Tag Archives: Extraterrestrial

“Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!” OP-ED 01/07/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/07/21

I’ve been studying a lot of odd things over the past few years that at first seemed more the “Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction Lover” part of me than the “Christian End-of-Times Salvation Writer” part of me. As things seem to be changing in direct and despairing ways, I’ve recently noticed that these two parts of me are finally making sense as those two divergent ways also seem to be merging. Why would a certain part of our government demand another part of our government to give any factual information on extra-terrestrial beings that apparently has been found, studied, and even examined physically?

When Nick Pope appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program on Fox News, I took notice of it since I’ve also been an intellectual watcher of “Ancient Aliens” as research for my Non-Fiction Christian Speculative novel, and Nick Pope is a regular. I wrote an essay on my tribulationhelp.com website already about how ‘extra-terrestrials’ could be linked later as a way to discount the ‘Rapture’ of Christian believers when we supernaturally disappear from this Earth. With the sudden change in leadership in 2021, the government may not share anything about ‘aliens’ until it is of greatest convenience.

I’m not the only Christian asking about these intersections of science fiction and Christian eschatology either. At one point many scientists were also Christians in this world but not in 2021. It seems that when science began discounting Christianity, many Christian leaders decided to discount them and claim that science itself was evil. Spiritual forefathers abandoned scholastics, and that’s why academia has become a weapon against God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ARE the Creators of science! When God the Creator said, “Let there be light”, the Word began all science disciplines!

I took three years of Chemistry and loved all of the complexities of combining different elements to cause various reactions. It spoke to me as a person of imagination and was also why I created my one character translated from Earth in TREADING THE PATH to be able to do it visually in the mythical parallel world of Eirinth. If I can write my stories in 2021 to have some truth in the fiction, what do you think people have been doing for the thousands of years we’ve been here? The ‘myths’ possibly locked away in Alexandria by the Christian leaders centuries ago might be history instead.

“That’s crazy!” some of you may yell in outrage. Are you forgetting ‘Parables’ Jesus used in His teachings to reach the people emotionally and practically? “But any fiction is false and evil!” more of you cry out in anger. The last time I checked my Holy Bible, JESUS NEVER SINNED! How could parables (spoken stories meant for a purpose but NOT actually happening) be evil if spoken by Jesus Christ, Son of the One True Living God Almighty? IF DONE FOR THE SAME PURPOSE – TO LEAD PEOPLE TO SALVATION – THEY AREN’T! Wake up and read the Truth!

I know there are a lot of people who claim to be ‘Christian’ that haven’t really accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Personal Savior. Like the ‘Republicans in name only’ or RINOS, those who don’t KNOW JESUS aren’t His. I seriously don’t want a single person to not understand the distinction and be lost on this Earth, especially after Christ believers are relocated to Heaven while destruction on Earth happens as judgement. I know it’s been warned about for centuries, but don’t you think the longer is seems to take means the closer we are to the spiritual ENDGAME? Use your brains!

Yes, you are dealing with someone who loves the Marvel hero movies! Did you ever wonder why there are so many fictional heroes that have been created over the existence of time? Whether we are talking about musical, mystical, mythological, science-fictional, or anime-central these all point to what each person’s soul longs for… the Savior! It is in our genes, programmed into our DNA by the Creator of all existence, and crying out for what our fallen sin-nature fights against. THAT is WHY we NEED a SAVIOR! Not just any hero but the One willing to become flesh without sin for us!

The link in all of this is actually simple. The angel Lucifer fell to become Satan and tried to pollute the bloodline of humanity through having other fallen angels bed human women to create ‘Giants’ spoken of in the Torah, Holy Bible of Christianity, and proven history. The ‘Nephilim’ in Hebrew were to stop Jesus Christ from being able to be born intact. IF Satan could have every human woman have even a bit of Nephilim blood then Jesus Christ couldn’t be born in human form without sin to die for humanity to give Salvation through Faith. It’s not rocket science but God’s immortal science!

As more things are happening and look like Bible Prophecies being actually fulfilled in ways that couldn’t happen until now, Christians need to really take a good look at where you are, what you are doing for Christ, and why you fight so hard against admitting that we ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and get over ourselves! We shouldn’t accept sin as being ‘okay’, ‘water down’ the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or focus on the ‘building a kingdom’ on our own either. We NEED to NEED JESUS more than anything else in this whole universe!

I don’t discredit PROVEN science. I don’t discount Science Fiction either. Supernatural is the dichotomy of the spiritual with the natural intertwined like the DNA strands of our humanity. Yes, I do write FICTION. Yes, I do believe in CHRISTIANITY. Do I honestly think that the two coexist in a Truth that certain groups keep trying to deny because they can’t comprehend the possibility even though God Almighty is a conundrum in Reality? YES! For the Quadrillion to the Umpteenth power, YES! NONE of us know the extensive levels of existence and ability of our Creator. No, not one!

This is meant to not only get Christians to truly think about the reality of our imminent departure but also to call out to those who have dismissed Jesus Christ as a myth or some other foolery that just wants control over you. How many of you are already giving people, places, things, or even substances power enough to control you? No matter what I had to let go of to gain my Faith, it NEVER could have given to me what JESUS HAS ALREADY. Do I have problems? Yes. Do I have times of discouragement? Yes. Do I have moments of doubt? Yes. Why do I still want Jesus? HE IS LIFE!

I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission. Do I believe in Healing? Yes. Am I angry that God hasn’t given it to me completely yet? No. Why? Job spoke it the best when he said, “Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!” Ever wonder why the Centurion followed what Jesus told him to do? He KNEW what Jesus said would be. Once you have an experience with the Soul-Saving Son of the Most High God of Creation, YOU KNOW. Even if you doubt sometimes, you’ll find yourself speaking that Faith in spite of any fear. Because HE Lives I can face tomorrow!

I don’t know the battles you are now fighting. I don’t know if you are at the point of giving up. I don’t even know if you are in a place where you will give Jesus Christ a chance to show you what He has for you. I don’t, but HE DOES. I had a car wreck a week before Christmas 2020, so how could I write this since my 2011 Chevy Aveo was totaled? I hit the small bit of water and hydroplaned into an Xterra, but I only got two bruised knees. Do you know how tank-like an Xterra is? I DO NOW! I also KNOW that my guardian angel used that water to slide me in a way so my airbag didn’t trigger.

Why did the accident happen? Maybe it was for the driver of the other vehicle, the tow truck driver, the rental car driver, the insurance customer service agent, or the insurance adjustor. I gave cards to all of those I met in person that has my websites listed and told those on the phone the websites too. Maybe one of them needed an unusual way that points to Jesus, and I may not know until the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven after I’m evacuated from Earth spiritually… or supernaturally as the terms fits. That brings me to the reason for the title of this odd op-ed that may be ignored by most.

After being a Sci-Fi fan for forty years I finally think I found a proper scientific term for the ‘Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ of the believers in Christ known as the Church – Quantum Tunneling! I read about this in an article on Wikipedia, but they didn’t give the author name for me to give proper credit so just look it up if you want to read more on it. The term actually is talking about the phenomena in relation to nuclear fusion, but as I read it I began thinking about how Jesus rose again. The New Testament says that our bodies during the Rapture will become like that of Jesus after His resurrection.

What if it DOES take the same kind of powerful energy like nuclear fusion to transform us? What if instead of a flight through the sky we will be taking a rocket-blast through the dimensional realm? What if all that we think we know in logistical data from spiritually-minded mentors turns out to be even less than what was proposed in Star Trek? What if my song lyrics for “Like Rocket Fire” are more reality than even I thought? What if our departure really will be like that Quantum Tunneling with Divine protection? Well, I guess that means I should pray, “Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!”