Tag Archives: Gifts

“In The Middle Of The Chaos, Jesus Still Is The Greatest Christmas Gift!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/25/2024

This is the first year of Christmas without Mom Vada. It has been times of crying, moments of wishing, and days of missing the celebrating with her and all of the family together. The most important thing I want to share this year is that even through all of the things that bring us chaos, anger, hurt, and frustration, we need to focus on the real REASON FOR THE SEASON like Stryper’s song says – the Greatest Gift from God the Father to humanity! Jesus Christ came as a Baby to a virgin mother and her carpenter husband that is celebrated this day even if it’s not the actual time of His arrival in the timeline reality. We celebrate because that Baby was a Promise made centuries before, a Savior born to grow up and then die on the cross of Calvary for all of humanity’s sins, and then rise again to give new life in Him by Grace through Faith.

That Baby brought the Joy of Salvation to come! While we live in America A.D. 2024, in Israel B.C. that Baby was the proof that their Yahweh God Almighty the Creator was fulfilling part of His covenant even though they didn’t understand it yet. The Baby was the first part, Jesus Christ as Yeshua is the second, and soon King of Kings and Lord of Lords is to fulfill the last part of the total restoration to all Gentile Christians and Jewish believers. This invitation is to ALL OF HUMANITY, no matter your race, kindred, creed, or nation. WHOSOEVER WILL IS EVERYONE! Doesn’t matter where you were born, what faith you’ve had, or even if you never believed in a god, YOU CAN KNOW HIM AS SAVIOR! The reality of this is proven through many texts of historic and spiritual origins both then and even NOW.

Everything that is happening right now in this world is setting up the final group of nations that will rally around a leader who will seem to be a man of peace at first after millions to billions of people disappear at one moment, but then he will demand more than loyalty like the former kings fought to attain in our past; he will force a form of worship of him as ‘god’ that will require praise from the masses and religious fealty that will include a ‘mark’ you won’t be able to buy food or necessities without accepting it as you declare him as GOD. Once this happens, any person who takes that type of ID or association of his will be damned for eternity. This leader will be the anti-Christ as spoken of in the Christian Bible books of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, and other prophetic books in Old and New Testaments. THIS ALL WILL HAPPEN.

While we have many scholars and teachers that claim certain days or times, we know that NO MAN KNOWS IT. We have ‘signs’ that we are supposed to look for as we WAIT for the Trumpet of God to sound and Jesus Christ to show up in the clouds to first raise all believers whether by the Old Judean Law OR by Grace and through Faith in Jesus Christ from the dead, and then to change those still alive to be like Him and all just resurrected to join Him in the sky on our way to Heaven. Whether another dimensional realm or even an interdimensional planet, we don’t know for sure. We KNOW that Jesus Christ will take us there to be kept safe while the Great Tribulation begins with 21 judgments on all those who have refused the FREE GIFT of God’s Salvation that He has offered to EVERY ONE throughout this world and time.

Have you ever been told about Jesus Christ and His death in your place? You can read more about this and God’s promises to us in the Christian Holy Bible and Jewish Torah, and there are a lot of other books by more current Christian writers that give more evidential credence to the FACT of Jesus Christ having lived, died, and disappeared from Earth. It really is an act of Faith to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior for your spiritual debt to be paid by the Grace of Jesus Christ. I’m just trying to point out that we have a lot of historical writings like in Josephus, so I want to give a rounded case for Christ to those who have only ever known the empty lifeless religion of even some so-called Christian churches. There is POWER in the Blood of Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith to allow transformation of your soul to be reclaimed.

THIS IS REAL. I have been a born-again full-Gospel Christian since I was 8 years old. I’m 52 now, and I have studied history, literature, science, and society to find that Christianity is the ONLY Faith that asks us to TRUST in God Almighty by accepting what His Only Begotten Son did IN OUR PLACE. I have seen the Power of His Holy Spirit save, deliver, and heal people on a regular basis growing up. I have been part of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit being used since I was thirteen in the church services, not in some crazy hallucinating manner, but in joyful Grace poured out on the people that is life-changing and love-empowering to reach out to every soul for Christ that we as His ambassadors can if we will show His love by giving them the Truth. It’s not supposed to be some religious ‘club’ like some promote that is wrong.

No matter where you have been or what you have done, if you truly BELIEVE that He can forgive you, then pray this out loud, “Father God of Creation known as Yahweh, I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Only Begotten Son who was born to become a man to die in MY PLACE for my sins and all of humanity if each will believe. I ask for You to forgive me for my sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. His blood without sin atoned for me and all who will believe. I believe that You will return to claim Your people, first from the grave and then those alive who wait for You to take us to safety as Your wrath is given in judgement for the sins of those who refuse Your Gift of Salvation. I accept Jesus as MY Savior, believe what You promised, and will share it with all I can. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!”

Begin reading the Christian Holy Bible. I suggest New Living Translation and King James Version to compare for better understanding. You can read it for FREE those and other versions at blueletterbible.org online. ‘What Child is this?’ the song asks. ‘This, This, is Christ the King who shepherds guard and angels sing, Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the Babe, the son of Mary!” is the answer I hope and pray that you will each come to know as you accept Him as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty in the Son as Creator of the universe. Colossians 1:16 states, “All things were created by Him, and for Him.” He IS the ONLY plea we will have to be accepted by God the Father to be allowed into Heaven. No other name is accepted. That Baby named Jesus still IS the Messiah and Savior we EACH ONE NEEDS for Salvation!


Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©05/27/2021

Michael W. Smith released a song in the 1992 named “Love One Another” that changed my perception of what my mission was to be as a believer in Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and the Son of the only Living God Almighty of creation, and it still is true in 2021 – my mission should ALWAYS be about every ONE I meet as an individual that I am supposed to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with so that person’s life can be reclaimed by the Grace of God given through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary in place of us to PAY for the cost of OUR SINS.

Now in 2021, I still believe in every part of my Christian faith in the Christian Holy Bible. Jesus Christ still died in place of each human to pay for the sins of humanity so we can be restored to a relationship with God the Father through faith in the Son’s sinless blood sacrificed in our place and with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this world. So WHY does it seem to be so much harder to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in a way that isn’t boring religious rules that are dead? We need an exciting RELATIONSHIP-CENTERED connection to the God of the multi-plane Universe!

Jesus Christ reached out to INDIVIDUALS. In groups, He was still personal to each of those who would cry out. That’s what Faith in the sacrificial shed blood of Jesus Christ in each person’s place and His resurrection to restore us is meant to be – PERSONAL! This is for ME, YOU, and EACH ONE who lets Him enter into your heart. HE IS THEN, NOW, AND FOREVER! If each person could only understand that YOUR INDIVIDUAL SOUL MATTERS TO GOD ALMIGHTY, then maybe everything would fall into place for you to see your important part in this life on Earth.

If this knowledge is supposed to be understood by all those who claim to be believers in Jesus Chris then WHY is church no longer personal? Why is the set number of songs, sermon points, and offering amounts the focus now? It seems that only a few years ago we used to know EACH person, EACH need, EACH prayer, EACH salvation, EACH healing, EACH deliverance, and EACH and EVERY Holy Spirit Gift in not only word but also in actual DEED! I’ve been in church services that were so alive with the Presence of God Almighty by His Spirit that I didn’t want to ever leave.

WE NEED JESUS VISION! NOT self, NOT program, NOT entertainment, NOT dead platitudes, and NOT a few memorized talking points. We NEED individual lives transformed from death to LIFE ETERNAL. Those religious things won’t give you anything but more death. True Christianity is ALIVE. When the Holy Spirit touches your soul you will FEEL it and HIM. Not an illusion, brainwashing, emotional overload, or a religious learned ability. The Holy Spirit and His gifts given to believers is part of a spiritual inheritance if Jesus is your Savior. It is also the gateway to Jesus Vision.

What does that mean? Well, Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty allowed the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove to light on Him as a sign of His anointing. The Holy Spirit still gives signs through the Gifts if a Christian allows Him to work through that person to SHOW that God is still among us. How can we follow the mandate to go into the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we refuse His help through the Holy Spirit to give the signs of anointing so truth will be accepted? Too many charlatans have been used by the enemy to discount the Gifts but don’t be deceived by that.

Satan always has his false powers that mimic God Almighty’s real Gifts. We can’t go into this final battle while keeping the Power of God through the Holy Spirit from being IN US to work THROUGH US to reach people in ways we can’t do on our own alone. Can you not SEE the lost? Can you not HEAR the pain? Can you not FEEL the chains still binding them? If you can’t then you need to ask yourself, “Why Not?” Be honest with your answer.

JESUS forgave the sinners. JESUS healed the sick. JESUS raised the dead. JESUS told His disciples that THEY would do even greater things than He did! So what is missing in 2021 to make it seem like what Jesus said is a lie? THAT is blasphemy, so why is the so-called church showing they believe a lie every single time the church doors open and the people leave as lost, bound, dying, sinning, and otherwise incomplete as they were when they entered? What are we ALL missing? What is so wrong that we don’t even SEE the truth in front of our faces every week? WHAT?

WE NEED JESUS VISION ONCE AGAIN! Are YOU His disciple? Do you see the needs now? Do you feel the pull of the Holy Spirit that whispers in your heart that there is MORE? THEN WHY AREN’T WE DOING WHAT HE SAID!?! It’s easy to get bogged down with real world problems that we’ve seen in 2021 unlike any encountered before, but doesn’t that reality tell us that prophecy is ticking, and if we don’t move with it we’ll miss being part of it? I refuse to not be a part of the calling of God Almighty through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit because someone else doesn’t agree.


“Father God, we come to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and the Savior of ALL who will believe. We believe He called us to continue His ministry here on Earth as He waits for prophecies to be fulfilled for Him to return for ALL believers saved by Grace through Faith as Christians and Messianic Jews when the ‘Church Age’ or Grace Dispensation ends. The signs of the times are pointing to what Your Word states they would in the Christian New and Old Testaments and Jewish Torah, so please unleash a Holy Ghost led Revival of JESUS VISION! Help us to bring in the last souls to be saved BEFORE the Rapture (Calling Away or Spiritual Evacuation) happens right BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Show us. Call us. Equip us. Restore us. ENERGIZE US! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit we pray so YOUR WILL IS DONE… AMEN!”

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 2

By Tonja Condray Klein© 03/01/21

One of the things that troubles me the most about the current situation with the Christian Church in 2021 is the absolute sense of complacency. While I have also been discouraged, upset, and even angry over current situations, I still seek to DO SOMETHING when I can for who needs it with what I have. I look around and see many churches seeming to sink into a sense of unimportance, trying to weather a storm that is overwhelming any fortress of worldly protection now. Where is the POWER OF GOD through His Holy Spirit in supposed believers of Jesus Christ and His shed Blood on Calvary? Where can a lost soul FIND SALVATION when churches are preaching a bunch of hackneyed platitudes that have NO SUBSTANCE and NO HOPE of doing anything for God Almighty? I’ve PERSONALLY seen the POWER OF GOD fall on Christ believers as ministers, singers, and musicians yield to an OUTPOURING of the Holy Spirit to the point of people being slain in the Spirit, healed, filled with Gifts, saved, and transformed! This is NOT a trick. This is NOT an illusion. This is NOT some plea for money. THIS IS A TRUE TOUCH OF GOD ALMIGHTY WE NEED!

When I graduated from high school I became a youth sponsor before I was even eighteen years old, but I saw the pews filled with young people, and many prayed at the alters to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit with any Gift God wanted to give to them to preach, testify, heal, mend, and lead people to the knowledge of Salvation in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t something you learned by rote. It wasn’t given as a pamphlet to memorize. It wasn’t a brainwashing exercise to get people emotionally integrated into a religious affiliation. IT IS REAL! I know because I was THERE, I experienced HIM, and I SAW what He did for anyone who sought HIM! No one can ever make me doubt it because I WAS THERE AND I KNOW JESUS AND HIS HOLY SPIRIT PERSONALLY!! Anyone who says anything else is a LIAR! I WAS THERE! I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW!!! I’ve been so blessed to have the Lord give Messages in Tongues through me and Interpretations in Tongues also through me. I pray in the Spirit every day, not because I have to but because when the Spirit touches my heart I can only praise my Jesus! This is not hysteria but Holy Fire!

In 1990, I was sure the greatest revival was going to break free and that I would probably be leaving soon. It’s now 2021, and I’m wondering WHAT HAPPENED? Did good spiritual soil get polluted by worldly comforts to tame us and false teachings to dull us? I recently listened to Andrus, Blackwood, and Company’s “Jesus, You’re So Wonderful”, R. W. Schambaugh’s “God Is God”, and DC Talk’s “Jesus Freak” and am still wondering, WHAT HAPPENED TO US? Generation-X, WHAT HAPPENED? Are ANY of you looking for Jesus? Are any of you feeling the need for MORE? Do any of you feel as useless as I do right now as we watch our country and world barreling towards Hell at an alarming rate? DO YOU!?! What else needs to happen to make us WAKE UP!?! We have failed the children of our generation, and now we’re failing our grandchildren! How many more generations do YOU want to give to Satan? HOW MANY MORE??? Do you want your grown children or grandchildren to go to Hell? Do you?!? I have my nieces and nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews, and now great-great-nieces and great-great-nephews I must reach NOW!

With all that is going on, where is the need for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any way or media we can? I’ve tried to do it with music, novels, and written or audio blogs. The NEED is there. The TRUTH is there. The HEART is there. How can anyone ignore the people who are crying out for what we already have that they need EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT? Can you even hear them anymore? Have you allowed you heart to harden against anyone who isn’t in your group or denomination? Even though I’m full-Gospel and believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, anyone who has accepted Jesus as Savior is my brother or sister. If you are hurting, Jesus Christ is right there with His Holy Spirit ready to comfort, protect, inspire, strengthen, and call you according to God Almighty’s Divine Will! You don’t have to go to any building, confess to a priest or pastor, or even join a church. YOU JUST NEED TO SEEK JESUS AND HIS SPIRIT! It really is THAT SIMPLE. Salvation is through believing Jesus Christ died for your sins and accepting Him as your Savior, then asking the Holy Spirit to overflow you with God’s Gifts. God Almighty promised it to ANY who BELIEVE!

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight. When I was thirteen I called out to the pastor that I needed to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues and was filled by praying for Jesus to use me as He would through His Gifts by His Holy Spirit overflowing me. You can do this where you are right now without even having another soul with you if you don’t know believers who have accepted this. Some refuse to believe that this Promise is still happening today and think it died out with the original apostles. IT DID NOT. Peter wrote in the book of Acts that this was for you, your children, your children’s children, and those afar off, as many as the Lord shall call.” That is NEVER ENDING until after the Church Age ends, which will include the Rapture of Christ believers that include the Messianic Jews that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior too. You don’t have to accept any of the Gifts. You don’t have to speak in tongues. You don’t have to do anything but accept Jesus as Savior to be SAVED. The Gifts are just an added benefit to help those willing to do MORE, especially in the Last Days. We are getting CLOSE.

Once again, this is not to alarm you to do something stupid like stockpile goods or riches. This is to OPEN YOUR EYES to what God Almighty in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit wants you to be equipped with to finish ushering in the actual FINAL GREAT REVIVAL! I want to see people SAVED. I want to see people HEALED. I want to see people DELIVERED. I want to see people FILLED. I want to see people SHOUT. I want to see people SING IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people DANCE IN THE SPIRIT. I want to see people FREED! Don’t you want Jesus Christ through His touch with the Holy Spirit to SET YOU FREE? I DO!!! Not an emotional turmoil or some pretend spiritual act. I WANT THE REAL POWER OF GOD ALMIGHT TO FALL AGAIN! I’ve felt Him. I’ve had Him flow through me as I fell out under the honest Spirit of God Almighty. No one pushed me down. I felt the Presence of the Holy Spirit RUSH over me like a mighty wave! It was liberating! It was empowering! It was soothing! It was mending! It was God Almighty able to flow through Tonja Renee Condray to restore what I was meant to be since before I was born again through Jesus Christ.

Many of the present so-called ‘churches’ who claim to be Christians don’t seem to be anything but dried up empty meetings with bagels and coffee. No Spiritual Gifts. No Biblical Teachings. No Life Changes. No Personal Growth. Just NOTHING! When you have to get a ‘consultant’ to tell you exactly what you can and can’t have in your church to get the ‘right kind’ of members then you better just STOP. If there is no REAL ANOINTING OF GOD ALMIGHTY’S HOLY SPIRIT then you have NOTHING. All the money in the world that your members give will burn one day in the crucible of God Almighty at the Judgement Seat of Christ… if you make it there and don’t end up at the White Throne Judgement. Each of us need to REALLY INSPECT OURSELF! Revival begins in the House of God! I don’t care how long you’ve been sitting in a pew or using the same hymnal, if you don’t have a LIVING relationship with Jesus Christ then YOU ARE NOT SAVED. The Gifts are a separate thing, so don’t misunderstand me. Gifts are secondary, but SALVATION is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you need to analyze for yourself. WE NEED TO BE SAVED FIRST!

All of this really is Christianity 101. I want the REVIVAL with the GIFTS, but SALVATION is FIRST. All the rest will fall in line once we realize that God Almighty has more for us than dried up pruned rules and boring council meetings to figure out what kind of pews to buy for comfort. WE NEED OPEN FLOORS TO LET US SHOUT! WE NEED GOSPEL MUSIC TO BREAK OUR PRIDE! WE NEED BIBLE WORDS TO PIERCE OUR HEARTS TO GAIN SALVATION THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST! WE NEED SHEETS FOR WHEN THE WOMEN GET HIT WITH THE POWER OF GOD AND FALL IN THE SPIRIT AS THEY PRAISE IN TONGUES! WE NEED THIS! One time at the church where I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we had a service where the Holy Spirit interrupted it with a message, the pastor stopped preaching, the people started shouting, and the whole congregation went around the pews shouting with joy since GOD WAS WITH US! We didn’t plan it. We didn’t interfere with it. We didn’t turn away from it. WE EMBRACED HIM THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS OUR SAVIOR! That is God’s POWER.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are meant to verify our Faith with believers, show the Power of God with unbelievers, and break the shackles of the world away from anything that God Almighty is doing at that time in people’s lives. THIS IS WHY. It’s not rocket science, people! It’s God Almighty Proof. People have tried to pretend it, but real believers know a fake. People have tried to sell it, but it is without price through Faith in Jesus Christ that is FREE. It doesn’t have a list of expectations, but once you accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He will let you know when something isn’t right, when it IS right, and when you need to just let Him be there with nothing more but His Peace. I still mess up and sin at times even though I pray in Tongues at least once a day. I’m not perfect, but that’s why I need Jesus as Savior in the first place. The Holy Spirit will reprove you if you try to wander down the wrong path, but you can keep NOT LISTENING and end up in a heap of trouble. You can always repent, turn away from what lead you off, and come back to the foot of the Cross where Jesus is always WAITING to FORGIVE and RESTORE you! PRAY AND ACCEPT HIS GIFTS TOO! ~TK~