TREADING THE PATH is Book 2 and the continuation of “Rebirth of Eirinth” Fantasy Novel Series with BREAKING THE SHACKLES, Book 1. Eirinth is the alternate dimension realm to Earth that has different passing of time between the two realms, but a new facet of intersection is beginning. The action is ongoing. Romances bud as new as some bloom to full blossoms. Secrets are exposed while deceptions are hidden in darkness or brought to light. Questions continue while learning intensifies for more upcoming battles to protect the mortals in Nagisa, Ando, and capital city Kanmuri for Tenrai Daystar against the evil demons of Naraku. Enjoy the ride… it gets rather rocky…

PROLOGUE: What Cannot Be Seen

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


 ~ Almost 70 years ago in the world of Eirinth outside the village of Kitai ~

She woke up with her mouth being as dry as the desert sand in the area where she found herself lying. Her memory was blank, and she was immediately overcome with fear when her hand met a wet place on her temple that turned out to be blood. She didn’t know where she was. In fact, she didn’t know who she was which made her wonder what in the world she’d been doing. Her body felt like it had been hit with a blast of something powerful, but she couldn’t remember what it could have been, and pain radiated all over to make her so weak she didn’t think she could stand. The sound of hooves in the distance proved her assessment wrong since she leaped to her feet and began looking for a hiding place. What met her eyes then was even more disturbing than her lack of memory and halted her retreat; the bodies of what appeared to be dozens of men and women not moving at all seemed to signify lack of life. What had happened? Why was she there with them? Since this whole group seemed dead, why was she still alive? Her tears fell without permission as she gazed over faces she may have once known. Why was there no recognition of any? One of them could be her husband, sister, brother, son, or daughter, and she wouldn’t know!

“Are you all right, Milady?” A gentle female voice asked from much nearer than she had realized in her addled state. She jolted from her inner thoughts to look up into disturbed mocha eyes of another woman still sitting in the saddle on a medium-sized horse.

She saw a couple of men she hadn’t noticed before as they began checking the bodies with horrified looks. “I don’t know,” was her shaky reply. “I don’t know why I’m here. I don’t know who all these people are. I don’t know where I am…” She took a breath and then added, “I don’t even know who I am!” The last was wailed as she fell to her knees feeling deep mourning she didn’t understand but was there nonetheless as her eyes landed on the prone forms.

“Why don’t we move you to somewhere safer, Milady?” The other woman suggested as she dismounted her steed and moved closer with an outstretched hand.

She met the other woman’s kind eyes but then gasped out, “Please just tell me who you are and where I am.”

The woman’s dark hair had strands of gold and red showing her uniqueness, but it was her calm voice that warmed the woman who didn’t know her own name as the other woman let her hand fall and replied, “You are near the Kitai village in the Yakedo Province of the Migoto Kingdom. I’m Selah Coeur, a local healer by trade and was on my way home from checking on a village that had many fall very ill recently.”

“I would tell you all that I know if I knew anything at all,” the woman on her knees said as she wiped tears away. “I don’t know how I came to be here or how all of these people were killed. I woke up a few moments ago and found blood from a possible wound to my head before I heard your horses approaching.” She shook her head and felt overwhelming despair. “Where can I go without knowing who I am? What am I to do when I don’t know where I’m from or supposed to be? For all I know, the ones who killed all of these thought I was dead too, so they may try again, and I won’t even know why!”

Selah smiled at her and offered her hand again as she affirmed, “I will get you to safety, Milady. Let’s get away from this place and let the others deal with what you cannot in your present upset.” Selah looked at the fallen then gave the other woman a commiserating pat to her shoulder. “My husband’s guard will let the local Knights know of this.”

Grasping Selah’s hand with her trembling one, the woman stood and let Selah lead her away. She didn’t know what would happen or what she was going to have to do to find her place in the world again, but her heart found hope as Selah led her from the place of death that was her only past memory at the moment.

“Since you don’t know your name, why don’t we call you ‘Carissa’?” Selah suggested as they neared the horse.


~ Almost 10 years ago in the world of Earth outside the city of Dayton ~

Hugh Antonio Lewis halted on the sidewalk of the street he’d been walking on to reach a business appointment to gape in dismay at a kid who was probably around eight years old who was standing on a dangerously tipped crate to reach into a dumpster at the mouth of an alley. The kid’s clothes were dirty and ripped in a couple places, but the idea of any child eating from the garbage sent Hugh forward to try to keep that from happening.

“Hey there, can I help you before you hurt yourself?” Hugh asked as he moved closer.

The kid, who looked like a boy upon closer inspection, whirled around and began falling from his precarious perch. Hugh rushed to grab the boy’s arm to steady him as the boy’s feet violently landed on the ground where he could have broken something. As soon as the kid got his balance again he roughly pushed away from Hugh.

“Get away from me, old man! I ain’t botherin’ nobody, so hit the bricks!”

Hugh looked at the boy in surprise but then thought about the possible situations the child had been in before. Hugh then backed away with his hands up and spoke kindly but loud enough for the kid to hear him, “I simply didn’t want for you to get hurt, young man. That box was a bit rickety.”

The boy who had reddish-blond hair almost falling into his eyes puffed at them so he could see better and then glared at Hugh as he growled out, “I didn’t ask you for nothin’, man, so don’t be expectin’ nothin’.” The boy then huffed before suddenly curious eyes met Hugh’s with a challenge before he asked, “What is ricty spose to mean?”

Hugh couldn’t help but smile. He was a lecturer on different educational subjects, so he knew when a kid was hungry to know things even if he had barriers that knowledge had to get through for the kid to admit it. “Rickety means it wasn’t strong enough to hold you up. It’s the same as weak or shaky.”

The kid snorted, “Well, I knew that, but I usually am better at fallin’ without gettin’ hurt. I just needed to see if I could find my friend’s shirt that got thrown away by one of the stupid kids at the place we call home now.”

Hugh had wondered if the kid was homeless, in a county home, or with a street gang. All three had pluses and minuses that needed assessed, but being in the system made it easier to help sometimes. He suddenly wondered what this tough boy could become if he just got the chance. “Do you like computers?”

“I ain’t no thief!” Was the reply, but Hugh could see the longing there that the boy was hiding with bluster.

“I never said you were a thief. I wanted to know if you liked using computers for homework or to play games.” The boy’s unguarded expression of longing on his face was the answer, so Hugh continued, “I teach an after-school class on basic computer use at the community center. Check it out if you want, and I could possibly help with your living situation too if you need it since I’m from New York and know how tough it can be for those without a good education even in Ohio.”

The boy gave him a considering look, but the desire to know more had to be stronger than his mistrust as he answered, “I don’t know, but I might.” He then reached his slightly scraped hand out. “I’m Jamison.”

Hugh returned the handshake and smiled. “I’m Hugh, and I think you could find an entirely new world if you try.”

Jamison gave him a puzzled look and then asked, “Like Lantis?”

Hugh laughed in appreciation at that reference then answered glibly, “Atlantis could just be the beginning. I hear that Merovence and Gramarye can be even more interesting.”

“Are they lost too?” Jamison asked with a hint of concern lacing his voice.

Hugh chuckled in delight, “Sometimes they seem to be, but then sometimes they are found at just the right moment!”

Jamison looked at Hugh for a couple seconds and then his eyes went back to the dumpster. “I’ll make you a deal. If you find the shirt before the truck gets here then I’ll come to at least one class. Is that worth your help?”

Hugh could tell that the boy was taking a real chance with asking him to do anything considering what he had said when Hugh had tried to keep him from falling. Hugh nodded, went toward the receptacle, and looked into it for a shirt. It only took a couple of minutes to see a small tee-shirt that looked like something a boy around Jamison’s age would wear. Hugh grabbed it and pulled it free to hand over to Jamison.

“Thank you, man…mister,” Jamison muttered as he gripped the shirt like it was the Holy Grail, and the fact that it had artwork that looked like Japanese Anime made its rescuer nod in appreciation.

“You can call me Hugh, Jamison. I look forward to seeing what you can learn when you come to class.”

Jamison tilted his head then asked, “You teach more than computers too, doncha?”

“You learn more than just falling too, right?” Hugh responded as he tilted his head the same way.

The teacher and future student grinned in agreement before Jamison offered to let Hugh give the shirt back to his friend.

CHAPTER 1: Finding What Can Be

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate  dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


 There are moments in life when Change is not wanted because it can disrupt the established reality by forcing through barriers created over the course of years, decades, or even centuries. This powerful force of the universe exists to carry out true Divine Will, walking with its mortal counterpart, Time. As Change can free someone from mediocrity of a mere existence, Time can heal hurts from that same existence. Not all of human suffering is meant as punishment, but not all kinds of pleasure are rewards either. Time is able to grant wisdom to see the truth of which one was given at the given moment… and why.

Change takes the passage of Time, and Time is shaped by the effects of Change. Time can be quickened by Change while Change can be held back by Time. The two are intertwined like a never-ending spiral, making up the path of mortality as the Creator envisioned. It is only when mortals interfere that this perfect synchronization is interrupted to create need for another force to intervene – Destiny.

Destiny is not coerced. Time does not alter it and Change cannot diminish it, but a person can delay it or even refuse to follow it. Destiny can lead someone to a path that will put Change back on course within a right context of Time. There are many destinies working at any given moment, but those that are bound together are hardest to break even when the people are unaware of it. Only when those sharing that same path that Destiny leads them to embrace can real Change occur as Time then becomes an ally.

Unfortunately, Destiny can only take someone as far as that person is willing to go…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The mountains were covered with snow a lot sooner than expected in the early autumn month of Kugatsu, making the progress slower along the path they were taking. Jase Inoue sighed wearily as he led his group to the small outcropping he’d found a few days ago, kindling for a fire already stacked there in case something went wrong and he had to leave. Jase now knew why he’d felt the unbelievably strong urge to prepare for it and was thankful he let common sense take over. Takeo would try to hunt them down when he found out about their retreat, and the younger man still feared the older one after being controlled by Takeo for so long. Only Ryuu’s faith in his change of heart had spurred the copper haired Kouken along, making him take the lead when he used to just follow.

Jase had convinced the others to come with him only a few hours ago. When he’d told them about Takeo and what had happened to Kisho none of them had argued about leaving Bunan, simply gathering a few personal items before going. He’d even found the courage to tell them about his involvement with some of the things he now regretted, expecting the worst; his friends had given him the same as Ryuu had with accepting him changing his course – absolution. Jase knew that he didn’t deserve forgiveness for what he’d done but looking at those who were relying on him gave him some hope of redemption if he succeeded at leading them to the new path they needed.

Shiloh Levin, shy of being two hundred years old by only a few months had been quick to point out that Jase had done the right thing in the end and that was what mattered the most. Shiloh had short spiked auburn hair and charcoal gray eyes that made for a beautifully powerful form for his element when needed. He and Jase were the only Stag-Wielders their age in the group, so Jase had felt a kinship with him from the beginning. He’d probably kept Jase from completely giving into the evil that Takeo tried to pull him into through using bitterness from his past to control him.

Arin Murphy was a couple months over a hundred-seventy-five years and had short wavy dark brown hair with thick bangs that fell into her bright emerald green eyes. The young woman was a force to be reckoned with since her Fire Phoenix was very powerful during practice sessions. Jase had been as disappointed as she was when their practicing within Sakari was forbidden. While he and the others hadn’t known what to do, Arin had gone alone and found the practice area over the border in Heigen where their group had continued testing their elements secretly. Arin’s spirit didn’t seem to be conquerable so Jase knew that she would be a good ally to have in the coming fight.

Amaya Tyrell was older than the others, over three-hundred-twelve years old, but her short curly black hair, vibrant sea-green eyes, and a porcelain complexion made her look much younger. Her element was Wave in the form of a brilliantly colored lion like Zale’s, and she was almost as fierce as he was when practicing. Her manner off the practice field was calm and soothing, showing her peaceful state. That temperament was what Jase hoped would help the others get through what was ahead. He knew they had a long journey in front of them to not only get to Rosen but convince Ryuu and the other Kouken of their intentions too. They had to become stronger in fighting the unleashed demons like the Ikusakki so they could protect the people of Migoto and all of Eirinth again.

Tristan Armitage, the final one in their group, had short black hair above his ears that fell over his forehead into bright teal blue eyes that missed little. At three-hundred-seven years, he was older than any in their group except Amaya. He was a Wind Wielder with his element’s form a Wolf, and his temper was renowned sometimes like the real animal. He’d provoked Siena many times during the dark days of Ryuu’s depression when Siena had almost always been itching for a fight. Tristan had usually obliged him. Jase didn’t think he actually disliked Siena. Instead, Tristan had seemed to admire the younger man and wanted to prove himself as a worthy elemental brother in spite of his slightly older age.

“Why are we not using our elements to travel?” Arin asked suddenly as she sat down on one of the rocks near the place for the fire, bringing Jase out of his musings.

“Takeo might be searching for my signature,” he replied, hoisting his pack beside another rock to rummage through it for a flint. “We can’t let him use us to lead him to Ryuu and the others. It’s also why I don’t want to use our Gifts now.”

“I might have an answer for that,” Amaya said in a quiet voice. “Help is nearby.”

Jase looked at her, his flint clutched in his hand. “What do you mean? Who could…?”

“They left when we moved to Bunan,” Amaya explained with a soft sigh. “Even if Takeo had the way to remember their energy signatures, these Kouken know how to hide them, making it possible to go where they are needed without them being detected by our enemies. I am Mate-Linked to one of them.”

They all gaped for a moment until Shiloh asked, “I thought Curtis was killed, Amaya. When did this all happen?”

Amaya looked at the four sitting there staring in shock at her. “Curtis and I were Mate-Linked before he left to lead the others to a safer place for our kind since the Council was no longer focusing on our purpose to protect the people. We decided it would be better for him to be thought dead and for me to stay in Bunan since my mother needed me after the loss of my father. She passed away last month, so I’d planned to join him next week.” She smiled. “If I tell him to meet us, he will take us the rest of the way to Rosen without us having to worry about Takeo finding our trail.”

“They are loyal to the crown?” Tristan asked warily, always on the defensive as far as Jase could tell.

The curly haired woman smirked. “They’ve been fighting the demons to protect people all this time in secret, not letting the villagers know who they are so they could keep hidden from anyone who might stop them.” Her faith and pride were evident as she spoke. “Yes, Tris, they are loyal and very strong. We’d do well to have them join us once we’re all settled since they have practical experience.”

Jase nodded, feeling his fears begin to dissipate more. Only the Creator could have orchestrated all of this. The thought made the young man shake his head in absolute awe as he smiled and struck the flint to get the fire started. “How long will it take for him to come to us?”

“Not long,” Amaya said with a grin. “If I tell him now he could be here in a couple of hours.”

“Thank Tenrai!” Arin exclaimed, making them laugh at how she was shifting on the hard surface.

“Then we should try to get some rest for now,” Jase told them, as he pulled a handkerchief from his pack to wrap his flint for protection. The handkerchief was one that his grandmother had stitched for him, and sweet memories it held made him smile. He’d brought it to remind himself that not everyone begrudged his element’s form. Jase couldn’t let bitterness overtake him the way Takeo had. He looked at those he’d begun to call friends from the time spent practicing more with them as true peace he hadn’t had in a long time filled him.

“This is not going to be easy, but I think we’ve all come to understand what will happen if we don’t stand up for what we all believe in.” Jase smiled at them with a warmness that surprised him and apparently them too from their expressions. “We must make our lives count for what is right, even if it means death!”

“Even if death!” Tristan answered, placing his fist over his heart, the sign of fealty to the crown, but Jase also knew that it meant to Tenrai as well for all of them.

“Even if death!” The others agreed, making the same motion before they all settled down to wait.

Amaya had already closed her eyes to contact her Mate-Link right after they’d agreed to it, and Jase thought about how wonderful it would be to find the one he was meant to be with for life. Perhaps someday he would…

Destiny was already waiting patiently for them all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Macy made her way to Ryuu’s room. They needed to discuss a couple of important things before she could go to sleep. She knocked then opened the door to find the room empty. She began to turn around to leave until she saw a worn book on Ryuu’s nightstand. Curiosity won over caution, and she walked inside and picked up the book to find where it obviously was marked from Ryuu’s reading. She thumbed back a few pages to begin. It didn’t take long for her to realize that the passages were made by Ryuu’s father and spoke about how the powers for the Kouken had been deteriorating since the much older deceased man’s time. Many things began to make more sense with reading the systematic steps that had been made to weaken fighters and for those affects to have occurred for decades, especially not allowing the Mate-Linked couples to serve the same Bengosha. Macy was appalled at how long this had been going on as she read passages.

How could they have allowed this? She had an answer as soon as she thought it: Takeo. Although she thought there was more going on than just him being responsible for it alone, she also knew he received pleasure in the most horrendous things. Sometimes he had seemed to come out of a daze, but then after that he’d suddenly be filled with this pain that seemed to make him become even more belligerent in his actions as if controlled or reprimanded by doing even worse things as a sick kind of punishment. Knowing about the scrolls and then retrieving them from the study on the way out of the house when Ryuu and Euridis had rescued her had given her the sense of true accomplishment she hadn’t felt for a long time. She thought that the loss of the hidden wisdom would bring pain on Takeo even worse than Jaedin being rescued. If Takeo was actually a pawn used by someone even more powerful, then the Kouken there in Nagisa would be the greatest threat to their enemies.

Macy continued to read the journal and went past where Ryuu had left off. The scrolls she’d taken from Takeo’s room were important too, but this journal was a voice from the grave that they also needed to understand the why and how of what they had all lost and were just learning again and that it was more than they could have imagined. The worst part about it was that it had been done by the trusted Kouken Council who were making laws that began as protection but in reality caused them to become weaker and weaker as each new change happened. The journal of Ryuu’s father had already helped him to see what needed to be done to begin a return to their original abilities. Reading the scrolls and comparing them with the journal could give proper historical and governing understanding so they could keep it from ever happening again. Their group had a limited amount of time now to get strong enough to fight the two different groups trying to destroy their kingdom and their faith. They each needed to schedule reviewing of books and scrolls, practicing their gifts with each other, and discussing who was ready to Pledge-Link with possible future Bengosha as called by Tenrai Daystar. Macy felt that bond would be the most important in restoring the balance in protecting the people, keeping their personal faith as a focus, and healing from the past they had all had to suffer through for far too long… including her.

Macy sighed as she remembered the day she was planning her future Mate-Link ceremony to Ryuu. She and her best friend then and now chose material for their gowns, selected music for the ceremony and celebration, and picked out flowers for the chapel and the square long before Euridis was asked to join the Council. Macy would never forget what they had decided and the laughter over their plans for their homes to be nearby and children to be raised together. In fact, she could make a list that would be a near exact copy of the one Takeo had shredded in front of her when he had demanded she take him as Mate if she wanted to keep Jaedin and Ryuu both alive. Macy could still feel a moment of absolute terror that her choice would mean for her forever, and her outright heartbreak knowing she’d never belong to Ryuu in making that unavoidable decision. The terror had left her, but that heartbreak was as strong now as it was then, and that told her that she still wished to be with Ryuu, but once he knew… if he found out… Macy sighed sadly. Her big fantasy wedding would never be possible. She’d been forced to do many terrible things to keep both Saito brothers as safe as possible, but Ryuu couldn’t let their previous romance interfere with what had to be done to save the kingdom from destruction.

With that necessity overriding the dream she needed to let go, Macy kept reading.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seimitsu had felt conflicting emotions from Ryuu over the past few minutes, and she knew she had to get to him before he focused on his new purpose she’d sensed from him through their link. She had to let Ryuu know what she knew first. She’d intended to see Jaedin already, but he must have fallen asleep since as Seimitsu rounded the corner to his room she almost slammed right into Ryuu who was walking away.

“Ryuu, what are you doing?” She exclaimed as he grabbed her arms to avoid their imminent impact.

“Trying to not let you hurt us, Bengosha-mine.” He said with an intended teasing tone as Seimitsu could tell through their link.

“I knew you were with Jaedin and wanted to see you both. Siena is with him now instead?”

Ryuu smiled weakly. “Yes. Siena took over the watch. I have something else I have to do now, so…”

“If it’s about Macy, I need to tell you something before you see her,” Seimitsu interrupted quickly.

The sable-haired man sighed but then told her, “Okay, but whatever it is won’t change how I feel about her or what I’m going to do before the night is over.”

The honey-brown haired young woman nodded. “Good. This isn’t easy for me, but I want you to know the truth no matter how upset Macy or Jaedin will be with me later. I saw Jaedin’s memory of Macy being forced to sleep with him while Takeo watched. I know Jaedin is still scared about how you will react, and Macy’s been torn apart inside over it all this time, but they both did it to save your life! Blame Takeo, because Macy and Jaedin love you so much they did what they thought they had to do for you! You need to never forget that no matter how much this bothers you in the brotherly or romantic way.”

Ryuu stood rigidly in front of his Bengosha, and she felt the weight of her own words fall on him like boulders. She hated to heap on what he was already carrying. Ryuu closed his eyes for a moment but then said more calmly than his emotions felt to her, “I understand, my Light. I won’t hold Jaedin or Macy accountable for their actions before. I will let Jaedin know later, but tonight I will claim what was promised to me with the full knowledge of what Macy has been through to help me. I will prove to her that she is still the only woman I’ll ever love or want in my life as my Mate-Link.” Ryuu patted Seimitsu’s arm. “Thank you. Now I need to accept Tenrai’s promise to me!”

Seimitsu smiled. “Rekindle the hope in her heart, my Fire Kouken, by being her spark.” With that command she let him go on his way and reached Jaedin’s room to see how the one she loved was doing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryuu decided to return to his room to change before he’d search for Macy. What Seimitsu had told him explained why Jaedin and Macy had both acted the way they had at times since his brother’s rescue. Ryuu was disheartened over his brother not trusting him enough to tell him and frustrated over their love for him being used to hurt Jaedin and Macy. His fury raged at Takeo over doing this to Macy on top of taking her from him and hurting Jaedin in the ways Ryuu didn’t want to imagine. If he ever got the chance he would exact vengeance over this, not against Jaedin or Macy, but against Takeo and anyone else responsible for the ongoing torture put on them for the past seventy years. As Ryuu neared his room, he was surprised to see the door open but pleased when he noticed the woman of his quest standing by his bed with his father’s journal in her hand she seemed to be reading intently.

“Sorry to interrupt, my love, but I needed to change before looking for you,” Ryuu managed to say as he leaned against the door frame to watch Macy whirl around with a gasp as her face began to redden. Although Ryuu was curious about her being there, seeing her expression and how her emotions still always seemed to show by the color of her cheeks reminded him again why he had and always would love her.

“Ryuu,” Macy said in a hushed breath that quickened his. “I didn’t mean to be… I was looking to see if… I wasn’t sure why…” Her explanation died on her lips as Ryuu strode toward her with each halted word to then take her mouth in a kiss that spoke of no recourse of action from that point forward for him.

When his lips left hers, his voice echoed in the room, “You were meant to be mine, Macy Hensley. What happened is in the past, and that is where it will remain. I will love no other. I will accept no other. I will have you, Macy, because it is a promise we made and a promise I will fulfill!”

The next kiss was joined by Ryuu’s hands unwinding her braided hair until the waves flowed past her waist and down on her back. Ryuu unbuckled his belt and let it fall to the floor, and before Macy could protest, he lifted her and carried her over to his bed to lay her on the soft quilt. His mouth didn’t leave hers the entire time as he then moved his body on top of hers and heard her moan of desire fill the air.

Macy suddenly broke their kiss to look into what he knew were pools of love and yearning before she then managed to pant out, “How could you still want me, Ryuu? After what has happened all of these years, how can you?”

Ryuu looked into violet gems he could make glow with happiness again and answered her easily, “You were promised to me by the One who helped us to become who we are for the good and to fight the bad. I will never doubt His Will for us again, Macy. I bind myself to you now and always for the rest of my days in this world. Do you deny me now?”

The woman that had seen what true torture could be shook her head in amazement instead of denial as her soft words whispered out, “I will always love you for as long as I live, Ryuu. I don’t know if that will be enough, but I’d give all I have left if it would be.” The last word was spoken with a sob, but it did not diminish what she’d finally admitted.

A soothing red began to flow over the two of them in a visual display of acceptance to the link beginning to intertwine them for the rest of their existence in the Eirinth plane. Connections of the mental, physical, and spiritual in a mystery metaphysical bond immediately enveloped them with a healing that no other joining could have accomplished. When Ryuu began taking off their garments there was no doubt of what this meant for them and how it promised that their link could never be challenged.

“Make me yours, Ryuu,” Macy spoke with more confidence from their link bypassing all of her fears for the first time since she could now feel, see, and understand all of his emotions, memories, and failures too within him. “I have the proof of my future confirmed, so this is where our real life together truly begins.”

Once those words were spoken there were only gasps of delight, groans of pleasure, and completion of the vow once delayed but never discarded as red pulsed with the restoration that neither of them had ever requested but had been given gladly by the One who knew them better than they knew themselves.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Tell Boyce… tell him how… much I loved…” Her mouth faltered as she swallowed.

The young man doubted he would ever get the chance, but to ease her pain, he would at least agree regardless of his own broken heart. Wincing, he managed, “I promise.”

When her eyes went toward the village, Jaedin knew they had to at least try to survive if for no other reason than to keep the demons from killing innocent people.

The young Kouken closed his eyes to focus his senses away from the cries happening around him, knowing that time was running out for them all. He’d sought several times for his fighting gift to find him, but maybe he had to at least try to speak out loud through his pain to get past the interference with his element. He struggled and managed to cough, creating sound he used to form words between each grating voice noise. “Father of Lights… I ask by the… pact of Tenrai to… let Your gift… break this hold.” He winced, gasping with a cough. “Give me… strength to… endure this… I am Your servant… now and always.” He felt his pain lessen and then the answering pulse of energy filled him with what he needed to keep his vow to be a protector.

Usually visual in the form of a midnight blue wolf made of wind, the element found him and worked around its wielder without being seen, freeing Jaedin to fall to the ground from the exertion of fighting against the evil energy spell for so long. He’d known his wolf was still there, waiting for the call, and he hoped the others would fight to release their elements too. For now, his wolf was directed to Aralee, his Defender slumping to her knees, drained from her struggle. Jaedin then led the wind to any Kouken still bound to free them as well.

The demons around them finally realized what was happening and moved to stop them. The other Kouken were still too weak to get up to defend themselves, but Jaedin found enough strength to focus his element at a few demons as they approached; yet strikes from the spiritual energy didn’t weaken them at all where their spells had almost drained the Kouken completely.

Jaedin felt his body strengthening the longer he was in contact with his element’s energy, but when Aralee stood and headed toward the others being killed, he felt fear grip him again.

Before the young man could do anything to stop her or send his Wind Wolf to shield her, his Bengosha stepped in front of her friend who was being manipulated by a red-scaled demon aiming at another Kouken. Her usual defensive barrier hadn’t been raised in enough time, and dark energy hit her instead, causing Jaedin to scream out in a rough voice, “Aralee!”

The woman landed on the ground, and Jaedin watched in horror as her body shuddered violently for a few moments before her hazel eyes closed with the pain. He tried to walk to her, but different energy then suddenly caught him. The young Kouken tried to break free of the new hold but had been cut off from his gift once again. It vanished since he couldn’t direct it. His eyes went to Aralee once more, only to see hers open again to rest on his as she mouthed, “Goodbye, Jaed… my eternal friend… and Protector. Fight to live… and love…”

“No!” Jaedin yelled hoarsely, but he knew in his heart at that moment that he didn’t have long, so his eyes searched hers as he said goodbye to the woman he’d just recently offered love. “If you must go, rest in Tenrai’s embrace, my Ara. I will see you again in that fair land without night. Element and Calling, fierce and faithful!” Aralee smiled softly then sighed as her tearful eyes closed for the last time, and Jaedin let out a tortured howl as the woman lost her life.

The other Protectors hadn’t been able to call their gifts at all, and their enemies sneered at them in blatant revelry while freeing the very few remaining Bengosha to use against their own partners. Jaedin could do nothing to stop them, and it seemed like an eternity until the cries finally ceased, leaving just him to mourn the results of the attack.

All the young man could ask himself was how this had happened to the very ones called by the Father of Lights who came in His mortal form Tenrai Daystar? How had the demons been able to ambush them so easily in this desert? Would Tenrai return to fulfill His promise to be the Last King of Eirinth if His followers couldn’t defeat their enemies now?

“Do you feel any remorse for their deaths?” A familiar voice made Jaedin gasp as he looked over at the man walking towards him – a man Jaedin had not recalled being in their ranks in Yakedo. It was possible he’d missed the other man’s arrival since he’d been hurting from Ara’s earlier romantic refusal, but even so something didn’t seem right about him being there now.

“Where… how did you… we need to see if we can stop…” he began, his voice growing huskier from earlier disuse. When the other man began laughing at his croaking, it shocked the younger one into silence, the unexpected reaction not belonging with such tragedy.

“Oh, I was never in any danger. Who do you think was commanding the demons?”

Dark blue eyes widened in disbelief. “What?” It was not something Jaedin could even understand, especially as he looked from Aralee to take in the rest of his fallen friends.

“I was the one that led the demons here,” the older man said with a smug smirk.             

Jaedin’s heart filled with sorrow at never seeing the mentors teach again like he’d watched Zale, Kaiyan, and Shin from where he hid nearby to judge their strength. His soul wept from the reality of Siena losing his mother so soon after his father and Jaedin’s older brother losing their mentor too. He shook his head in disbelief before heaving a breath, “How could you betray us like this, Takeo? You swore yourself to Tenrai and Eirinth. The demons are enemies of us all!”

Takeo Kojima’s face twisted in anger. “I have sworn nothing! I am my own master! No one can make me do anything I don’t want to do, and I want to do this!”

“No!” Jaedin yelled out, not only in realization of the depths of the man’s treachery, but also because the traitor was walking towards Aralee’s still body.

“Yes!” Takeo sneered as he reached her then turned to face the blue eyes glaring like midnight ice at him. “I had first planned for you to watch as I corrupted her in front of you so you would realize your complete failure to protect her, but this will have to do for now!” The traitor knelt, grabbed Aralee’s head by her thick hair, and then forced her slack face up to place  mockingly tender kisses on her lips, meant to remind Jaedin what he never had from her.

“Why?” Jaedin choked out. “How can you do this to your friends?”

“Friends?” The other man snarled as he faced Jaedin again. “Your family turned my own father against me, saying I would never wield my gift until I learned humility… humility!”

“But you proved him wrong,” the younger man replied, his eyes straying to look at Aralee again. “You didn’t have to do this. You’re an element wielder in your own right!”

Takeo snorted. “I pretended to find my element, as well as be friends. I will enjoy making sure that you, if no one else, never forgets that!” He gave one last pretend caress to Aralee’s hair before letting her head fall heavily to the ground.

Jaedin’s eyes widened at that and the unnatural darkness in the other man’s gaze. He swallowed roughly, trying to moisten his throat. “You could have just killed Ryuu and me!”

“Oh, you and Ryuu will suffer more than any other,” the older man promised, “but this is a far better revenge. Because of this perceived betrayal, the remaining Kouken will go into exile, and the Bengosha will be outlawed by them, which will allow the demons to kill the Defenders.”

“But your brother…” came out of Jaedin’s mouth, but then the name of the man doing this and the other man’s brother was suddenly wiped from his mind, and he fought to hold onto his own identity as that knowledge was also seeming to be stripped away.

The other man grinned as though knowing the battle inside him but crooned as if singing a sweet lullaby. “The demons will rampage this kingdom and others until no one is left to stop them. Because of your self-righteous father, your proud brother… and you, lovesick fool that you are… Migoto and this world will soon fall to the dark realm of Naraku, and every single death will be my revenge.” His hand pointed to where Aralee lay lifeless. “Especially hers!”

“You will one day pay for the treason you have committed here, to us and Tenrai!” The younger man reminded the older one, blue eyes swearing that truth if nothing else. “I will one day see you regret what you’ve done, if not in this life then in afterlife judgment! Even if I die, that will be while defying what you have done here today…”

“But not before you wish you’d never even wielded a gift in this life. Before this is over, you will question your faith and pray for death! For the last time, hear your name being spoken by me, for you will never hear it again… Jaedin Saito.”

With that oath on the older man’s lips, the younger man could no longer remember either of their names. He doubted this traitor would be able to take away his faith in Tenrai or make him scorn his element, but he also knew his life from that point on, no matter how brief or long, it would be a continuous fight he wasn’t sure he could win except with his own death.

“You may take my name, but you will never take who I am from me, traitor. I believe, and I will always believe, if for no other reason than so the ones who died here today will not have done so in vain. At least I know I’ll see them again one day, but that’s something you will never be able to do unless you right this wrong and repent of this treason!”

“Keep telling yourself that will be enough, Gakkuri. Keep telling yourself that.”

The younger man swallowed roughly, not liking the new designation he’d been given…a name meaning ‘Heartbroken’. He’d lost the love of his life and hated to be reminded of that, but at least his Aralee was safe in the blissful realm of Joukai. At the moment, even concern for his life was being overshadowed by fear for the others living in Heigen who happened to be unaware of the truth surrounding Kitai. What would his brother do when this battle was made known?

He realized that all he could do then was to pray that the remaining Kouken and Bengosha fought the path that was being prepared for them with this deceit. The younger man flinched as he was struck with more painfully debilitating energy that he was told would take him into an unnatural sleep that he would never escape except through his captor’s will. The younger man hoped with his last conscious thought that Ryuu would not let such conniving keep him from fighting for what they had both shed blood for together. If what their enemy had devised happened, Migoto and all of Eirinth would be in peril…

Jaedin jolted so violently he was actually sitting up in bed by the time he woke. His panting filled the room as his eyes began searching for something to ground him to the new reality. He was still adjusting to being free so it was easily dismissed as a fantasy during moments of panic.

“It’s okay. It was only a nightmare,” came the female voice he’d come to look forward to hearing but feared relying on even as he gripped the warm hand offered to him by Seimitsu sitting on the adjacent seat.

The kohl black haired man struggled to calm down even as the warm hand holding his had begun to soothe him. He’d heard Seimitsu come into the room as he was waking up but didn’t want to alert her. She sat down on the bench by his bed, and then began to talk with Siena. They had discussed gifts, abilities, and links that might be able to strengthen them to fight with more power, purpose, and protection. That must have caused that memory to surface since it was one he’d fought for the past seventy years as one of his most hated and despairing failures he’d endured.

“Do you need something to drink?” Seimitsu softly asked as her fingers smoothed over his knuckles.

Jaedin wanted to deny it, wanted to tell her to leave, and wanted to not see her concern-filled eyes until he was able to do for himself and not rely on her for anything. It was for her ultimate good! He didn’t want to fail another partner. He didn’t want to ever have another link to anyone he could fail. Why did she persist so? She knew his losses on every level. Why would she put herself in so much danger? He wasn’t strong enough to even take care of himself let alone her. Why did she refuse to see the reality that he was not worth caring about at all? He was thankful for her finding him, rescuing him, and taking pains with his recovery. He just didn’t want to see her die because of him!

“No, but thank you,” he replied with words that felt like sandpaper rubbing an open wound.

Seimitsu continued to rub his hand with gentle strokes of soft finger pads that reminded him how rough and scarred he was. Even without considering the age differences due to his kind, he was older inside than she ever would be. She was kind. She was hopeful. She was faithful. She was all that he would never be again. Why couldn’t she see that? Why was she determined to be…?

“Shiri will bring food when the morning comes,” Siena said from the other bed in the room, letting them know he was awake too. “I’m sure it will have some juice too, Sei.”

The way Siena said Seimitsu’s name grated on Jaedin like a wood saw. How could Siena say her name so calmly and with such friendship and familiarity? When had that happened? Was he in there to make sure Jaedin wouldn’t try to take any advantage of her since she was so attentive to him? Like he would ever think of doing anything like that to someone like Seimitsu! It was an atrocity to even think he would try to do that!

“Shiri and Zale said something last night about making skillet cakes, but I think browned potatoes this morning sound better.” Seimitsu offered the information so readily without any inkling of Jaedin’s conflict. Was she really that naïve? Did she honestly assume that he was good for anything now? It was unthinkable.

Seimitsu’s abrupt movement away from him made his hand clench hers more tightly. “Where are you going?” He demanded and called himself all kinds of an idiot for doing it since it wasn’t any of his business.

“I need to see if Shiri is with Euri. I thought they were going to share the room,” was her answer.

Jaedin felt a formidable fist of foreboding land in his stomach. Why wasn’t Macy with Euridis? Why would Euridis be with Shiri? Were they all together since Seimitsu was with him and Siena? What was going on? Did Euridis and Macy have a fight? He knew Ryuu had left, but his older brother needed a break from Jaedin’s emotional reactions to their reunion. What was going on that Jaedin didn’t know about yet?

“I look forward to discussing the scrolls more with them later today,” Siena interjected in the middle of Jaedin’s muddled unknown tirade of questions. “The sharing of shields by the Bengosha with the Kouken will be a really great advantage in battle, especially since I already saw it happen in the last attack!”

“What little I was able to do for Ryuu really protected him for sure,” Seimitsu responded happily.

Seimitsu was pledged to Ryuu and Shin, Jaedin reminded himself, but he knew she didn’t have a Wind Wielder pledged yet. He looked over to Siena and saw him giving her an enthusiastic grin. Was he planning on pledging to her? Was he biding his time until Jaedin would be out of his way? Was all this nothing more than a torturing dream he would wake from to be alone in the cell again?

“I’m sure Shiri will be able to shield you well, Siena. She’s been looking forward to learning to do that with you, Zale, and Kaiyan. We don’t know who will be her Fire link, but I’m hoping it will be Macy.”

Seimitsu’s words filtered through Jaedin’s ire and managed to snap him out of fear-induced manic thoughts. He looked over to his elemental brother again and felt ashamed for even thinking Siena would ever do something to hurt him on purpose. Everyone knew that Seimitsu had chosen Jaedin to be her Wind Wielder. How could he ever doubt that?

But if he didn’t want her to be his Bengosha then why was he upset about her being someone else’s?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thalia felt worn out when her eyes opened. The sun was shining in through sheer curtains she didn’t remember. It made her blink so she grumbled and turned over to ask Jun what time it was and why he wasn’t making biscuits yet. The smell she thought was him was only one of his shirts on a pillow beside her, and that brought the whole world crashing down on her in an instant. Jun was now no longer with her. That made her throat clench as tears threatened. The dream with Mateo filled her mind once more, but the peace she’d felt then had faded when faced with the first day without her Jun. She needed to get up before the others saw her since she had to deal with her broken emotions first. She just couldn’t let her own pain upset her mother or Vian more than it already had the night before. Thalia pulled on clothes, slipped on shoes, and grabbed her cloak since fall was always so chilly for her. Her memory of Pateren Wendell already being in Sukai had been a surprise that normally would have been good, but his attempts at comforting her was more than she could take right then so she’d pled having a headache to get some rest. Leaving her mother to speak with him, she hid and cried in the room the bookstore owner Sophie had lent her for the night. She vaguely had a memory of the stables when they’d arrived late last night in Sukai. She headed in what she thought was the general direction. Even though she’d become allergic to hay at one point in her life and couldn’t be around areas like that for long, horses could be calming with their thoughtful neighing and warm eyes. Thalia needed calm right then.

The smell of hay and manure led her closer to the place she sought. When she heard the horses she smiled, but then another sound that she didn’t think she’d hear again until reaching Joukai made her breath catch as she paused to make sure she wasn’t going crazy. Thalia tuned her ears to the area that was a closet with the door almost closed. More than one male voice was speaking as she neared.

“I can’t give you another dose until we get to Ando. Two were dangerous to begin with, my friend.”

“We need to get to Ando so the others will be in as safe a place as possible before Kaiyan and I join the others. The longer this takes, the greater the risk of discovery and more hurt feelings.”

There was a brief pause and then, “Just make sure Thalia is doing better before you leave, Shin. This has been too hard on her already. I made vows to her that I intend to keep. If only I had…”

“If only you had what, Juntaro?” Thalia’s voice rang out like a clarion call as she walked into the area to see Eron, Shin, and Jun standing there with expressions that were mixtures of shame, surprise, and shock. She didn’t give them time to figure out what to say or do. She strode into the room and headed straight for Jun. “How could you do this to me!” Her hand began a course she knew she’d regret, but after crying and grieving for the man in front of her that was alive and well when she’d thought him dead was too much emotional overload for her to contain any longer despite Mateo’s spiritual council.

Jun grabbed her wrist before she could make contact with his jaw, pulled her into his arms, and then kissed her with all of the fire that she loved about him. Thalia melted against him in spite of her anger, pain, and confusion. She knew how hard this had to have been on him even if he was a part of it. She also knew she’d yell at all three of them and make him pay in ways he would probably enjoy in spite of her best efforts, but at that moment she let her heart soar in relief and unmitigated joy. “JUN WAS ALIVE!” Her heart yelled as she kissed him in a way she normally wouldn’t unless alone.

When Jun pulled away from the kiss he held onto her hands to keep her from retaliating like he knew she might. “We had to get your family out of the inn, but your mother would not have left if we hadn’t done this. Shin had a Revelation right after Zale had a Dream. When Berne told us that his contacts with the traitors wanted him to kill me to show his allegiance, this seemed like a way to do both things needed.”

“And you couldn’t trust me with this?” Thalia demanded as her anger replaced her relief again. “Am I so unreliable, Jun? I think I’ve been pretty blasted reliable for all of the years we’ve been together, so why wouldn’t you let me be in this with you instead of on the outside in misery I could barely contain?”

“Because I’d rather have your mother angry with me over this instead of being angry with you when she found out,” was Jun’s simple reply.

Thalia started to counter him but then thought about her mother. The woman could be as faithful and loyal as a knight in armor, but when her feelings were hurt by someone doing what she didn’t understand she’d become as prickly as a porcupine when attacked. Sighing, Thalia relaxed her tense muscles and gave him a nod. “I understand, but don’t ever do this again, or my mother won’t be the only porcupine that will quill you until you truly beg for mercy.”

Jun smiled and took her in his arms again. “Unless the situation would lead to death for any of those we love then I promise that I won’t do this ever again without you knowing all about it, Sweet.”

Thalia rested her head on his shoulder for a moment to breathe him in for real this time. An old shirt would never do, and she would remind herself of that truth as often as possible or necessary in all the days to come. She heard a quiet conversation going on a few feet away and brought her attention back to what needed to be explained to her before she’d let the other two men get by as easily as she had Jun.

“You’d better have an explanation that will not only appease Vian but my mother too. That will be a task that I do not envy any of you one bit.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shiri bustled about the kitchen of the beach house to make breakfast for everyone since she knew some would be awake soon. Even though they all had spent a late night either visiting Jaedin or studying the scrolls Macy had shared, Shiri knew that by the time she got the food ready the others would begin to show up depending on when they had gone to sleep.

“That already looks amazingly good,” the voice of her soon-to-be Kouken and possible Mate-Link later said from behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist in a very proprietary way that make her heart soar with contentment.

“Good morning, Zale.” Shiri turned in his arms and pecked his cheek with a kiss. “How did you sleep last night after we read all those scrolls then separated to get some rest?”

Zale raised his eyebrow and then kissed her on the mouth before answering her. “I slept pretty well since Siena stayed with Jaedin and Kisho was still unconscious until after I got up.”

“Kisho’s doing okay?” Shiri asked as she pulled away from him to grab a skillet.

“He was confused at first, but I explained what had happened and promised him some food. I had the room basically to myself last night.” He then grinned rather roguishly. “That apparently allowed me to slip into a rather nice dream.” Color filling his cheeks told her he wasn’t as comfortable in sharing the dream details with her since he quickly turned away to pick up an orange to begin peeling it. Shiri shook her head at him. She wasn’t used to this kind of teasing, but apparently he wasn’t either, so it made her feel a bit empowered as a young woman who had loved him for what felt to be so long to her, Shiri suddenly felt emboldened to tease him back if only just a little bit.

“I don’t think orange juice is going to take away that blush, Zale Murakami.”

The blond man’s head whipped around to stare at her with a very surprised look that matched his face getting a bit pinker. “Shiri Forester, I don’t think your mother would…”

The rest of Zale’s words were lost to a laugh from Seimitsu as she came into the room. “You two look so at home in the kitchen together.” She then smirked at Zale. “What wouldn’t our mother do?”

Zale sighed and grabbed another orange as the sisters began snickering as Seimitsu began to help by peeling potatoes to fry. Shiri grinned and was glad that all of those in the house loved her food. It also gave her more experience so she could take care of the man who was still focusing on orange juice.

“Is Siena still with Jaedin?” Zale suddenly asked.

Seimitsu nodded, but her face began to almost match Zale’s in color, which made Shiri wonder what in the world that could mean. She looked over to Zale who was giving Seimitsu a questioning look too. Shiri beat him to the follow-up question. “I was wondering why Siena didn’t go to Ryuu’s room if Ryuu wanted more time with Jaedin since Zale was with Kisho.”

Seimitsu was slow in giving an explanation. When Shiri and Zale stopped working to stare at her, the older sister seemed to realize she had to answer them. “Siena and I stayed with Jaedin since Ryuu and Macy had to discuss some issues to make things with them be right again,” she answered in what sounded like a carefully stated way.

Shiri had known Seimitsu would stay with Jaedin since one of the other two men was always there to make it be proper. Seimitsu didn’t elaborate more about Ryuu and Macy as she began cutting up the potatoes. Shiri looked at Zale, and he opened his mouth to comment, but then Euridis walked into the room. Her eyes took in the occupants with puzzlement until she noticed who was not in the room. It was then that her face began to match two of the others present. She had shared Shiri’s room and slept in Seimitsu’s bed, but Macy must not have been in their shared room when Euridis went to change. Things were a bit confusing.

“Good morn,” Euridis finally said. “Is there anything I can do?”

“How are you with making eggs?” Shiri asked the older woman, trying to break the tension.

The black-haired woman gave her a grin. “I’ve been known to make some amazing omelets.”

“I’m sold on that!” Zale almost yelled, making the women all laugh at him.

Seimitsu gave Shiri a pleased grin. “We may get food done in time to feed us before midday meal comes around.”

Shiri stuck her tongue out at her annoying sister, causing the other two food preparers to laugh again. Shiri watched Seimitsu begin to cut the ham for Euridis’ omelets. It was amazing to see what they all could do together in the kitchen. It would be even more amazing to see what they could do when they fought the demons together to protect the people and the kingdom.

CHAPTER 2: Kingdom in Peril

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


Shin watched Thalia as she still tried to seem sad and ‘working through it’ when she saw the others in their group after breakfast. It had to be hard to keep the reality of Jun being alive a secret since Mason kept trying to comfort her when Wendell wasn’t, and Thalia .was one of the most truthful people Shin had met. It was just as hard for Eron to hide the truth too since he cared for Belva and didn’t know how to be respectful yet keep Jun’s death as being ‘real’. Jun, Eron, Kaiyan and he had agreed to this since Berne needed for Jun’s death to be seen as Berne’s doing to gain access to the traitor group. Even though Jun had known it would hurt his family at first, he’d agreed that this was the only obvious choice to give them a way to find out the traitor group’s plans and possibly get the information to King Avidan. Once they reached Ando and had the funeral, Jun would stay hidden until Shin, Kaiyan, Thalia, and possibly Vian all left for Nagisa to be with Seimitsu, Shiri, and the other Kouken. It was risky, but Berne’s infiltration could be used at the right moment before or during the fight, so it could possibly save Migoto in the end.

The young streaked blond hair man sighed as he watched Kaiyan and Vian play with Mason. Wendell was discussing with Eron about him teaching Jun. Thalia was sitting with Belva and seemed to be in a conversation about the older woman’s losses as a way to help Thalia with losing Jun. Shin was sure that Thalia knew all about the deaths of Belva’s three mates that included Thalia’s father, but from time to time she’d pat her mother’s hand and tell her that what she said was true. Shin was warmed by their bond and felt the longing for his own mother again. Shin knew that both his parents’ sacrifices would be avenged one day, but until then he would keep his memory of them guarded in his heart.

Shin would keep on practicing, praying, loving, and hoping that they’d all make it through the coming fights to live their lives for Tenrai through the decades or more to come. With Siena finding out about Kaiyan’s interest, Zale having been in love with Shiri before he’d even met her, and Seimitsu feeling so deeply for Jaedin that she’d risked everything to rescue him all made Shin want them to get those chances of joy if Tenrai Daystar was willing to give that to them.

Shin suddenly had a wish for himself that he quelled immediately. He’d seen the Revelation long before they had ever met Seimitsu and Shiri, but his heart wasn’t sure if he could trust himself to interpret it properly. They had to begin the trek to Ando after eating, and that was just the beginning. The Kouken would have to train more with each other and the two Bengosha to gain the clarity of united gifts in synchrony for the best effect. It was the only way to become the two working units explained by the scrolls that Macy had already shared with those in Nagisa. Seimitsu had shared a little about those through their pledge link so Shin was looking forward to reading them for himself.

Although he had his Wave Tiger Izumi and the daggers for protection, Shin wanted to learn all he could to be the Kouken fighter he was destined to become. It had seemed that the path had ended due to the Kouken Council and mandates, but had it? Since they had already become renegades protecting the innocent people of Migoto he had no problem finding out about every single skill, gift, task, and ability possible to give him all he needed to save as many as he could in the time they would have. He knew the others felt the same way, and that was what had him biding his time until he and Kaiyan could begin the next phase of their new lives as Protectors. Knowing Kaiyan would learn how to protect Shiri with Siena was something he knew she would enjoy as much as Shin did protecting Seimitsu. The link was something he hadn’t known would be as defining as he’d found it to be. He’d been away from Seimitsu for a couple of days, and though he could contact her through their link, Shin needed to train with her more to get stronger with their abilities to work in union according to how they had been explained in the information they now had.

First of all, though, they had to pull off the deception for a little while longer until Jun was where no one in Shinrin or Kozue would find out that he was still alive. Berne needed to work within the ranks of the enemy to place some doubts, sabotage some weapons, and maybe get some of the people to walk away from becoming traitors. Even though Berne wasn’t a believer in Tenrai yet, he loved his daughters and would do whatever he needed to do to ensure their safety. Shin hoped that someday he’d feel that way for his children. Shin’s mind went to what his future could be if the Revelation was true. He could only sigh… and pray.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Avidan looked at the report in honest surprise but sadness too. One of his contacts in Kozue wrote that there was word of a rebellion by a certain group being incited by a leader in the ranks of the Kingdom’s knights. It went on to warn that they had factions in almost all of the Provinces, so the King needed to stay aware and have those he trusted try to find out how much of a threat this could be. It told of the death of a teacher that was suspected to be murder. In fact, the killer is thought to have done it to get in with the leaders of coming rebellion. The king had heard of those things from teachers in the past, but to think it could happen to them now when they were still looking for a way to fight demon attacks was unsettling to say the least and rather overwhelming to the extreme.

“What do you make of it, Avidan?” Lew asked as he sat in a chair by the table.

The king looked at Lew and frowned. “Did this begin possibly because I separated the temples?”

His trusted councilor shook his head. “I don’t think so. From all I’ve heard from my sources, that is going well and hasn’t caused any turmoil since it was fair. In fact, some of the other religious groups are glad to get their own temples so they can worship without fear of violence happening between the different faiths. Although the main temples are for Tenrai Daystar and the Father of Lights, the others are seeing less tension now too.”

Avidan sighed, “Then what is this rebellion over? Is it a certain group of the military that hasn’t reached the rank they expected?” He shook his head. “While demon attacks have lessened, I wonder if it’s something related to those who already lost someone without us responding in time. Even though people have seemed to come together despite differences after surviving demon attacks, they have to be tired. No faith seems to give a possible answer except Tenrai’s fighters of old. We need to find them soon.”

Lew pointed to the letter. “Mikkel is a reliable former knight of this kingdom. I knew him, and he’s given reports on many things that have saved lives.” He rubbed his forehead. “I’ll send a reply requesting he continue to find out more and see about reports of the former fighters too in a way safe for him.”

Avidan looked back down at the paper. “Please do that and tell him that his service will not be in vain. We will do all we can to stop this possible rebellion before it becomes a threat.”

Lew saluted to Avidan as he walked out of the chamber. The king sat there contemplating what he needed to do next. Finding the former groups that protected their kingdom from the demons would be a good start. If only he knew where to find their leaders. If only he could speak with them to ask for their help. Avidan looked at the stack of requests from his people in the pile beside the letter. If only he could do all he could do to rescue his people!

Avidan looked out of the window and began to pray, “Father of Lights, in the name of Tenrai, I ask that you lead your chosen fighters to us with answers that we desperately seek. You called them for this very purpose, and I ask that you hold firm on this promise to my people.” He sighed then added, “I know others have fallen away, and some fear to even speak of what they have heard about fighters of old, but I know you can bring about the restoration of those in hiding if they will step forward from the shadows and find their place in this world by defending Your Light. May Tenrai Daystar reign here in Your time. Amen.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Euridis put the last of the dirty dishes in the sink to finish washing from that morning just as Ryuu and Macy walked into the kitchen. She could see the red Mate-Link glow between the two and felt her heart rejoice. The red was the sign of an accepted Mate-Link for Kouken by the Father of Lights through their Blood Pact with Tenrai Daystar and matching hearts united. It also answered the longing of two people Euridis had seen go through so much suffering that some would never know and none ever should.

“Good morning, Euri,” Macy said, her porcelain cheeks pinking a little.

Ryuu had his arm around Macy’s shoulders and smiled at the other woman. “Is there any food left?”

Euridis smiled back at him. “Well, your Bengosha took a lot up to both Jaedin and Siena, and Zale took some up to Kisho, but I managed to keep enough for you both since I figured you’d need the food as soon as you…” Her cheeks heated up and probably turned pinker than Macy’s, but then she laughed. “I’m starting to act like the younger ones in our group. I’m sorry, and it looks like congratulations are needed!”

Macy nodded with a sweet smile Euridis hadn’t seen in decades. They had been friends for all of the years the redhead had endured unspeakable situations that Euridis had never considered possible. Seeing Macy so content at last made Euridis appreciate Ryuu’s steadfastness even more.

“Let me get that food for you,” she suddenly offered to get out of the awkwardness that was descending on them. Macy wasn’t wearing her clothes from the night before, so Euridis knew that Macy had visited their shared room to get clean clothes. The kohl-haired woman sighed again for her wandering thoughts. The memories of her Mate-Link with Maxton Chambers had lasted for only a short time, but it still made her remember how she’d felt the morning after everyone knew she and Max had been linked.

“Thank you for saving us some of the food. I know how the rest of them eat so you actually took your life into your own hands,” Ryuu teased then shared a laugh with Macy.

“And we’re missing the other two siblings yet, so we’re going to need a lot more food once they arrive,” Macy stated then giggled when Ryuu tickled her for the comment.

Euridis shook her head at the teasing but then thought about the others Ryuu had invited. How were they going to feed and house so many? Her look must have been obvious since Macy swatted at Ryuu’s hand and added, “The others Jase is bringing will stay in Rosen when they arrive. I’m sure we can send a couple of our group to get more food soon. We’ll need to write a list. We’ll be practicing with our elements and other weapons too so we’ll have to keep our strength up.”

Macy being so logical and calm gave Euridis hope that everyone hurt during the past seventy years would all begin to heal so they could fight against those who had done this to them. She didn’t want revenge. Doing what was right and keeping the memory of those that had lost their lives were reasons enough to do what they were trying to do. They had to turn the tables against the enemies of Migoto and Tenrai Daystar. Their faith was part of what had made the kingdom into what it once was, had banished a vast majority of demons for decades, and helped the people to live in peace and prosperity, so they had to stay firm in their convictions to return to their heritage for everyone in Migoto and for all of Eirinth. Regardless of faith or creed they needed to help make their world safe again for all of those living.

Macy had gotten two plates from the cabinets and began loading them with the food that was still warm from being on the coal stove. Euridis joined her and even got another plate to have a snack herself. She watched Ryuu give his new Mate a loving look before helping to spoon out their portions. By the time the three sat down at the table in the area they had deemed as a ‘dining room’, Euridis had seen enough to know she’d never need to worry about her friend being happy again. Ryuu was her soul-mate and now her Mate-Link. Nothing could break that except death, and even then it lingered. Euridis knew that since she was living proof.

Maxton had died in a demon fight decades ago, but her link to him still echoed sometimes in her heart. She had taken her maiden name back, but that didn’t mean she rejected him or his family. It made letting men get close to her on a personal level difficult to do. She was younger when it had happened, so she’d thought she would find another suitable mate to take his name like she had Maxton’s. It had never happened though. She was the only woman on the Kouken Council, but she’d never felt even a comradery with the other three men. Though Ryuu was handsome and a proper age he never could’ve been an option because of Macy. Kisho wasn’t someone she could ever love due to his attitude towards fighting the demons. Haldis was the same as well as being too old for her.

Euridis ate while watching the new Mates laugh and have conversations about the simplest things that people could take for granted way too easily. She added pithy remarks when appropriate, but she was reminded again why a Mate-Link was such an important thing that needed to be protected. Changes to Mate-Link parameters had weakened this, but now they could restore the things they’d lost. Euridis might never have another Mate-Link of her own, but she had to make sure Kouken like Macy and Ryuu would never be denied this by Kouken law ever again, and that was an oath she would make for as long as she had breath in her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pateren Wendell gave his visitor a happy yet confused look as he welcomed him, “Ren Salvatore! I thought you were working with the guild and on your music. Did you decide to play for our service soon?”

Ren clasped his hand with genuine friendship. “I will at some point, my friend, but I had a dream the other night and cannot get it out of my mind as much as I try. I’ve sought your council.”

Wendell gave him a frown. “What was it about, Ren?”

The musician sighed. “I was visited by a Tenshi. He said that someone I know will be arriving here within a couple days’ time. I’m to wait here for a group of people seeking shelter and do what I can to help keep them safe here because a possible demon attack may happen.”

Wendell’s brows furrowed. “We had an attack over a year or so ago but nothing since then.”

Ren shrugged. “Mateo told me to stay here so I’m going to follow his instructions since a Tenshi is sent by Tenrai.”

The Pateren’s breath caught. “Did you say ‘Mateo’, as in Mateo Denrei Tenshi?”

Ren seemed to relax for the first time since arriving. “One and the same but how did you know his full designation?”

Wendell smiled. “Mateo was the one who visited me to help two new Bengosha find their gifts! It was a good thing too since they saved their parent’s lives when a demon attacked a nearby village. Their father was injured, so they went to stay at their grandmother’s inn in Kozue while their father healed. Mateo told me to go to Sukai to meet the family in a time of distress, and we just arrived back here a few hours ago.”

“What distress?” Ren asked, sensing something was happening he didn’t know about already.

“Their father healed, but unfortunately, their Uncle Jun recently died under extremely unusual circumstances.”

Ren’s mouth went wide open as he almost gasped, “Jun Morgan? Thalia Morgan’s mate whose mother owns Belva’s Garden Inn?”

Wendell nodded then sighed, “Yes on all counts. Berne and Vian’s daughters, Seimitsu and Shiri Forester are the two Bengosha. Their uncle Jun and aunt Thalia were their teachers.”

“I’ve known Thalia since she was a teenager, Wendell!” Ren said as his face fell to begin contemplating their situation and new information as it lined up before focusing on his friend again. “I came across them only a few weeks ago since Thalia writes songs and brought new compositions for me to look over and help them to be completed. If Mateo is the connection to the girls, then this may be about their family needing shelter in more ways than one. If the Bengosha will be fighting, then they need their loved ones to be safe. I’ve heard stories from my own Gram about how the Bengosha need to concentrate when using their gifts. Mateo must have known the only way for that to be is for the girls’ family residing here at least for now, and they might not even realize how important it is.”

The Pateren and spiritual teacher for the girls nodded in complete agreement with Ren. “Then we’d better get Tenrai intercessors assembled to begin arming ourselves with His divine protection if demons are going to attack here again. I hadn’t seen the girls or their family since they went to Kozue, but they are reeling from their recent loss of Jun. Thalia is grieving in a way that hurts my heart. We have to have Jun’s funeral soon, but the family is now setting up their accommodations until they go back to Kozue.” Wendell shook his head. “I wish this were easier, but I also know it rarely is the way we want it to be. Let’s get support from Tenrai’s believers to do what we need to do.”

The two brothers in faith went to places most needed; Wendell to get word to those that had gifts for prayer, and Ren to the altar to begin requesting protection. His heart broke for Thalia over her loss of a mate she’d loved beyond measure. Her being his friend and fellow music colleague made it even worse. Neither one knew the complexity of the situation, but they both believed that Tenrai Daystar would deliver His Chosen out of any tribulation they faced if they kept their focus on Him and not on the problem.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Let’s see if the sand causes problems with our balance,” Seimitsu said as she and Shiri squared off in a practice area they had created using shingles as walls and rotten wooden crates they’d found in the cellar to be used as targets. It wasn’t the setup they had in Meian, but it would have to do.

Shiri pulled the Sound and created her blasting array of vibration. The longer she was able to let it reverb back and forth between her hands the stronger the effect. Seimitsu smiled at her and let the Light in her hands flare with purpose. The feeling of being an Energy Wielder was exhilarating, but she knew they couldn’t let it make them too proud or arrogant. Both girls looked at each other, grinning in the joy of practice, and then launched the weapons simultaneously. The sizzle of the two crates after one was ripped apart by Shiri’s Sound Blast and the other by Seimitsu’s Exploding Light Sphere was enough to bring one Kouken inside the house running out to where they were.

“What in the world is going on out here? Are we under attack? Do I need to alert everyone?”

Seimitsu and Shiri looked at Siena standing behind them with a startled look that turned to awe once he saw the crates weren’t demons attacking. Seimitsu decided to field the questions since he hadn’t fought beside them like Ryuu, Shin, and Zale all had. “We made a practice field to get used to working together. Shiri and I wanted to try it out first.” She gave him a smile that was partly apologetic. “We should have warned everyone, so I’m sorry for the scare.”

“It was a success though!” Shiri added with her face bright at their accomplishment. Seimitsu would never get tired of seeing her little sister’s joy as she kept getting stronger.”

Siena glanced between the sisters and then looked at the targets. “Are there any more crates?”

Shiri laughed, “In the cellar! There seem to be a whole stockpile from where the fisherman had either caught fish or got goods from the markets.”

The Wind Fox Wielder gave them a calculating look. “So who do I get to challenge first?”

Seimitsu remembered that Siena would soon being Shiri’s pledged Wind Wielder so she lifted her hand to point to Shiri. “See which of you can blast some more crates into utter oblivion!”

Shiri giggled then ran toward the cellar door. Siena gave Seimitsu a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

Seimitsu gave him a whimsical one in return. “I need to make sure the element wielder pledging to my little sister is up to par. If not, you’ll be relegated to back-up status.”

“Oh, it is so on, Sei-Sei! Once I’m done trouncing your sister it will be your turn!” Siena sputtered as he went toward the cellar too, but Shiri had returned already with two crates. Siena took one from her as she laughed at him to quickly place it where the remains of her previous one still sizzled. Siena placed the other one in reasonable proximity to the already burned target and gave the sisters a defiant look of triumph over his accomplishment.

Seimitsu laughed at him and suddenly realized that they were going to have a lot of partners to fight against and beside in practice sessions. If they worked this out the way the one scroll told about then she and Shiri would each have one wielder from each element to create a fighting group better equipped to go against the demons.

“You’re up, Su, but don’t get prideful, and watch out for Sena since he’s crafty like his element’s form!”

Both competitors yelled at her due to her teasing, Shiri out of habit and Siena out of affront from her using his nickname that Kaiyan used to rile him up. If things went the way Seimitsu was hoping then it would be the best way to fight stress, reduce arguments, hone skills, and get to know each other in ways to give an advantage to Bengosha and Kouken alike.

It was only a matter of time until it all would fall into place.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thalia sighed in relief after she, Vian, and Belva rented rooms at an inn while Kaiyan played with Mason. The men moved Jun’s body into the standard storage area. Thalia was thankful it wasn’t too cold since Jun didn’t need to really be kept in frigid cold before the funeral. After seeing Vian and Belva settled, Thalia went to see Wendell to make all arrangements. Jun had been put into a sleep state that looked a lot like the other they had used to mimic his death. That concoction wouldn’t be used again until the actual service.

Thalia asked one of the pastors to tell Wendell that she needed to see him and then sat down to wait. When Wendell entered the room, his eyes held sorrow in them from seeing her in mourning when they left Sukai. Thalia had to cover the deception for a little while longer, but it was wearing on her, so she’d be glad when that was over.

“Thalia, it was good to be with you in Sukai, but I never would’ve wished it to be for these circumstances,” Wendell said as he took her hand. She could tell that he truly felt that way since he’d known them for as long as they’d been in Ando and even before they had chosen to attend his services.

“Thank you. I have to discuss some things with you that I’d rather do in private,” she explained with hope it was okay.

The request didn’t seem to take him by surprise, so he nodded, helped her to stand, and then led her to his counseling chamber. Once they were inside and the door was closed, Thalia prayed for help with what she was about to ask of this man that dealt with sharing the Truth.

“What is it you have need of, Thalia? You missed Ren arriving a few moments ago for a different situation but he was saddened for your loss. I know this is such a hard thing for you to bear, so if I can do…”

“Are your chambers secured? Is there any way for others to listen to what’s said in here?” She quickly interrupted him.

Wendell gave her another surprised look. “As far as I know they are. What is going on?”

Thalia sighed. “For Seimitsu and Shiri’s safety, Berne had to infiltrate a traitor group to gain the information to stop or at least weaken a plan to attack Kanmuri. He had to kill Jun to gain acceptance.”

“And you were all right with Berne killing Jun?” Wendell demanded, obviously shaken and confused.

“Mateo Denrei Tenshi told me in a Dream Visit in Sukai that not all is what it seemed to be, Wendell. We must give Jun the funeral he deserves that will keep any suspicion away about his death,” Thalia replied and waited for him to realize.

Wendell sat still for a couple moments seeming to assess the circumstances more keenly. When he’d finally come to the correct conclusion, he grinned at her and nodded. “A finer funeral in Ando will never take place in these Temple halls!” He declared happily to show his relief over the real situation.

Thalia grasped his hand and smiled in return. “It has been hard enduring this, but I must join Seimitsu and Shiri. We need for my mother, a little boy that Seimitsu and Shiri rescued named Mason, and the herbalist who taught Jun named Eron to be kept safe here. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I…” A knock at the door made them both jump. When the door opened, Thalia couldn’t contain her relief at seeing her music partner from Kozue. “Ren!” Her jumping out of her chair to hug him must’ve made him think she was crazy since he didn’t know the whole of things yet.

“I heard about Jun and had to see about you,” Ren explained as he hugged her back in friendship from her teen years.

Thalia pulled away and closed the door again before Wendell began to clarify what was going on for the other man. By the time that was done, Ren had relaxed again and expressed his thankfulness for things not being as they had seemed. The three began forming a plan for the funeral to be a lavish affair, for Thalia’s family to be placed in protective places in the temple itself, and for Jun and Thalia to be transported away with the Kouken. Her mother wouldn’t be told the entire truth until it became absolutely necessary for Berne’s protection and Belva’s own good. It was the one thing Thalia was having problems with, but it was what had to be done. Her mother’s feelings were usually on her face, so Shin was going to give a different explanation for Thalia leaving to keep them all safe.

Another knock at the door made the three of them jump, and Thalia laughed at their covert actions that Jun would have enjoyed witnessing. Wendell shook his head as he smiled then gave permission to enter, and Thalia was surprised to see Jeslyn Rosewood standing there, twisting her shirt between her fingers. “Gram Belva told me to find you and tell you that I’m here. Vian’s with our mother who came too. Darion’s still watching the inn since Brenna and Kari are sick.”

Thalia smiled and then got up to hug Jeslyn in welcome. It was difficult to keep divided family members from feeling cut off, so Thalia had made it her mission to never leave anyone out. She looked back to her two helpers and smiled. “This is Vian’s younger sister. They are related much like how I am with Janis and Darion. Those here for the funeral have all arrived since the others can’t make it.” Thalia then looked to Jeslyn. “Let’s go and see how your Gram is doing and try to make us all feel better.” Thalia looked to the two men as she ended the planning with, “We will have the service tonight at dusk.” She let her smile fade for a moment to be mindful of Jeslyn knowing her emotional states over the years, so she added for effect, “Jun would have loved that…” She then turned and took Jeslyn’s hand, looking back to Wendell and Ren who both nodded to her in understanding, and then they left with the preparations put in motion.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sounds of energy and element hitting wood resounded around the fighters. Two more crates were torn timbers between Shiri’s Sound Blasts and Siena’s Wind Fox. Shiri had trounced Siena to the point he was sitting down from his exertion, and Ryuu felt invigorated from just watching them. From what Ryuu had seen as he and Macy had come to check on the noise, it was just what they all were going to need.

“I never knew that you would be so fierce, Bengosha-mine-to-be,” Siena managed to pant out as the sweat ran down his face and soaked his hair until it was limply hanging in his eyes. They had positioned the crates in various places and must have been moving to guard different targets. Even in this state, Siena was grinning like a kid that had just won all of the toys in a town marketplace.

Ryuu smirked as he patted Macy’s hand before reaching Seimitsu. “Is it possible to show them how to work together instead of against each other, Bengosha-mine?”

Seimitsu smiled at him then nodded to Macy who Shiri had gone to stand beside as Siena moved to join them. Her focus then centered on Ryuu as she quipped, “Think we can teach them a thing or two, Kouken-mine?”

Ryuu laughed with a joy that was two-fold now. “Let’s make some more targets to protect.”

The others helped to retrieve more crates, hay, and even a couple broken shingles to keep from having to get them each time a different set was needed. Once a decent number of targets were set up to Ryuu’s specifications, those not on one of the two fighting sides moved to safety but they were still close enough to see the space properly.

“Macy, do you think you can try to hit me with your Fire Phoenix?” Ryuu asked suddenly.

Macy’s expression was first on the brink of panic until he sent a mental message to her. She nodded then did something she’d told him she hadn’t done in a long time by calling to her element for practice. She had kept in touch with the Fire Phoenix of red laced with violet that was sight to behold, but Ryuu needed to assess how well she could fight with her gift now. He could tell that it had awed everyone there since they’d never seen her fight.

“Then let’s do this, Sei!” Ryuu commanded with a wink.

Ryuu felt Seimitsu’s Light Shield surround him, and then nodded to Macy who had her Fire Phoenix shoot flame toward him. The elemental energy was deflected by the shield easily. Ryuu suddenly wondered if Macy was playing safe due to their feelings, so he sent her a playful nudge about maybe being out of practice.

“I’ll have you know I wasn’t sure that my flames wouldn’t consume you, Ryuu!” She looked past him to Seimitsu and added, “I trust you to protect him, Sei. I just don’t know how strong he is anymore either.”

Seimitsu giggled and gained the most annoyed look Ryuu could give her, so she said quickly, “I understand, Macy, but…”

“I don’t,” Ryuu interjected rather testily before Seimitsu could add to her statement, so he got an elbow from her that made him grunt, but then he continued, “I was trying to gauge your abilities, Macy. If you don’t hit me with all you can then Seimitsu and I won’t be able to see how much training you and the two of us need.”

Macy sent a message to Ryuu through their Mate-Link that he knew she did not want anyone else to hear since it was very personal. The others would not understand it as her teasing him. Or at least he hoped it was meant to be teasing. The next message between their Mate-Link let him know she was actually quite incensed.

Ryuu grinned anyway. “Then prove it, my Phoenix love. We have an audience that needs to see that we older Kouken know how to fight and have a good time in the midst of it!”

The Fire released was impressive as Macy smiled suddenly. Seimitsu’s Light Shield still held, so Ryuu laughed and began giving his Fire Dragon Kaen more directions to get around Macy and hit the target. This was beginning to get interesting since Ryuu knew he and Macy were going to enjoy the sparring as well as their loving moments, and that made him even happier. Macy gasped when the crate behind her was hit. She was far enough away that it couldn’t have hurt her, but reality of possible threat in the future set in.

“That’s why we need to work together and help each other get stronger,” Ryuu said since he’d felt that bit of fear that made him feel guilty.

Macy gave him a withering look but then let out a laugh at the message he’d sent to her before she replied with, “Dream on, Saito. I may be out of practice but my Fire Phoenix isn’t!”

“I think you will be a duo to contend with,” Euridis yelled with a smile of longing as she joined the group to watch.

“Get on with it so I can challenge the winner!” Siena added with a smirk.

Ryuu looked at Seimitsu who rolled her eyes but smiled at them both before she answered the other two, “That’s fine, Siena, but then I get Euri and Shiri gets Macy to protect targets while you relieve Zale and check on Jaedin and Kisho.”

Siena began to spout off something but Shiri whispered something to him that made him laugh and hold up his hands in surrender at whatever the younger sister’s suggestion had been.

Ryuu looked at his Bengosha and nodded. “Good plan on both accounts. Let’s do it.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Zale had helped Jaedin out of the bed and to the window when they heard commotion outside that sounded unlike anything they’d heard before. Jaedin had watched in amazement as Seimitsu and Shiri fought with the Energy gifts of Light and Sound. Siena hadn’t faired too well against Shiri afterwards, but seeing Ryuu and Macy join the others made him gawk. He could see the forged Mate-Link around his brother and Macy. His breath held as Ryuu and Seimitsu stood on one side while Macy was on the other. Macy’s Fire Phoenix struck at Ryuu, but Ryuu remained unscathed by being protected with Seimitsu’s Energy through their link.

“Seimitsu is so amazing with her shielding!” Zale exclaimed excitedly.

Jaedin didn’t quite know how to take the sound of Zale’s admiration, but then he was reminded of how he’d reacted to Siena’s friendship with Seimitsu earlier. After giving himself an emotional smacking and then praying, he’d come to the realization that the other Kouken had seen Seimitsu rescue him, fight demons, and even protect others with her shield and spheres. Why shouldn’t they all be awed? As he watched his brother attack the targets being protected by Macy, Jaedin was reminded of the practice sessions he’d had with Ryuu. His heart suddenly longed for that again. Would he ever be strong enough to do that with the others? Could he even call his Wind Wolf and have the element form of its animal manifestation appear to support him after all this time apart?

Jaedin finally wanted to know. He didn’t want to alarm Zale, so he simply began calling out to his Wind Wolf the way he had seventy years ago, and it made him feel like it had been centuries instead of decades. He wasn’t expecting any kind of immediate response since he had no clue if the entity of Wind had stayed with him until he was rescued or had left if not soon enough. When nothing seemed connect between them, he decided to watch the others. He then felt a tug on his hair. The feeling was so well-known from so long ago that it made him actually laugh out loud. Zale looked over at him, but he must have seen that nothing was wrong. What Zale didn’t notice was Jaedin’s Wind Wolf circling him in a way Jaedin had seen so many times before in what he’d liked to call a “stalking”. Jaedin hadn’t even thought his Wolf’s name for fear that the entity that was made up of individual wind particles that moved together would not respond to him again.

The blue of the Wind Wolf was unseen to others, but it intensified for Jaedin as the element itself decided to restore the link. Jaedin took a deep breath and relished the visual that was confirmation that he was still accepted by his Wind Wolf in spite of his disbelief and his weakened condition. Feeling another tug on his hair again was a plea to play or practice. Jaedin whispered, “Yuumai, please stay if you will forgive me. I need you now more than ever to become better than I was. I will fight to never be separated from you again. You are a Gift I will always love.”

It was a name and a request of desperation, but Jaedin realized he’d also just made a promise once again that he’d have to fight to keep better than he had before since not everyone got a second chance like he’d just been given so perfectly.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Knowing the truth of Jun not being dead was difficult with more family there. She now understood why he’d wanted to keep her out of it until absolutely necessary. This would be the last step in allowing the enemy to believe that Berne had killed Jun so the infiltrating silversmith would get information necessary to protect those that they all loved. Belva had been a constant comfort to her daughter, but her daughter was worried about what her mother would do when she did find out the whole truth and Eron’s full involvement. Thalia could tell that Belva was having feelings of a romantic type for Eron, but when this came to light, a blooming flower of love was at stake. Thalia hoped it didn’t fade since she truly liked Eron for Belva.

“It’s time, Thalia-Nae.”

Thalia turned to see her mother dressed in an old but classic black dress and carrying red roses for herself, Vian, Kaiyan, Thalia, and now Jeslyn to place on the grave. Looking down at her own black dress made her tear up since even though she knew Jun wasn’t really dead the thought alone caused a reaction.

“There, there, daughter mine. Things will be better when this is over. We can go back to the inn…”

“We can’t go back to the inn yet, mother. It’s still too dangerous. That’s why we’re here. Shin had a Revelation that this is where all of you should be until this battle is over. Even then, it may take some time.”

Thalia’s words gave her mother pause. “But why, Thalia? Why do I need protected still? I thought this was just to give the others time to figure out where they need to go. You should come back with me.”

“I can’t. I have a purpose and a calling that I have to fulfill. I was shown that things are not all what they seem, so I have to follow this path to find all the answers and do what I must to protect Seimitsu and Shiri. I’m their teacher, and I can’t stop just because…”

“What is really going on, Thalia-Nae?” Belva asked quickly, her eyes giving her daughter a steel look.

Thalia swallowed and tried to come up with a reasonable explanation. She’d told the three men who perpetrated all of this that they’d have to take care of this for her, but the time had come, and she was alone with the consequences. “It’s just that I must…”

“Thalia, Vian, and Jeslyn need to help the others in Nagisa in ways that Kaiyan and I can’t,” Shin said as he came up behind Belva. “I know you wanted to go home, Gram. I know you worry for Darion, but he had to stay with his sick family, and he’ll be okay since there’s someone looking out for him there that we all know. Our home and yours are points that Takeo will target. For Seimitsu and Shiri to focus when fighting they need to know their family is all safe. Ando is the safest place we could choose for you.”

Belva sighed but patted his arm. “Alright, Shinakio, I will do what I need to do to help how I can.”

Thalia smiled at her mother’s term of endearment name that Kaiyan used to tease her bother with, but then she realized that this would be one of the last times she’d be with her mother before they left. “Listen to Wendell. He will do what he can to help.” She paused but then felt she needed to bridge a possible future gap in Eron and her mother’s connection. “Eron will be a constant help if you’ll let him. He taught Jun, so this situation has been really hard on him since he knew him long before we did.”

“I already know to lean on Eron, Thalia. He’s a decent, caring, and noble man.”

Thalia nodded but then added, “Sometimes being noble means doing things others won’t understand until the end result explains why it had to be done to work. Go easy on him if that ever happens.”

With that said, Thalia picked up her cloak since it was a bit nippy outside, and then the three of them moved toward the stairs to go down to the first floor of the inn. Thalia managed to meet Shin’s eyes and then mouthed, “Thank you.” He nodded in recognition of her meaning to him. She hoped her words would lead her mother to see beyond the external happenings to find Destiny’s gears turning in sync for them all.

Wendell was dressed in his pastor robes with the service mantle around his shoulders. Ren had his courtly clothes he wore when he played for kings. Juntaro Kensley Morgan was in stately mourning cloak with books, scrolls, and flowers rested around his still form. Family, friends, and townspeople gathered to pay their respects to a man who taught with his eclectic wit, charmed with his honest laughter, and loved with all of his heart. Not one cross word was given. Not a harsh tone was uttered. No single misdeed was laid on him. People moved in a calm process around the body, some even leaving a flower or parchment near his hands that had held the pen of honorable teaching.

Thalia greeted all mourners to pass her with a tearful face and shaky voice as she gave thanks to them for their amazing attendance. Wendell’s words would ring in her heart forever, “Thank you for this honest homage to someone who had become one of our own over the last few years while teaching our children and giving new insight into what it meant to be a man of books instead of swords, a teacher of Truth instead of theories, and someone who had given his love to all those that gave him a chance to share what he knew in the way he did with all he had to offer. He was a man of Faith, Family, and Friendship that will remain in our hearts even if the words he loved are lost or forgotten. May Tenrai welcome Jun into His kingdom with open arms.”

Tears were flowing. Hugs were exchanged. Ren played music while Wendell sang a song about leaving for their brighter home. Mourners knew each other well, but one man hid within the crowd to watch it. Once the last person except those closest to the deceased left, the unknown man walked up to the wood casket that held blue velvet cushioning and spoke softly, “Berne sends his regards. He has others helping within the group to do what this has allowed to be. Thank you for your courage and your family’s faith.”

When Jun woke up in the room set aside for him to be in right after the funeral ended, it took a while for him to realize where he was and what was going on. When he began moving the many things around him, he was astounded and even humbled by the gifts left in remembrance of him. As he was sorting through them, smiling at the validation of his calling and tearing up at those that were more personal, he found what he’d most needed that was meant to be a confirmation that he’d hoped to receive – a written note with the words, “Rest in peace now, but ask for your Tenrai to protect all that we love until the fighting is over and we can all be together again in a home that will be safe.”

CHAPTER 3: Omission Has Its Place

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


Jorn Kravitz sighed as he hefted his pack onto his shoulder and began walking away from the inn. It had been a good day of singing and interacting with many patrons who came to eat, talk, and most importantly in his occupation drink some after finishing their work. Although he didn’t like seeing anyone get too inebriated to walk, the strong mead had a good way of loosening tongues which sometimes had information he needed to do his real job. He was good at his fine minstrel aptitudes, but his true vocation was to serve his king and kingdom.

His darker skin tone was in contrast to many of the groups in Rosen, and it made him stand out a bit more than he liked, but the people had treated him well, despite his long dark intricately beaded hair streaked with blond and red. Various entertainers in Migoto worked hard to bring any attention to themselves for the purpose of gaining entry into the inns, squares, and other places that would provide coin for their talents. Jorn was actually pretty tame when compared to others in the different villages and cities within the seven provinces where he’d been.

Jorn grinned as he nodded at a lovely older lady that had listened to him sing a few times since he’d been in town. She was carrying some goods from the local market but slowed to greet him. “Good day to you, Master Minstrel!” When she noticed his pack, her face became sad. “Are you leaving us so soon?”

“I’m afraid so, Matron Hungate,’ he replied with a sigh. “Tis the way of a minstrel. We come in on the wind, and when it shifts, we must be ready to fly to our next resting place.”

“Oh, I do understand, but I’d hoped you’d stay until my son could make it here to see you perform on his time of leave.”

Jorn looked at her and could almost feel her wistful yearning. He didn’t know why, but it made him pause for a moment or two. After sighing again, he smiled at her and asked, “When will he be here?”

Matron Hungate smiled again and answered quickly, “Two more days. Can you linger that long, young man? I would put you up at the inn just to have you stay until then so he can enjoy your songs. My mate is a craftsman who does well.”

The minstrel gazed at her in astonishment but then laughed. “You have already given enough payment, dear lady. I can afford to stay just to bring a little more joy to your city.”

The older woman moved her parcel and took his hand in a firm clasp. “Thank you! You will be blessed for doing this for a mother who loves her son.”

Jorn gave a nod of acceptance. “Thank you for your kind words. I know this will be for a specific reason so I’m happy to still be here if that’s the case.” He didn’t know exactly why, but he had a feeling that something would happen that would change things.

Jorn walked back into the inn to secure his lodgings for another fortnight. That should be enough time for things to work out the way this delay must have been orchestrated to do. Lew had sent him under Avidan’s direct orders to find out all he could about any gossip in the outlying areas, talk of rebellion, or special fighters that appear. In fact, he’d heard a lot of speculation and even some claims of actually seeing demons be stopped in other places from people visiting there. Jorn needed time to check on one cryptic comment about a group meeting in Kado made that morning anyway.

One could always hope things would go as they should as long as you didn’t interfere with Destiny, especially once you saw the working of it right before your own eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jase nodded to Amaya’s mate as they all arrived at the safe place that the couple had suggested. They had all used their gifts after learning how to hide individual signatures that Curtis Tyrell taught them. Jase was still amazed by what he’d learned already. He’d also be excited to share it with Ryuu once they arrived in Rosen to join his group. They were all tired, but they still needed to eat so they stopped at the Inn that Amaya and Curtis knew. The trip was not as bad as it could’ve been so that was a blessing that Jase thanked Tenrai for as they got their food. Curtis had set up their lodging for later already. The sandy blond haired man with dark brown eyes of three hundred-fifty-five years had an impressive coloring for the Fire Dragon of his gift when called to fight. Jase was looking forward to practicing with everyone again!

“What made the one older Kouken finally decide to go against the Council?” Curtis asked Jase pointedly once their group had their food and was sitting in a relatively separated section.

Jase took a sip of his cider and then smiled at the much-needed comfort. He still kept his voice low when he spoke since he didn’t want anyone not with them to hear him. “The new Bengosha found the Kouken’s younger brother thought to be dead for the past seventy years. Ryuu worked with Seimitsu that he Pledge-Linked and the younger Kouken she also Pledge-Linked to make plans to rescue Jaedin from where he’d been held captive. Once the Kouken found out who was responsible, he rescued two other Kouken held hostage in a different way. He’s beginning to help restore us to be able to protect mortal people from the demons as we’ve been called to do.”

All of the Kouken looked at Jase in a mixture of emotions that ran from awe to anger to sadness, but none of them were questioning his facts, and that meant more to him than they could ever know.

“Have any of them actually fought demons though?” Tristan asked in his regular dismissive way. “How could they when the Council stopped practicing?”

Jase bridled at the inference. “Have you, Tris?” When Tristan shook his head, Jase looked at the rest of his group. “Have any of you other than Curtis?” He saw the shame fill each of the others’ faces then answered Tristan. “He banished one shadow demon in the first fight when he was alone and hadn’t fought for the past seventy years, then with two Fighters banished three Ikusakki War Demons trying to kill Ryuu’s Bengosha on her birthday, and recently five demons that were in transition from Gunmetal Gray armor to Red Fire armor Ikusakki were sent to destroy a nearby village to entice them to fight by torturing a small boy that the two Bengosha saved.” He let that settle in then ended with, “There are a couple Fighters that haven’t seen battle yet since they were left in town to take care of questions about disappearances of the other Fighters.” He sighed then. “I haven’t fought a demon with my gift either, but I will when it’s time, and I think it will be soon.”

“Here’s to fighting to protect Eirinth!” Arin toasted with her own cider in a low voice too. The others joined in cup to not cause attention to be drawn. It once again showed solidarity. Tristan toasted, but Jase could tell he was bothered by something he wasn’t discussing with any of them.

“Do we know what will be expected of us when we first get there?” Shiloh asked with a calm tone.

Jase thought about that for a moment to be able to give a good answer. “Practicing together to get used to weaknesses and strengths will be a major part. Some of them have been practicing together for decades, so we will have to see how we measure up to their level.” He paused long enough to let that all sink in before adding, “They have scrolls that had been hidden by our enemy as a guarantee that we would never learn of what we have lost. We will study them like the others have since getting to safety. That should help us get stronger with greater knowledge of our gifts.”

“How soon until we begin?” Amaya asked as her eyes looked at Curtis who was nodding agreement.

“Once the group knows we haven’t been followed they’ll send someone to bring us to them,” Jase answered and gave each of them a smile. “It may be crowded at first during practice and study, but we’ll make do until we get a handle on the situation and work out arrangements with the others. We may stay in Rosen and go back and forth until we know the trace of our signatures has been foiled.”

“In other words, we need to get to know the other fighters, learn what they have to share, and share what we already know to help all of us become what we were destined to be from the very beginning.” Curtis’s summary seemed to answer all of the pending questions since the others fell silent.

Jase was thankful for that. “Let’s finish eating then get some sleep. The rest will work itself out if we just keep holding onto the hope we’ve been given.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The pain wasn’t the worst part. Knowing that once he was released from the specific torture he was familiar with meant he would again be controlled and used to do what he had once wanted as revenge. That he now wished he’d never even begun this against the faithful Kouken was what kept his heart in constant shambles. What could he do? He was nothing but a senseless drone most of the time. He’d once gotten a little bit of satisfaction with how some of the ploys had made him feel vindicated, but now?

“You will complete what I have given you to do. If you fail, there will be no coming back, and that would mean even more torture for eternity because of who you’ve become.”

The words of his puppeteer echoed in his mind, but he wondered… what if? If the true Creator had offered forgiveness to so many who had done as many horrible or worse things than he had, didn’t that offer him a little hope? The way the Creator could orchestrate miracles beyond the ploys of those entirely serving darkness could encourage and strengthen those fighting for the Light, right? Could he atone for the atrocities and actually gain redemption?

He whispered his own name to himself under his breath in case his puppeteer decided to use the one spell taught to him to use on Jaedin decades ago. Did Jaedin know his own name again? For the first time in a long time, Takeo wished for it to be so. That thought must have caught his master’s attention since pain lashed at him at unbearable levels. Takeo was reaching his breaking point so he did the only thing that he knew to do while he still had his sense of self. He didn’t know if he could ever be forgiven for all he’d done under the puppeteer’s stings, but he knew that he had to try at least one more time. He also prayed that Jase would find safety.

“I am Takeo Kojima and meant to be a Wind Wolf Wielder for Tenrai Daystar. I am Takeo Kojima and meant to be a Wind Wolf Wielder for Tenrai Daystar. I’m Takeo… Takeo… oh, Tenrai Daystar, forgive me!” He yelled as darkness overtook his senses. He knew he’d pay for that attempt in an even worse way, but he knew he’d had to try to repent before his true self was taken from him completely as he feared it finally would be.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thalia hugged Belva for a long time, then Mason with a word for him to behave, and Eron to guard her family. Sighing at the situation, she hugged Vian and Jeslyn’s mother Brenna Rosewood. The older woman was holding Jeslyn’s daughter Lana’s hand, and Thalia hugged her too before she told them both to remain safe and come back to the Temple if they saw something wasn’t right. Brenna was taking Lana to her own home that was near a merchant’s store where Brenna worked. Thalia didn’t think they would be targeted, but she was concerned. She then looked at the two going with her. “Okay, let’s go.” When they walked out of the Temple, she hugged Wendell and Ren who had been speaking with Shin and Kaiyan after they’d already said their goodbyes to everyone inside. The two Kouken siblings motioned for Thalia and her nieces to follow them.


The sound of her mother’s voice made her turn to find the woman outside too as she hugged her again. “You be careful, Thalia-Nae! I know you have to do whatever it is you think is right, but don’t get careless. If you do, I will find out, and I’ll have whoever I have to get to take me to wherever you are so I can… well… so I can do whatever I have to do to make you see reason.” The older woman pulled away to look at Shin then. “I’m holding you responsible for her, Shinakio! You see to it she doesn’t get into trouble without helping her out of it.”

“Yes, Gram Belva,” the young man replied which earned him another hug too as Kaiyan, Vian, and Jeslyn snickered at the tableau that made.

Belva hugged the others again too, mumbled something about them taking off to fight and her not being able to help them, and it made all of them smile at each other because of Belva’s loving protectiveness. Thalia saw Vian and Jeslyn shake their heads as they all walked toward the place for the two Kouken to call to their elements safely. It had been arranged so they could keep the cover story about Jun.

When they were where no one else was around, which had been extremely difficult to accomplish, Jun came out of the shadows and startled them all. Even though Thalia had explained the situation to Vian and Jeslyn, she could see they still hadn’t expected him to be without any sign of injury or problem. It was a thrill for her each time she saw him alive.

“Good evening, Love,” Thalia greeted as Jun closed in on her to kiss her with longing that made her knees weak and her heart wish they were in a secluded place to show him how much she’d missed him these past few days. They had agreed to keep him hidden, so Thalia hadn’t even been able to…

“Good evening, Sweet,” Jun whispered huskily when he broke the kiss that had made Thalia forget about their two nieces being there. Jun grinned at her roguishly like he knew what he had caused, but then he nodded at Jeslyn and Vian. “Good to see you Jes. Vi, I’m sorry we couldn’t prepare you and Thalia for what we had to do. This couldn’t get back to the traitors or Berne would’ve been killed. We need to help the Kouken prepare for what will be the worst demon battle they have faced since Kitai.”

“Knowing that you’re not dead and that Berne didn’t kill you is enough, Jun,” Vian said though Thalia knew it had been almost as hard on every person in her family as it had been for her.

“I’m interested in seeing Vian’s girls use their gifts in practice before I really learn archery,” Jeslyn suddenly interjected. “If Lana ever gets big enough and is chosen, I’d be more than willing to let the two of you train her since keeping it in the family seems to be a good idea right now.”

Jun smiled, and Thalia could see his pleased look at the prospect. “You never know, Jes. With all that’s happened just recently, anyone could become the most important piece of the puzzle leading to victory over the demons, traitors, or even unknown enemies that could come from anywhere that we need to face.”

“We need to go then to get there to help the others,” Kaiyan interrupted, obviously impatient to get to Nagisa, and Thalia thought she knew why and his name was Siena.

Thalia laughed at her own thoughts but said, “You’re right, Kaiyan. Sometimes we have to be prodded to get moving.”

Jun shook his head at them but then told everyone, “Thalia and I will go with Shin. Vian and Jeslyn will go with Kaiyan. Shin will have the heading coordinates due to his link with Seimitsu, so let’s go!”

Those going to Nagisa followed the given plan, and soon Shin mounted his beautifully powerful Wave Tiger that he’d named Izumi meaning “Fountain”. Jun and Thalia joined him since there was definitely enough room. Thalia watched Kaiyan shake her head at her brother’s relaxed grin, but then her exquisitely resilient Geo Stallion that Kaiyan had named Ikou meaning “Hereafter” appeared, causing Vian to smile since she’d ridden on an element form before. Jeslyn squealed with excitement since she hadn’t yet. Kaiyan mounted Ikou then helped Vian and Jeslyn join her.

It was time to go to a place none of them had been and do what none of them had done before.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seimitsu started to rush into Jaedin’s room since she knew Ryuu was there, but when she heard Ryuu speaking with his brother in a taunt voice she barely recognized, she halted in her steps.

“I know you were afraid I would think the worst, Jaedin, but you should’ve known I wouldn’t hold you responsible for what Takeo made you and Macy do. Even if I’d known before we rescued you that would have changed nothing!”

“How would you have felt if you’d been forced to sleep with Aralee under the same circumstances, Ryuu? I doubt you’d feel so open to discuss it with me even after I rescued you decades later either!”

Seimitsu hadn’t ever heard Jaedin’s voice be so harsh either. The name he’d said made her heart sink since she easily recognized it and knew who Aralee had been to him. She could tell from the tone of his voice that Jaedin still loved Aralee even though she was safely in Joukai and could never be with him in this life again. Siena, Shin, and Zale had mentioned that Ryuu and Jaedin had often argued and disagreed on a paramount scale, but this seemed to be more than that. She should’ve known from the feelings she’d felt from that memory she’d seen of Jaedin while he was in his induced sleep where he’d hidden his mind. Aralee had been gone for seventy years, but Seimitsu suddenly knew Jaedin felt like her death had happened only yesterday. How could she help him to heal if he was still lost in the past? How could she expect him to ever want to link with any Bengosha again if his link to Aralee still held him? She already felt he might never be able to Pledge-Link, and it was an emotional and romantic loss she hadn’t expected to be related to him so soon that almost brought her to her knees. She’d have to deal with it later and do what was needed then.

Ryuu seemed at a loss also to answer that statement, and Seimitsu could tell from his emotions through their link that he was getting more upset regarding that parallel since he’d thought Aralee was guilty of killing Jaedin until recently. He also seemed to be honing in on her feelings that were confusing him too. A little interruption might be welcomed in the current situation. “Shin and Kaiyan are on their way with Jun, Thalia, Vian, and Aunt Jeslyn to help us! We should see them late tonight once Shin does some maneuvering to make sure they aren’t followed by the enemy.”

Both brothers had started at her bursting into the room but listened to her explanation. Ryuu must have understood part of the broken emotions he’d felt were hers since he moved towards her. “That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

Seimitsu smiled through emotional catapults hitting her heart that must have confused Ryuu even more as she replied, “Of course! Shin’s report was a little disjointed since he mentioned Jun having to pretend to be dead so my father could infiltrate a traitor’s camp, Vian in agony over thinking Berne killed him, Thalia in mourning thinking Jun was dead, Gram Belva not knowing the truth since they had to have a funeral, and Pateren Wendell having to pretend it was all real, but Ren showed up and helped Wendell get through it, so the rest of the family is good now so…”

Ryuu shook his head as his hands came to rest on her shoulders to halt her rambling. “That’s quite a report, Sei. Are you okay with all of that going on? It sounds like quite a lot has happened when none of us even had a clue. Why didn’t Shin let you know how complicated things had become?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to ask him when he gets here, so don’t worry.” Seimitsu’s eyes sought Jaedin’s to find him staring at Ryuu’s hands on her shoulders, and that confused her even more since the look the younger brother had was like how Zale looked at Shiri now – proprietary. What was going on with him to feel love for Aralee yet think he had any right to judge her for a link to his brother that was like that of a little sister? She looked at Ryuu again to see both of his eyebrows raised in a mixture of surprise and worry since her own emotions were chaotic and hitting him too.

“I guess it had to be done. I just hope Gram Belva doesn’t take it out on Jun’s teacher Eron since the man cares for her, but he had to be in the center of the ruse to make it work.” She looked at Jaedin who was still giving that look at Ryuu, so she stepped toward her pledged Kouken to let the other brother she had thought would also be her link know that she wouldn’t be quelled by his jealousy if he didn’t have the nerve to claim his place. “Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures we hate to make but have no other choice to do. We know that already don’t we, Ryuu-ki?” She used the name Jaedin had used to bring her point out clearly.

Jaedin’s eyes finally met hers, and he must have seen something there that made him reassess the new situation he’d misunderstood completely. She was pleased in one way but saddened to see his face color a bit to show his realization that she knew exactly to what he’d over-reacted. He seemed to finally find the words to use in the midst of what was becoming an emotional rollercoaster. “I’m glad your family is safe, Mitsu.”

The name he’d called her in his dream realm should have made her feel better, but it wasn’t what she wished he’d say. “At least they will be in the safest place I could choose,” was the best she could reply since she was still reeling from the possible loss of a Kouken link she’d chosen.

“Does your family have any way to contact us now if something happens?” Ryuu suddenly asked.

Seimitsu hadn’t considered that since Shin had been the one with her family. “I’m not sure.”

Ryuu looked at Jaedin who seemed to be staying out of the discussion since he didn’t even know her family at all. Ryuu then sighed as he looked back to his Bengosha. “I’ll see what options we have when the ones with Jase arrive in Rosen. We might be able to send someone to keep a connection with Ando so we’ll know what’s going on in case there’s an attack there.”

Seimitsu suddenly felt the internal hug from him and smiled for real as she hugged him physically before saying rather loudly, “Thank you, my Kouken. You always know what your little sister needs!”

Ryuu snickered as he tugged on her hair then said playfully, “But no dresses!”

The two began to laugh at that ongoing memory as she pulled away to whap his arm. When Seimitsu looked at Jaedin she could see he was still confused, but he’d heard the ‘sister’ designation by her to his brother since he wasn’t glaring anymore at either of them. It possibly was the beginning of a resolution for the brothers, but Seimitsu didn’t know if there could be one for her with Jaedin.

Under the new circumstances she now understood, she didn’t know if Jaedin would ever be able to Pledge-Link himself to anyone else due to his heart still being held by another Seimitsu could never measure up to no matter how much she tried to fight beside him or chose to love him. She didn’t want to give up either, but her options were limited by how Jaedin reacted to things this point forward. She couldn’t make him pledge to be her Wind Wielder. She couldn’t get him to love her as a Mate Link either. She could only hope it would be resolved before it was too late for either to matter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eron followed the hallway he’d been told led to the private chapel. Belva had left Mason with Brenna, so the healer had thought the woman would be somewhere she could cry or pray depending on her mood. He hadn’t been able to speak with her alone since before the funeral, and he really wanted to explain what had happened and why he couldn’t tell her until they could be safe enough for him to do so. His meandering emotions and wandering thoughts kept him too off-balance most all of the time around the lovely innkeeper. Eron tried to keep his mind on directions he’d been given. He was relieved to reach the closed door and tapped on it before he entered.

His first sight was of Belva sitting with her head bowed until his steps reached her, and then tearful eyes met his concerned ones as her roughened voice asked, “What are you doing here, Eron?”

“I’m looking for you, Belva. We need to talk about something important in a private place.” Eron hoped that hadn’t sounded as ominous as he suddenly feared. “It’s not bad, actually good, but we need…”

“I can’t take any more intrigue, attacks, losses, or other things that could upset me, Eron.”

Eron blinked at the woman who suddenly sat more upright and tried to seem so much stronger than he’d witnessed a few moments ago. He could see that her tears were drying, but the reality of what she’d said made him pause. How would she react to the truth of his involvement in Jun’s pretend death? Even though it had been done to protect her granddaughters, would that be enough for her to forgive him? He had no idea, so his mouth could not form what needed to be said any more than his heart could stop his feelings for her.

“Eron? What’s wrong? You now seem even more worried than you looked when you entered here.”

Eron gave a sigh of frustration. “It’s important, but I don’t know how you will take it, and I don’t want to upset you more than you are or make you hate me for it.”

Belva’s brows furrowed. “Whatever are you talking about? I don’t think I could ever hate you, Eron.”

Eron sat down in the chair beside her. “I wouldn’t say that before we talk about the situation.”

“What situation? Do you mean being kept here for safety while friends and family are going to be out fighting those monsters?” Belva asked with a little more vigor in her voice than when he’d first come in.

“No. I mean, yes, that is part of it, but there is more going on than you know, and I want you to know before you find out any other way. It should be me telling you and no one else.”

Belva let out a heavy sigh. “Then tell me. I don’t think there’s anywhere safer than here.”

Eron prepared himself to begin what might end what he hoped would be a new life for him with the woman waiting for his explanation when the door suddenly opened.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. I wanted to do some praying for the next service.”

It was an older man wearing a robe, but Eron noticed the longer hair sticking out of his cap that was suspect to his claim. Eron went on the defensive. “I understand but was getting ready to explain to this lovely woman why I haven’t asked for her hand in marriage yet, and here you come in to disrupt us!”

It was the farthest thing from Eron’s mind at that moment, but what else could he do? If the other man was a spy or something worse, Eron needed to not say anything else concerning his secret. He looked at Belva to see her eyes had widened. His words were the last thing she had expected to hear too.

“Forgive me, Belva. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you today after what you’ve been through. The sight of Jun being gone made me realize that life is short, and I didn’t want to waste any time.” His words were sincere and truly a piece of his heart, but the Jun situation was still standing between them.

“Oh Eron, you dear man!” Belva responded, her arms going around his neck as she kissed his cheek.

“I apologize. Please forgive me and go with God,” the older man said and then left abruptly.

Eron looked at Belva again to see her giving him a different look as she leaned closer to whisper, “I know something else is going on that you need to tell me, but that was a nice omen if all goes well with us.”

Eron sighed then leaned over and kissed her cheek before he said softly to her, “All is not what it seems to be, and all is well with those we love here and afar.”

Belva pulled away to give him a questioning look but then looked to the altar in the chapel and nodded. “It is well with my soul then.”

Eron grasped her hand then to lead her to those remaining with their group. He would check on the interrupting man later, in that moment Eron added to the end of Belva’s prayer, “Amen.” If nothing else, Eron would trust in the One he knew had led him to be right where he was for the time he was needed so those who would be fighting wouldn’t worry. If things led to the circumstances beyond their ability to handle then they needed to plan a contingency plan. He would speak with Wendell and Ren since they seemed to know the levels of involvement with protecting the kingdom and keeping the innocent people safe.

The herbalist watched Belva walk over to Mason to get a big hug and had to smile. The lovely woman would get another one of those moments when he would be proposing for her hand for real. All he could do was wait patiently, keep them from danger, and find some way to show he was worthy of her and her amazing family.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Darion sighed as someone knocked on the door of Belva’s Garden Inn. It had been closed now for a couple of days, and he was beginning to wish they’d simply boarded up the place so he could’ve gone with his family for Jun’s funeral. He’d loved his brother-in-law with a kindred love of cooking at Belva’s Inn they shared, but his mate Lina and their daughter Kari were both sick. Darion might have gone even with the inn left unattended, but the two females were his priorities since his two granddaughters were off fighting elsewhere while his oldest daughter was a comfort to Thalia and Belva in their time of loss.

The knock sounded again. Growling, Darion stomped to the door to yell out, “We’re closed! We had a death in the family, and the others are all at the funeral. Go away and come back once the inn re-opens!”

“Wait, Darion! It’s Mikkel, the former soldier that Thalia and Vian know. I have news for you.”

Darion paused in turning around to walk away and instead opened the lookout portal. The man looked familiar, so he nodded and opened the door to let the man in. “What’s the news then?”

Mikkel waited until Darion had closed and locked the door again. “We need to go somewhere no one can overhear my words.”

Darion felt the concern morph into fear as he turned to lead the man into the inner part of the inn where the kitchen was located. “This is the best place for privacy.”

Mikkel looked then nodded in agreement. “I received a missive from one of my sources in Ando. He said you needed to know this so you could make plans for what could happen here. Jun isn’t dead, but he had to stage it for Berne to get in with the traitor group planning an attack on Kanmuri this coming spring. Berne is going to try to sabotage as much as he can and get some in the group to even leave the ranks.”

Darion kept his gaze on the man as he tried to take in the information completely. “How did your source come to know all of this so quickly?”

Mikkel grinned. “He came across Berne who didn’t want you to worry since Vian would probably be so upset that she might come home instead of going with Thalia and Jun. He was adamant that if Vian showed up, you were to send her back to Thalia.”

“Vian’s sister Jeslyn already went to join them so I doubt Vian will return. If Jun planned this then he’s found a way to let the others know so they can all go where they are needed to be.” Darion sighed. “I wish I could be with them, but maybe there’s something I’ll need to do here when it’s time.”

“I’m sure we’ll all be placed where we need to be by then,” Mikkel agreed, “I never thought I’d be glad to no longer be able to fight on the front, but being the eyes and ears for the kingdom has given me a purpose that fighting might never have offered.”

Darion smiled then. “At least I’m not alone in this now, Mikkel. Please keep me updated.”

Mikkel nodded then reached out his hand to Darion, “Brothers in intelligence gathering then.”

“For the sake of kith and kin,” Darion intoned as he shook Mikkel’s hand.

His thoughts of Kari and Lina suddenly came to the fore. Could their sickness have been allowed to keep him in Hizashi instead of going with the others to Ando? If so, then maybe they’d both get well sooner than expected. It all seemed to come together in a surprising way that made him nod to Mikkel as he followed the old man through the hall toward the main door to leave. What would happen if one piece of the puzzle didn’t allow the placement to happen? Did the complete picture remain unfinished and never be allowed to be put together because of that one piece? Or in cosmic cases, did the puzzle creator of eternity have more than one piece ready to fill the place if refused by another?

As Darion shut and locked the door after Mikkel, he mused at how their family had suddenly been pulled into a decades-long fight that they had never understood before. Were there more pieces that they all would unknowingly place along the way without even knowing the importance to the whole? Darion would have to consider that daunting thought since he had a real stake in the outcome. Knowing that he had a link with Mikkel could come in handy when all this would begin to happen gave him a little more security in his part than he’d had for the past two days.

He’d have to make sure he cooked a good meal for Mikkel as soon as he got the chance, but for now he had to lock down the inn then get home to check on his mate and youngest daughter.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hateya LaMonde felt her gift clamoring for her full attention. It wasn’t often that happened, but when it did it meant that something was on the horizon that needed her to be ready for more clamoring and warnings. It also meant that her brother would be needed since divine insight and divine healing went hand in hand during certain situations. Although she and Cheveyo had been taught by their group leader how to use those gifts from a distance at times for safety’s sake, she also knew there would be an unveiling that would bring Kouken back into the knowledge of mortals and service to the crown. How long they had she did not know, but soon.

“Did your gift give off another clang?” Cheveyo asked as he walked over to where she was sitting in the field of the farm that they had helped to tend that year.

Hateya smirked at her brother. “Did the trees rustle out a warning again, too?”

The siblings gave each other knowing looks since they had been developing their skills and abilities unbeknownst to the mortals around them. It wasn’t easy at times, but it was how it had to be for now. It still always seemed like more was on the horizon being laid, but then it would fizzle out without ever reaching its promise for them. They both had been frustrated and disappointed over the past couple of decades, but that was the life of ones who only aged one mortal year for every ten lived after age five. The elemental gifts had protection linked to them, but the additional spiritual ones sometimes reacted to false hopes or fears. Perhaps it was from them being with mortals for so long without parents that made it seem so stark to wait.

“Did Curtis check in yet?” Cheveyo asked in a nonchalant way that obviously was not.

Hateya shrugged but said, “No word yet. I’m just happy for him getting to be with Amaya now. It’s been so long, and though I’m sad to hear of her mother’s passing, it was bound to happen soon.”

Cheveyo nodded. “It was really hard on him being away from her, but now they can truly be united in all the ways they were meant to be.” He huffed out a tired breath. “It would be nice for each of us to find that kind of connection. I love you, Tey, but we’re getting older and need to have that!”

“Once we’re allowed to be what we are, I don’t doubt we will, Chev,” Hateya offered as she patted his arm. He was muscle and mind, so she knew he’d find his mate before long, open to the world or not.

Cheveyo tugged on one of her braids she wore for work. “You will too. It may not be in the way you envisioned, but it will be all it’s meant to be for you, Tey. Since the harvest is over and fall has come here why don’t we go to Rosen?”

Hateya gave her brother a questioning look but then considered it. Why didn’t they? Her eyes looked over the empty fields that glistened with rain that had fallen. Maybe they could find some rest in a place by the sea.

“When do we leave?” Hateya asked and received a pleased grin that said she’d picked the right choice as far as her brother was concerned.

Hateya would know quickly once they arrived since the clanging was silent for now. Their teacher had explained to them that the gifts would manifest when either danger or opportunity arose for either of them. She didn’t know what awaited them, but going forward was what she wanted more than anything in their world. Forward usually meant change, but it could also mean discovery, and that kind of possibility was too much for her to ignore. No clanging or rustling.

“Do you think we should go as minstrels to have some fun and get to know the people?”

Hateya looked at Cheveyo and shook her head even though she wasn’t denying the option but a memory. “As long as you don’t make me sing a male part to that one song then I might consider it.”

Cheveyo’s laughter at his sister’s condition caused a retaliatory smack to the back of his head that led to more smacks until they both were laughing like a couple of silly children or crazy people. When merriment ended, there was only one more thing left to say for either of them.

“No male vocal for you if no dresses for me.”

Hateya gave Cheveyo a nod of understanding and got up to begin getting their things ready to go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The sky was black satin with glittering stars overhead when Shin led Kaiyan, Jun, Thalia, Vian, and Jeslyn to the front of the beach house in Nagisa. Since everyone had one small satchel with essentials, they quickly were able to make it onto the porch before the door opened and a light almost blinded them.

“What might you be selling? Peddlers will be beaten, minstrels will be whipped, and thieves will be drowned. Which might you be?”

“For the love of our ancestors, Sen, let us in!” Kaiyan yelled from behind Shin who was still trying to work out what his answer would have been before the interruption of his incensed sister.

“I’ve been dead for two days, Siena. Let us in before I decide which of those you are and then take appropriate action according to your own words,” Jun stated, sounding acerbic, but Shin saw him fighting a grin.

Siena sighed at Jun but opened the door. “I think everyone else has already gone to bed since we were up reading until late yesterday then practiced a lot today. We’re all tired and ill-tempered.”

“Like that’s a new thing with you?” Kaiyan retorted as she moved past Shin then Siena to get inside.

Shin watched the amazing display of emotions on Siena’s face over Kaiyan’s reaction, but he was too tired to referee their spats. Instead, he motioned the others in the group inside and began telling them where each of them would be sleeping as Seimitsu had mentally messaged him earlier. Jun and Thalia took the single bedroom on the first floor and closed the door. Vian and Jeslyn took the other room down the hallway from them. Shin watched as Siena’s eyes took in the path Kaiyan had taken, but Shin already knew that she’d be staying with Shiri since he also knew that Seimitsu was usually with Jaedin. Of course that left Euridis alone, but he ignored the interest that little tidbit caused him and tried to focus on something else.

“Did you have any trouble getting here?” Siena suddenly asked, seeming to want to focus on something else too.

Shin shrugged over both of their quandaries but decided to answer the question instead of dwelling on the other. “We placed signatures on the way here that should confuse most trackers.” He then grinned at his friend. “It’s been a crazy few days.”

Siena’s eyes went up towards where Kaiyan was probably sleeping already if she wasn’t too upset. “I can imagine. What’s changed with her? She wasn’t like this when we left to get Jaedin.”

Shin shook his head. “I don’t know what’s going on with her, but we’ve been lying to people we’ve come to care about like family, and that alone has been hard on her. She isn’t fond of lying, if you remember.”

“I remember,” was the somber reply. “I just thought she’d be happier to see me.”

The streaked-blond gave Siena’s shoulder a shove then said, “Give her time to sleep, eat, and catch up with the others. I’m sure she’s happy to see you, but you need to let her know how you feel too since she’s the one that kissed you.”

“Maybe,” the brunet replied sullenly, “but maybe she’s changed her mind, and by I time I find out it might be too late.”

With those words, Siena stomped off to his bed upstairs and left Shin to his own company. Since he’d been doing covert activities for the past couple of days he was exhausted, but he didn’t yet seek out the bed waiting for him down the hall. Instead, he went toward the kitchen to seek something to fight his suddenly morose mood. Shin wasn’t expecting the sight that met him when he rounded the corner to the area.

“Lady Euridis,” Shin said and almost made the woman drop her cup.

“I heard you and your group arrive. I thought you’d all be exhausted and seeking sleep,” the woman replied softly.

Shin didn’t know quite how to answer that. He should be heading to his room. He should be trying to calm down too. He should be sleeping like his sister probably was already. Shin just couldn’t get the look of disappointment on Siena’s face to leave his mind, and that led him to face the possibility of his own in the future if he followed the path he feared he couldn’t escape since all of his previous Revelations had come true exactly the way he’d been given.

“There’s more cider on the stove, Shin. You’re welcomed to have it. I shouldn’t have had what I already drank, but I wanted something sweet to chase away all of the bitter we’ve been enduring.”

“Thank you, my Lady,” was his reply as he walked to the cupboard to get a mug as if in a dream.

“Are you all right Shin?”

Shin’s hand shook so badly he put down the mug to keep from dropping it. What he wanted to say was, “No, Euri. I’m not okay. I’ve lied to people I care about for the past two days. My sister hurt the feelings of the man she loves due to being too tired and him misunderstanding. My self-adopted Gram thinks Jun is dead and that Thalia may be in danger that I will need to protect her from happening. I need to get rest and try to deal with things tomorrow, but right now I want to kiss you and claim you as mine.” What he did say was, “Tired but need something to help me… I don’t know. Relax? I haven’t relaxed in quite some time. How do you forget the bad and focus on the good, Euri?”

Euridis gave him an understanding look. “I’ve been asking myself that for the past couple days here too. It’s not easy, Shin, no matter how old you are, what you’ve survived, or how powerful your gift may be. Sometimes the bad keeps hanging on you like a cloak of darkness without your consent or even your awareness. It’s possible to be blinded to what’s going on right in front of you. I never would have… I couldn’t have…” Her voice halted with a slight cry.

Shin turned around and went right to where she was sitting to take her hand in his as he stood there conflicted over what to do. “None of this is your fault, Euri. You thought you were doing what was right for our people to be safe.”

Euridis raised her tearful eyes to look at him. “Yes, but I let my best friend live in terror for seven decades, Shin! How could I not have known something was wrong? How could I let her be forced to do those things? How, Shin?”

Shin sat down at the table to put his arm around her as she began sobbing. Once she leaned against him, the smell of her perfume filled him. It was like oranges, and he let himself inhale it as the fingers of his right hand began to rub her shoulder. He meant it to only comfort and not for what his Revelation had shown him for the possible future. If it never happened then this was as good as life could get for him, so he let himself enjoy the feel of her in his arms, the sound of her breathing that was beginning to calm, and the warmth of her against him. His other arm came around her to offer what he could no matter what happened. Though he’d been looking for something to take the edge off he hadn’t considered her as a possible bedtime soothing elixir. He didn’t even want any of the cider now.

“I’m so happy for her now, but what if I hadn’t helped Ryuu get in to save her, Shin? Takeo could’ve tortured her to lure Ryuu to where he could kill him. That would have killed her too. I know that as sure as I know we’re doing the right thing now to stop him. It’s just so hard to let the past go and move forward.”

Shin nodded and let his face rub against her hair. “All of us who lost someone feel that way too, Euri. It’s okay for us to question our actions and judge whether they were right or not, but learning from our mistakes is what we need to focus on so we can get stronger and not let them ever happen again.” He pulled back to see her wet face and wiped her tears away as he reveled in her smooth cheeks. “You won’t let them use you that way ever again. I will make sure of it now.”

The smile he received from the woman he longed for made his heart swell, especially when she said, “Thank you. I’ll try to remember your kind words. How did you get to be so wise at your young age?”

Shin laughed at her expression. “I’m just using my own experiences to try to help. I get things wrong even more than I get them right. I have moments of blaming myself for anything and everything. I just have to let it all go too, try to do better, and trust in Tenrai to protect and empower me for His purpose and not mine.”

Euridis gazed at him with warmth he hoped turned to more. “I wish I had as much confidence as you do, Shin. You’ve been actually fighting beside your friends for quite a while now, haven’t you?”

“Fighting with them too,” he responded with a slight snicker. “Sometimes it’s against them, and sometimes beside them, but always with the knowledge that we have each other’s backs when it counts the most. Macy knows that you have hers, so begin fighting beside her too.”

Euridis laughed slightly but then seemed to realize what he was trying to get through to her. “I need to practice so I can become stronger to actually fight beside the right side now.”

Shin grinned then nodded. “It will try to help you wipe away the cobwebs of doubt you have if you choose to fight.”

“You will practice with me then?” She asked in a breathy voice he wished she’d have someday for something else.

This request was one he truly was happy to grant. “Anytime we can schedule it, I will.”

“Thank you,” was spoken softly, but then Euri gave him a pointed look. “You need to sleep now, though, so we can talk tomorrow and make plans then.”

Shin was tempted to tell her what he’d rather be doing, but his thoughts leapt to Siena and Kaiyan with their ongoing issues so he quelled his immediate response and said, “I will if you will, milady.”

Euridis smiled at him and nodded. “Then good night and see you in the morning. I pray your dreams are sweet and full of the things your heart truly wants.”

“And you too, Euri. I wish the best for you even if you don’t know what that is yet.” Shin quickly got up then paused and leaned over to kiss her cheek before hurrying out of the room to find his bedroom. He had to before he gave into what he knew his heart wanted. He suddenly saw another Revelation of her still sitting in the kitchen, pressing her fingers to the place his lips had touched in surprise and what looked like unspoken joy. Euri wasn’t in the emotional place that she needed to be yet to be with him the way the other Revelation had shown, but it was a beginning.

CHAPTER 4: Blades and Balance

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


The blade was cooling quicker than he’d hoped. His own efficiency was a bit frustrating since Berne wanted to put the traitors behind schedule. He needed to interfere so his daughters would be safe. Glaring at the amazing forge he’d never imagined he’d use someday, the bladesmith sighed as he turned to go pick out the next metal to use for another sword.

“You are like the dimensional god Hephaestus! It is amazing how much you’ve done already, yet you’re still working into the night while the others sleep. What drives your love of bladesmithing?”

Berne looked up in surprise at the man named Evan Hampshire. He was someone Berne found to be not as zealous as some of the others in the group. Evan was standing in the open door of the forge building they were using in Kato and was looking with appreciation at the swords that were completed. Berne found humor in being likened to a mythological metal worker thought to be a ‘god’ in some beliefs, so he smiled and replied, “I’m not that good, but I thank you for confirming my skills. I find doing a job well to be a great pleasure that can overshadow other pursuits, even of the vast imbibing and indulging kind.”

Evan raised an eyebrow but then laughed before he remarked, “Better than the fairer kind? How long since you’ve been with your woman?”

Berne couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Since I joined, so don’t rub it in!”

“If you can’t see her, though, you can always enjoy a companion until you get home,” the younger man observed. “What your woman doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

Berne’s smile faded “Not if you knew mine. She would find out through the unknown ways most women do, and then she’d make me pay for it in ways you would never believe are possible.”

Evan howled with mirth as he shook his head. “I guess even bladesmith gods have their own weaknesses!”

The man in question snorted then said as he turned again to get the metal, “We’ll soon see.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Macy woke to the unaccustomed touch of her mate that made her smile as well as feel her body respond to his fingers caressing her bare arm. “Do you ever sleep?” She asked in a voice that she knew sounded as happy as she felt.

Ryuu’s laughter followed by tickling that made her laughter join his. “Why would I sleep when I can finally be with the one I’ve longed to have for as long as I knew what love was?”

Macy rolled to look into his cobalt blue eyes. “Did I gain a poet as well as a statesman and fighter?”

Ryuu smiled as he responded with, “Possibly, but maybe not until I truly had you with me to write verse over.”

The fiery haired woman shook her bead but then kissed him fiercely. Knowing that she was his for as long as they lived gave her a kind of confidence she hadn’t had in all the time they’d been kept apart. Though she’d had some moments of doubting herself deserving Ryuu’s love, he’d always do or say something that would prove to her that she had truly been made specifically for him. It sometimes awed her and often times humbled her, but usually it empowered her to believe she could become the woman she was always meant to be. She didn’t feel like Ryuu had made her to be so; she felt that he had released the real woman inside her to become so on her own. Macy depended upon Tenrai Daystar to keep her from becoming prideful, but she also knew Ryuu would never let her see herself as anything less than what he knew inside. It was comforting to know that.

The rumbling of Ryuu’s stomach interrupted their kissing and sent them into an unintended round of laughter that the love poems had never mentioned. He looked at her with an apologetic smile. “We both need to eat with the others and begin to work out the schedules of study and practice too.”

Sighing, Macy nodded and slid from under the sheets to wash off before dressing. It was still a new but amazing thing to feel completely easy with the man in the room with her. His eyes appreciated her form until he growled in the masculine aggravation from not enjoying something he wanted. She watched him get out of bed and appreciated him in the same way he had her in between her morning ablutions. Once they’d both gotten cleaned and dressed, they headed toward the door. Ryuu stopped them before she opened it.

“We need to make sure we give enough time for us as well as the study and practice. If I have to do the other two, I better have a lot of time alone with you,” he stated rather huskily.

Macy sighed in feminine delight, “Noted and seconded. The vote is unanimous and recorded.” She then raised herself up to kiss him again with all of her ability and desire that he created in her, and even though they had agreed to go and fill the hunger of stomachs that were still calling to them, their Mate-Link was still so new that a different hunger overrode anything else. They diverted their attentions to undressing, passionate loving, and then redressing.

The two smiled as they went to join any of their friends and fighter family who might be as late as they were… or not.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Euridis pulled a dark pink ribbon around her hair that matched the flowers on her blouse. She’d put a couple fingers of perfume on after washing and dressing, Her mind suddenly pointed out the fact that the reason she was doing it wasn’t just to smell and look nice for the other inhabitants of the beach house. The truth was it was for a certain person more than the others made her pause. She’d liked the way Shin had treated her earlier that morning and wanted him to react the same way since she hadn’t known that emotion in a very long time.

Euridis knew that Shin was interested in her, not just as an elemental wielder, but her as a woman. He also wanted to be the man in a relationship she could never let happen. He was a lot younger than her, but he’d reacted like a man who knew how she felt. She had been upset about Macy, and he’d been so incredibly sweet about it. Euridis had realized she was looking for a Mate-Link that would not only be compatible but also passionate like she’d seen in Macy with Ryuu. She knew that Shin thought that was exactly what they could have, and that frightened yet energized her.

She had been under a cloud that Shin lifted, and she was going to enjoy his attention for as long as she had it. She knew he would probably find someone else and the infatuation would end, but she hadn’t felt as free as she currently did in a long time. She had been in a prison as much as Jaedin had. She just hadn’t realized it. Shin holding her as she’d cried had reminded her that she was worth what she’d been given with her gift and an ability to do what was right. Protecting the innocents was going to be her new focus, and that helped her to begin forgiving herself since Shin had told her that he’d help her. Euridis would let him, enjoy his attention while she had it, and try to not hurt him in the process.

Euridis sighed and walked over to the door to go downstairs. It didn’t take long until she was in the kitchen to find Shiri and Zale making breakfast again. She waited to walk in so she could watch them laugh while mixing up the batter for what looked like skillet cakes. She remembered seeing some sausage that they had bought last time and smiled since she could do that.

“Good morning, Shiri and Zale!” She greeted as she went to the ice box. “Since it looks like you’re making the skillet cakes I can fry the sausage to go with it.”

Shiri’s smile was bright as she responded with, “Morning and that would be great!” Zale added his greeting and approval as he flipped one set of blueberry cakes in one of the two skillets being used already. It was funny how much cooking ware was always being used.

Euri nodded as she went to where they kept the cooking ware to get what she needed to begin her task. The feeling of being part of a group that genuinely cared and was there to work beside you and not against you was intoxicating. She smiled at her changed thoughts. She suddenly smelled the fresh scent that she knew from having been held by the one that it announced and felt her heart thump as Shin walked into the kitchen. His eyes took in Shiri and Zale’s progress before his brown eyes landed on her.

“Morning all,” he said as his eyes captured hers. He grinned as he moved closer to stand by Euridis.

“Morning Shin!” Shiri called out and was followed by Zale teasing him about finally waking up.

Euridis knew exactly how late the young man had been up with her, so she gave Zale the look that she’d used in the council room that was a little reprimanding, “You and everyone else were already asleep when he and the others got here, Zale, so I wouldn’t pick on him. He led the others here in a way neither of us has experienced yet.” Shin and Zale gave her looks that she would never forget; Zale’s was outright surprise while Shin’s was adoration as he then gave a smile she couldn’t really catalog as anything but absolute joy.

“What can I do to help?” The streaked blond asked as he looked at Shiri and Zale. Shiri giggled when Zale lifted an eyebrow in surprise, and Shin’s face had a slight blush at their reactions.

“Why don’t you squeeze some orange juice?” Euridis suggested as she felt her face begin to match Shin’s in color when Shiri and Zale gave her questioning looks. The laughing of Shiri and Zale didn’t make sense to her either.

“Do we want pulp or no pulp?” Shin asked with as he grabbed the last of the oranges and a press to use.

“Pulp!” All three of the other kitchen workers replied, and that led to them all laughing at the agreement.

“On it!” Shin declared as he moved to stand at the table by Euri.

Euridis watched as Shin systematically peeled the oranges, used the press, and removed seeds while she kept moving the sausage around the skillet to brown equally. While they worked in silence, Shiri and Zale kept commenting on each other’s progress and teasing the way that young couples usually did. Euridis finally decided to not let Shin get away without some interaction during their complimenting processes.

“Did you sleep well in the room Seimitsu assigned?” She asked softly as she removed some of the sausage to put in another round.

Shin looked at her endeavors with an assessing eye then grinned at her. “As tired as I was I think I could have slept on the floor and been asleep as quickly. The bed was a welcomed comfort though.” He gave her a sheepish look and then added, “Of course I could have been as comfortable in the kitchen with the lovely scent that was nearby while I was there earlier.”

Euridis gave him a surprised look but then managed to say, “You didn’t even have any of the cider, but you could have taken some with you.”

The young man gave her a pointed look. “I wasn’t talking about the cider. I was talking about the fruity scent I was close to for a little while that led to dreams that held me in their embrace until I woke just a few minutes ago.”

The former council woman gasped as her suspicion that he’d liked her perfume was verified. It did have a fruity and airy scent, and she was wearing it again. She looked at him and saw him lean a little closer to get a closer whiff of it. Euridis closed her eyes but managed to quickly say, “Be careful. I don’t want you to get burned.”

Shin pulled away to look at how close he was to the open flame where she was finishing the sausage, but he seemed to also know what she’d really meant since she could tell he was composing his words carefully as his eyes met hers again. “Better to smell the scent of possibility and get burned by an errant flame than to never know it after being so close yet remaining without the memory of blissful completeness so close at hand.”

Euridis was overwhelmed by his intent gaze that spoke of a passion, a promise, and a perfect union he was exuding with every breath he took. She could only answer with what her emotional tumult was creating. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Shin. Completeness can have its price that we never expect to pay later.”

“Just don’t take away the scent without knowing the promise I could finally fulfill for you and me. It is an amazing future my gift already foretold long before we reached this beach house,” Shin whispered as he carefully moved closer.

Euridis looked away to remove the pieces still in the skillet that were a bit more well done than she’d intended. She then moved the full platter away and doused the flame. She saw in her periphery that he’d begun to say more but moved the squeezed juice instead over by the finished skillet cakes. A moment later Seimitsu came in, said good morning, and then got food for Jaedin. Jun and Thalia greeted them, got their food, and then went to sit in the small dining area. The group morning meal began a lot like it had the morning before, but Euridis knew things would never be exactly the same again.

Euridis’ gray eyes caught Shin’s brown ones. He smiled with honest understanding that seemed to still remain infinitely hopeful, and she felt conflicted over it. How could she keep him close emotionally without getting even closer than she should? How could she let him care for her in the way he perceived when she was still afraid to care for him even more than she already did? How could she keep wearing her perfume while knowing he was waiting to enjoy their personal memories he associated with simply smelling it now that she knew it could become emotionally dangerous instead of simple infatuation?

How could she?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kaiyan walked into the kitchen and was completely surprised to see what looked like a cooking ballet. Watching her own brother squeeze what looked like the last orange juice, Euri putting the platter of rough sausage where Shin then placed the pitcher of juice by glasses and plates, and Shiri along with Zale making what looked like their last batch of blueberry skillet cakes, her mind went to how Shin had described fighting alongside Seimitsu, Ryuu, and Zale being a real test of his gifts but also a core synchronization that he still longed to feel again. Was this a visual representation of how they could all work together to protect people? It made her want to begin training with them as soon as possible!

“Morning, Kaiyan!” Shiri called out as she’d turned to put the last of the cakes on the platter that held enough for twice their group’s size.

“Morning all!!” She replied as she nodded to each of those in the room before laughing at Shiri, “Are you cooking for an army, Ri? Jase and the others aren’t even here yet!”

Shiri began snickering, “Maybe not, but practice makes perfect, and perfection can take a long time to find.”

“That all smells exceedingly amazing!”

Kaiyan tensed at the sound of Siena’s voice behind her. She moved toward where Shiri had the food placed and grabbed a plate to begin getting some before it was gone. She’d forgotten exactly who was in their group for a moment, but then Siena’s voice had reminded her who they were dealing with feeding.

“Good morning, Kaiyan,” Siena said as he lay two plates beside hers and began filling them both.

“Morning. Feeling a little hungrier than usual today?” She replied without even looking at him.

Siena sighed heavily. “No. I’m taking food up to Kisho too since he just woke up and is extremely hungry.”

Kaiyan felt bad for her presumption, but she didn’t know how to deal with him. After kissing Siena to show her interest in him before he’d left to help rescue Jaedin, having him mess with them when their group arrived exhausted from the quick exit from Ando, and the keeping of the secret of Jun being alive from those they had grown to love as family had all made her overreact to Siena’s usual teasing. Jun had handled it much better in spite of him pretending to be ‘dead’ for more than a couple of days. Siena didn’t seem to know how he felt about her even after her passionate kiss should have told him how to proceed once they were reunited. He’d seemed to be unmoved instead, and that hurt her.

“I thought you were with Jaedin, but Seimitsu passed me as she took food upstairs for him already,” she said to explain her assumption.

“Seimitsu did get food for both of us, but Jaedin is eating more now, so I knew we needed more food for Kisho and me,” Siena said as he looked at her in a way that made her tingly. “I need to get serious about getting what I want before it’s too late.”

Kaiyan could have taken that in more ways than one, but she decided he was trying to either tease her like before or make amends, so she said the only easy response she could, “I didn’t know you were helping with Kisho too, but since Zale is helping Shiri cook then it makes sense you would help the others. How are Kisho and Jaedin doing?”

Siena looked at her and sighed again. “Kisho is healing so that’s good. Jaedin is healing somewhat, but he has issues that need working out. I’ve watched him struggle to believe he’s really here, and he doesn’t seem to understand that the rest of us are not threats to his link to Seimitsu. Sei was the main one who led us to rescue him! I honestly don’t know if he’ll Pledge-Link to her, though, since he’s still tied to Aralee in his mind.”

All of the others in the room had listened to Siena’s opinion and seemed to be taking it in for future reference. Kaiyan was suddenly concerned about how Seimitsu would react to that. “Does Seimitsu know?”

Siena finished filling the plates then turned to her. “I don’t know, but I hope he gets a clue before it’s too late. I may be Shiri’s future Wind Wolf Wielder link, but the others coming with Jase may not respect his claim if they feel the tug with Seimitsu. It really will be her choice, but Jaedin still feels like he has a claim even if he doesn’t follow through at first.”

With that, Siena walked away to take the food upstairs. Kaiyan heard another double meaning but then looked at the others who had worried expressions on their faces. She looked at her brother. “You need to speak with her, Shinakio. This could get even more complicated than it was before.”

Shin nodded as he finished filling his plate, but Euri grabbed it to take to a seat in the rough dining area separate from the little nook in the adjacent room. He chuckled then looked at his sister again as he blushed slightly. “I will speak with Sei. Don’t ask about what just happened with Euridis, and I won’t bother you about your reaction to Siena either, okay?”

Kaiyan sighed, knowing of her little brother’s infatuation with Euri, so she could only reply, “Okay.”

The siblings both went to sit with the others who were discussing how they needed to schedule all of the things they needed to focus on doing. Ryuu and Macy nodded to Kaiyan with smiles, and she could see a Mate-Link between the two so she smiled back before eating while listening to the others. She would get her schedule done and try to get to know Shiri more too. She had decided to become her Geo Stallion Wielder link, and learning to fight together was of great importance. Of course, since Siena was going to be Shiri’s other link too, that meant the three of them needed practice together as well. Sighing again, Kaiyan wondered if they all ever would be as cohesive as they needed to be. Romantic entanglements to maneuver could be an even harder battle none of them were ready to fight.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jorn ate in the lovely inn where he’d booked his room for a few more days after being asked to stay and share minstrel talents by more than just Matron Hungate whose son was coming home soon. It had given him a feeling of fulfillment in the way someone who loved using that ability for good did. This also felt like something that was designed for him that would lead to an important link he needed to find. He’d learned over the years that his instincts were honed by being a Knight of Migoto, but it could be from a gift too. Although he was young for this task, he’d always felt the hand of Divine Providence on him. Jorn could only hope his perception was sharp and ready for gathering what his kingdom needed.

“I think this inn is the best choice. I have a feeling it will be exactly what we need, brother!”

The melodious voice broke through Jorn’s thoughts, and he turned in his seat to see a beautiful young woman dressed in traveling clothes come to the counter with a young man that must be the brother she was speaking to about plans. Jorn could tell they were tired, but he also could sense they had a purpose in coming to Rosen. As the inn keeper came to the desk, he smiled at them and asked a few questions most inn keepers did for safety.

“Coming to see the minstrel who’s in town for a few more days?” Nelson asked, and that made Jorn smile at the innkeeper’s suggestion since he’d made a lot from Jorn’s audiences and would also help Jorn in his journeys.

“We actually were looking for an inn to stay at while we find places that might need that specific talent. My brother Cheveyo and I have entertained since we were knee-high to a grass-leaper,” the woman said in a lilting but strong tone.

“We’re also here to take in the town and enjoy our time off now that harvest at the farm we worked is over,” the brother with a deeper yet pleasant demeanor added.

Jorn found this all very interesting. He’d thought he’d met all of the minstrels in this area, but maybe working their main occupation had kept them from the usual traveling and performing routes commonly shared. As he heard them get two small adjoined rooms and meals scheduled he knew he’d have to introduce himself and see what this new element to his stay would come to mean for his two different missions – music and military.

“The dining area is straight behind you, and you can have a light repast until your rooms are ready. Our evening meal will be hens with herb toasted bread and vegetables. In fact, I think the minstrel is still enjoying his light repast until he goes to perform at one of the taverns or shops this afternoon.”

There was silence for a moment until Cheveyo suggested, “Maybe we should get something to eat and meet the minstrel that’s known and sounds like he’s been here for a while. It might give us choices here, Hateya.”

Jorn decided to come from the dining area to introduce himself to the siblings, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’d be glad to answer any questions either of you have about this area and the prospects they offer for entertainers like us.”

The woman he now knew was named Hateya turned to give him a look of aggravation that changed to interest. After a moment of silence Cheveyo also turned to see who she was looking at then smiled and walked over to Jorn to hold out his hand. “It would be much appreciated, kind sir.”

Jorn accepted Cheveyo’s hand then looked at Hateya again. “It would be my pleasure. The people here have been kind to me, so it would be wonderful to see others keep them entertained and uplifted once I leave.”

“When are you leaving, sir minstrel?” Hateya asked as she took a few steps toward them. “I’m just curious to know if we’ll get time to enjoy your talent.”

The minstrel knight smiled at her. “I have agreed to wait until the son of one of the ladies here arrives so he can hear me. I wasn’t supposed to stay this long, but duty calls during the most interesting times.”

Hateya laughed in a way that lit up her face. “Something we can attest to, right Chev?”

The brother shook his head to what Jorn thought had to be an inside joke between them since he added with an amused tone, “We agreed. No dresses for me and no male parts for you.”

Jorn couldn’t help himself from commenting on that, “I bet the story behind that assertion would be quite entertaining. I hope you will share it with me before I leave.”

“Count on it!” Cheveyo stated, earning an elbow in his side from his sister.

Jorn chuckled at the two and then motioned to the dining area. “Let’s enjoy the food and conversation together as new companions and fellow entertainers.”

Hateya and Cheveyo agreed, giving Nelson their order of light meals as suggested before they joined Jorn at his table. The minstrel knight nodded in acceptance of what had been given as another possible point of contact. Any means of information could be exactly what he’d been waiting on to be discovered. It also could lead to restoring their kingdom from demon attacks that kept hurting the people.

Jorn simply had to keep his cover for the crown, still be what was needed for the people now, and then both together.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Come on Ryuu! I’ve seen you hit a demon with more power! We need to fight against each other’s best!”

It was probably not the right comparison to make, but Zale was itching to get some real training in. Ryuu was someone he knew would challenge him once irritated enough, and Zale was glad to antagonize since it was interesting with Ryuu.

“You do realize that you and Shiri aren’t Pledge-Linked yet, right?” Ryuu said with a raised eyebrow.

Zale actually laughed but was pleased with the thought. “Is that a suggestion that Shiri and I do that sooner?”

The target was hit with flame behind Zale and was the answer he had expected in a theoretical way, but the heat making him move forward a few steps proved the reality of it was more dangerous.

“Remember? You have to keep your focus on the enemy but with a periphery around you too,” Ryuu explained in the way that Zale remembered from what seemed like a lifetime ago now.

“I do remember. Thank you for the reminder done in such a theatrical way, Ryuuu” was Zale’s response just as Ryuu’s target was ripped through with water, making it be the other man’s turn to move.

“Are you both always this way in practice or are you also like this when fighting?” Macy asked from a safe distance.

Zale turned to look at her and smiled. “Your Mate-Link is notorious for hammering us in practice, Macy, but he is ever vigilant in an actual fight. That is why we trust him, and that is why we fight beside him.”

“Thank you for that vote of confidence, Zale. You were always focusing properly when we went to protect the girls too, so I don’t doubt you’ll keep focused now. In fact, all of us need to get a better edge for fighting.”

Zale raised his eyebrow in the way Ryuu usually did, and Ryuu must have realized exactly from whom Zale had acquired that talent since they both began laughing at each other. Zale was getting ready to propose setting up a different array of targets to get them to test their strengths, but Shin came running to him with a concerned look on his face.

“Shiri is really sick, Zale! Seimitsu checked on her when she didn’t come downstairs after taking a nap. Shiri has a fever, and is coughing so badly she’s trying to sit up, but she’s so weak she can barely do it.”

Zale’s face went pale before he walked past Shin to head towards Shiri’s room. Zale didn’t have time to tell Ryuu to end the match, thank Shin for getting him, or even think at all. He needed to help the woman he loved! It was the drumbeat of his heart and the fear in his mind that propelled him inside, up the stairs, and down the hall to Shiri’s open door. Zale entered to find Jun mixing items in a pestle by Seimitsu on one side, Siena standing on the other side with an aggrieved look on his face, and Euridis sitting at the foot of that side with her head bowed as if in prayer.

“Do we know what’s wrong?” Zale asked before even greeting the others and then Shiri had a coughing fit.

Seimitsu gave her sister a damp rag to place on her forehead. “She’s really hot, so we began using the cool water cloths to try to help. Jun is mixing something he gives to Thalia when she’s sick with something close to this.”

Zale watched feeling utterly useless but then Shiri’s eyes met his as she rasped out, “It will be okay, Zale.”

Siena nodded to him and moved as the young man went to her other side to take her hand. “I know it will. I can’t help but worry anyway since I can’t be the one to help you like I wish I could.”

Jun chose that moment to put a tablespoon of the stuff he’d mixed into Shiri’s mouth that made her grimace before he answered Zale with, “Pray this works. It sometimes takes Thalia a few days to get over what she gets like this. I’m hoping whatever Shiri has is along the same lines.”

Zale looked over at Siena who was looking just as upset, so he nudged the other man with his arm to make Siena meet his eyes since they shared the same troubled gaze. “Jun just said he could have it under control.”

Siena sighed. “I hope so. I don’t want anything bad happening to her, especially when it’s something I can’t help her to fight since I don’t know what is causing it.”

Her soon-to-be-Wave Wielder and soon-to-be-Wind Wielder gave each other commiserate looks that somehow made Zale feel a little better. He just hoped Siena did too. He then thought about where Siena usually was if not getting food or practicing, and gave him a concerned look. “Who’s with Jaedin?”

Siena smiled, his tension relaxing as he replied, “Thalia and Vian.”

Zale blinked for a moment but then began laughing. “Oh, I would love to be a fly on the wall during that!”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thalia gave Jaedin a pointed look as she demanded, “She’s been staying here with you every night?” Thalia was encouraged by the way Jaedin’s face reddened from the scrutiny of the mother and aunt of the ‘she’ Thalia was meaning. Vian was staying out of it for the moment, but Thalia could tell she was upset.

“One of the others was always here with us, so nothing questionable happened and couldn’t have in my current state of not being able to even get out of bed on my own.”

The statement was spoken with a hint of anger, a splash of indignity, and even an outright frustration. Thalia wasn’t sure which made her feel worse for him or for Seimitsu. She knew her niece and her niece’s heart when it came to the man in the bed. He was beautifully masculine with a presence that made someone close to him feel protected for some reason. Even if he couldn’t fight at the moment, she was certain he’d be a force to reckon with again when the time came.

“My daughter has spoken of you in length when it came to her feelings and wish to rescue you, so you must understand our concern since you obviously are as she described when it comes to your looks.”

Thalia tried to keep from snickering at Vian’s words since she remembered how Vian had gone on and on about Berne when she’d first met him. Thalia remembered her description of Jun as well, so Seimitsu having feelings of the romantic type for the man in front of them really was no surprise. If Thalia didn’t love Jun to distraction she could even imagine being enamored with Jaedin herself. He was handsome in a way that spoke of passionate love.

Shaking herself, Thalia tried to listen to Jaedin’s reply to Vian’s words, but the man was blinking at the two women in his room with wide eyes that told his absolute astonishment at their claims. Thalia decided to fill in the silence since he was speechless. “What Vian means is that our concern was that you were better healed as the men of your lineage would be with your given talents.”

Jaedin nodded in understanding. “Usually I would be. I was chained in a brick room for seventy years, ladies, denied a link to my element, and barely kept alive when it came to food. I’ve been weak though I’ve finally made a link with my Wind Wolf again, much to my relief and delight.” He then frowned as he went on “I fear that I’ll never be what Mitsu… Seimitsu thinks I’m meant to be for her. Do I care for her? Definitely. Will I do what I can to protect her once I mend? If at all within my power. Will that be enough for her? I’m not sure. I’m trying to believe this is real and not some wicked delusional dream I’ll soon wake from within that hated prison as Takeo tries to make me denounce my faith again!”

Thalia looked at Vian who was in tears and suddenly rushed to hug Jaedin. She felt the same way and gave into the tug to join her niece who felt like a sister in consoling the man in the bed. Once on the opposite side that Vian was hugging, she spoke to Jaedin in what she hoped would calm his fears. “We’re all on the journey that may lead to more pain than we expect, more anger than we anticipate, and more fear than we think we can overcome. You must let Tenrai take all those things from you to begin the healing so you can be whole once again, Jaed.”

Jaedin pulled away to look at Thalia with a pained but assessing feature in his eyes. “Aralee used to call me that. Only Siena has called me that since. Why did you do so now?”

Thalia nodded in understanding. “Aralee was the Bengosha you lost?” When Jaedin nodded in a broken slump, she took his hand and told him, “She is in Joukai now. You are still needed here in Migoto. Losing the one you love makes you sad and angry, but take it from someone who just recently thought she’d lost hers, we all need to fight to protect the ones still here that we love to give honor to those who fought before and will be waiting for us one day.”

“Ara would not be happy with me letting the enemy get away again,” was Jaedin’s reply that sounded so broken.

“Then make the enemy pay by sending them back to Naraku to protect our Seimitsu and Shiri!” Vian implored him with the sound of a commanding officer in the mother’s support league as she pulled away.

Thalia squeezed Jaedin’s hand again then stood beside the bed. “It won’t be easy, but as my mate says, doing right rarely is. Remember your Kouken vow. Remember your Elemental vow. Remember your implicated vow to Seimitsu even if you can’t fulfill it yet.”

Jaedin sighed like one weight had been lifted, but then a different one rested on him that seemed lighter. He told the two women, “I can’t promise again, but I will try to do all I can when I can.”

Thalia smiled and took Vian’s arm to drag her away as she quickly added, “Let Tenrai guide you in a way you never have known before, Jaed. He is good, and He is faithful, and He expects us to try to be what we were promised by Him.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jase walked into the inn located in Rosen with a hopeful but wary look on his face as he approached the keeper. “Do you have enough rooms for two ladies and three gentlemen, my good man?”

The innkeeper gave him a surprised look then began laughing. “If I’d known getting that minstrel here would bring so much business, I might have tried to coerce him into staying even two more weeks longer than he has already.”

Jase blinked at the odd assessment before asking, “Too much business or not enough?”

The innkeeper smiled. “You have just made my inn full to capacity, and I’m grateful since times have been hard until just recently.” He then put out his hand to shake. “I’m Nelson Roberts, and you have the two rooms with meals at a blessed price for your patronage in the future.”

Jase shook Nelson’s hand then asked, “I was told to ask for someone who is in Nagisa. Do you know Ryuu? He’s a friend that is expecting me and my group.”

Nelson’s face took on a pinched look like he was trying to place the name. “Nagisa is a bit away from here. Would he have stayed here?”

Jase shook his head. “I don’t think so. He’s at a fishing beach house that the owner gave permission for both groups to use, but they need to get some of the rooms ready for us.” It wasn’t really a lie, so it would have to do for as close to an honest explanation he could give under the circumstances.

“Then he may have come to Rosen for supplies depending on how long they’ve been there, how many there are in his group, and how good the fishing is to give them more fresh food,” Nelson assessed with a grin.

Jase sighed at not knowing how to reach them. “He told me to come here until they contacted us. We’ll have to wait until one in his group does come to get supplies or to see if we’ve arrived yet. They should have been there for only a couple days now, and they couldn’t have brought that much with them. They were expecting another group before us, so maybe they brought some supplies too.”

“Too bad your friend couldn’t give you better directions,” the keeper said with a frown.

“I’ve been known to get lost, so he probably wanted me to enjoy your town until they’re ready. It’s a large house to accommodate former fishers, but it will have to have room designations rearranged again with us. We should eat well here until they get us!” Jase tried to erase the frown from Nelson’s face, and he was happy to see that his praise did.

“Get your group into our dining area and have the midday meal. It’s brisket with noodles, biscuits, and grilled squash!”

Jase didn’t have to be told twice. Nodding he went to get the other Kouken while explaining the odd situation as quickly as possible since he was hungry from traveling. He knew that regardless of anyone’s upset at the delay of joining Ryuu, the meal described would make anyone feel much better.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Macy took a deep breath before opening the door. She had seen Jaedin chained up, scarred from the torture of his mind and body for seven decades, and living without a hope of being rescued; but she had never seen him as conflicted as he seemed to be right before he saw her there. His expression seemed more scared at that moment than even that fateful moment they’d shared as their greatest sacrifice at the same time it was a heart-wrenching defeat they didn’t know they could ever recover from experiencing.

“I don’t think I can do this, Macy. Please, if you have any love for my brother then don’t seek me for absolution. I have none to give, even to myself.”

Macy had an idea of what some of the fear was about so she decided to address that first. “I didn’t get with child then, Jaedin. If I become with child a few months from now then it will be your brother’s.”

Jaedin’s eyes began widening as he almost whispered, “You’re sure?”

Ryuu’s Mate-Link grinned. “I’m sure. I went through months of normal female proof to that fact. Ryuu knows for sure now too since our link can’t allow something like that from being known by him. He knows the memory of what Takeo did to us. He knows why. We both need to forgive each other, forgive ourselves, and let the past stay in the past where it belongs. We can enjoy a new future we’re all fighting to have now.”

Ryuu’s brother stared at her with tears beginning to fill his eyes. “I prayed, Macy. I prayed so much that you wouldn’t have my child instead of my brother’s.”

“Rest assured. If we keep on the schedule my paramour is intent on completing, I should have a niece or nephew for you within the next year or so,” Macy said with a slight smile.

Jaedin nodded in acceptance. “I will try to be the best uncle either one could ever hope to have.”

Macy grinned then began to turn away until she quickly looked back at him. “Please don’t let what happened to Aralee or me keep you from loving Seimitsu. I know you have doubts about becoming Sei’s Wind Wolf Wielder, but never forget what she went through with gaining the coalition of wayward Kouken to set you free. We need Bengosha again. If Shiri will have me then I’ll be hers. If not, then I’ll pledge to the one I’m meant to protect. Whatever Tenrai requires, I’m now willing to give it. Be sure you are too.”

With that last announcement Macy walked out of Jaedin’s room to seek Ryuu. She’d been putting off seeing his brother, but she knew the shackle of fear about their previous situation fell useless behind her, and now she could truly begin to live again in the way Tenrai had promised. Jaedin would have to find a way to let his shackles fall too. They were already broken, but they would still hang on him until he threw them away.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seimitsu placed another cool wet rag on Shiri’s forehead. Even though the medicine had helped the cough, the fever was not going away. Jun had gone to do some reading of his books to see what could be causing this illness to worsen like it had in such an odd way. Seimitsu just didn’t know what to think about any of it.

“I need Zale!” Shiri’s voice rang out even though she was sleeping so it had to be a nightmare.

“It will be okay, Ri. He’ll be here again soon. Please rest until then.”

“You don’t know. You don’t see what will happen. The demon is approaching him. He has to run, Su! Please make him run! I’m not there! I can’t help him! I can’t… I can’t…”

Seimitsu sighed wearily over that kind of restless sleep returning to her sister. Shiri hadn’t had the nightmare about a demon for quite some time. Fighting had helped her just as Jun had suggested. She took the younger sister’s hand and began praying, “Father of Lights, in the name of Tenrai Daystar and the pact His believers now have with you and your given gifts, I ask for you to send the way for this sickness to be cured. I believe you are the Healer by the power of the True Element sent to us through Tenrai Daystar’s pact with us. Tenrai came to save us from this life of torment by Your Will. I ask this, Lord. Tenrai, so please help!”

Shin came rushing into the room then. “Help is close by, Sei! I just was given a Revelation that the other Kouken have arrived. Kaiyan is going to Rosen to get supplies and meet with those brought by Jase. He is a Geo Stag, so healing is in his ability. Hold fast, little sister. The answer will be here soon.”

Seimitsu stood up and hugged her pledged brother. “I just wish I knew what had happened to cause this. She had been happy and enjoying all of the cooking she was doing for our groups.” She pulled away and looked at him with a frown. “Was she working too much and not resting enough? She’s been practicing too, so maybe it drained her to this point.”

“Or something else altogether,” the streaked-blond replied sadly as Seimitsu sat back down and he looked at Shiri. “We don’t know what the enemy could be doing, and maybe they found a way to do something that would find us no matter where we were to make us sick. I know it sounds crazy, but we have to consider all possibilities to figure this out.”

“She keeps having nightmares like she used to have before we began learning how to use our gifts, then they came back when we couldn’t practice and the first demon attack happened, and then they were gone again once we began fighting alongside the Kouken.” Seimitsu gave Shin a worried look. “What else can I do?”

Shin took her hand. “I don’t know, Sei. If Jun can’t help her with his known medicine then maybe Jase can with his Gift.”

Seimitsu nodded and pulled the cloth from her sister to wring it out again. “It will be okay, Ri. I’ll do whatever I have to do to get you back.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kaiyan walked down the pathway to get to Rosen. Her brother had given her directions, and she knew he’d seen them completely, so she wasn’t concerned about that. Meeting Jase and other Kouken wasn’t even an issue either. Her main frustration stemmed from Siena trying to stop her from going. He’d casually stated that a man should be the one to go meet the others. She’d then explained that she needed to get food too so she was the right one to go since she knew a lot more about that than he did and that she’d know at least one of the Kouken coming with Jase. Siena had protested the choice still, but Kaiyan had then told him that unless he had legal, emotional, and physical rights over her then she wasn’t bound by anything he ever said.

Choosing to walk instead of summon her Geo Stallion had made it seem like an eternity for her to think about everything needed, what had happened with Siena, and how Shiri was so ill that she might need a Geo Stag to do the healing. The marketplace was a welcomed sight when she finally reached it. It didn’t take long for her to pick the assortment of food that she’d come back to get after the other business was done. She asked the stand owner where “Nelson’s Inn” was located. Once she was pointed in the right direction it didn’t take long for her to find it due to a very brightly colored wooden sign that was probably a sight that many travelers welcomed with joy after being on the road for longer than she’d been. She had to admit to being pulled through the door by music playing. Smiling, Kaiyan went to the counter where a reddish-brown haired man stood, his feet moving to the happy tune coming from what might have been the dining area for the inn’s patrons.

“Excuse me, kind sir,” Kaiyan said as she moved closer to him. “I’m looking for someone who might be staying here with a group of travelers.”

The man gave her a surprised look but then smiled. “Well, lovely lady, we have a minstrel, two other travelers, and a group of five in house. Do you know the name of the one you seek?”

“Jase,” was her definitive reply.

The man nodded then held out his hand. “I’m Nelson, the keeper of this humble inn, plenty of good fare, and even a traveling minstrel. I believe Jase is the leader of the four others in his company. Let me see if I can pull him away from Jorn’s mirthful merriment!”

Kaiyan nodded then closed her eyes to enjoy the new song that was of a ballad type. It made her remember the hope she’d had for her and Siena. It made her think about what her next action should be concerning the man she loved who never seemed to get a clue or respect her for the independent woman she’d become. It was time for Siena Stasheff to learn that she would not be taken for granted… ever.

“You were sent by Ryuu?” came the male voice that she assumed was Jase, but had to verify it.

“And who might you be?” She asked, giving a considering look to the four others who had left the dining area to join him in the lobby. She recognized Amaya and smiled at her.

“I’m Jase, and this is the group I told Ryuu about bringing if he’d welcome us to join you,” Jase replied then looked at the others who nodded in agreement.

Kaiyan was getting ready to ask a few questions when the man with teal eyes and black hair called out, “Siena! I had wondered if you were still babysitting Ryuu.”

Kaiyan whirled around to find Siena standing behind her with a glare directed to the other man as he challenged, “Never thought you’d be joining this group, Tristan. You were always with the council no matter what they demanded for you to follow, even if it was against our calling.”

Tristan snorted. “Do you honestly think that? I was mad as blazes when those decrees came out. I just didn’t know how many we had willing to go against them.”

Kaiyan watched as Siena took in the other man’s words before sighing heavily before he said, “Good to know. I had always hoped you were brighter than they thought you were.”

Tristan actually laughed. “Good to know you finally got through to Ryuu. I’d feared he’d drink himself to death.”

Kaiyan then remembered that he was someone Siena had challenged many times in what seemed like a lifetime ago. She looked between the two and then shook herself back to the present. “Well, we need to move this grand reunion along since we have to transport food I have waiting at the stand and get to the house because one of our own is sick and needs one of the Stags to use his healing.”

All of those in the group looked startled, and Siena gave her a sheepish look too. “I’m trying to not think about her being as sick as she is which is why I asked before to come with you.” He then looked at the others in Jase’s group. “Kaiyan’s right, though, so we can’t stay since we need to get the food. We just need one of the Stags to come with us.”

Kaiyan nodded in acceptance of the plan then started to walk out of the inn. A firm hand halted her, so she turned to see Siena giving her a pointed look that she didn’t understand. He finally spoke in a near whisper, “I knew you could do this, Kaiyan. I did want to do this to stop obsessing over Shiri being sick, but I’d hoped to find a couple of minutes away from the others to speak with you about what’s been going on with us since you got here.”

Kaiyan gave him one of her own pointed looks. Siena thought this was a good time to talk with her about their issues in the middle of vetting possible allies, dealing with Shiri being sick, and not knowing how things were with the girls’ family yet? She didn’t know which was worse, his timing or that she hadn’t expected him to follow her after she’d made it clear how she felt about it. “Then what’s going on with you, Sen? I’ve been trying to reason it out, but you still haven’t let me know what you thought of the kiss I gave to you before you left to rescue Jaedin!”

Siena shook his head but then responded, “This, Kai!” as he grabbed her by her shoulders, pulled her against him, and claimed her lips in a fiery kiss of possession with blatant disregard to where they were or what anyone would think of it. Kaiyan didn’t notice the sudden silence caused by the kiss or the looks they got from the Kouken, the inn keeper, or an obvious minstrel who had joined them. Kaiyan only knew that she probably had just learned how Siena felt if this kiss was any indication.

When Siena pulled away his eyes pierced hers. “You are mine, Kaiyan Yamamoto. You were always meant to be mine, and I’m sorry I let a misconception keep me from acting on this before now. I know you might be angry with me, and I know that you probably will be again over the course of the rest of our lives in this existence, but I claim you as mine, and I won’t let you dismiss me ever again.”

Kaiyan should have yelled at him for using the hated truncated name, the way he’d taken charge of the situation too easily, or how he’d disarmed her with a kiss she’d been waiting for but knew would change everything for them again. She should have, but all she could do was reply, “It’s about blasted time, Sena! I’ve been waiting ever since you left to get Jaedin when I kissed you, but you seemed to ignore me when I made it to Nagisa.” She held up her hand to stop an interruption from him. “I accept being yours, Siena Stasheff, but you have to accept you being mine too. It goes both ways. It’ not your way, and it’s not my way, but it will be our way or no way at all. Do you accept my terms?”

Siena grinned at her then pulled her close once more. “Good, yes, and yes.” He kissed her again to show he was serious. Kaiyan felt a different energy envelope her, and she knew he did too since his kiss intensified from the effect of it. She heard gasps of astonishment by the other Kouken since she’d already seen how the honest Mate-Link would appear to Kouken. It actually was good that they were there to verify the Mate-Link they now had. The soft red swirled around them in a pattern of knitting together in Kaiyan’s perspective, and she wrapped her arms more tightly around Siena as his thoughts, emotions, and memories filled her as hers did in him to help them understand each other far better than anything else ever would have. They could still block their thoughts or emotions at will, but this Mate-Link beginning meant there would be complete honesty and unity to begin their lives together.

Jase, Shiloh, Arin, Amaya, and Tristan would be seeing red strands winding around the two of them in an intricate dance that spoke of a connection of mind, body, spirit, and soul that lasted throughout a lifetime. Although the two hadn’t yet consummated their union physically, the link was already weaving that blessed bond that both would feel for as long as either lived in the present field of existence. It was deeper than a Pledge-Link or Bond-Link in ways that were romantic in nature unlike the other two.

“It’s about time, Siena, since I’ve watched you and Kaiyan dance around each other for an eternity already!”

Kaiyan broke their kiss to give Tristan an aggravated look. “Keep your remarks caged, Tris, or I’ll see you caged in a way you can’t even begin to understand.” With that, she grabbed Siena’s face to kiss him once more for good measure, and that left her new Mate-Link laughing at her passion that she knew he loved even before the Mate-Link.

The others watched as Tristan actually colored a bit from Kaiyan’s threat, and Jase smiled as he addressed the newly Mate-Linked couple. “Congratulations and many blessings wished. Tenrai be with you always!”

“Tenrai always!” The rest of Jase’s group echoed.

Nelson the inn keeper seemed to pull free of his shock from not understanding what had really just happened but then offered, “Is there a need to toast what seems to have been some kind of wedding?”

The Kouken laughed, but then the minstrel stepped forward. “I can play a lively tune to dance to celebrate your joining.”

Kaiyan gave Siena a smirk and answered for them both at his first mental agreement, “Yes to both, good sirs, and we will pay for your services.” She then spoke to Jase, “We won’t linger long since we need to get the food, you need to see Shiri as soon as possible, and we need to discuss things to decide a plan for the next few months.”

While the inn keeper didn’t have a clue what that meant, he appreciated the possible patronage. The minstrel seemed to know more about what was going on since he shook Siena’s hand then kissed Kaiyan’s in the courtly fashion before then saying, “I’m Jorn Kravitz. Though I’m a minstrel in trade, I also have some connections to the kingdom knights that may come in use to you at some point.”

Kaiyan shared the surprised yet optimistic feeling she and Siena both were filled with at this interesting information. Once they were all trained, Jorn could be the link the Kouken needed to warn the crown of the pending attack. They might be able to get information to the people in the right positions to keep their safety yet help them to be ready to protect the kingdom again completely.

“We will keep in touch then, Jorn,” Siena responded at Kaiyan’s prompting since he’d be the male contact until Ryuu decided to step forward.

“I’ll be in town for much longer than I was first expecting, but two other minstrels have arrived, so we might be able to collaborate to bring an exciting performance unlike anything this town has ever seen!”

Kaiyan and Siena nodded in anticipation, and then they rejoined the others to not only share a few toasts but quickly partake of a lovely cake that had been made for the evening dinner. It took a better place of honor in this unsuspected celebration. The couple was overwhelmed by the events they hadn’t planned, but it seemed some things happened when one was least aware of the opportunities surrounding you.

CHAPTER 5: Abilities in Transition

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


Jamison Alexander Lewis walked along the asphalt path on his way home as he listened to his iPad that had almost as much music he could fill it with already. His strawberry blond tinged hair was already down to his shoulders again, but he’d told his adoptive Dad that he was keeping it too. His blue eyes focused on song information on the device in his hand as his fingers tapped it in a staccato rhythm beat almost continually.

Jamison had always hoped that his path was going to be a bit more exciting. Hugh had helped in so many ways that Jamison would never be able to repay, but he’d felt he was meant for something more than what he was doing. He’d tried for content acceptance of computer science, then it was biologic science, and he was a student of many in most ways. He was going to begin his first year in college for a major in Molecular Engineering and a minor in Chemistry. It would give him many interesting and excited options once he’d completed the degree, but there still was something missing. He’d always loved the varied science fiction and comic book abilities for characters, so he was trying to do something as close to it as he could in the real world.

He smiled at the silver-haired man coming towards him who shook his head at Jamison’s music loving antics. Hugh was coming from his Computer Science class so they both began walking home together. It was more than Jamison had ten years ago when they’d first met by the downtown Dayton alley. He now could get all of the books he could read, play all of the video games he could earn through a few chores, and buy all of the music possible since two out of three of these had been proven to help in the science and mathematics fields if the recent research was correct. Video game debates were becoming a bit much for him to engage in since he only played a few with a couple of friends who also liked music and other things more. He could see how it might affect someone who didn’t have a supportive parental figure, but even before he’d had Hugh as his Dad, Jamison wasn’t really a gamer. He never could give himself over to the mythic fighting scenarios like so many seemed to. Jamison believed in more than science too since Hugh took him to church, but though he believed in his Christian faith, the everyday doldrums left him feeling like he wasn’t where he should be yet.

“Are you okay? You’re a bit quieter today.” Hugh’s voice was heard over the music which meant he’d had to yell.

Jamison clicked off his iPhone and gave his adopted father a pained look. “Sorry about that. Maybe I’m stressing out over the upcoming entrance exam. I placed high before, but I live in constant dread that they’ll say I cheated, or some other nonsense that will kick me out of the program.”

Hugh stopped and placed his hand on Jamison’s shoulder to halt his steps too. “We both know that you have studied, prepared, and probably know more than most of the students entering their second year, Jamison. Quit worrying over things you have no control over and focus on what you do.”

Jamison nodded but then turned questioning eyes to the man who had saved him from future dumpster diving. “I just feel like there’s something more. I can’t explain it, but it’s like Narnia, Merovence, or even Atlantis is calling to me.” He frowned over how crazy that must have sounded but then added, “Haven’t you ever felt like your own path was to be altered for some reason, and you need to follow the different one you hadn’t even planned on doing?”

The Computer Science teacher sighed heavily. “There have been a few times when the code I’ve been working on seems to take on an actual visual representation of it before my eyes. Even though I’m looking at the screen, it somehow also can appear on the wall, like a mosaic of commands that could change reality.” Hugh then chuckled. “That sounds crazy too, but maybe we’re just two of a kind in some ways no one else would ever understand.”

“I’ve felt that way most of my life, Dad, but it’s been strange how I can think of chemical compounds, add mathematic equations, and then come up with changing physical images. That does seem crazy, so maybe we’re still waiting for a sign to point us to where we belong. Maybe not even in this world though,” Jamison agreed sadly.

“It sounds like you both need to visit a different one.”

They both knew neither of them had said that, so they turned toward where the voice had come from in an alley around the corner. Not knowing what to do, they simply walked toward the opening. A bright light pulsed before a being unlike any either one of them had seen stepped closer. Although looking along the lines of the angels in many religious books contained, this being was very tall, very stately, and very real in appearance if they hadn’t lost their respective minds. Jamison wasn’t sure about that since this was way beyond his imagination.

“I am Lazzaro Murai Tenshi. Each of you has a gift that cannot reach full potential here on Earth, but you will find what you were made to become through Jesus Christ who is known as Tenrai Daystar in Eirinth. You need to let Destiny chart your course there to find what you’ve been missing.”

Jamison looked at Hugh, but the man was staring rather dumbstruck at the being, so Jamison felt he needed to respond. “We need to do what and go where?”

Lazzaro smiled. “Eirinth is a parallel world to Earth in what you would call a different dimension. While you have high technology here, Eirinth is what you would call a medieval world with some who do have special abilities that would be called supernatural by some in your world. The abilities that a person has in every dimension were given by the Creator of all realms in all dimensions. Each dimension has its own different way abilities are utilized and expressed physically, visually, or even spiritually depending on the background of that world.”

“So if you’re a computer programmer here you might be able to do what there?” Hugh asked quickly.

The Protector Angel sighed but seemed to know he had to answer since it was necessary for things to be the way they needed to be. “You will be able to mentally write code that will then be seen as reality in Eirinth even though it will only be an illusion.”

Hugh looked at Jamison who was the one dumbstruck by what his Dad would do and didn’t know what to say. Hugh had told Jamison more than once that he was a son to him as if he was his own flesh and blood, so it pleased him when Hugh nodded his way and asked Lazzaro, “Then what about Jamison and his gift?”

Lazzaro gave Jamison a conflicted look. “I don’t know that answer because Jamison hasn’t been in Eirinth before, and he has more than one interest that spans many areas here. What he just told you will have something to do with what his gifts will be there. You already have been seeing yours in your mind recently, Hugh.”

Jamison and Hugh traded looks of their own and then Jamison spoke, “You’re right. I don’t know my focal point yet, and I have too many paths here, but I want the opportunity to find out what they can do together if I can. Take us to Eirinth, Lazzaro, so we can find our true Destiny.”

Lazzaro gave him a pleased smile as he wrapped Jamison and Hugh with energy that felt like a blanket of Kevlar. That comparison made Jamison begin to laugh. Before they could be translated to Eirinth, though, another voice called out, “Hey Jam! Where you going? I thought we needed to study for the LSATS. You’re supposed to help me with the math stuff. And who’s the Anime cosplayer?”

Jamison looked at the other young man in alarm. “I need to be somewhere else right now, Elijah. I’ll get back with you as soon as I can.”

Elijah raised an eyebrow. “An Anime convention is more important than studying for the most important test for college? That doesn’t sound like you, guy, so what’s up? Why is your Dad going to a convention with you anyway?”

Jamison looked to Hugh then Lazzaro who really looked annoyed until he suddenly seemed to see something more than Jamison did. The Murai Tenshi nodded as he explained, “He’s meant to go with us for some reason so you’ll have to try to explain it to him on the way there.”

It was the last words uttered before the energy reached out to envelope Elijah too, and then they were whirling through what must have been the space-time-continuum or a worm-hole with Hugh closing his eyes, Elijah whooping like a kid on a tilt-a-whirl, and Jamison wondering what in the world he had just agreed to do.

Once the traveling was in progress, Elijah seemed to realize they weren’t on a new aircraft or spaceship. He looked at Jamison and asked, “What’s really going on, Jam?”

“Did you ever like the Middle Earth movies, Eli?” Hugh interjected before Jamison could answer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thalia shook her head as Vian and Jeslyn each tried to string an arrow on a bow. She had set up a small target area for them to practice since they would be part of a group of archers to be placed above the fight in Heigen on balustrades during spring if the timeframe held. Thalia hadn’t shot an arrow in a long time herself so she tried to not be critical of her nieces. It actually was ironic that Jun had trained Vian’s girls for all that time with their special gifts, and now their mother, aunt, and great-aunt were going to fight too, even if in this different yet hopefully safer way. Time was of the essence, so they had to practice to become completely adept.

“How can I shoot the arrow when I can’t even get it on the bow right?” Vian asked in total frustration.

“Yeah, this is really problematical,” Jeslyn added as her arrow slipped off the bow string again.

Thalia couldn’t help but grin since she’d had the same issue a few months ago when she’d begun practicing again in case it would be needed later. She hadn’t known it would be needed this soon though. Her practicing had lapsed due to the situation with Jun, so as she moved closer to them with her own reflex bow and quiver of arrows, she prayed she could answer through example even though she was still rusty.

“You have to get acquainted with you tools. Until your fingers get used to holding the arrow against the bowstring it can be really hard. I still have moments when my grip slips making it fall. Take deep breaths and keep the arrow shaft against the bow shelf as you hold the arrow notch against the bowstring. Line yourself with the target, pull the bowstring back, sight the arrow to the target, and then release.”

Vian and Jeslyn watched as Thalia pulled a wooden arrow from her quiver, locked it with notch in the bowstring then against the shelf, sighted the target, moved her stance to line it up, and then pulled the bowstring back to release the arrow. It hit the target close to the center mark and made both of the other two younger women begin asking several questions at the same time. Thalia relaxed her shoulders as she then laughed at how she couldn’t understand either woman since the words were rolling over each other.

“Okay. We’ll try to address all of your questions, but you have to ask them separately and one at a time. If not, I won’t be able to do anything. Understand?” The two young nodded and fell silent so Thalia smiled, rotated her arms, and then cracked her neck. “Let’s begin with the need to keep the arrow notch against the bowstring more easily…”

“Thalia! We have to go. This is important, and I need you to be with me since you already know them!”

Thalia turned to see Shin looking impatient. “What in the world are you talking about, Shin?”

The Kouken managed to smile then answered, “I’m sorry I seem so out of sorts, but I got a Revelation for Kaiyan to go to Rosen to get the other Kouken, and then I got one that Jun’s new students have arrived! I think you need to be the one to greet them since you’ll already know who they are and can put any of their fears to rest until they understand what’s going on here.”

Thalia gaped at him for a moment but then sighed before focusing on her nieces. “Since I don’t know how long this will take, go back to the beach house. Everything will be okay.”

Without another word she motioned Shin to lead to wherever they were going.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Seimitsu put another cold wet cloth on Shiri and kept waiting for Kaiyan to return with Jase. She’d already told Shin how her sister had suffered over the years, but Shiri had just begun to find more joy than she’d ever had. This sickness was so wrong for all of them since Shiri had worked so hard for the past few days to feed them! Seimitsu seemed to be at her wits end with what she could do too.

“See if you can Dream Visit her like you did me.” The voice made Seimitsu gasp as she turned to see Jaedin standing in the doorway. He maybe wasn’t quite as mobile as he’d thought since she could tell he was wavering on his feet, but it was a momentous thing for him to just be out of bed and walking.

“That’s actually a great idea, but I think you need to sit in the other chair before I have to get someone to carry you back to your room since you look like you’re about ready to pass out.” It was said in the no-nonsense way she’d heard Thalia use so often, so she was pleased to see him take her advice and stumble to the other chair by the bed.

“I told Zale to go practice with Ryuu and Macy, but I couldn’t rest anymore and decided to see if I could get up on my own. That led to me to use the wall to go down the hall, the wooden frame to get down the steps, and then the other wall again to get here,” Jaedin managed to say with difficulty due to his first walk outside his room since Seimitsu with the others had freed him from his prison cell.

“That was a long and dangerous walk in your state,” Seimitsu said but then saw him wince at her words and felt regret for saying them. “Your brother will be happy to see you up and about finally though.”

“You’re not?” He suddenly asked with a saddened tone in his voice that sliced her heart a little.

Seimitsu met his gaze that was just as somber. “Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be after all we’ve been through?”

“I know you’ve had to tend to your sister since she’s been ill, but you haven’t checked on me at all. I was beginning to think you… I mean I didn’t understand how you could just…” Jaedin shook his head. “I know this has been very hard on everyone since they all know and love Shiri. Zale is beside himself with his worry over her, and I know that practice can help with that at times.”

“The way it did when you were frustrated over not being with Aralee as her Mate-Link?”

Jaedin flinched as if she’d truly hit him. “What would you know about that? You weren’t there! You hadn’t even been born yet! You may have been in my mind, Seimitsu Forester, but you don’t know anything about my heart!”

Seimitsu glared at him. “And you don’t know anything about mine either, Jaedin Saito! You got upset with me helping you, so when this happened I decided to give you more space so you didn’t think I was trying to force you to be with me as my Wind Wielder if you truly didn’t want to do that. I tried to do what you wanted, so why in blazes would you even care so much to almost hurt yourself just to see if I was still wound around your finger when you don’t want that?”

“I never said I didn’t want to be your Wind Wielder, I said I didn’t think I could, and I didn’t think you should let me since I could fail you the same way I failed Aralee, and I don’t want you to die!” Jaedin’s voice was beginning to roughen again like he’d actually been yelling at others too, but she wondered if it was from crying instead.

The two fell silent then since they were both angry and hurting. They both remained in silence until Shiri moaned in her sleep to pull them out of their sulking. Seimitsu decided to try what Jaedin had suggested for her sister’s sake. Holding Shiri’s hand as a grounding link so she wouldn’t fall off the bed should the visit be too much for her in her already tired state, Seimitsu closed her eyes to do again what she had in what seemed so long ago to find Jaedin. It made her heart hurt, but she pushed it aside to sense for Shiri’s essence. It wasn’t hard to find since they were related, so she let her own essence seek that place where Shiri’s was at in the younger girl’s mind. It was different from Jaedin’s dreamscape since Shiri’s memories were placed very systematically. Shiri had some kind of mental system since Seimitsu could see types lined up in what seemed like pages of books in bounded tomes. All of them seemed closed. In fact, she came to one that had hard metal hinges and a lock. Seimitsu had a pretty good idea what it could be. Her essence went past those and wandered into another room that was bare except for Shiri’s self-of-self’s that was in a corner shuddering violently like she was cold.

Seimitsu was astounded by what this could mean and how she could fix it. “Shiri? What’s going on? Why are you here and not in a nice scene of a beach or forest? What’s wrong, Ri?”

Shiri’s essence eyes that were seen as swollen red from supposed crying looked up at her with complete despair. “I can’t do anything else but Sound Shield and Blast. You can do this. Why am I not important enough for more gifts, Su?”

Seimitsu blinked at this odd reasoning that sounded nothing like her sister would ever utter to anyone, not even to her. “What has gotten into you, Ri? We all have been learning new things, meeting new allies, and even finding more ways to fight the demons to save people. You will have more to use when it’s time. Who told you this lie?”

Shiri’s eyes looked down to a piece of paper on the floor. Seimitsu didn’t know what to think so she walked closer and picked the sheet up. It had words on it that seemed like those in the scrolls they were studying, but the language was harsh, demeaning, and not what any of the Bengosha books would contain. In fact, it was more like what the demons would say during the battles they’d had before. It was then that Seimitsu realized this was a nightmare. It wasn’t the fighting demons kind, or even something from their past, but it was meant to trap who Shiri was inside and keep her from doing what she had to do to be effective when they would fight together beside each other again.

Seimitsu didn’t know what else to do but try what she had with Jaedin, but since Shiri didn’t seem to understand what was going on, would it work? Could she wake up if Seimitsu led her to that place between sleep and awake? Seimitsu didn’t know, but she had to try for Shiri’s good and the group’s good too. If Shiri was this deteriorated in her mind then her body would probably soon follow. None of them could take that chance, and Seimitsu might be the only hope her sister had. Feeling herself emboldened from her own pep talk and even the fact that Jaedin had believed in her enough to suggest it, Seimitsu reached out and brushed the hair out of her sister’ sickened eyes. She took Shiri’s hand to try to help her to stand up, but when the younger sister resisted, Seimitsu had to break through that fog of imprisonment. “Shiri Forester! If you want to be Zale Murakami’s Mate-Link you need to get up and follow me right now!”

Shiri’s essence finally looked at her again. “I’m trapped. I don’t know why but I can’t get out. I don’t think Zale can get here. I don’t know. I just don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll ever know again…”

Seimitsu sent a safe pulse of Light into her sister. She didn’t know what would happen, but maybe being lit up with the energy would wake up the Sound energy that somehow was in a dormant state at present in some way Seimitsu had never seen and could not understand since the energy already lived within Shiri. Suddenly Seimitsu realized what she needed to be doing was looking for the energy link within Shiri. “I’ll be back,” she said as she smiled at Shiri. She then left to begin searching by walking away. She needed to find a place away from the memories, dreams, and even Shiri’s essence so she could use the Light to seek one similar to it to find a way to restore it to Shiri. If she was right, Seimitsu didn’t know how the gift had been sealed away in the first place. What had happened? What had they been missing?

Sighing, the honey-brown haired Bengosha found a corridor and leaned against the wall. As soon as she touched it, her mind was filled with the wail of her sister’s voice. One Light Sphere appeared in her hand, and she kept her other hand on the wall as she used the wail to guide her toward where the voice was coming. Was it possible that it was the place her sister’s true essence had somehow been trapped while the other image had been an ill fabrication? Seimitsu had almost believed the other was the right one, but she knew her sister would never have reacted to all she’d said in the way the false one had, especially the one about Zale.

Seimitsu rounded a couple more corners, two more corridors, and then one more corner then she knew she was there since the wails could be heard as words, “The real me is here! I’m in here! I want to see Zale! I want to see Thalia! I want to see Mother! Find me, Su! Find me, please! I need to cook for everyone or they’ll soon starve or get sick!”

Seimitsu had to force herself to not laugh as she threw her sphere at the corner of the building that didn’t exist, but it was to be safe just in case Shiri could be hurt by it in her current spirit form. Once most of the perceived dust settled, Seimitsu was knocked over by Shiri tackling her with obvious joy since she wasn’t screaming or ranting. Once Seimitsu finally got back the breath Shiri had knocked out, she asked, “What happened, Ri? How did you get trapped in here?”

Shiri shook her head as her eyes that were not reddened from tears became angered. “I went into the cellar to get more crates to use as targets. My eyes lighted on a golden necklace in the corner. I didn’t think anything about it being there, didn’t wonder how it got there, or didn’t even question who had once owned it. I had seen pictures in our story books before of ones like it, so I picked it up and then found myself locked in here.”

Seimitsu wrinkled her nose at the deceitful ploy of using golden jewelry any girl would want to wear to attract interest of possible sweethearts, or any boy would want to give to his possible sweetheart. Either way, it had been laid there for an evil purpose, but why and by whom? It was something she’d figure out later. For now she needed to wake up with Shiri before they got trapped some other way.

“We need to go, Ri. I was already tired, so I don’t know how long we can stay before I pass out.” With those words, she led Shiri to where she’d seen a possible area that would allow for Shiri to wake and Seimitsu to have her essence return to her own body as easily as possible. She looked to Shiri and smiled. “You need to reach for that place between sleep and awake. I think Jaedin said it felt like how you feel if your feet fall asleep.” She winced at herself but then continued, “It was actually Jaedin’s idea for me to go through the Dream Visit to find out why you hadn’t woken up yet.”

“I’ll have to thank him when I do. Thank you too, Su. Sisters, now and always!” Shiri proclaimed the last as she lay down by the colored tree tapestry that Seimitsu had taken her to rest since it seemed so soothing. It was only the matter of seconds before Shiri’s image disappeared, so Seimitsu closed her eyes and began her own meandering through that landscape of her sister’s mind to finally wake to strong hands holding her to keep her from falling.

“I was scared to death that you would tumble down any second!” Jaedin’s voice rang out in a very familiar way that Seimitsu had missed from when he’d comforted her when she’d Dream Visited him before his rescue.

“I knew you’d catch me, Jaed. If ever someone would keep me safe, it would always be you.”

Jaedin’s face began to take on a myriad of emotions as he suddenly pulled her closer to him. “I can’t, Mitsu. I would fail you every time, and I can’t let you die because of me. I want to be your Wind Wielder more than I ever did for any other Bengosha I’ve ever known in my whole life, but I’m too weak to be what you need for me to be.”

Seimitsu took a deep breath that was mixed with disappointment for him not being willing to try but happiness that he wanted to be. It may have seemed odd, but it was what she had needed to work with her other links. She wrapped her arms around him and whispered, “I understand. I won’t make this any more difficult for you. We do need to practice so we won’t be a weakness within our group. We can do this as friends and fellow fighters for Tenrai Daystar. I will always love you, Jaedin, so please don’t push me away anymore since I’ve agreed to not press you for more.”

“Does anyone else care that I’m finally awake?” The hoarsened voice of her sister in the bed next to them asked calmly. “I need something to drink, eat, bathe with, and dress in. Zale can’t come in until that’s done so scoot and scamper!”

Seimitsu and Jaedin both began laughing, and it didn’t take long until Shiri joined them until she began coughing from her throat being dry which moved Seimitsu to get some water as Jaedin made his slow but steadier pace to find one of the others to help. One more valley to cross and one more mountain to climb. Ever forward and ever upward. It was a creed they were learning to live by, and maybe it would make all the difference when they needed it the most.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Mason wandered the temple halls seeking one particular person. He knew how it felt to need to do whatever it was he was supposed to do, but sometimes it wasn’t enough to get to do it. He was young by human and Kouken standards too due to his size, but the gift he had didn’t measure him in those ways at all. His body technically was only 6, but he’d lived for fifteen years so his mind was that of a teenager, and he knew that those that age in human time had served fighting wars. He wasn’t willing or able to do that, but this was something completely different.

“Hey there, little guy. Are you lost?”

Mason looked up to see the man he knew as Ren and Thalnae’s friend. “Hello, Ren. I’m looking for Patere Wen.”

Ren gave him a lopsided grin at his mispronunciation but then offered his hand. “I’ll take you.”

Mason grinned back. He was glad that his teeth had all finally come through. It was one of the things being a Kouken was really hard to adapt to if you ever were around mortals. He’d cried to his Ma more than once about the inconsistencies of when certain things happened at certain times since they all made no sense to him. He actually had decades to get through to be seen as the teenager in body that he was already in mind in some ways. He understood why the main physical had to happen much later.

“You look like someone who has a burden on your soldiers, Mason.”

The Kouken gave Ren an aggravated sigh. “Bemoaning states of age verse body.”

Ren began laughing. “Oh, sweet child, welcome to the word of reality in regards to mankind.”

Mason grinned. “Wonder why elments are here but not in all dimensens?”

The musician grinned back. “They aren’t used the way Kouken use them here in other places?”

“Nope! We are one of only, I think.” He then quirked his eyebrows as he considered that. “Why?”

Ren brought him to a stop, knocked on a door, and then answered softly, “Maybe you should ask Wendell about that. He might actually have a spiritual answer.” He let go of Mason’s hand and pointed to where Wendell had come to open the door.

Wendell looked at Ren, but the musician guild leader only nodded then left, so Wendell’s eyes went to Mason. “Hello, Mason. Are you lost?”

Mason sighed but shook his head. “No, Patere Wen. We need to scuss a thing.”

Wendell raised his eyebrow but then motioned for the young boy to come into what Mason knew must be the man of God’s office. He pulled the chair closer to the desk then got up into it. Wendell watched this with a look of amusement but also curiosity. “What is it I can help you with, Mason?”

“It’s what my gift has been clamring me to offer you. You teach right. You love right. You do right by peepl. Father Lights by Tenrai wants you to have gift so you live long to help Seisu, Shri, and Thalnae. You can share with main famlee, but only. Will you cept?”

Wendell seemed to once again be between laughter and panic. Mason didn’t think he’d ever be used to that no matter how long he lived to be. Wendell finally seemed to remember something and looked at Mason with utter disbelief but joy. Once again, something Mason would never understand.

“If this gift is what Mateo Denrei Tenshi told me about in my dream then I will accept it since my family is included.”

Mason jumped out of the chair to come around to where Wendell was sitting. “It won’t hurt. Feels like cover at night… warm, soft, and comfy.” It was then he took his small hand and put it on Wendell’s forehead. “By name of Tenrai, Father Lights gives life more long, sick less, mind strong.”

Wendell seemed to be surprised at first by the feeling, but then he let it wrap around him. A rare Bond-Link blue began to flow since Mason had initiated the one Link that didn’t depend upon the life of another to remain for it to be binding. Mason could only offer it to the ones that the Father of Lights led him to for it to happen. Now things were right for the others to not be sad over death because of age. He knew Jun wasn’t dead, but he had to pretend for Gram Belva since he didn’t want her to tell anyone yet. He would make sure she knew when it was time if Eron didn’t do it. He’d know. At that time, Mason was sleepy and needed a nap. He yawned as Wendell finally opened his eyes to look at him.

“My mate, children, and grandchildren?”

Mason nodded. “Speshley Elli. If line stay firm then scendents too.”

Wendell seemed to be in shock for a few minutes until he leaned over and picked Mason up to hug him. “Thank you. Seeing people die will be hard, but I will do all I can to tell everyone I come to know that Tenrai is the Savior who loves them and wants to know them as family.”

“Famlee always good, Wen.”

Wendell laughed with joy and hugged Mason again. Although the boy knew his time would be shorter than some but longer than most, he was happy to do something to help people. No one knew he longed for his Mother so badly, but one day he’d see her, and for once he’d be taller than she’d been!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Jase, we need to get going for Shiri’s sake. You can speak with Ryuu, begin to plan the classes, and will know the way for later,” Siena said with a worried voice Jase had never heard from him before. This ‘Shiri’ had to be someone really important to him.

Jase looked to Shiloh who nodded to confirm he’d take point, so the leading Geo Stag Wielder replied, “Anything I can do, I will.”

After saying farewells to all who were still there, Kaiyan and Siena led Jase out of the Inn. The two other Inn guests had arrived for dinner earlier and also helped to celebrate with them, but Jase was surprised to feel a common bond with Hateya and Cheveyo without knowing much about them. They’d chatted with the others, but he would have to get to know them better before the two other minstrels left. Jase felt it was important for some reason.

“Were you feeling the same thing I was about Hateya and Cheveyo?” Siena suddenly asked.

“Like something familiar even though we’d never met them before?” Kaiyan added.

Jase started laughing. “I was just thinking that I needed to find out more about them.”

The three Kouken grinned at each other as they continued walking to where they could call their elements safely. It only took a couple minutes to reach the beach house in Nagisa that way. Siena led them into the house and was met by Shiri.

Siena ran to her as he asked, ““You’re okay?” When she nodded he hugged her like any older brother would.

Once he seemed reassured, Shiri explained, “Seimitsu found me by using her Dream Visit ability that Jaedin suggested and brought me out of where I was being held captive in my mind!”

Siena gained a concerned frown. “How did that happen?”

“A necklace that had a waiting curse on it in the cellar,” Ryuu replied as he hugged Siena. “I can see from you and Kaiyan that you finally Mate-Linked! Congratulations to you both.” He pulled away to grab Kaiyan around her waist to swing her around in a hug that made her laugh.

Jase stood there blinking at the absolute familial atmosphere that made him yearn for more of it. He’d found some of it with the others, but he knew they all would do well to learn from the ties this group had found through fighting in the worst situations he could imagine.

“I see you’ve met inspection and have been asked to join us,” Ryuu said as he took Jase’s hand and then hugged him too before letting him go to search his face. “Yes, it can be quite overwhelming with this bunch, but you’ll get used to it.” A shout of excitement echoed from farther in the house, and Ryuu grinned unrepentantly. “That would be Macy, who is now my Mate-Link, my brother, and my Bengosha Seimitsu.”

Jase probably looked even more shocked, but then Ryuu pulled him through the door to lead him to what looked like a kitchen area. Everyone seemed to be there, either speaking with Shiri over her quick recovery or Siena and Kaiyan over their Mate-Link.

“It’s a lot to take in, but take deep breaths and have some of the cider on the table,” a woman’s voice said beside him, and Jase looked to find Euridis standing there with an amused look on her face.

“Lady Euridis! I’m so thankful that Ryuu got you and Macy both out of Bunan to safety,” he replied happily.

“Thanks to you,” she said and gave him a smile. “We are very thankful for your help then and look forward to yours and your friends’ in the near future.”

“At least you made it away from Takeo too,” a male voice said from his other side, and Jase turned to see Jaedin standing there with a look that spoke of memories that still haunted him and made him question it all.

“I wish I could have gotten you out, Jaedin,” Jase replied then ducked his head. “I was so blinded at first and thought Takeo had taken an interest in my abilities more than anyone else had ever shown.” He looked back to Jaedin and squared his shoulders again. “I began to see the truth in time and know better now, thanks to your brother.”

Jaedin actually smiled then. “Doesn’t it make you want to take him on at the practice field, though? I thought I knew well what it meant to be a fighter, but Ryuu now knows more about being faithful to his calling than I did back when I used to yell at him over it before I left for Kitai.”

Jase saw that the last words made Jaedin’s smile turn into a pained look. “You kept your Faith, Jaedin. Takeo never broke you or made you less than the man that you are. Your endurance was for a purpose, and you will find it.”

Midnight blue met amber brown as Jaedin said, “I appreciate those words, Jase, but I’m not so sure yet.”

Before Jase could come up with a response to that, Macy came over to him and hugged him too, smiling in a way he’d never seen from her before as she said, “Although your healing talent isn’t needed, we can still plan the timelines for your practices, studies, and any other activities that need to be done.”

Jase was astounded. This was not the same woman he’d known from being in Jaedin’s prison cell. This woman was confident, poised, and actually seemed fearless. He swallowed then said, “I can do that.”

Macy nodded then went to stand with Ryuu. Jaedin was speaking with Zale and Siena in a way that seemed like they’d been together for the past seventy years that had been lost to them. Jase shook his head and went to get a cup of the cider. It wasn’t long before he saw a couple of women he didn’t know at all, but he shrugged and began sipping the amazingly good warmed drink.

“The honey-haired woman is my mother Vian, and the brunette is my aunt Jeslyn. They’re here to be archers with Thalia for the fight in Kanmuri. I’m Seimitsu.”

Jase took the hand offered to him and shook it as he looked at her blue eyes. “Ryuu’s Bengosha. It’s nice to meet you, alive and well and certainly appreciated.”

Seimitsu looked astounded by his words at first but then she stated, “This has been seventy years in the making, Jase.” She gave him a real smile as she added, “I’m grateful that Shiri and I could be the ones to help kick this all into motion simply by following the Destiny that Tenrai offered to us in a single shared Dream Visit from Mateo Denrei Tenshi.”

The Geo Stag Wielder gawked. “That’s how this all began?”

Seimitsu grinned as she replied, “One Dream Visit to Shiri and me and one Dream Visit to Ryuu, two gifts released, and three Dream Visits to Jaedin to begin his rescue. That’s what the best stories begin with; Faith, Family, and Friendship.”

Jase looked down into his cup. “Mine didn’t begin like that, but I hope it will end that way.”

“It will, if you keep on believing.” Seimitsu replied as she looked around the room seeming to soak in the joy around her.

“Does anyone know where Shin took Thalia?” Jun suddenly asked with a concerned look on his face.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Shin led Thalia around the final bend in the dirt road they were on. “They should be here any moment. I don’t know how much time it takes between dimensions, but the Revelation came on strong.”

Thalia sighed. “I had been so upset when I thought Jun was dead that I had held onto what Mateo told me, but this is a real meeting with those not of our world.” She gave the streaked-blond man a look of being out of her depth. “I don’t even know what to tell them or how to explain anything about the differences, the expectations, the changes, or even what Eirinth can be for them, Shin!”

With those words hanging in the air, a bright light flashed to show a different Tenshi stepping through what must have been some kind of gate between the worlds. There was silence for a few moments until the three men all began asking questions all at the same time then the Tenshi held up his hand to stop them so he could say, “Hugh, Jamison, and Elijah, I present Matron Thalia Morgan, the wife and helping teacher to the main teacher Jun Morgan for those with given gifts here in Eirinth. The young man is Shin Yamamoto, and he has some abilities that you will find very interesting since they can help you to understand yours here.” He looked at the two he’d introduced and bowed. “I am Lazzaro Murai Tenshi. I am a counterpart to Mateo Denrei Tenshi that you have also met.” Lazzaro motioned to the older man and said, “This is Hugh Antonio Lewis.” He then pointed to the strawberry blond young man, “This is…”

“Jamison,” Thalia’s voice interrupted even though she blushed for doing it, and that made Shin a bit surprised, but then she went on, “I’m sorry, Lazzaro. I saw Hugh and Jamison in the Dream Visit that Mateo contacted me using.” She looked at the other young man who was gazing around with a sense of a fish out of water. She gave Lazzaro a confused look. “I don’t know Elijah, though. I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other and their abilities, and after seeing the kind of gifts they have on Earth, I’m looking forward to seeing them in Eirinth and how they change.”

Lazzaro smiled. “I’m sure you all will.” He turned to the three travelers and bowed as well. “It has been a true joy with bringing you to this place where you will find your pathways to where true Destiny waits for you to find it.” With that, the Tenshi turned and walked through the gate that then disappeared.

“Okay. What exactly is going on here, Jam?” Elijah asked with a slightly panicked voice.

Shin stepped forward. “You have entered the dimension of Eirinth that is parallel yet different from your Earth. We are in the kingdom of Migoto where King Avidan rules. I am one of the Kouken who are the protectors with elemental gifts that appear in various forms to fight against demons from the evil realm of Naraku. Thalia’s two nieces are now the new Bengosha who defend the people by using special gifts that will be of an energy type.” He looked at Thalia. “I’m not sure what your gifts will be, but Thalia will help you.”

Thalia nodded. “Hugh will be able to mentally write a type of instructions that will be formed into a language that affects how people see whatever reality he is changing.”

Hugh grinned at her. “It will be a very interesting way of writing computer code to make it do that.”

Thalia laughed. “I only know since Mateo explained it to me. Jun doesn’t know yet, but he catches onto things pretty quickly since he taught Seimitsu and Shiri when all he’d been before was a regular studies teacher for higher ages of adolescents in our previous town of Ando.”

“What did you teach?” Jamison asked softly, not quite looking at her.

Shin thought that Thalia looked a little sad at that reminder since she hadn’t taught a full class in a long time… unless you counted teaching her nieces archery, and he figured she didn’t. “Thalia taught slightly younger students about art, writing, and nature.”

Jamison suddenly looked at her. “I love nature. I was going to become a bio-engineer in my world with chemistry too.”

“Then you’ll get along with Jun like a house on fire,” Thalia laughed. “He’s an herbalist who uses medicine to tend the ill at times when he’s not teaching.”

“If you don’t know about me, then what am I doing here?” Elijah quickly interjected in a very lost-sounding tone.

Shin stood there for a moment. He waited for the feeling of a Revelation to come on him, but when nothing happened he shook his head. “I’m not sure yet, Elijah. While I saw that you came with Hugh and Jamison there wasn’t any other information given to me through the gift.” He gave Thalia a questioning look, but she shook her head too, so Shin went on, “Maybe you hadn’t known what you wanted your abilities to be on Earth yet either.”

Jamison laughed. “He’s got you there, Eli. You were only going to do general studies in college since you couldn’t decide on a major or a minor yet.”

Thalia went to stand by Elijah who was looking down at the ground. She lifted his face to meet her eyes. “You were sent here for a reason, Elijah. I don’t know why yet either, but Tenrai Daystar who is known as a different name in your world doesn’t ever make a mistake, only an opportunity for something more than we can sometimes imagine.”

Jamison came to him too. “I was going home. You weren’t supposed to be on that street when Lazzaro appeared. It had to be meant for you to be there too for this to happen.” He smacked Elijah’s shoulder. “It might be fun!”

“It won’t be if we don’t get back to the beach house,” Shin said suddenly. “We didn’t tell your nieces much, so Jun may be getting worried.”

“He was, and that’s why he sent me to find you,” Ryuu suddenly said as he walked over to Thalia.

Thalia gave an aggravated sigh. “He lets me believe that he was dead for three days, and yet he gets all protective when I get out of his sight when I’m with Shin and protected?”

Ryuu grinned and Thalia could tell he was fighting back laughter. “Yes.”

“I’m guessing this is one from your group?” Hugh surmised as he gave Ryuu an assessing look.

Thalia nodded. “This is Ryuu Saito. He leads the Kouken Fighters in our group. He is also Pledge-Linked to my niece Seimitsu who got us involved in this from the beginning… though for a good reason we’re thankful to fight to protect.”

“Except we’re outlaws with our council, still gaining strength for an upcoming battle for the kingdom, and protecting people from demon attacks as often as possible,” Shin explained, grinning at the amazed looks on the men’s faces.

“That’s actually how Siena would have summed it up, so you need to quit spending as much time with him as you have been,” Ryuu said with a growl that made Shin grin more and Thalia shake her head as she smiled.

“So what happens now?” Jamison asked to get them back on track.

“Let’s get to the beach house before my mate has the rest of the fighters come looking too. We’ll see what needs to be done to discover your abilities here once we get there. Then we’ll have to begin practicing and studying.”

“A different kind of college, Jam!” Elijah said probably more enthusiastically than he was.

“Then let’s call our elemental partners to take us all back to the house,” Shin suggested.

Ryuu gave a dismissive wave of his hand, but then his Fire Dragon Kaen suddenly flew overhead in all its glory, color, and power to majestically land by its Kouken Wielder. Shin laughed at him and his Wave Tiger Izumi came bounding around the corner to then rub its face against his hand and stand by him. Shin saw how the others from Earth were reacting, and astonishment was the best word to describe it.

“Do we get one of those?” Jamison asked in a slightly wary but innately curious tone.

Thalia laughed at the young man. “No, but we get to ride with their Wielders on them. Hugh and I with Ryuu. Jamison and Elijah with Shin. Let’s get back before it gets dark.”

Shin nodded as they all moved to their given places. He was impressed with how Thalia had taken charge and did what she’d been afraid she couldn’t do. Perhaps all of them would find that their perceived limitations were all about to be altered completely. It was another beginning with new to even their world people who would become allies if all things worked out. It was only a matter of time. It was odd how time had a way of changing a person’s perspective during the moments that seem necessary then but maybe not as monumental as they would become later. Shin had a feeling this would be something that would change their course again and hopefully give them a better opportunity to get Eirinth back to being the land his parents had once loved, fought, and died to protect. He would keep hoping for it to be again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“I hear that I owe my life to you.”

Jase tried to find the right words to say to that. Takeo had left Kisho to die after stabbing him with a poisoned dagger only a few days ago. Jase had been told then to stay in the basement with the body, wait for Ryuu to show up, and then accuse Ryuu of murder. Jase couldn’t do it. He chose a different pathway and became an enemy of Takeo but a friend to Ryuu and Fighters against the demons.

“I couldn’t let it go the way Takeo wanted, Kisho. I knew Ryuu wasn’t guilty of it since I saw Takeo do it.” Jase walked closer to the bed until he could place his hand on the place that seemed to be healing well, but he wanted to infuse it with more of the energy that could override any of the poison left in the man’s body. He’d done what he could until Ryuu took Kisho away for safety. Jase was glad he had followed his instincts.

“How could I not have known, Jase? How could I have not seen the warning signs of Takeo’s manipulation of me with his spells to be used in the council for voting against things needed to protect our people?”

Jase pulled his hand away but was pleased with the healthy look to the area before he tackled the man’s questions. “How could I let him talk me into doing what I did for him, Kisho? Even though it seemed like he would come out of a daze himself sometimes, his influence was overwhelming in strength and an ability to talk you into doing things that would never have been seen as right until he explained to you why it was, and then you believed him. I did until I saw Ryuu’s influence on Siena, Shin, and Kaiyan first hand. That changed everything and gave me hope that I would finally find a way to be free, and I finally did.”

Kisho nodded. “Ryuu had been so lost for so long because of Jaedin, and we didn’t even know Jaedin was alive! I saw the changes that his Bengosha began having on him before I even knew he had one. Now it makes sense how our Creator orchestrated the most amazing rescue of more than one of us in such a small amount of time.” The former Kouken Councilman shook his head. “I will never be worthy of it.”

“None of us will,” Ryuu said from the open door, giving the other two men an understanding look that spoke volumes about what the three of them had endured for seven decades. “We will find a way to stop him and never let anyone do this to us or the people of Eirinth again.”

“Never again,” Jase agreed, putting his hand on his heart like he and the others had begun doing.

Kisho and Ryuu each gave him a smile but then did the same motion he just had as they echoed together, “Never again!”

For once the three former puppets of Takeo were together in agreement and about to finally fight back against their enemies as a unified force.

CHAPTER 6: Earth-born Visiting Eirinth

~ 4001 A.D. (After Daystar) in Eirinth – a medieval alternate dimension world existing parallel yet disparate to the present day technological world of Earth – different passages of time between the two different realms ~


After the food had been made and eaten, everyone separated to their rooms or designated places to plan schedules and studies. Jun was the only one waiting since he had dismissed everyone else. Ryuu had walked in the door and nodded to him. “They are fine, but we have more guests.” With that, Ryuu had mentioned needing to see Kisho and left Jun sitting in the dining room alone again with a perplexed look on his face. He sighed in relief as Thalia finally came through the door. “Where were you and Shin, Sweet?”

Thalia shook her head at him then said, “Getting your new students, Love.”

With those words said, Thalia moved aside to show Shin leading an older man and two younger men who looked about Shin’s age into the house. Jun blinked but then asked, “From where and why?”

The bouncy blonde grinned. “From a place called Earth that is linked to Eirinth in a spiritual and multi-dimensional way that only Mateo could explain better.” She then introduced them to their new teacher who was as bewildered as they seemed to be.

Jun saw the older man raise an eyebrow at Thalia with a slightly fond look like an uncle would have as he stated, “That actually is a very technically sound way of describing it, Matron Thalia.”

“Except we don’t know the governing laws of science, technology, or even nature here,” the young strawberry-blond man added, his gaze going to Thalia with a look of respect.

Shin laughed, “They rode with us on our elemental partners’ forms from the place they arrived through the portal Lazzaro Murai Tenshi had created to bring them here, so they have questions.”

Jun looked at the three new students and considered them. His eyes landed on the third young man who hadn’t spoken. “Please tell me your names, your chosen path in your dimension, and what one main interest is in your life.”

The three Earth-born glanced at each other before the older man stepped forward to begin, “I’m Hugh Antonio Lewis. I work with what we call technology that has instructions written in what is known as code that makes an inanimate item that can read it to function in certain ways. I’ve been told that kind of thing will be used here as a way to create optical reality illusions in times of need. I don’t know how, but I guess we’ll find out.”

Jun nodded but decided some experimentation would be necessary to see what this gift would and could do for them. “We all are doing some training in our own fighting abilities. All of the elemental gifts linked to the Kouken fighters might be like what you will do, but the two Bengosha have different gifts that relate to Energy. We’ll add you to the schedule to see what your gift will lean more towards.”

“It’s odd, but I’ve been having visual images of code in my head that translates to what I see in front of me when I look at a single space long enough,” Hugh explained with a confounded look. “Energy might be the pathway, Master Jun.”

Jamison stepped closer. “I’m Jamison Alexander Lewis. I was beginning college to…” he paused as he seemed to be trying to figure out how to explain what college would be in Jun’s realm in case it was different, but Jun understood since it was the same and nodded, and Jamison continued, “Our studies each focused on occupations, interests, or discovering things to help the world in specific ways. I was going to be what is called a Bio-Engineer with additional Chemistry knowledge.”

Jun looked at Thalia who was smiling. He then looked back to Jamison and said, “That sounds like something close to what those with the Geo element links can do, so we’ll pair you with the one who works best with you to see how your gift manifests. This really is a matter of discovery, so it should give you leeway to try what presents itself to you when in the safer practice setting we’ve built.”

“Like my father explained about how the code was appearing for him since we got here, I have been seeing chemistry configurations visually too,” the would-be engineer said. “It’s like formulas.”

Jun smiled. “Then we’ll go from there.” He then considered the other young man who hadn’t spoken yet and seemed to be taking in everything with precise calculations that were almost like deep memorization. “And you, young man?”

The dark blond-haired man focused on Jun and shrugged. “I’m Elijah Riley Jenne. I don’t know what I want to be, and I certainly have no idea what I can do here since I hadn’t even decided what I wanted to take in college yet where Jam and I were going to begin in a couple of months.”

“He was going to take general studies classes until he figured it out,” Jamison added with a smile.

Jun regarded Elijah and wondered out loud, “Do you always try to get along with everyone else?”

Elijah blinked then replied, “Yeah! Some of my friends call me a chameleon. Do you have those here? They are reptiles that blend into any environment to hide when necessary or become bright when needed to stand out.”

“Then you need to be in as many practices with different Wielders until you know your skills,” Jun surmised. “It might be something we haven’t seen here yet, so it could become very useful once honed.”

“I hope,” Elijah stated as he gave Jamison a sad look. “I always envied you knowing what you wanted to be, Jam. I never would’ve thought this would lead me to here.”

Thalia laughed at that. “None of us ever thought that we’d be here, Elijah. Jun and I were regular teachers. The Kouken were in hiding. Our nieces who are the first Bengosha in seventy years were just students. Even Ryuu’s brother, Jaedin, had been thought dead. He was the reason we all ended up with each other as allies since the Bengosha led the Kouken to rescue Jaedin, and we all had to leave homes and family to continue to fight against the demons and even traitorous humans now who are planning an attack on our kingdom’s throne city Kanmuri this coming spring.” She stopped to take a deep breath after explaining so much in so few sentences. “We’re all seen as outlaws by more than one wrong group right now, but we hope to become rightful defenders and protectors of the world we all love for the Savior we serve.”

Jun had stood and put his arm around his mate. “You never cease to amaze me with how you can cut through the complexity of a situation to help others understand better than most could.”

Thalia rose up enough to claim his lips in a kiss that probably lasted longer than their new guests would have liked but was less than what Jun wanted at that moment. When she pulled away, he was truly tempted to pull her to their room and forget about anyone else.

“If you can point us in the right direction, we’d be glad to make ourselves scarce,” Hugh offered with a small smile that indicated he understood.

Jun sighed, gave Thalia a look that meant ‘later’, and then replied, “You probably need something to eat before you retire. I’m sure Shiri left food for Thalia and Shin, so there should be enough for you too since they cook tremendous amounts due to our group growing every couple of days.”

“Is Shiri all right?” Thalia suddenly asked, her face showing horror at forgetting.

Jun patted her arm as he told her, “Yes. Seimitsu did a Dream Visit, found her being held captive from touching a cursed necklace in the cellar, and brought her to consciousness.”

“Thank Tenrai!” Thalia exclaimed in relief.

“Who is this ‘Tenrai’?” Elijah asked as he once again had that contemplative look.

“Jamison and I will explain while we eat, and Thalia can add more when needed, but right now food is calling!” Hugh interrupted and motioned for Jun to lead them.

Jun chuckled as he noted, “Dimensional travel must be draining so food would be imperative.”

“When it comes to Jam and me, food is always imperative!” Elijah answered with a grin at his friend.

Shin had stayed quiet until after they removed lids off pots, scooped out food onto plates, and then sat at the dining table to begin eating when he finally asked, “So you study a subject until you find work that fits your skills?”

Jamison was the one to quickly answer, “That’s the normal path. Many go to college, but others do trade work that takes more training or experience than study or academic knowledge.”

“Like being a metal worker and silversmith like Berne instead of an herbalist and teacher like Jun,” Shin said to show that he understood the different levels of study and need for each kind.

Jun took a drink of tea and then added, “Some study can complement another more easily, but then you have those who want more than one trade or ability to meet different needs when necessary.”

Shin looked at Elijah then and told him, “You might not know what you want to do with your life, but if you were sent here that means that Tenrai already does and knows right where to place you.”

Elijah gave an almost comical expression as he said, “So this Tenrai knows me?”

“Better than you know yourself, Eli,” Jamison answered, surprising everyone including Hugh. “I never expected to be sent somewhere else, but Dad and I were just going home when Lazzaro appeared. If you weren’t meant to be here I’m sure Tenrai, or Jesus in our world, would have rushed or delayed him.”

“I have no say in this?” Elijah replied rather testily.

“Neither Tenrai, or Jesus in our world, ever forces someone to know Him. We were born without knowledge of Him due to what Adam and Eve did, so our blood needed a transfusion through His sacrifice that we get when we believe in what He did for us. Once we acknowledge Him, He calls us to use the gifts He gives to us to reach others for Him wherever we are,” was his friend’s firm response.

“I’m glad all of those Sunday morning services got through to you, son,” Hugh said softly.

Jamison gave him a smile. “I’m glad you found me in that alley ten years ago and gave me a different path to take.”

The silence that fell on the room showed how powerful that admission was on those that didn’t know the past the two shared. Jun finally interrupted it by asking, “So you aren’t family by blood?”

Hugh looked at the younger man who would soon be his teacher and replied, “Not all blood is all binding, and not all decisions are as easy. I chose Jamison to be my son the way God Almighty chose me to become His through the Savior that He sent that I serve. If Tenrai here is Jesus on Earth then we serve the same Savior, and I will do what He wills for me here the same as I would on Earth.”

“As will I,” Jamison added then looked at Elijah. “What about you, Eli? Did your main questions get answered about it?”

Elijah took a deep breath then gave his friend an inquisitive look. “How do you know if you have a Savior? I didn’t even know I needed one. I get the Adam and Eve thing, but why does that affect me?”

Thalia answered before anyone else, “As far as Tenrai Daystar here, everyone born has a taint in their blood due to the disobedience by the first two mortals long ago that is passed down through our blood down generations. If Jesus is the name for the one true God Almighty and died for your sins on Earth, then that should be the same for you there. Ask Jesus  to show you Who He is while here to give you understanding to know His teachings, ask for forgiveness for not knowing Him before, and then believe in the new life He has waiting for you.”

“How do you know, Thal?” Elijah countered, but Jun could see there was longing in his eyes.

“The same way I do,” Jamison replied before Thalia could. “It’s personal. Jesus on Earth showed His love for me by giving tangible evidence of His purpose and power, not only by how Hugh found me, but also in how He had protected me all the time before that. I was given a spiritual ‘blood transfusion’ of sorts by believing in Him and that He died in my place to give me a new life I didn’t deserve but could have.”

“Maybe when you connect through faith here then you’ll find a gift you’ve been looking for and didn’t even realize it on Earth. Even when you go back home, the gift may manifest differently there, but it should still be there since the Father of Lights never takes away His gifts once given to those who trust Him and what He has promised to those who come to know Him as Savior,” Jun explained a little more.

“We have a group on Earth who believe in special gifts given to believers,” Hugh offered. “It doesn’t sound quite like it is here, but there may be a kind of tie to those or even careers that use gifts in ways the person doesn’t even realize even if he or she is a believer.”

“My nieces didn’t know they were going to become what we call Bengosha, which is in an old tongue that means Defenders in our common. There may be even more things that are the same for you on Earth like here in Eirinth,” Thalia stated with a researching look that Jun knew well.

“I guess you need to take us to where we’ll be sleeping now since I’m wiped,” Jamison suggested before he yawned.

That earned laughter around the table, and then Jun got up to take them to second floor bunk rooms they had set aside. He knew they’d have to rearrange the sleeping places once Jase and his group all arrived, but until then this would have to do. Their group was growing, and much learning needed to be done!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hateya and Cheveyo sat down at the table with the minstrel and the five other lodgers. She could tell the five had some kind of link to Kouken, but she didn’t know how to approach that since the minstrel didn’t seem to understand who and what they were. Cheveyo had told her before parting at the doors of their adjoining room the night before that he had felt the same, especially from Kaiyan, possibly a Kindred element link. She’d felt it with Siena.

“Yes, there is a kindred feeling with Siena and Kaiyan,” Jase suddenly said to the minstrel. He had returned from visiting the group with the newlyweds late the night before. “We are all from a certain lineage that has people all over Migoto and the other kingdoms on Eirinth as well. It’s hard to know until you discuss it with them.” He looked at Hateya and Cheveyo. “I believe that your two new co-minstrels may have that as well.”

Cheveyo gave Hateya a questioning look, so she looked to Jorn and tried to maintain her calm. “Anyone discussing this would be considered an outlaw due to a parting of our people into two groups seventy years ago, so we usually don’t give that information until we know we’re safe to do it.” She gave Jase a look she knew was a bit peeved, but it was partly from not having slept well due to a new clamoring.

Jorn gave her an understanding look before he said, “I have a cousin that I believe is part of your people. She has a gift that is not taught, an ability unlike most accepted by others, and a private type of existence to keep her identity safe.”

“Yet you are without that?” Jase asked before Hateya could.

Jorn laughed. “I’ve often wished I had something that could have helped me at times.” He sighed then looked around before continuing in a lower voice. “I am more than a minstrel. I told Siena and Kaiyan last night that if they needed to get in touch with Kanmuri officials then I have the right links. I have been searching for those once known as Bengosha and Kouken for a while now in my travels as my main purpose.” He shook his head. “I would have never known staying here at the request of a townswoman for her son to hear me sing would mean I’d find what I was sent to discover.”

“Why are you seeking Kouken and Bengosha?” Tristan asked with his usual candor and distrust.

“I was sent by King Avidan’s counselor to find any trace of your two gifted kinds since he wants to restore you to the service of Migoto since the demon attacks recently were thwarted by unknown fighters, and it gave hope they were from those two missing groups since a village was saved by those with special abilities they used to fight then send demons out of our realm,” Jorn announced.

The Kouken looked around the table in utter shock. Hateya realized that the clamoring had led to this very place for this very reason. She couldn’t understand what was causing more clamoring since she knew what the first had been about. Hateya looked at Jase. “Cheveyo and I were born to Kouken. We studied with a hidden group that left after harvest was over. We didn’t know who to trust and who we couldn’t.”

“We are going to be practicing with those who were with the original Kouken group that was in hiding but left due to a situation that still is unresolved,” Amaya explained in a calm and reserved tone. “The leader’s brother was  imprisoned by a traitor to our kind who caused what happened seventy years ago to make us no longer be protectors of the people against the demons.”

Hateya saw how Jorn’s eyes widened before the minstrel tried to verify what he’d heard, “So it was something major that led to this and the reason why things with the demons have gone unchecked.” He then sighed. “If this leader you are meeting is willing then I’d like to speak with him to make arrangements for him to discuss this with King Avidan.”

The Kouken gave each other another round of stunned expressions, but it was Shiloh who nodded before he said, “Jase will speak with Ryuu since he is the one you seek. If you are found to be honest then you will be the one who will lead our people back to the King’s service.”

Hateya swallowed as she decided to propose her plan. “My brother and I also wish to continue our practicing, so if this Ryuu is willing we would like to join your group to protect this kingdom once again.”

Jase gave her a keen look. “Cheveyo is a Geo Stag Wielder, but I can’t place your gift, Hateya.”

Cheveyo nodded with a grin and answered for his sister to her consternation, “Hateya is a Wind Wolf Wielder. You are a Geo Stag Wielder like Shiloh and me.”

The brothers in element nodded while Hateya looked to the others. “Are we all in agreement then?”

While the other Kouken nodded then began discussing elemental things, Hateya focused on Jorn again. “Do you want Cheveyo and me to still work with you as minstrels while we stay here and learn with the others?”

Jorn looked at her with a pleased smile. “Yes, Hateya. I would enjoy sharing music with you when you can for the folk here and on my own while you and the rest are taught what you need.” He then chuckled. “I might be bringing an unusual army back with me!”

Hateya suddenly laughed at that assessment. “Well, that should get you a promotion, Sir Knight.”

The minstrel Knight reached over to take her hand, and she felt more clamoring in a nice way as he replied, “Making music with you will be better than any promotion ever could be, Tey.”

The woman blinked at him for using the name her brother usually called her by, but the way he’d said it was altogether different in how his voice was husky and lyrical using it. She knew how his singing held the power of emotion in it, but then again maybe Jorn had more abilities than he even knew about himself.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ren Salvatore looked at Eron in shock. “You did what?”

Eron bowed his head slightly. “I didn’t know what else to do since the man seemed like he was listening in on my words with Belva. I was going to explain it all to her, but he interrupted and I really thought he wasn’t supposed to be there since his shoes did not match those of the other pastors or helpers.”

The musician sighed as he understood exactly what the herb master was saying. “I’ll check with Wendell to see if there is someone like that in service or as an outside helper that meets that description.” He paused then went on with the other distressing news. “Are you going to ask her again at a proper time after telling her of the ruse?”

Eron nodded. “I will if she’ll still have me by then.” The older man gave Ren a sheepish look for a man his age. “She is so caring, and giving, and lovely in her ways. I don’t know if I’d even deserve to have her as my mate, but it would be a gift I would not refuse if Tenrai be willing.”

Ren smiled. “Let me check with Wendell. You try to find the time to speak with Belva. Once I find out if there is something going on then we’ll have to work a way out to get the information to those who might need it before something is said to the wrong person.”

“Thank you, Ren, and God speed.” With that the older man waked away.

Ren tried to understand what an eavesdropping pastor would be doing in the temple. Could that mean that they hadn’t done the service as well as they’d thought? He didn’t want to worry or overreact, but since a demon attack was possible at any time then he needed to be observant and wary. He wasn’t used to keeping real secrets or trying to protect people except by spiritual means of inspiration. What did he know about doing something that was usually asked of a knight or fighter? He was a musician, singer, and worshipper of Tenrai Daystar. While he knew songs that could be used as war hymns in battle when absolutely necessary, he never had implemented those in all of his years.

“I guess we all have to learn how to fight at some point, whether spiritually or physically,” Ren said out loud, but then he realized he was in front of the altar where Eron had spoken with Belva and thought the interrupting pastor had been a bit suspect. Had he been led here for some reason? Looking around, he suddenly spied an over-shirt used in a pastor’s wear but had been shoved in a corner as if hidden and maybe left for future use. That was really odd. From what he’d seen so far, each individual was responsible for his own garb. For anyone to do this wouldn’t be allowed for long. Could a recent postulant have been unaware and made a mistake?

Ren shook his head, grabbed the item, and then retraced his steps to then go to Wendell’s study. If Eron was right, they might have some of the enemy wandering their corridors with everyone meant to be there completely unaware. Wolves in sheep’s clothing weren’t a dramatic idea to consider at that moment with what they’d seen so far. He knocked on the door when he reached it, waited for Wendell to call out to enter, and did with a heavy heart.

Wendell smiled when he saw who it was. “At least it’s a friend at my door.”

Ren raised an eyebrow. “Are there so many enemies in this temple knocking on your door, Wendell?”

The Pateren gave Ren a shocked look. “Why in the world would you take my words that way? I thought you were the pastor I sent to ask a question of the cook regarding the afternoon meal since I was working on a new sermon.”

The musician sighed, closed the door, and then sat down in the chair. “I’m sorry, Wendell. I know you’re busy, but we need to discuss something Eron brought to my attention and what I just found earlier that has me on edge.”

Wendell set aside the pen he’d been using to obviously take notes for the sermon since the scrolls with text of their written faith were laid out on the desk by a partially blank page. He then turned to Ren. “What happened?”

Ren quickly explained what Eron had told him, showed the undershirt he’d found in the chapel earlier that day, and then expressed what he was concerned about in light of those they were supposed to be protecting. “If this man who’d been dressed as a pastor wasn’t and is really here to find out more than he should know or to try to harm someone here then we need to try our best to find out.”

“I agree,” Wendell said quickly as he looked at the shirt again. “Even if a man was new to the temple, he never would have done that to one of our items.”

The two men sat there in personal thought for a moment until Ren spoke again, “I can begin to keep a better guard on the family if you can begin to check with your pastors to make sure the man is still not here. I’m sure your pastors are all loyal to Tenrai and Migoto. We just need to make sure we don’t have a weak link that could lead to a dangerous blow.”

Wendell nodded. “I’ll begin verifying while you begin a protection plan. Talk with Eron to see if he can keep his eyes open for anything that seems out of place. We can’t afford to miss an enemy we can stop.”

“I know this isn’t anything we expected to do since you’re a pastor and I’m a musician,” Ren stated, “but I can’t turn away and pretend it’s not my responsibility, no matter what that will mean I have to do.”

“I can’t either,” Wendell replied. “We gave our word to Thalia, so we are bound by that promise like Tenrai is by His.”

Ren suddenly smiled. “You’re right. The fact that Tenrai is in charge will help to give us what we need to do what we must even if it does make us work in ways we never wanted, or we would’ve become soldiers.”

The two gave each other another set of pointed looks when they realized they had agreed to do exactly that.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ryuu watched Shin trying to formulate a plan of attack as they faced off in the practice area. “You know that you can’t always be prepared for every encounter, Shin.”

“And you know that you’re not dealing with Siena or Zale right now, don’t you, Ryuu?”

That comment happened a split second before a tidal wave of water blasted through the fire Ryuu had set up in front of the target he was protecting as a barrier. Ryuu grinned at the younger man as he began his attack, but before he could launch a fire stream at the target behind Shin that the blond was protecting, another wave flew over his head to hit the second target Ryuu had left open. He gave Shin a bewildered look that matched the other man’s.

“I didn’t do that, Ryuu,” Shin said softly as he came near his opponent with a very fearful look on his face.

Ryuu gave Shin a concerned expression that escalated as they looked around the field for a sign of what had happened.

“I didn’t know I could do that!”

Ryuu and Shin both turned to see Elijah hurrying toward them with a startled look on his face. Ryuu waited until the young man halted in front of them to ask, “What do you mean?”

Elijah was panting as he tried to get the words out, “I was watching around the corner. I saw what Shin did, and I just thought that it would be so cool to be able to do something like that, but I knew I couldn’t since I’m not a Kouken, yet what just happened was in my mind like a live action picture, so it didn’t seem real and then…”

“What’s going on?” Hugh said as the older man walked with Jamison over to them.

“I think we just got a glimpse into what Elijah will be able to do when he gains control of it,” Ryuu replied with a slight frown that wasn’t against Elijah but on the side of caution.

“But I’m not a Kouken!” Elijah challenged, obviously unnerved by what he had done without even knowing he could.

“No, you’re a Gift-Shifter! I should have realized you would be one since Jamison said you were like a chameleon,” Jun proclaimed as he joined them. “I was beginning to wonder if we’d ever have one of those in our group. Since you will be able to mimic any gift for a short amount of time then you will have to learn to use them all successfully. Welcome to a new and wonderful world of learning!”

“But how am I supposed to learn how to do…?” Elijah looked to Jamison. “How many different ones are there?”

Jamison smiled as he replied, “Two by the Bengosha and eight by the Kouken.” He shook his head in disbelief. “You get a whole arsenal of your own!”

Elijah looked to Jun. “For real? How can I? How am I going to…?” His voice faded as his mind seemed to stall.

Ryuu stepped forward as he noticed that Jun and Jamison were both enjoying the reaction, but he actually began to feel bad for the young man from a different world. “Take it one step at a time, Eli. Don’t feel overwhelmed by how many you have to learn. Learn each one as well as you can. None of us have ever seen this before…”

“I have,” a voice from behind them claimed, and Ryuu turned to see Jaedin standing there. The younger brother nodded to Ryuu’s question and then added, “I believe Tal, Shin’s mother’s Bengosha had that gift. I’d seen him syphon off of the Bengosha and Kouken alike during battles we had way before Kitai.”

“So you might be able to help me too?” Elijah asked as his eyes took in Jaedin who was leaning against a dividing rail.

The kohl-haired man sighed. “I can try to help Jun lead you in the right paths like I’ve seen them be done.” Jaedin then noticed the others’ looks, and Ryuu could tell his brother wasn’t as strong as he was trying to seem. Midnight blue eyes met his cobalt and then he added, “I’m recovering from being a prisoner for seventy years and tortured, so I’m still not ready to train with Yuumai yet.” He then smiled slightly. “My Wind Wolf is here, though, and our connection has been restored, Praise Tenrai!”

Ryuu grinned and hurried to his brother to hug him. It was the best news he could have received for Jaedin since he had feared the connection had been lost completely.  “I’m so thankful too, Jaedin-Nii!”

“Loosen your grip or I’m going to pass out, Ryuu-Ki!” Jaedin gasped out, and when Ryuu quickly let go the brother began laughing like Ryuu remembered him doing from so long ago when the younger man would fake injury to hit a target.

“I didn’t feel any strength leave me, though, so how does the syphoning work?” Shin suddenly asked.

Jaedin turned to the other man to give him an understanding look. “I don’t know. I never had the chance to ask Tal, but I’m sure we’ll find out the more we practice.” He then gave Ryuu another look and shrugged. “Yes, add me to the list.”

“I can share the scrolls I have about this kind of gift so you can tell me if it’s correct,” Jun offered Jaedin.

Ryuu saw Jaedin nod and then look at Elijah. “Elijah should be with us so he can learn from both of us and make this easier since he’s not even from this world.”

“Or this dimension,” Ryuu reminded them. He then looked at the other two from Earth. “It might be a good idea for all of you to be there so you can ask questions before you actually try to experiment.” He gave Elijah a forceful look. “I’m glad you chose wave instead of fire, Eli. The gifts all three of you have could be dangerous if not used properly.”

“Understood, Ryuu,” Hugh replied as he gave Jamison and Elijah the look of an elder that Ryuu knew well.

Ryuu’s own father had done that to him and Jaedin more than once, and it gave him peace again since he realized that Hugh would try to herd the two he felt responsible for protecting. As Jun lead Elijah, Hugh, and Jamison away while they began a conversation, Shin came over to Ryuu with a small smile on his face.

“Who would have thought that Jaedin would come forward like this after enduring what he is still recovering from and give information about his experiences we didn’t even know he had?”

Ryuu shook his head again in surprise. “I’m learning that I don’t really know my own brother as well as I once thought I did, and that’s annoying as well as exciting since it means I get to know him all over again like a new friend.”

Shin nodded. “Seventy years ago needs to be ended and now needs to begin with us letting go for good.”

The former Northeast Council Member gave his new brother through their links with Seimitsu a hopeful smile. “I second that motion, offer absentia votes for the rest of our group in good faith, and consider this amendment passed!”

Shin’s laughter carried over the practice field since Ryuu’s reaction had to have been unexpected, but since Jaedin’s element had already soothed some of the disbelief his brother had suffered, Ryuu had felt another shackle fall off for Jaedin and himself. As Macy had told him, they all needed to let their individual chains be broken so they could fight without anything interfering with the power that Tenrai Daystar expected His fighters to use against their enemies.

“Up for another round before we’re interrupted again?” Shin suddenly proposed.

Ryuu smirked as Kaen and Izumi both appeared behind their respective Wielders. “Did you learn anything from the first round before everything changed?”

“Only that you still use teasing to put your opponent off guard,” Shin stated smugly.

Ryuu laughed. “I can’t wait until we all can fight together once again.”

Ryuu wasn’t deflecting the truth of Shin’s words. He wasn’t trying to gain an upper hand in their renewed practice. He wasn’t even concentrating on the match at all, which cost him a target getting drenched by Shin. His mind was on the realization that although the Earth-born were not used to fighting they did bring a new breath of excitement that they might have forgotten due to their trials that had tested their resolve to even keep fighting.

Maybe it was time to embrace the excitement again and enjoy the way their gifts moved in and around them like it was the first time so they could appreciate what they all truly had even if they would be forced to risk their lives to save it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Queen Carissa smiled as she waited for her guest to arrive. Selah Coeur hadn’t been to the palace in over a year if her memory was correct, so she’d missed the woman who had helped her in what seemed like a lifetime ago. If it hadn’t been for her, then Carissa never would have met Thiery nor had Avidan, and that would have been worse than losing memories of her past. She hadn’t explained that about herself since it had been decades before Thiery was made king after his father. The kingdom had changed, and it wasn’t until the demon attacks began that she had begun to have a few recurring dreams that sometimes seemed like memories that turned into nightmares. She tried to ignore them completely to maintain her composure and peace.

“Lady Selah Coeur, your highness,” a page announced as he led the lovely lady in and then retreated after closing the sitting room door.

“You look like you haven’t aged a day!” Selah exclaimed as she rushed forward to embrace her friend.

Carissa laughed. “You don’t look much older either, Selah. Maybe we drank from a wineskin of youth tonic.”

Selah shook her head and then sat down across from where Carissa had retaken her seat. Selah gave her a questioning look then. “Honestly, it seems neither of us aged the way the others we’ve known have. I don’t know how that can be, but perhaps it has to do with a lineage. I’ve read some historical scrolls in Ganma that tell how some used to live much longer only a few decades ago. Maybe we both are descendants of them and have retained their longevity though we don’t know who or how or why.”

The Mother Queen gave the other woman an uneasy glance. “I don’t know if we should discuss this, Selah. With the demon attacks having abated perhaps we should focus on the possible end to them and rejoice with renewed peace.”

The local healer gave her a pointed appraisal. “Are you still having nightmares you fear are memories, Carissa?”

Carissa set her tea cup down and gave the other woman a direct stare. “That’s another thing I refuse to discuss. A time of released tension is here, and we should enjoy it instead of contemplating things from the past best left forgotten.”

“Are you sure of that? We both know that the people I found you with were never reclaimed, and no word of loss came to any of us in the provinces, so what do you think that means? It’s like those they came from disappeared off the face of Eirinth! That’s not possible, Carissa, and even you have to question what we do and do not know even now.”

Carissa rose and spoke with a tightened voice that matched her straightened stance. “I think I need to rest. We can continue with this discussion at another time. Good day, Selah, and pleasant travels.”

With that, Carissa walked away from the speechless woman she called friend and began a quicker pace. She refused to call it what it was, but by the time she reached her day chamber, Carissa was practically running.


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