“Sing Against the storm”

I haven’t put these lyrics to music yet, but I felt I needed to post them. This may be taken down, but it’s not meant to go against common sense safety practices. It’s to display my disregard for “banning” two things some are saying we can’t do for two of the most celebrated holidays in this country. THAT IS WRONG. Ken recovered from a positive test Covid-19, and I may have had it too since I had the same symptoms two weeks before he did but self-quarantined until I recovered. Be safe, but don’t let fear be your master! My Master is my Lord, Savior, and King Jesus Christ, and I WILL NOT STOP SINGING! The enemy is using fear to try to control us… SING AGAINST THE STORM! Rejoice in the Lord, Always, and again I say REJOICE! THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! Wear masks. Wash your hands. Limit your group, but SING!!!

"Sing Against the Storm 
Tonja R. Klein©11/20/20

Verse 1
They tell you not to sing
They tell you not to dance
They demand all things
So gathers have no chance
Freedom needs revived
We’re not slaves to country
Everyone has rights
Be what you must be!

Sing against the storm
Don’t let winds hush you
Smile when the waves crash
Faith will get you through
When difficult to stand
Facts will still hold true
Let your voice be heard
Sing… let none stop you!

Verse 2
Too much blood has been bled
Freedoms must be saved
Too many tears were shed
By those who were brave
Lies that steal, don’t believe
Truth will make them pay
Show proof that all can see
Sing each breath you take!

Repeat Chorus

When difficult to stand
Facts will still hold true
Let your voice be heard
Sing… let none stop you!"


By Tonja Condray Klein – 11/01/20

As I watch what’s happening in America 2020, I must not keep my voice silent or fingers idle! We’re facing a possibility of seeing the complete totalitarian over-throw of our Founded Constitutional Democracy. WE MUST VOTE OUR FAITH on 11/03/20! Support all of the candidates that stand for protecting our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS, our GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, and our ability to use FREEDOM OF SPEECH online or in public! I will NOT be silenced. I will NOT stop sharing views. I will NOT let anyone keep me from utilizing my abilities with the written and spoken words that are all mandatory for my calling as a Singer/Songwriter/Novelist/Blogger in this crucial voting time!

NO ONE should be allowed to take away my rights to share my views, my support, or even my disagreement. WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS! I may not agree with you, but so help me God I have the right to say why online or publicly. YOU TOO! I’m calling on all of those who share my beliefs or at least the foundation of our country to VOTE YOUR FAITH or FREEDOM! Anyone who is for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness should see themselves as ‘Watchmen on the Walls’. This concept is from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible in the days of Israel centuries before our country began. Being a watchman means we MUST NOT let others succeed taking over our country’s political system!

The watchmen have to stand on the wall, watch for invaders trying to infiltrate for purposes of destruction of present government, and fight them with the weapons they had. We must FIGHT WITH OUR VOTE! I don’t want violence, whether social, psychological, or even physical during this election. I want people to THINK about what is important, VOTE for those who will try to keep us safe, and PRAY for those who are against our government’s foundation to have moments of clarity by spiritual means we need to employ immediately. Be KIND to those we meet but protect yourself, stay STEADFAST with your values in spite of hate, and LOVE enemies in the midst of contention.

THIS IS NOT EASY! I have a temper like Mt. Saint Helen, but I will do all I can to utilize my decades of Customer Service skills during this time. I may hand out cards for my two Fantasy novels as witness to someone who desperately needs Christ as well as great stories of action and adventure. We must find ways to distract from the political anger that seems to be seeping into every single group. It isn’t God Almighty’s will that we fail to be His representatives here on Earth until Jesus Christ returns. That may happen sooner than any of us can imagine, but we need to VOTE to keep this county as the Constitutional Democracy that it must remain for as long as we are still here to share the Gospel!

Even if you don’t share my faith I want you to be free to live your life with the FREEDOMS this country founded and has endured since after the Revolutionary War. There is NO country in this world without failures of certain groups in dark times, but the foundations of THIS FREE COUNTRY needs to be upheld and protected by the constituents AT ALL COST. Our flag bleeds red from the many soldiers who have defended it, white for the righteous concept that ALL men and women were created equal, and blue is for vigilance and justice in keeping this country FREE. We must NEVER forget what good we Americans have done over the years, and we must learn from our mistakes. VOTE for that chance!

We have today and two more days before we cast our ballots if you haven’t already. I’m asking all of you, regardless of race, gender, color, creed, or religion to VOTE for those that want to make life in America to be the land of promise and opportunities that the colonists and immigrants saw it as all those years ago. We MUST have law and order. We MUST keep our rights to worship together. We MUST see others get the chance to legally join our nation. These are ALL necessary to keep this nation as a whole fulfilled country that leads the way to prosperity, shines its light of freedom around the world, and lets its countlessly different citizens continue to strive for the future and show how FREEDOM reigns!


By Tonja Condray Klein – 10/28/20

I’ve been watching Christmas Romance movies and reading my favorite Historical Romance Novel series for the past couple of weeks to unwind after dealing with more than one illness that I, my husband, and my mother had that was weeks of suffering, fear, prayers, and then recovery. While I love so many of these movies and books that fill my heart with joy and hope in the midst of trials, I want to continue writing my own novels and songs to try to reach the world with the truth of Christ while I still can. The feeling and actual manifestations of censorship are guiding me to share the creations the Lord has inspired in me before we lose all of our Constitutional rights. AMERICANS MUST WAKE UP!

I’m seeing the disintegration of my country’s foundation in November 2020. Families are fighting against each other for diverse views, communities are turning on each other, and every single good thing this country has been known to protect for as long as I’ve been alive for the past forty-eight years is being attacked and even torn apart by those wanting to rewrite our real history, destroy this democratic republic to its core, and put our country under their totalitarian control while many people turn their blinded eyes away and accept it like sheep to the slaughter. When did Americans, the land of the free and the home of the brave, begin letting this happen? Where are the protectors of our way of life and liberty? WHERE!

Christian church members haven’t been able to assemble for services for months due to the global pandemic of Covid-19. We haven’t been allowed to be together as a group in like mind and one accord as the Bible stated we need to be in these times like the Apostles were in Acts. Could that happen if we were allowed to now? Those claiming to be Christian must remember that as prophecies are fulfilled we should be sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world to trigger the last great revival with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit showing that by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on Calvary is the one and ONLY way for each and every immortal soul to be rescued from an eternity in Hell and be SAVED!

Salvation happens when we accept the blood given and are restored to right-standing with God Almighty, the three in one as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – like we have a body, a soul, and a spirit created by the One True Living God of creation. Humanity has a blood taint from sin that happened in the Garden of Eden, and the shedding of blood is the only way for God to forgive sins we ALL commit in the sinful flesh we are born with through heredity. Jesus Christ came to be that blood offering for us to accept for our eternal atonement, the Holy Spirit being returned to our sin-deadened spirits, and the final restoration of body when the last person finds Salvation through Christ to begin THE RAPTURE!

We have so much technology now that there is no excuse for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to not be shared over every single media possible on this earth! What is the Church doing? There are a few who are still using radio, internet, and other media to preach even if we can’t meet, BUT NOT MANY. Where is your FIRE, true believers in Jesus Christ? Do you have real oil for your lamp of witnessing to the world? Do you think this is all a fairy tale that will never happen? Really? I understand that some misused forms of religion for profit and with fear of destruction. THE REALITY OF JESUS CHRIST RETURNING IN MY LIFE TIME IS A REAL POSSIBILITY! Technology, science, and politics fit these prophecies more.

Look at the actual signs happening every day. Look at the major changing of the other countries’ associations that were unthinkable even five years ago. This fits with the parameters spoken of in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelations up to a certain point that can CHANGE in the blink of an eye at a single moment when things shift the last bit needed. That shift will then kick off the final ‘blink of an eye’ that relates to disappearances of millions to billions of people that is an evacuation for Christ Believers off of this planet BEFORE the Great Tribulation occurs with twelve judgments from God Almighty, Creator of this entire universe of three dimensional time and any other dimensional realms, including Heaven and Satan’s Hell.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and Salvation through His blood then what are you doing in 2020? We have no time to waste. I might be labeled as crazy or a fear-mongering zealot, but the truth is the truth and let every man be a liar who goes against what is right in front of our own eyes! WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR CHRIST!? Hiding? Whispering encouragement over cellphones? Trying to stifle any panic you feel when you see the truth by ignoring the need for oil instead? COME ON, PEOPLE! Jesus Christ died on a cross for YOU, and most of the apostles then and over the years died martyr deaths too, so are you too spineless to stand up to “Roman soldiers” that are now totalitarian would-be rulers trying to steal OUR AMERICA!? GOD OF ELIJAH, SEND YOUR FIRE INSIDE YOUR PEOPLE NOW!!!

WE MUST HAVE A REVIVAL! Not some namby-pamby, we’re okay and you’re okay message to placate the ones burning, looting, and killing. NO! We need a Holy Ghost filled REVIVAL! Do YOU know Jesus Christ as your LORD, SAVIOR, GOD, and the KING OF HEAVEN? DO YOU!? Have you forgotten what your own ancestors did to protect this country in the past regardless of race, color, creed, background, origin, or even denomination? Are you going to let politics, affiliations, or social rankings keep you from doing what God Almighty is telling you to do RIGHT NOW? The Lord knows I’ve been failing to do all that I know I was supposed to be doing, but I won’t give up. I’LL JUST DO IT NOW!

Maybe the LAST GREAT REVIVAL isn’t going to happen in a church building. Maybe it will have to be through technology if someone is brave and inspired enough to send out the REAL GOSPEL MESSAGE. Once the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation Period then the dead in Christ will rise and the Holy Spirit will transform those who are alive into their restored bodies of promise so we’ll be rescued out of this world before the Great Tribulation begins. Is it possible we’ll still be here for the first three and a half years of the first judgments in Revelations? Maybe. From my reading and my own understanding I believe we will be taken away BEFORE the first seal is broken. Know Jesus first!

Until the last few pieces of the puzzle of prophecy are placed we need to make sure we stand to protect this democratic-republic and refuse to let it be taken over by the SAME corrupt systems of false forms of government we have been fighting since the birth of our nation! Don’t let slick-talking perfect-world claiming fools blind you into voting for what is completely AGAINST real life. We can’t let them take down this country. We were created to be a stronghold of freedom’s light to the world, so we must NOT let our enemies take away our purpose for being here in the first place! While we vote our Faith we need to begin LIVING IT TOO! Anyone can be saved. Anyone can be changed. ANYONE CAN BE!

IF. That is a small but powerful word. IF can make a mountain crumble. IF can part a sea. IF can give a ruler more life. IF can make a lame man walk and a blind man see. IF. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” If. That’s an important promise but also a binding contract. IF. We have to DO SOMETHING. We can’t sit on our pews and expect some other group to do what we were called to do. We can’t be quiet when we are the ones supposed to be crying out to God. We can’t complain when we don’t try to stop the evil.Read the Christian Bible. Listen to Christian songs of Faith to give you strength and conviction like “God of Elijah” by Disciple, “Revival in the Land” by Carmen, and “God Is God” by Lance Palmer with R. W. Schambach. Reach out to everyone you can by using any media possible to lift up the weary believers and encourage the unsaved to find Salvation in Christ. This isn’t to scare people but to instruct and enlighten them with the Truth found ONLY in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to find the Peace that passes understanding, and right now in 2020, peace is an uncommon commodity unless you know that you know that you know… JESUS!

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Seek Him and everything else will fall into place. ~TK~

America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis

“America on the Brink of an Identity Crisis” by Tonja Condray Klein

I’m a non-conforming individualist, a born-again spirit-filled Christian, and a supporter of the arts and sciences when they line up with historical reality and been proven with more than one discipline. What I find disconcerting in 2020 is that too many people who claim to be Christians, conservative, or even possessing common sense seem to be so silent, absent, or even comatose when facing what is happening in politics, religion, society, and transitioning government types. It’s not that hard to SEE, HEAR, and KNOW what is going on, but many in these groups seem to be HIDING now.

I don’t claim to be brave, and I certainly have failed in my life to share my Christian faith as well as I could have at times, but as a citizen of the United States of America I’m now called to vote my Faith, vote my conscience, and vote my support of the Constitution that this country was founded upon. To do less would be a violent slap in the face of my father who fought in World War II, my uncle who died in World War II, and every single soldier over the course of this country’s history who fought to protect all those under their care. THIS MUST NOT EVER HAPPEN IN THE USA!

I’ve been reading various writings for eschatology of biblical prophecy and books about historical changes in many countries that have followed a certain escalation of steps away from freedom toward government control. Both of these studies have left me more concerned than even the news reports do now in the time of Covid-19. The lack of more Christian voices being heard also causes great concern, not only with the 2020 election coming but also not seeing the final Christian revival occurring yet since if we ever needed one IT IS NOW. How many now can see the same thing?

There is ONLY one way that can interrupt the steps trying to take away American freedom – for those pulled into demonic forces attempting to enslave them to instead come to salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ as personal Savior, Lord, and Creator. This is why enemies allied with evil are doing all they can to destroy Christianity. The Biblical Gospel teachings counteract manipulative types of government that try to overtake democratic-republics. This is why America’s founding fathers included freedom of religion to help maintain the rest of the statutes our government will always need.

The founders of the United States of America were not perfect or upright in all ways, but no one in this world has ever been except for Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God Almighty who is our Creator. Jesus died in our places to give us eternal life through Faith in Him. Slavery is one of the greatest wrongs done throughout history, and even this country did not escape using it until the wrong was righted. Before blaming others in this time for what was done throughout all time worldwide, you should read verified history. If we blame every group responsible, EVERYONE is accountable.

Christians are supposed to forgive others, and we have NO right to judge someone else for the sins of his or her ancestors. I do NOT owe anything for the sins of my past relations, and this needs to be upheld as proper justice in 2020. If someone breaks a law presently then he or she needs to be held accountable for it. This newer concept of social justice that is trying to make people pay for something he or she did NOT do is injustice to the core! Why some believe in this misappropriation of blame can only be attributed as driven by hatred with the lack of understanding full global history.

Of course, REAL History isn’t being taught correctly or at all. What I learned in school is NOT what my youngest niece has been taught. I find this completely unacceptable. I was going to be a teacher, and this dereliction of duty by not teaching facts that are proven is an abomination to the calling that teachers used to protect and uphold at all cost. It makes me thankful that I didn’t follow that career path since this current idiocy is overtaking common sense. I know that some of my former teachers would have quit before teaching the absolute false heresies of newer education. I would have too.

As if a global pandemic wasn’t bad enough, America is facing a governmental coup, an educational brainwashing, and a religious falling-away all at the same time! What’s next… outer space alien encounters? Come on, people! How can we, Generation–X in particular, let this happen? While I can see the spirit of the anti-Christ working overtime, I can’t see how this country can let evil take over in a way that appalls my very being! Am I the only one hearing Disciple’s one song “God of Elijah” in stereo right now as a warning? How about Russ Taff’s “Not Gonna Bow”? Check them out for clarity!

America is on the brink of an identity crisis to the foundation. Are we going to let these horrific things continue? Are we going to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the blaring horns of emergency? Are we going to just give up when so many have fought and keep fighting for our freedom? I CANNOT! I do my best to keep politics out of my writing, but when it comes to my Christianity right now politics will determine whether or not I can be FREE to share JESUS. I can’t let my calling to do that be stopped by the miscreant idiots that KNOW NOTHING and want everything their way.

Not on my watch. I MUST SHARE JESUS! I MUST SING HIS PRAISE! I MUST VOTE MY FAITH! I MUST KEEP MY LAMP FILLED WITH OIL! I MUST DO ALL I CAN WHILE I CAN! Before any of us realize this, we may lose the right to do any of it without facing persecution, imprisonment, and even torture. I’m one voice but with a purpose – to live for Christ and share His love even if death is my only gain. I will FIGHT, though, and not bow to the idols. I’m a reclaimed daughter of Father God Almighty and joint-Heir with Yeshua Jesus Christ my Savior, Lord and King!

Who and what are you?


“Is There Enough Shaking Yet, Brothers and Sisters in Christ?”

I’ve been watching both fact-related and opinion-given news, reading articles on our world’s changing political alignments, and comparing it all to the Holy King James Bible in 2020. With all that stated I can only conclude it means we are moving closer to the time known as the “Rapture” of the true Church who accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior by believing the blood He shed for every single person on Calvary paid for ALL of our sins that we have at birth and are each accountable for once we come to the realization of our separation from God Almighty our Creator.

One thing currently concerns me: the last Great Revival has NOT happened yet! Where are present-day Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul? Where are you, Silas, Priscilla, and Timothy? There seem to be very few churches preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Where are the gifts of the Holy Spirit being used? Where are the churches that are yearning for the honest powerful touch of God that can hit you like a wrecking ball to break the chains on your life? Have you ever felt that loving hand of God that convicts you, saves you, cleans you, and restores you to your place with Him?

I have. I know this is real. I’ve felt His healing more than once. I’ve known His consoling touch during times of trial or loss. I’ve screamed, thrown things, and cursed in frustration, but Jesus Christ is always there to remind me WHO I belong to and HOW it’s possible for me to call on Him. Are you crying out for HIS divine touch? If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior then He has more for you in this life until we are taken to safety before the Great Tribulation in REVELATION, DANIEL, EZEKIEL, ISAIAH, and JEREMIAH. THE LAST REVIVAL MUST HAPPEN FIRST!

Have you been shaken yet? I believe God Almighty has been allowing things to happen to get our attention. No, He didn’t send the Corona virus to kill people; evil did that all on its own. The True Church needs to PAY ATTENTION! Jesus Christ is trying to WAKE UP THE CHURCH! Are you not tired of dry and meaningless religion yet? If you have ever been in the kind of church services I’ve been blessed to know then I can’t imagine you not wanting MORE of that infusion of the Holy Spirit in your heart, your mind, and your body! This is not crazy. The Gifts are the Presence of God.

Are you wishing for more joy through the reality of supernatural proof in the existence of God Almighty known in the Christian Faith and connected to the Jewish Faith? After studying scriptures and history, I cannot accept any other explanation for how the prophecies have been fulfilled with precision to the year, day, and even hour for it all to happen. I don’t know what is holding it back unless it’s the ones responsible with beginning this are either scared, frustrated with the leaders, or unaware of their important to DO WHAT GOD TELLS YOU WITH HIS GIFTS!

Receiving a Gift of the Holy Spirit is not some crazy ritual or hokey spiritual awaking. Praying in an Unknown Tongue is a sign that the Holy Spirit has infused you with the Pneuma of God again that ALL of mankind lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed our Creator and the world fell from Grace when sin entered. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Revelation, Prophecy, Healing, Dreams, Faith, Discernment, Messages in Tongues, and Interpretations in Tongues. They are all meant to show God’s Presence to Believers and unbelievers.

As we see the new peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates and Israel we need to understand that this may be the way those serving the Anti-Christ already use to align countries needed for the Anti-Christ to be put in place. He may already be born and in politics in an area of previous Assyrian rule or a descendant from the Israel tribes in Dan. This is a possibility noted on several Christian groups that offer prophecy teachings that seem to line up with the main Holy Bible, world history, and current geographic locations with the layout of religious hierarchy theocracies in the Middle East.

Some things MUST happen before the Church is rescued before the Great Tribulation begins. Some think that won’t happen until the middle of the seven years stated. Others think at the end of the seven years. I believe it will be BEFORE the first judgment happens. I may be wrong, but I hope and pray to God Almighty in the powerful name of Jesus Christ that we will be taken away or “raptured” as the wording is used. Regardless, EVERY BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR, LORD, KING, AND GOD ALMIGHTY should be SEEKING, WATCHING, and PRAYING!

We also must be SHARING the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and not some watered-down religious meeting that has NO POWER, NO ENERGIZING, and NO SALVATION. I WANT MORE!!! More Gifts laying all our hearts bare before God Almighty so we can’t hide and will cause a spiritual reaction that CHANGES LIVES, SAVES SOULS, and RESTORES PEOPLE who desperately need HIM! As Christians we MUST look beyond ourselves, STOP following dry platitudes that have no power, and LET the HOLY SPIRIT into Your Heart after accepting Jesus as SAVIOR!

Is there enough shaking yet? Do ANY of you realize what is at stake if we fail to point people to the TRUTH we have as Believers in the Salvation by GRACE and through FAITH in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary? Do we not care if people go to Hell for eternity? Do any of us? I wouldn’t be writing this or putting it up on social media that may or may not allow it at some point, but I WILL have it up on my website. You can find out more about Jesus Christ and the prophecies of the Bible at: https://www.tribulationhelp.com – It’s not a dry religion… it is Life Eternal through Christ!


TREADING THE PATH Will Be Published Soon!

Book 2 of my ‘Rebirth of Eirinth’ novel series TREADING THE PATH should be released as an E-Book and Paperback before Christmas 2019! It has the continuing storyline with characters from Book 1 and new characters too. As Book 1 had 124,395 words, Book 2 has 153,924 in the draft sent to my Proofreader, but that may change with revisions before finalized. Here are two of the new for you to sigh and envision what they will do on Eirinth.Jamison from Earth and Arin from Eirinth… worlds apart and yet their dimensions are joined from translation between. Enjoy the peek as I begin to put the new pics with stats up on the website. I can’t wait for all of my readers to meet them and find strengths, weaknesses, gifts, and romances as they all have to learn how to fight together in new ways with old and new partners that will decide the next step for the Rebirth of Eirinth!

Tonja Condray Klein with Rick Florian circa 1990’s!

Tonja Condray Klein with Rick Florian, lead singer for my favorite Christian Music Artist Group WHITE HEART. This group inspired my musical writing, and I vocal trained on my own as a teen by singing to Rick Florian’s part in the group’s songs. My hair says the time period, and I still shake my head at that style! Fuzzy, fuzzy, fuzzy curls *lol*

WHITE HEART was no longer touring, but Gersh, Rick, and Gordon were again recently and I just messaged them to find out when and where! I was blessed to see the whole group twice in my lifetime, first at the iconic Hara Arena that is no longer open, and then at Kettering Assembly of God where I saw them the second time when this picture was taken, possibly  in 1992. It was a blessing to stand beside my favorite male vocalist of all time!

It was their song “Over Me” that I sung after the 2019 tornadoes in Dayton, Ohio, at Northridge High School for the FHMCC church service on 07/02/19 as noted on previous blog post. I found this picture recently and decided to share it with those who visit Eirinth at this website to give perspective to my music choices for Christ.

If you don’t know WHITE HEART then you need to get “Freedom” (Tonja’s favorite album still) available on iTunes now. The first album of theirs I got was “Don’t Wait for the Movie”, then my favorite, then “Powerhouse”, and finally “Inside”. All of their music is Christ inspired and Spirit-anointed that blessed me for the past 33 years!

You might hear a little of their style in my music, but nothing will ever compare to their lyrical, musical, and vocal demonstrations of God Almighty’s power through His Son Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit in us once we accept Christ as Savior, Lord, and King! When I get low, I’ll go to my digital versions now of their songs to lift me up.

On a personal writer note, I plan to use my own song “Embrace the Breaking” that is not out yet but in process on my ‘Rebirth of Eirinth’ Novel Series Book 2 TREADING THE PATH that is close to being completed to be released in time for Christmas 2019.  WHITE HEART still inspires me, encourages me, challenges me, and comforts me today through their anointed songs that still rock!



The file below was filmed at FHMCC that meets at Northridge High School in Dayton, Ohio after the tornadoes hit on Memorial Day 2019 that barely missed where we live in a mobile home. This song was listed as my favorite in my Senior Bio in the Northridge High School 1990 yearbook, so singing it on the same stage where I had sung my own written song “My Captain” at the Senior Awards Assembly in 1990 also that is now recorded and has lyrics from it used in my Fantasy Novel BREAKING THE SHACKLES as an E-Book and Paperback by Tonja Condray Klein was a blessing to me since I had already sung “My Captain” live there again on that stage a year or so before.

My prayer is that it blessed and maybe comforted those who had lost so much in the destruction. I also pray that anyone who sees it now will be blessed, comforted, and inspired too. “Over Me” was originally recorded by White Heart. The track sung to was released soon after the album “Freedom” in 1989. I’ve been singing this for that long, but my heart was breaking for those that were without a home, possessions with sentimental value, and even the means of surviving every day without power or their own bed. I am blessed to be part of FHMCC that not only gave away food and supplies to the surrounding area but also several cars to those that had lost them in these storms. THAT is being the hands and feet of Jesus!

No matter what you’re going through, let the Love of Jesus Christ fall over you like rain, and let the healing waters of His Grace fill you with His Love, Peace, and Joy in the midst of any storm. Click play to watch and MAY JESUS BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU!


Professional EP Album Released 05/29/18!

Updated EP versions of three previously released Singles “Perfect Dream”, “My Captain”, and “Find Yourself” that have lyrics used in Novel by Tonja Condray Klein, “Dancin’ on the Wind” that has had local radio play, and newly released song “Part of His Pearl” on this new downloadable EP Album or individual songs. Listen to songs used in BREAKING THE SHACKLES, song played on radio, or new release for FREE or BUY needed format at any of the links listed at: https://tonjaklein.hearnow.com/.

ALL SONG LYRICS, MELODY, AND FEMALE VOCALS BY TONJA KLEIN. ALL MUSIC ARRANGEMENTS, INSTRUMENTS, AND MALE VOCALS BY RON SHORT OF NGS MEDIA GROUP. Ron G. Short wrote his Christian Novel THE NEED WORD that’s available at Amazon online. All songs protected by BMI and owned by Singer/Songwriter Tonja Klein also known as Published Author Tonja Condray Klein.

12/03/17 – Great Christmas Gift for Fantasy Series Readers!

If you need a gift for someone between ages 13 and 93 who loves Epic Fantasy Series Novels like those set in Narnia created by C.S. Lewis, in Middle Earth created by J.R.R. Tolkien, or in Merovence created by Christopher Stasheff, then BREAKING THE SHACKLES set in Eirinth created by Tonja Condray Klein will be a great gift for Christmas 2017! This Novel has 124,395 words in the E-book or Paperback formats on Amazon. Novel/CD Combo Pack is in local stock at New & Olde Pages Bookshoppe, Englewood, Ohio. Get this gift for your imaginative loved one to traverse between dimensions to fight with the characters for what is right in Eirinth and on Earth! ~ TCK ~

Online E-Book or Paperback with New Cover and has 124,395 words in 289 pages.


Original Paperback with 124,395 words sold with Tonja Klein Music CD in Combo Pack at New & Olde Pages Bookshoppe in Englewood, OH.