mean changing physical locations to where those policies are not being taught. I have great-great nieces in school and great-great nephews who will be in a couple more years, so this is something I’m praying about now more often.

I’ve been trying to share this information with their parents and all of those who read this so all of you can keep watch to protect those innocent children from being targeted. In the countries that the United States has been to war with before I was even born, the policies, practices, and propaganda have been used to take the children during that time away from the influence of their parents to get them to become wards of that government. DON’T YOU SEE THAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE USA? I’m not talking about one political party over another one either; I’m talking about being wary of ANY GROUP trying to make you relinquish your children’s minds to their teaching without your consent or specific knowledge of lessons being given. During this pandemic some parents finally saw some of what I’m talking about.

I research any topic I write or talk about before I even consider posting my opinion. I don’t have a degree in any subject except webpage development. I READ. I LISTEN. I WATCH. I TAKE NOTES. I COMPARE. THEN I WRITE. That is still part of the Scientific Method that I read about when in school, but now? I don’t know if they ever get beyond being indoctrinated and brain-washed to become little mouth-pieces for their education controller. Like I stated before, I commend the teachers who refuse to be that, so this is not meant to be toward you personally. For those teachers who are doing that or even worse now I have a word of unsolicited advice – STOP. Before you damage even one more precious child, STOP. Before you tell even one more lie, STOP. Parents – Reclaim your children peacefully and walk away.

Fairfax County, Virginia and even San Francisco, California have shown they are standing up for the freedom of their children against mandated masks and class content that is not proper education according to their views. I don’t have a problem with books being available to ADULTS under any subject matter due to the Freedom of Speech each American ADULT has the right to claim. Teachers giving lessons on subjects to students of my time (1975-1990) would have been FIRED for teaching it then, but they have been teaching it in 2022 until parents saw the reality of anti-American and what would have been called Pro-Racist teaching too that would have had teachers FIRED before! We need to teach these dark pasts of our country to learn how to NOT repeat it, but in 2022 some are now teaching students HOW to repeat it worse.

When I was a child I thought like a child. Please don’t let anyone else rob your children from that joy I still have in my memory of almost 50 years now. None of us are getting any younger in body, but we can keep one small part of our innocence as adults when we try to NOT let the children learn things they shouldn’t yet. They DO need to learn that OUR FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. My father taught me that when he spoke about World War II, but he didn’t talk about that often since his brother was hit by a sniper in the Philippines and died. Dad was sent home early because of that death. HIS FREEDOM cost his brother’s life. Who do you know who died for yours in addition to Jesus Christ? I won’t meet them in this world now, but one day I might, and I truly hope that I’ve proven to all of them that MY FREEDOM was worth it all!

“Still Here So Stay Vigilant!”

Op-Ed By Tonja Condray Klein©01/11/2022

It is 01/11/2022 and Christians Are Still Here! This puts the theory that ‘The Rapture will happen in 2021’ to rest since it is now 2022. It might happen sometime this year but might take a couple or more years. It’s stated more than once in the Christian Holy Bible that Christians and those concerned should watch the things concerning Israel as a country and those countries around them with their actions towards them and the world. Like I stated in my Op-Ed on 12/31/2021, the alliances and allegiances take precedence not only in the political sphere but also with social and spiritual changes after all is said and done. That ‘after all is said and done’ could be the finalization of a rebirth of the Babylonian Empire that will represent anti-Christian and anti-Judaic views against the main principles that uphold representative democracies.

What is happening with Russia and China right now with them trying to re-establish former borders by force is a prelude to the two kingdoms moving together against Israel as stated in the Tribulation books of the Jewish Torah and the Old and New Testaments in the Christian Holy Bible. Since Iran is trying to get nuclear weapons we might be seeing the foundation of what will become “Wormwood” too. If that isn’t bad enough, the fact that companies of China are buying massive amounts of land in America and around the world means the whole, “Not being able to buy or sell if you don’t have the mark of the beast” during the Great Tribulation has this alarming situation beginning to make this be possible sooner unless America at least stops this in our own country. This is a REALITY we need to pay attention to NOW!

If these things as a Christian don’t make you take notice then you need to read the Christian Holy Bible AGAIN with the mindset to SEE what could be happening in the last days of the Grace Dispensation or Church Age written about thousands of years ago in prophecy. It’s ALL in English to read in the United States of America, so ALL adults have NO excuse. Children now young adults didn’t learn how to read properly, so THEY might have an excuse. Parents need to at least TELL them about this so they won’t be taken unaware by the changes of what we have known as OUR country for all of my 49 years. Our rights, freedoms, and personal identities seem to be in the process of being ripped away. If we don’t pay more attention, we might suddenly wake up to be living in a totalitarian prison country.

I know I write a lot about how education is declining, but this situation is really important for Christians and any intelligent individual to understand and to try to keep the worse-case scenario from happening in this democratic republic country… losing ALL of our children to mind-controlling self-serving autocrats that are hiding as leaders who are really narcissistic dictators trying to make their next groups of blindly obedient controllers and working serfs that want freedom but are too frail to fight. I’m a non-conforming individualist lover Freedom for ALL and a law-abiding American citizen who will only bow to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He earned my loyalty by proving what He did when He did it for me and now when He does it for each person who now believes Him too. WE MUST NOT LOSE OUR NATION!

Yes, I’m still here. I wasn’t sure I would be since some things could have lined up to lead to the ‘moment in the twinkling of an eye’ known as the Rapture of the Christian Church (believers in Jesus Christ as Savior) when we will be supernaturally evacuated from this world. I’m a PRE-Tribber, which means I believe Christians will be taken BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. I’ve studied prophetic texts for 40 years to understand this. It probably won’t be MID-Trib (3-1/2 years into the Great Tribulation) due to the timing of when the anti-Christ will come into power. POST (after the Great Tribulation when Christians would be trapped too) doesn’t seem supported either. Jesus Christ returning without having the Great Tribulation wouldn’t fulfill the main prophecies, and GOD’S WORD WILL BE FULFILLED.

We STILL haven’t had the life-altering soul-saving REVIVAL yet either. Prophetic verses in the Jewish Torah and the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Holy Bible speak of it happening BEFORE the Rapture and BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins so a last Harvest of Souls will keep them from having to go through the Great Tribulation. Some souls will STILL be saved DURING the Great Tribulation, but they probably will have to give their lives and to NOT to take the identification (mark of the beast) needed to buy or sell anything, most importantly any food. I posted about this on my https://www.tribulationhelp.com website to help those still here AFTER the Rapture, so please save, PRINT, and keep safe for others so they can know what to do to possibly survive the seven years of destruction.

Revival will rescue many from having to go through the judgments. Jesus Christ LOVES ALL of humanity and empowered His people to reach out to prove that He’s given His Grace to ALL who will believe. Once the last soul to be saved in this period of time happens then ALL of His believers will be pulled out. His prophecies will then turn to Israel so the promises that God Almighty of Creation made to them through Abraham can be completed. Anyone in Israel can believe in Jesus Christ as Savior first and will go with the Christian Church as Messianic Jews in the Rapture instead of going through the Great Tribulation. Some from other religions have also chosen to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior as they come to understand historical and spiritual FACTS. Let’s share how God Almighty’s Son died for US ALL!

The Grace Dispensation will end as soon as the last person in this time period is saved by believing Jesus Christ is the only Son of the One True Living God of Creation Who died shedding His sinless blood as the payment for humanity’s sins that we all have from the tainted blood line of Adam and Eve. We believe to be spiritually reconnected with God the Father in fellowship is by Grace through Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ the Son as His Holy Spirit begins our spiritual restoration. The mortal resurrection of Jesus Christ allowed His victory over death for ALL believers to share once we are completely changed and translated away from Earth – first those from the grave then those still alive. This isn’t fantasy or science fiction. This is the REALITY of Christianity that some are too afraid to voice due to possible ridicule.

I’ll be 50 years old on 09/01/2022, so I have a low fear of ridicule. I’ve been telling the truth about Christianity since I became a Christian at 8 years old, so why should I fear it now when I’m to become a half-century old this year? I’ve had 30 years of Customer Service experience so I can agree to disagree on different views without hating others. I simply won’t change my beliefs in what I KNOW IS REAL. A person with an argument can’t overcome a person with honest experience. I was personally saved, filled with an overflowing of the Holy Spirit, used to give messages in other tongues and interpretations, and been healed from things that could have killed me. My testimony is REAL. I still fail sometimes because I’m a Christian who hasn’t been redeemed yet, but I LOVE JESUS AND AM HIS… ALWAYS!

When I make statements about Christian believers not doing the things that are needed to be done to reach people, I include myself. I’m trying to do all that I can to reach as many as I can, but I do have a limited reach. I was given gifts in the natural and the spiritual, and have tried to let God use them all through me for decades. Churches right now have been closed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, so Revival has been halted too. I’m not sure how we can overcome this for the last Revival needed to happen to see souls saved before Christians are supernaturally taken to safety to protect them from the 21 different judgments listed for the Tribulation period. This last pandemic hasn’t met the actual number of losses listed from any prophetic scripture, so the Great Tribulation has NOT happened YET. It might happen soon though.

The losses have been horrible, so I don’t discount the pain and anguish people are having right now. I lost both my Fantasy novel series Artist and my Christian song Musician/Producer in 2021 who were also dear friends that I had known more than two and three decades respectively. That has halted my two ministries as I’ve mourned, but I can’t let losses make me quit because I can still sing and write – she can’t draw here now and he can’t sing with me now . I have my new Artist who knew my first one too, so she’s honoring her by finishing characters for me. I might not find another producer/musician, but I’m hoping God will lead me to the right one. I bought equipment to do Audio Books, so I’ll try putting my lyrics to rhythms on my keyboard and record rough tracks for now to put online to bless people.

NO ONE is perfect in this world. Jesus Christ was the ONLY perfect person to walk on this Earth after sin had entered through disobedience by humanity. When Jesus Christ came, He KNEW what He came to do and WHY. He was willing to do it so we wouldn’t remain lost due to the original sin that is in our blood by birth. Jesus Christ gives us His spiritual blood transfusion. It’s NEVER something we can do to get, work for merit, sacrifice to earn, or be good enough to claim on our own. “For by Grace ye are saved through Faith and that not of yourself. It is the gift of God,” Ephesians 2:8 says. I try to live by that every day, but I’m flawed and still waiting to be restored completely with a new body when Jesus evacuates His people to take them to safety. Please accept Jesus Christ as Savior before it’s too late for you! ~TK~

“Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow… In Real Time” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/31/2021

I’ve always been affected by the song from White Heart listed in the title of this Op-Ed ever since it came out. I was saved when I was eight years old and began going to church when I was ten years old, but my interest in “End Times” prophecy began when I was around thirteen, and then as a young adult I began studying eschatology more. As we face the end of another year tonight I can’t sleep for knowing I need to share what could be the last time I will be on here. It might not be, but just in case I’m writing this to maybe reach just one more before things change astronomically. Like the song says, “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, that’s not the question for me.” What if it is? What if the last person to be saved in the Grace Dispensation will accept Jesus Christ as Savior right before the New Year begins tonight? It might happen!

Yes, I’ve asked this when certain things have been happening for the last few years to try to wake the Christians from their slumber so we could have a revival before the Rapture does happen. I’m not sure that we will have what I’ve been looking to happen. New Wine is never expected to be put into old skins, so revival might be happening differently right now. As a Full-Gospel Christian I was hoping for a round of church services like I saw in 1985 that made me think we were on our way up right then and there, but now? I honestly don’t know. I’ve seen heartfelt messages on television that could be bringing people to a relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior without the theatrics or demonstrations that Holy Ghost Filled believers should like to see happen and feel again too. I sure do! Then again, it’s not my decision.

I read an article a few months ago that said 2021 might be the time of the Christian Rapture, or calling away as the Holy Bible says, to happen due to mathematical equations concerning when Israel became a country again in 1948. Some agree with this and some do not. I’m watching the news and think it’s possible I might be gone tonight when the clock strikes 11:59pm. I also know the Holy Bible also said NOT to put a date on this. We are supposed to look at the signs and watch what is happening with Israel and the countries in relation to allegiances and alliances. Things are still lining up right with how the prophecies given hundreds to thousands of years ago stated. Even though I try to live right every day, I make mistakes and have to pray for forgiveness every day and even every hour. I’m more aware of it today.

That might be WHY God Almighty said NOT to put a day or time on His Son’s return to gather us since many or even most of us would wait until the last minute to truly be ‘spiritual’. Once again, I know as well as any other truly saved person knows that we are supposed to live for Jesus every second of every minute or every hour of every day! Can we do that? Not usually, but God Almighty knows that or He never would have sent Jesus Christ to die in place of us. We are all clay – impure, marred, and inherently ruined. Only Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior can change the consequences of that. I fail every day, but I know WHO I can call on for help in the midst of my idiocy of humanity. I’m doing it right now as I type this… not out of crazy zealotry or ignorance but out of loving my Savior and wanting Him to WANT to get me!

I don’t deserve to go to Heaven. No matter how much I’ve given to the poor, tried to lift up someone from being depressed, or sung for the glory of God in front of crowds, I’M STILL NOT WORTHY. Nothing BUT the Blood of Jesus makes me whole. NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS SAVES, DELIVERS, HEALS, AND REDEEMS! I was to see part of my family on 01/01/2022 to celebrate a delayed Christmas, but many are sick so we can’t. I might not be here anyway. I hope we have a little more time, but if we don’t then I’ve tried to show the Love of Jesus to every person I’ve had the time to tell. I fail, but JESUS NEVER FAILS. If we are still here on Saturday then I’ll keep telling anyone I can one more time that JESUS LOVES THEM TOO. THAT is what I’m trying to do with this on New Year’s Eve 2021.

If I’m still here, I’ll keep posting, singing, sharing, loving, praying, witnessing, writing, hoping, seeking, and all the other things God Almighty asks me to do for Him. People might think I’m crazy. YOU might think I’m crazy! I’m then quickly reminded of the other song, “It Wasn’t Raining When Noah Built The Ark”. I’ll try to be like a present-day Elijah with FIRE shut up in my bones to reach as many as I can with what I have for as long as I’m allowed. I’m called but not perfect; I just know in WHOM I believe, and He’s coming again soon. “Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, that’s not the question for me. No matter what time, I’m going to follow the Keeper of ALL ETERNITY!” If you call Jesus Christ to be your Savior and believe He died for your sins and rose again to save you, then I’ll see you in the air too whenever! ~TK~

#NewYear #2021End #Salvation #JesusSavior #Rapture #Reality #JesusLovesYou

“Rosh Hashanah 2021 Day 2 Done But No Christian Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/08/2021

While I would’ve welcomed Jesus Christ showing up in the clouds between the 6th and 8th but that didn’t happen. It might happen any other day from now on since the first prophecy leading to the Rapture (Christian Evacuation) began the clock ticking down to the Great Tribulation. Some Christians believe the Rapture won’t be until midway through the Great Tribulation while others think at end of it. I still believe the Rapture will be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. My main reason is that the anti-Christ can’t take full power over the nations until ALL Christians are removed to safety.

Unlike the present United States of America government, Jesus Christ will NOT leave ANY of HIS own behind! Christians and Messianic Jews will be changed then translated/transported to Heaven. Whether another dimension or even another planet, it will happen when it’s time to vacate Earth. Some who claim to be Christian believe neither will happen, but since every single prophecy over thousands of years in the Holy Bible HAVE happened, I don’t think I’d discount this part since OUR LIVES depend on it! I don’t want any person to be left here to endure the Hell on Earth that will happen.

I know I keep referencing the Marvel movie ENDGAME, but it truly represents how things will be here on Earth once millions to billions of people disappear from around the world. You think the Covid-19 pandemic made getting any goods tough? You need to read the Christian Holy Bible book of Revelation to find the judgements by God Almighty the Creator of the universe that will be with seals, trumpets, and woes to understand how awful it WILL BE after those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior through faith are supernaturally removed. The anti-Christ will then take power.

Do you wonder where America is in all of this? Hmm… don’t see a single mention of a country that could be seen as America in any of the prophecies. Now there is the mention of the 144,000 Jews who are fleeing from the anti-Christ and are taken to safety at one point by the ‘Wings of an eagle” that has been attributed by many preachers to be America, but the only other scripture that uses that same phrase is in the Old Testament and could NOT mean America since we hadn’t existed yet. America has been an ally to Israel often and recently, but NOT now with present policies.

America is tearing itself apart in 2021. Everything that I have learned for my 49 years of life is being dumbed down, lied about, and even demonized as being all of the ‘ists’, ‘isms’, or ‘ics’ that I actually despise. Yes, I’m a white Christian American woman, but I’m NOT racist, xenophobic, or misogynistic. Unfortunately, this America is no longer the America I’ve known. It isn’t that of my parents born in 1913 and 1931 or my sister born in 1950. With the turning over of Afghanistan like it was done, I also see WHY we are not mentioned; we seem to no longer be a world power.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again concerning this situation, “My father who fought in World War II would be madder than blazes over what is happening right now!” He did NOT fight and bleed for this country in World War II and defeat the Nazis to let our politicians destroy this Democratic-Republic now. His brother did NOT die in World War II for that to happen either! American soldiers never went into combat thinking about their service letting other countries take over ours. Our American people and their helpers are still stuck in Afghanistan. It’s no wonder America isn’t listed!

Do you think I’m happy about this? NO! America has always been THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE in my lifetime and way before I was even born, so this makes me ANGRY! Our country is BETTER than this! Well… we USED TO BE. That actually HURTS to type, but sometimes the TRUTH hurts in any medium. Yet we have former specialists who are BETTER, and I THANK YOU for all that you are doing now! My asking for the A-Team, Martin Riggs, and RED clones actually worked! Maybe God Almighty orchestrated that…

Yes, I do have a reason for pointing out all of this now that we haven’t left yet – WE NEED A CHRISTIAN REVIVAL! Remember? I typed that we needed a Rosh Hashanah Rapture or a Revival Rapture. The holiday is gone, we’re all still here, and yet I haven’t seen Revival begin! Yes, many churches are still locked down. Yes, many places require masks still. Yes, many people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. It’s September in Ohio, tree pollen is rough for me, and I don’t have a home church right now either. STILL… I would really like to find Revival soon.

I have song lyrics I wrote that I need to put to melody for the music. I have Eirinth Book 3 to continue to write. Christians should ALL and EACH have things they NEED to do to reach others now that we’ve been given more time to reach people for Jesus. If my throat didn’t feel so scratchy, if my head wasn’t hurting so much, and if I could finish this Op-Ed so I can post it where I post then I’d feel a bit better. Many have lost a loved one to Covid-19, so it’s hard to focus on being happy even if that loved one was also saved and went to be with Jesus before you. Revival still needs to BE.

With all that’s going on right now in America it’s easy to lose hope, get discouraged, and want to simply WAIT for Jesus to come. Even though we are told in the Holy Bible that we need to ‘occupy’ until Jesus returns to take us away, it’s hard to do more than sit down to think we’re occupying… occupying the church pew, occupying the couch, or even occupying the bed. We can sing sitting in the recliner with praise and worship music, but does that reach anyone else? It has been difficult with Covid-19 to do any in-person witnessing, book signings, singing, or church events, so now what?

I bought beautiful dress pants and dress shirts to wear for book signings and church appearances when my Eirinth Book 2, TREADING THE PATH came out in 2019, but then Covid-19 hit. I was upset through 2020 with not being able to do anything to get the word out about my book series to reach readers and wasn’t able to wear my clothes anywhere. I then lost my character artist I had worked with for the last 12 years for my novels when Covid-19 took her in May 2021. Loss can even cause Christians to question WHY they are doing anything. Don’t be weary in well-doing isn’t ever easy.

Giving to Christian and American groups to make a difference helps me to feel better since it helps those with a further reach than I have. Then again, I have people all over the world listening to my music, so I have been able to share about my faith, books, songs, and even Op-Eds that maybe one or more of those listening will be saved, encouraged, and even empowered no matter where they are right now. THAT is why I still do what I do. I try to live by my life’s pledge I adopted years ago, “I won’t give up, I won’t give out, and I won’t give in!” No Rosh Hashanah Rapture so REVIVAL!

What needs to happen is for ALL CHRISTIANS to follow the example of the Disciples of Christ when the Day of Pentecost happened, and once they accepted their callings they were unleashed with the Spirit-Given Gifts that they would need to SHOW this world back then exactly WHO HE IS. Jesus Christ in 2021 is asking this from US. The Christian Holy Bible tells us that we are each placed into the Body of Christ right where we can let the Spiritual Gifts given to us be used to the utmost for the Glory of God that can REACH souls so they find in Christ WHATEVER THEY NEED IN HIM.

It is knowledge kept from your understanding by the enemy – fallen mankind was given ONLY ONE way to be restored to the Creator of the universe instead of following His enemy that wants to keep you from Him so he can flaunt you as his victory. This is an ongoing war that began in the Garden of Eden and is in more than three dimensions. Yes, I write Fantasy stories, but Jesus Christ is NOT a fantasy, fallacy, or one of many gods. Jesus Christ is the mortal aspect of God Almighty born as a perfect human to die for imperfect mankind. HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH SO SEEK HIM!

“Rosh Hashanah 2021 Day 1 Done But No Christian Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/07/2021

After sundown on 09/06/2021 and Christians are still here, but we have until 09/08/2021 for Rapture during Rosh Hashanah if it happens in 2021. While I still question whether or not that could happen, I’m still WATCHING. I WATCH every day even when it’s not Rosh Hashanah. When the last human soul to be saved during this Grace Dispensation now then Jesus Christ will appear in the clouds as the trumpet sounds AND EVERY CHRISTIAN WILL BE EVACUATED BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION BEGINS! This is not to scare you. This is to INFORM you for understanding.

This has been preached ever since Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead after dying on the Cross for humanity’s sins to restore every person who will believe to have a relationship with God Almighty the Creator of the universe through the perfect sinless blood shed for ALL on Calvary. While it hasn’t happened yet that doesn’t mean that it won’t. Christian Holy Bible prophesies had not been fulfilled yet before, BUT in 2021 some seem to have happened already. Even so, the closer we get to seeing countries that were part of the original Babylonian Empire coming together the sooner we leave.

I’m not brainwashed, ignorant, un-socialized, or part of a cult group. I’m a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Full-Gospel Nondenominational Christian who has studied the Christian Holy Bible for the past forty years of my life. I have also read Verified History and Biblical Commentaries concerning what is known as ‘End Times’, ‘Last Days’ or ‘Jacob’s Trouble’. I don’t have a blasted degree, but for goodness’ sake, I got scholarships and grants to take Computer Science for my great grades in High School. I make this point since people have an idiotic view that Christians are stupid people. I AM NOT.

Could the Christian Rapture happen between now and sundown 09/08 – sure! Could the Christian Rapture happen after Rosh Hashanah 2021 is over – sure! Could the Christian Rapture happen AT ANY TIME from now until most of us are already dead – sure! As an intellectual learner I still don’t claim to have all of the answers or set calendar for Christian Rapture. Since the apostles during the time of Christ on Earth, we are supposed to WATCH and PRAY until we do SEE certain things happen to make us AWARE. If we don’t leave tomorrow then we MUST try to have a Christian Revival!

As tired as I am my RMS is still in remission so I want to share my Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation in the Son with EVERY SINGLE PERSON I CAN. I know HE LIVES because HE LIVES in my heart. I received a spiritual blood transfusion from Calvary’s Cross from Jesus Christ by Faith, so I want others to know His Freedom, His Mercy, His Grace, and His Love. As much as I love my family, there is NO ONE else who has loved me the way my Savior has. I’m PROOF that what the Holy Bible says is the TRUTH, NOW AND FOREVER MORE!

Jesus Christ will take us to Heaven at the Judgment Seat of Christ where believers will be given Gifts for their service and then the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be celebrated. I want ALL who will believe to share in this with me. AFTER the Great Tribulation and Battle of Armageddon then the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ will begin with Him on His throne in Israel like King David to be perfection completed. No matter what you have done, where you are from, or what religion you have been part of before, I want you to know that JESUS WANTS YOU! You are precious.

Each individual soul is unlike any other. Each person is a singularity that can’t be replaced. YOU might be the one person who can reach the last person to be saved before Jesus Christ returns. We ALL should study the Holy Bible, question the current teachings and historical proof, and WATCH what is happening HERE. Wherever you are right now, something needs to be done to share Jesus Christ with someone else. No one knows everything, but you can share what you do know and lead others to know Christ as Savior before He returns. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow…

“Rosh Hashanah Rapture OR Revival Rapture!” Op-ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/04/2021

I already did an Op-Ed concerning the possibility of Rosh Hashanah being the time when the Rapture or ‘spiritual evacuation of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior from each of our individual mortal bodies at the same time’ happens supernaturally once the last human soul has accepted Salvation through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for his or her mortal sins that is in every person at birth happens in present Grace Church dispensation occurs. Rosh Hashanah happens from September 6 through September 8 in 2021, so that means Christians could leave in 2-4 more days. While this is possible, it is NOT an absolute. Some theologians have theorized when Jesus Christ told His apostles, “No man knows the day or the hour” that it was a Jewish colloquialism for Rosh Hashanah, as I’ve mentioned before.

I DON’T KNOW. I’m a born-again Christian believer in Faith through accepting the atonement given by the Blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary for humanity’s sins. The Rosh Hashanah theory could simply be a way for men feeling more in control of their destiny or a way for Satan to interfere with the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Either is possible, but I know one thing is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN – Jesus Christ WILL RETURN to supernaturally evacuate ALL of HIS believers! Some like me believe it will be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Some believe it will happen DURING that time. My reason why I believe before is what the Bible says about the anti-Christ that seems point out he can’t take control UNTIL the believers in Christ are REMOVED since the Holy Spirit is in each one of us.

IF this interpretation of the Holy Bible about WHEN means BEFORE the Tribulation, and IF Jesus Christ did mean for Rosh Hashanah to be THAT time, THEN I and millions to billions of people might disappear in two days! IF NOT then it means that one point of a Jewish holiday that literally is interpreted as ‘no man knows the day or the hour’ because it spans two days from sundown of one to sundown of the next was NOT meant for Christians to point to as the Rapture time. In other words, DON’T FREAK OUT! This is ONLY a possibility. Christians are ALSO told in the Holy Bible to be aware of the seasons and times to SEE what I happening, and if Afghanistan isn’t then I’m a Martian… and I’m NOT. This changed the landscape of the Middle East to be ripe for the anti-Christ to take over as a ‘man of peace’.

The song, “Maybe Today” by White Heart really DOES give Christians the RIGHT perspective about how we all SHOULD be continuing to PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST ALWAYS! I might leave here supernaturally in two days, but IF I DON’T THEN I will still be sharing my FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST until I do. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE. While even so-called scientists no longer believe in scientific absolutes, this supernatural ABSOLUTE IS INFINITE. It doesn’t change. It doesn’t waver. It doesn’t alter. It’s doesn’t bend. IT IS because HE IS I AM, like the song by Petra. All the Christian songs I have listened to since my childhood through teenage and adulthood STAND FIRM. If they spoke of Jesus Christ, His deity, His life, His death, His resurrection, His return, and His reign, THEN they STAND FIRM.

From The Imperials, Cathedrals, Inspirations, Kingsmen, Hinsons, Paynes, Rambos, Hemphills, Truth, and others in Southern Gospel to White Heart, Petra, Carman, D.C. Talk, Allies, Farrell & Farrell, Geoff Moore & the Distance, Jars of Clay, Kim Boyce, Eric Champion, Michael W. Smith, Kutless, MercyMe, Newsboys, Russ Taff, Skillet, Stryper, Hawk Nelson, Casting Crowns, Toby Mac, Disciple, and others in Contemporary Gospel or Christian Rock ALL point to Jesus Christ as being Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation as the Son aspect of our Triune God. Many have tried to silence this reality, destroy this human history, and even ban these beliefs that can CHANGE ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME. Many governments outlawed Christianity and believers still die if they believe. Are we in America still able to?

In TWO TO FOUR DAYS, we might find out IF we truly believe in what Jesus Christ said, did, and promised. Are you a ‘sitting on the pew’ kind of religious person OR are you a ‘Jesus God ahold of My Life and Won’t Let Go!” Born-Again Believer in JESUS CHRIST? Not religious. Not superstitious. Not spiritualist. Died-in-the-heart Believer! Believing Jesus Christ died for YOUR SINS gives you a Blood Transformation! What He shed is placed on your own account in Heaven’s records of humanity to read, “PAID IN FULL”! ONLY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST DOES THAT. You CAN’T earn it. You CAN’T work for it. You CAN’T mentally attain it. You CAN’T die to get it. You CAN’T do anything BUT BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR. THAT is what CHANGES your status in Heaven.

I don’t try to only live closer to God as Rosh Hashanah approaches. I try to live for Him EVERY DAY. I fail all the time since I’m still in this mortal body that still wants to sin, and my mind is the battleground of the enemy to try to make me fail to do things like what I’m writing right now. I FAIL. JESUS NEVER DOES! Like the song I adore by the old group TRUTH, “Jesus Never Fails”! You can get the 25th anniversary edition from 1997 on iTunes still or see video on YouTube put up by robbase1969 from the “KEEPER OF MY HEART” album 1982. This song is STILL so powerful by TRUTH with the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ with His Power, His Glory, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Love for ALL OF HUMANITY. ANYONE can be saved. No race, country, origin, or background required! ANYONE!!!

If NOT Rosh Hashanah in 2021 THEN we NEED a REVIVAL in 2021! With all the craziness going on around the entire world WE NEED A CHRISTIAN REVIVAL! I’ve been FREE to live as a real Christian since I was saved at 8 years old. I just turned 49 on the 1st of September in 2021, so I’ve enjoyed FREEDOM with my FAITH for MY WHOLE LIFE. China, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, and many other socialist, communist, and authoritarian countries DO NOT ALLOW CHRISTIANITY – THEY KILL CHRISTIANS! Some know this and give to groups trying to help those believers, BUT THIS should get Americans to WAKE UP! Our Democratic-Republic is being destroyed. ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST? Many of us don’t even go to church, so could we claim Christ when facing death?

I hope I could be that brave and steadfast if seeing torture instruments to be used on me to make me deny Christ. IT COULD HAPPEN IN AMERICA! They might try taking away jobs so you can’t buy food for you or your family first, but some in our present government is trying to label any conservative viewpoint as terroristic! THAT IS INSANE, but it is being said on regular television programs RIGHT NOW! They might ban ALL of our individual social media accounts to try to silence us since many have had that happen to them already. I might lose my platforms too, but I’ll post TRUTH as long as I can. I’m a loud-mouthed, Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Child of God Almighty through my Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ as payment for my sins, so I’ll try to do what my EIRINTH Book 4 is named: “DEFY THE STORM”!

Are you ready for the storm that’s coming? If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you might face a storm unlike any you’ve had before. WHEN millions to billions of people worldwide disappear like characters in ENDGAME did, are you ready for the insanity that will descend? You might not understand or want any spiritual link with any god, but God Almighty is giving us all time to realize that what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen is RIGHT NOW. Do I think we might have a couple more years? – Maybe. Do I think Rosh Hashanah 2021 might be the time for us to be taken? – Maybe. I don’t know, but things are getting worse every day. I try to follow guidance Jesus Christ gave to His apostles in His time…WATCH. I’m watching, waiting, sharing, praying, writing, and posting.

In Matthew 24:42, Jesus Christ says, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” He repeats it in Matthew 25:13. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” True Christians should be WATCHING! Do you SEE what’s happening? I’ll use a Scottish phrase “DO YOU KEN IT?” meaning “Do you KNOW IT?” I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW that Jesus Christ is coming back. Will it be in the next two to four days? I don’t KNOW. I simply think it’s POSSIBLE. Am I going to keep raising the alarm until He does? YES! I want as many souls as possible to know my Jesus Christ as Savior before the Rapture happens. This is THE SPIRITUAL ENDGAME! People who claim to be Christian NEED to make sure THEY ARE SAVED to reach others!

Even if it happens that we have as long as a decade, Christians still NEED A REVIVAL! We are supposed to be the radiant Bride of Christ when the Rapture happens. I DON’T SEE A RADIANT CHURCH NOW. I see the bunch of compromising or legalistic religious groups that don’t seem to even realize that WE NEED ACTUAL REVIVAL! God Almighty, help me, but I’ll even put on pantyhose and wear a dress or dress-suit if someone will BEGIN A REVIVAL! I’ll sing as much as I can until my voice gives out if SOMEONE just BEGINS A REVIVAL! There are those that are in highways and byways that we need to REACH. Why do you think I’ve been writing my novels and songs if not to reach THOSE SPECIFIC PEOPLE? That is MY CALLING. What is yours? GET BUSY TO REACH AND REVIVE!

“Is The America I’ve Known Completely Gone Now?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/29/2021

Abandoning our embassy, intelligence, weapons, and citizens in Afghanistan is the greatest defeat this country has ever faced in my lifetime of almost forty-nine years. I’m sure that those still living who are even older than I am are feeling the same way I do – enraged from being deceived and betrayed by our leaders. Our people in Afghanistan are in the middle of being left due to the worst military plan in our history that could lead to another situation like 1979 with more hostages. THAT is detrimental with how many American citizens and Afghan allies will all lose their lives!

I was only seven years old in 1979, so I didn’t completely understand what was happening back then. As I grew up learning history and became an adult, I watched policy mistakes made by different presidents at various times, but this seems like an actual calculated blow to every single American who has had anyone from their family serve this county in the military in any capacity! How can Americans sit in our safe homes, watch the news reporting these atrocities, and not react with anger, frustration, heartbreak, and absolute horror? Have we ALL lost perspective of what Freedom costs?

The fact that our government is FAILING to get OUR PEOPLE out, but INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS are now working to rescue people in ways that are sometimes being BLOCKED by OUR OWN agencies! Do our agencies work for the Taliban now? While I understand diplomacy is always a slippery slope of concessions, the way I’ve understood it for all of my learned years, WE DON’T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS! Did our government officials miss day of class it was taught in a government college course? Or did the long-held policy just get lost in self-interest paperwork?

We NEED the A-Team! We NEED a team of LETHAL WEAPON Riggs’! We NEED a RED team who knows HOW to get IN, get OUR people, and get OUT with the attitude of a BLUE LOTUS! AMERICA WAS A COUNTRY OF ACTION FOR FREEDOM! Yes, the characters listed are fictional, but they were based on REALITY of what AMERICA USED to be able TO DO! I don’t want endless wars either and was for leaving Afghanistan, but THIS IS NOT how that SHOULD have been DONE! Do we need to cue the song, “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” to get people moving?

My father would have been 108 this year, and if he was still living he’d be ticked as blazes over our service men and women even possibly being left behind without military making plans that actually made sense! He fought in WWII and lost his brother in it to a sniper, but it had NEVER been fought to end in this situation with Afghanistan now. Didn’t ANY of us LEARN from HISTORY? Oh, yeah, that’s right! Teachers don’t teach REAL HISTORY anymore. Most just teach approved indoctrination of NEVER thinking for your own self as an INDIVIDUAL! Yeah… that explains it all.

There are themes that I keep bringing up in my writing, and I apologize if I focus on certain ones too often, BUT some need to be repeated ad nauseam since more than one generation DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT THEM! Most Schools aren’t teaching them. Most people of any age aren’t reading books about them. News channels would rather tell their lies instead of even mentioning the TRUTH. If you don’t read on your OWN then you’ll NEVER know anything to explain WHY this evacuation from Afghanistan NEVER should have happened like it has. WE LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!

I’m absolutely ASHAMED of what those in so-called charge are allowing to happen to OUR OWN! I agree with taking out all those that helped us for the last twenty years, but OUR PEOPLE SHOULD BE FIRST PRIORITY! I don’t have any kind of war degree, but come on! Even I have enough common sense to see what the actual events needed to be done before this idiocy had been allowed to happen: 1.) Destroy ALL paperwork so NO enemy gets any tactical date; 2.) Evacuate EVERY single AMERICAN; 3.) Destroy ALL armaments enemies could use; 4.) Withdraw OUR military!

IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! This is LOGIC. Apparently, NO ONE in power has that! God Almighty, help us, because those in power won’t help anyone but themselves. They are trying to overpower our Democracy to turn America into a socialistic country. WE CAN’T LET THEM! EVERY AMERICAN needs to stand up and SCREAM, “NO! This is NOT right!” FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE needs to not allow TYRANTS to take over! They are ALL trying to do THAT. How can you trust leadership willing to LEAVE OUR PEOPLE BEHIND? WE CAN’T! Help STOP it!

Some of our Patriots have taken their own steps to get OUR PEOPLE out. We might have even more doing it right now without public knowledge or even government involvement. I’m okay with that since the less that any of the powers that be know right now is a GOOD THING. We can’t trust most of the military big-wigs we’ve been seeing to actually DO anything since it’s become political theater. Clandestine operations like those portrayed in RED would probably BE the best solution, especially since they would not be in the pockets of politicians. GET THE PIG!

While I completely understand that movies are NOT what you base actual military strategies on, I still think that our veterans see themselves as embodying most of those personalities in real life. Current military for the most part must think they do too or they wouldn’t be doing their jobs right now. America leadership needs to get their proverbial heads out of their behinds and DO THEIR JOBS TOO! As a military daughter I REFUSE to accept leaving even 1 of our own people behind due to incompetence! THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! Get them OUT… or ELSE.

What is ‘ELSE’? I hope it will be proper voting to express our viewpoints of how the Unites States of America needs to NOT be changed into the United Totalitarian States. Socialism or Communism isn’t acceptable EITHER. The ‘ELSE’ might come to actually physical force before we get the point across to the chaos-minded tyrants. I don’t want another Civil War, but I’m willing to die before I let the regimes that my father and uncle fought against in WWII take over MY AMERICA. Let’s try peaceful by contacting our officials and speaking out, but if that fails… then ELSE.

AMERICA NEEDS TO BRING OUR PEOPLE IN AFGHANISTAN HOME! This should have been begun in April or May, but since it wasn’t then we need to begin a strategic locating/securing/extracting mission for ALL those in Afghanistan that needs rescued. The excuse of theme not ‘registering’ makes me want to beat the crap out of those that have the gall to even say that. DOD should KNOW who is there and STILL needs EVACUATED. Terrorist excuses go only so far when we have 13 dead from the attack. Citizens, Afghans, Military OUT, then blow up left behind stuff!

“What To Do Before and After People Disappear Like in Marvel ENDGAME…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/23/2021

I wrote an essay titled “Aliens, Weapons, or Jesus” in 2019 for my faith website, but with what has recently happened I decided to do a new Op-Ed to be placed on all the social media links I use. The original essay is still at my faith site: https://www.tribulationhelp.com/world_thread/aliens-or-weapons/ that is still possible now in 2021 even more. This Op-Ed is meant to be a to-the-point list for what people might need to do before and after this situation occurs. It ISN’T meant to scare people but to help them to get ready for the eventuality if you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. This isn’t a tactic to get you to have a religious experience that isn’t real. It is meant to help you to question reality, study history and Christianity, and prepare for what signs of the times are showing now.

Yes, I watched ENDGAME again. I can’t help but think about the chaos, fear, and despair that will be going on after the event Christians call ‘The Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ takes place. I’ve been trying to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ Who IS Savior, Lord, King, and the Only Son of God Almighty of Creation before it’s too late so as many as can will join believers in this spiritual evacuation before the Great Tribulation period begins. Even so, seeing how the people in the movie react to the losses of people they knew and loved that were still here makes my heart ache with pain. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t know what had happened, like Scott Lang in the movie didn’t know at first. It really showed a parallel in so many ways that I can’t help but relate to as how anyone still in Earth will feel.

The movie has no link to Christian faith, but there are parts of the whole movie series that I can’t help but also relate to different things concerning parts of prophecy that make me shake my head with how some things seem to have dual interpretations due to your own reading, learning, understanding, and spirituality. Regardless, when people see that millions to billions of people have disappeared like the characters in the last movie, it won’t be anything less than utter pandemonium. Once again, this is NOT to scare you into a false acceptance of Jesus Christ, but I hope to help you if a refusal of Jesus Christ as Savior keeps you from joining me in the Rapture. Do I have moments of questioning things sometimes when life gets hard and promises from God seem to not come? Yes. Is this one of those things? NO.

The fact that a secular movie showed something so close to how the Rapture might look to others being right beside a Christian when it happens still blows my mind! While other ‘End-Of-Times’ movies like the LEFT BEHIND series shows it looking differently, I can’t help but THINK about it. The main difference I think will be that Christians will KNOW they are leaving ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ and there won’t be any stunned expressions on their faces unless the person beside them were thought to have been leaving with them too. THAT would be the hard reality many people will face when it does happen since they might not have believed their friend, family member, or stranger until THAT moment. If you read this print it. When the Rapture happens, PLEASE REFER TO IT!

I’m not telling you to go buy up a bunch of stuff like what happened during the Pandemic that made people get so crazy. There are just a few things to consider when you go to do your usual marketing. Preventive actions should be taken since chaos is going to run wild right after the initial panic ebbs from not being able to find someone you know. These are some important things that really should be taken care of in general but continually done BEFORE…

1.) If you don’t already have canned or sustainable food like we get in Ohio during winter months, get and keep it.

2.) If you have medications you can’t do without, see if you can get a 90-day supply since stores could shut down.

3.) If you don’t have an Emergency radio, get one to have to keep track of weather, local, and government alerts.

I don’t know WHEN this could happen. I wrote on my other Op-Ed that it could be at any time when the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation that is right now finally happens. It could be DURING Rosh Hashanah. It could be in a few YEARS. It could even be TODAY. We honestly don’t know, but when the Rapture happens and millions to billions of people disappear around the world at the same time then take these steps for safety AFTER…

1.) Immediately PRAY to ask God Almighty in the name of Jesus Christ to protect you from what comes next.

2.) ACCIDENTS will happen so try to get inside somewhere safe and away from any kind of moving vehicle.

3.) ELECTRICITY will probably go out so keep batteries, flashlights, and other items needed for your survival.

COMMON SENSE is sometimes hard to come by in 2021 since teenagers and young adults haven’t been taught basics for personal or defensive care like I was taught during those ages myself. Raised in church helped me to learn the things that have lead me to the spiritual common sense for this situation as well. I READ the Christian Bible myself, not depending on preachers, pastors, teachers, or experts only. I should have taken political science as well as religious studies as major and minor, but since I had to withdraw from college due to ongoing illness my reading on my own still has done its job with personal understanding. Please don’t let academics brainwash you into accepting not only Socialism but then specific identification types that will link you to the new leader at that time who will be the demonic anti-Christ.

I’ve been a Pro-Vaccine individual for my almost 49 years. I already had and recovered from Covid-19, but I still got the 2-shot Moderna vaccine since my husband did also because he works at a local hospital. I’m beginning to wonder about the continual ‘booster’, though, since if we get too used to having mandates followed without question when it’s our own health and lives at stake it could make us become mindless drones to follow the orders no matter what, and I’m NOT okay with that. I’m a Non-Conforming Individualist, a legal American Citizen, and a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Christian who has RIGHTS. I support people getting the present Moderna vaccine to help fight getting Covid-19, but I also ask all to KEEP QUESTIONING anything else they come up with after the initial one. WE MUST KEEP OUR RIGHTS!

This might become one of the reasons for what could happen to ensure America will not be able to help Israel – another civil war in America. The fair election question, the declining citizen rights, and the possible loss of the right to bear personal arms might all contribute to this exploding. I’m hoping that won’t happen and somehow the True Church believers will have that Last Great Revival I’ve read about and studied for the past 40 years. It might still happen right BEFORE the Rapture of Christ believers who will be supernaturally evacuated. Once believers are removed the Great Tribulation begins and the revealing of the new leader that will be seen as a man of peace for the first 3-1/2 years that proves as false when he breaks his pact with Israel and Arab nations to become a world despot as ”God”.

While Christians are in a safe place receiving their crowns, precious stones, silver, and gold rewards for their service to Lord God Almighty, those on Earth will line up to worship the son of Satan, a Nephilim that might also be explained as an Alien who actually created mankind – the last Great Deception mentioned in the Christian Bible. This isn’t undocumented or unproven, but many denominations refuse to even consider that the Great Tribulation will be a reality; some even claim it already happened, but I CAN COUNT! The numbers mentioned in prophetic Bible books DON’T MATCH. It has NOT happened yet, so don’t let anyone tell you that it won’t. IT WILL as sure as I can count. Mathematics is one of MY favorite skils, so you can BET ON IT. I’m doing so with my own life right now.

What is happening in Afghanistan right now might be what happens in the United States even before the Rapture. I hope it won’t, but my heart cries already for those who will still be here after Christians are taken out. That is WHY I’m writing about this NOW. I want you to have information. I want you to accept Jesus as Savior if at all possible, but if you don’t understand now then I want to help you with how to survive what you will face. The way those Americans trapped in Afghanistan are feeling helpless now will be what you will probably feel then. Don’t give up! Jesus Christ still saves! Jesus Christ still delivers! Christians and ALL AMERICANS need to be PRAYING for God Almighty to bring ALL of our soldiers and citizens home safely! I’m praying that whoever reads will ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as Savior Now!

“Father God of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m a sinner by birth and ask for Forgiveness by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for me on Calvary in my place. I need Your Grace, Mercy, Protection, and a Pathway. I give my life to You to use as You will to reach others as a testament to Your Love for humanity. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ I pray and also ask for rescue for ALL those in Afghanistan until they are ALL safe at home. AMEN!”

“Afghanistan Pivot to Biblical Prophecy 2021” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/20/2021

I’m not a doctored historian, degreed theologian, or someone who has all of the answers to what every single prophecy means to Christians in America and around the world. I’m sitting in the middle of our bed and watching the news like most people my age or older are right now, and America pulling out of our country’s foreign embassy as all Afghan interpreters are left behind is making me shake my head and search my heart for the inner peace Jesus gives. I keep reminding myself that Rosh Hashanah is nearing, and some believers think it will be when Jesus Christ returns to hover in the sky as He evacuates ALL of His believers before the Great Tribulation period begins. The Eschatological prophecies can be seen in this latest event that indicates the governments in Revelation are close to being set up.

Have Christian preachers taught this for as long as I’ve been alive? Yes. Have I studied enough of the Holy Bible for myself to compare what is needed for final parts of any prophecy to happen so I would know when it wasn’t time yet? Yes. Am I concerned because we are nearing Rosh Hashanah since this seems to be coming together a little too quickly? Yes. Will I keep praying to be ready in case Jesus Christ DOES show up in the air to take His people out? YES! So many prophecies have seemed to be fulfilled in the last few years. I’ve been trying to write things to get Saved and Unsaved to understand what seems to be happening. I don’t know specifics to lay out as a blueprint for the Rapture, but reading the Bible prophecies, comparing them to the news, and praying for what I should or shouldn’t say IS what I’m doing.

I have five more books for my Fantasy novel series to write and publish. I have several songs to put to music so I can record them and release my first LP. I’m trying to write these Op-Eds to get through to those who happen to go to my different social media sites so they can maybe learn the TRUTH, find Salvation in JESUS CHRIST, and realize that all of the idiocy of this world isn’t worth losing your SOUL! I’ve been looking for the evidence of the Last Great Revival that I thought Christians would be having years ago, but then the pandemic happened. We have the online options to reach souls now, and that might be how that revival happens, but I’m not seeing any signs that it is happening yet. Rosh Hashanah or not, the LAST soul to find Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and God will launch the Rapture.

The Christian Rapture actually is an EVACUATION. If you’ve been taught in church that we’re all just going to get better or go to a new level of spirituality so Jesus will come back to be King and we’ll be happy… then you haven’t read the whole CHRISTIAN BIBLE. The Great Tribulation is a REALITY for the world’s future at some point. If things keep lining up like they have been, it might be sooner rather than later in my lifetime. I don’t want to scare people like a group did back in the 1990’s about what would happen in 2000 because the computers would all shut down. Or in 1985 that had people selling everything in preparation of leaving. I ask for every person to examine your heart to see if you do belong to Jesus Christ. I’m not perfect, but when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, my heart belonged to Him!

Studying the Old Testament prophecy books like Ezekiel and the New Testament books like Revelation has led me to the understanding that fits with what the Assembly of God and Evangelical churches believe when it comes to the signs Christians are supposed to look for and the timing of certain prophecies that will lead to more being fulfilled even sooner than had ever previously thought was possible. Technology has come along to actually make some of the verses seem more plausible since so many weird and scary things are possible to create. History and Archaeology also have an additional level that explains what happened in the Old Testament that might happen AGAIN to explain more verses. If more theologians took actual giants as reality then maybe they would be closer to seeing the other signs happening.

If you can’t tell by many or even most of my Op-Eds – I’M ANGRY. The fact that I wrecked our car after my 30 years of no tickets or wrecks makes me be upset. The continued pandemic restrictions not supported by science make me be frustrated. The inability to decide what I need to focus on first with what I believe the Lord still wants me to do for as long as we’re still here makes me be aggravated. That’s regular life. I’M ANGRY AT THE CHURCH. Over the last 39 years I’ve been in churches, listened online, or watched through media, but I’m now asking that with all that’s happened why hasn’t the Last Great Revival happened? For one, they refuse to let the Holy Spirit into their services to see lives be changed. Not all churches allow that, but why are so many of the so-called ‘Full Gospel’ churches still being MIA?

I know churches have been closed. I know attendance had fallen even before the pandemic. I know many have been so discouraged by all that has been going on in our country and the world for a decade or more. All of those things and more combine to keep us from being as ‘spiritual’ as we need to be to even open up to the Holy Spirit or His Gifts. While I have a problem with churches that demand pantyhose for women since I speak in other tongues wearing blue jeans, I still own dresses, skirt-suits, short heels, and the dratted pantyhose, so it’s not that I can’t dress that way. I’m against being forced to comply with anyone’s man-made rule. If I sing at a church then I try to wear the clothes that church would deem appropriate since a minister of any gift is to be everything to everyone as Apostle Paul stated.

I’m not sure how this Afghanistan situation is going to affect us in the short term. I know that particular area is always included in Christian prophecy, especially End-Times related ones, but presently I’m seeing a possibility for the prophecy piece to be placed that might make things speed up more. If that happens then the True Church of Jesus Christ needs to be working even harder to get the Gospel to as many people as possible in America and around the world. I’m not sure what is causing the interference unless demonic powers are putting oppression over many Christians that they can’t break free. I’ve had my moments of sadness many times recently, so I know how that can keep people from even wanting to reach out to someone else in the midst of it, but if Jesus Christ did it on the Cross for us then we must try!

Denominations is another word for divisions, but it used to be only concerning concepts of our Faith, NOT a complete disconnect from each other since we were ALL fellow believers in Jesus Christ as Savior, and only had few differences in preferences and practices; NOW? It seems our main cohesion through Christ is being eroded by all the differences taking over the similarities. JESUS should be our focus! While I believe in allowing the Holy Spirit Gifts during services, the preaching of the Gospel with Jesus Christ dying for our sins is the ONLY way for Salvation. The Spiritual Gifts later is awesome, and sometimes the Lord fills a person with the Gifts at the same time, but the most important thing to be known is JESUS DIED FOR YOU! Regardless of any difference, Jesus died FOR YOU!

I was born in America. I have never been attacked, molested, shot, or otherwise terrorized for being a Christian. If I can’t get excited over my sins being washed away by the Blood of Jesus Christ in my place, then there’s NOTHING else that could! Not going to Hell is the best side-effect of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, but KNOWING Him in a personal way through prayer, reading the Christian Holy Bible, singing songs of Faith with others who feel the same way in service to share each other’s problems while still be uplifted since better is coming are ways for that to happen. It’s not a way to be brainwashed. It’s not group hallucination. When two or more are in His presence then HE is with them. This is the ‘in one accord’ in the New Testament that is needed for the Holy Spirit to even move. We NEED One-Accordance!

Christians and other groups in Afghanistan are at risk this day 08/20/2021. As a Christian I’m really sick at heart with what these people are facing. It is also why I posted about needing to be excited that I have NEVER faced terrors in America. With how our country is being shredded, though, I don’t know how much longer that will be true. I’ll keep on posting, singing, writing, and doing whatever else I need to do for as long as I’m free, but we don’t even know if THAT will be taken at any time with how things are still so controlled due to the pandemic. If ever Christians in America tried praying for not only themselves but those in Afghanistan and around the world then it would be NOW. There are a few countries where Christianity is deemed as an offense punishable by death in 2021. PRAY like never before!

Evening of September 6, 2021 until evening of September 8, 2021 is Rosh Hashanah this year. I’ve noted before that some believe that ‘No man knows the day or the hour’ in the New Testament is a colloquialism used by Jesus Christ that refers to His return in the air to take away His believers as told to the Apostles. I don’t know and don’t want to only ‘behave’ more during that time each year either. As followers of Christ, we need to try to be His Body on Earth until He comes to evacuate us to safety before the Great Tribulation. God the Father’s focus will go to Israel for their prophecies promised to be finally done after the True Church is taken out and then when we return for the Battle of Armageddon. I believe in the ‘Pre-Tribulation’ view, so I’m a Pre-Tribber. Mid-Trib might be possible, but Post or No Trib isn’t.

If you don’t agree with me does that mean if you know Jesus Christ as your Savior that I don’t consider you a brother or sister in Christ over that alone? No! We can decide to not agree on many points of our Faith and still be like-minded in all other things. I love all kinds of music from Southern Gospel to Christian Rock or Contemporary. Others might not allow many or any of the instruments in these genres, but that doesn’t change that Jesus Christ is the glue to bind us ALL together at this time in this changing atmosphere and ties. The world NEEDS JESUS! Can we put aside differences and focus on what we have in common to see souls saved while we can? Is the pettiness of some in church against others so much that it is what keeps Revival outside of their doors? Examine yourselves and SHARE JESUS!