Tag Archives: Prophecy

“Hanukkah Link to End Times and Eirinth Novels as Foretelling of Completed-Church” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/31/2024

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior in 1980. I found out a few years ago that I have an ancestry link to Israel by Simon Thassi Maccabeus, Prince and High Priest of Judaea, son of Mattathias ben Yochanan Maccabeus Hasmonean of Judaea, through my mother Vada Belle Tignor Condray line backwards to her great-grandfather William Lane. This is a main reason why I began celebrating Hanukkah since I have line to the Fighting Maccabees that instituted holiday after defeating the leader of the Seleucid Empire(who I also have a link to by same line) and restoring the Jewish Temple by cleansing then re-dedicating again to Elohim of Israel and Father God Almighty to Christians. I had hoped to find way reaching Christians and Jews as well as Anime watchers and Fantasy readers in a different parable-styled allegory.

I have been watching Sid Roth and Jonathan Cahn who are leading the Jewish people everywhere to know Jesus Christ is THEIR MESSIAH and Savior! As a born-again Spirit-filled Christian I have always known that Jesus Christ is Messiah for Israel and Jews abroad AND the Savior for the world. When I began writing my first Eirinth book in 2009, I had chosen to have two main groups of fighters for the God of Eirinth in Tenrai Daystar to represent the two groups for God Almighty in Jesus Christ on Earth – Bengosha are Christians and Kouken are Jesus-believing Jews! This was meant to bring about not only a revival in Christianity to accept the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to reach souls, but ALSO a revival for Israel and Jews ALL OVER THE WORLD to come to Christ! WE ARE MEANT TO COME FULLY TOGETHER!

What I didn’t know was that by the time my second book was released in 2019 that we would be facing one of the Hanukkah Link to End Times prophetic times of judgment as stated in the Word of God. I hadn’t heard of Sid or Jonathan yet, but now in 2024-soon-to-be-2025 I have found their teachings to seem like what I’d hoped my books could help lead us all to experience in preparation for the last great revival since things from prophecy are happening almost daily if we’d LOOK, LISTEN, READ, AND COMPARE! Apparently a majority of Christians seem to not willing to find out anything anymore. It hurts my heart to think about all of those that WE ARE FAILING AS CHRISTIANS! If anyone should now be watching news, reading the Bible, and making notes so we can get ready and help others, IT SHOULD BE US ALL!

As I see Sid Roth, Jonathan Cahn, and Michael Yousef reaching out to Jews and others, I can’t help but think that American Christian churches have reached such a state of Apostasy that unless we get ourselves back in the Spirit of God with His Holy Spirit Gifts to spread His Salvation then we will stand before the Lord God Almighty at the Judgement Seat of Christ and be shown WHO we missed by NOT sharing Jesus to WHOSOEVER and ALL WHO WILL! As we reach a new year with a new hope of evangelizing every place we can reach, we need to examine ourselves to see if we are really giving the FULL GOSPEL! So many are so against the Gifts of the Spirit listed in I Corinthians that they reject the HELP that God sent to us as explained in Bible book of Acts. There are imitators and false spirits, but the Holy Spirit IS REAL.

I know I keep teaching this, but for goodness’ sakes, WHY do so many people REFUSE the Gifts that helped the Disciples of Jesus Christ to begin the greatest re-alignment of Faith in history! Since some of the Jewish people are now beginning to see that Jesus Christ is their Messiah Yeshua, I would think that Christians would want to accept ALL of the supernatural Gifts that God Almighty sent for every believer who will follow their calling to reach a world that is giving into old satanic spirits from the pagan times that are re-entering America because so many are rejecting beliefs that made our USA be the “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!” We are now becoming ‘the land of the bound and the home of the weak’! WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN! We have another four years of Faith, so WE MUST USE IT!

Church apostasy is becoming an absolute reality. Even though I’m not an ultra-religious denomination believer, I believe in what the Apostle Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit, the Rapture of the Church, and the Great Tribulation that is growing closer EVERY SINGLE DAY. Yes, I should type that I don’t mean to scare anyone, but guess what? I DO! It is getting too close to the LAST DAYS spoken of when ALL Jesus-believers need to be SHINING THE FULL GOSPEL to all like never before! WE NEED TO EACH BE AN ELIJAH! The evil spirit of Baal is working in America RIGHT NOW and has been for almost FIVE DECADES! If you want to know what I’m talking about, you need to watch on YouTube the videos by Jonathan Cahn and read his books that tie all of the End Times prophecies with Jewish history. IT FITS!

Yes, we need to beware of false teachers, preachers, and gift users, but we can’t let fear keep us from knowing the amazing POWER that we are given to SHOW unbelievers that Jesus Christ IS The One True-Living God Almighty of All Creation! Some people need to EXPERIENCE that to get through the shackles this world has on them that some don’t see on their own lives. Unfortunately, some Christians don’t even see the ones they haven’t let the Holy Spirit help them just throw away those that snapped as soon as they accepted Jesus as Savior. Broken chains can be tiring to carry if you don’t let supernatural POWER give you the strength you need to be FREE completely. Some broken chains are an ongoing fight against even when it gets to only one link left. We are ALL in a state of being transformed spiritually until the Rapture.

Christians need to be aware of the necessity to reach out to Jewish as well as Gentile unbelievers. Some claiming to be Christian in the past have spoken against Israel in complete hatred, and I will NEVER understand it. Israel did NOT kill Jesus. Jesus GAVE His life for ALL OF US. Blaming the Jewish people is a LIE that needs to STOP. Jesus said that Christians would be grafted INTO THE VINE. The VINE is the people of Israel! Old and New Testament saints, whether under the Law before or by Grace and through Faith after are grafted as ONE COMPLETE CHURCH! Why do you think that presently all around the world the two religious groups that are hated the most are Jews and Christians? We serve the SAME ALMIGHTY GOD! Jesus had to die so that by Grace and through Faith could be FOR ANYONE AND ALL!

Each Christian needs to be more aware of who are in individual harvest fields. Different people can be meant for certain places, types of people, and levels of deliverance needed. Do you know your own field? Some can go between but others are meant to stay in a specific one since they have been empowered with what is needed to reach some. Every soul has worth of its own that is beyond any price we have to pay to reach. That is scary to think about sometimes since we can imagine worst case scenarios from the Bible that we honestly don’t want to face or be expected to overcome. We have to remember that God the Father sent His Son in each of our places, Jesus paid the price for each of us, and the Holy Spirit is waiting to help each and all of us. We just have to ACCEPT. BELIEVE, AND COMPEL people to COME WITH US!

I meant my books to be something to encourage and empower Christians in this time. I also meant for them to reach the lost in my harvest field. I didn’t realize at first that the addition of having the Christians and Jewish-believers represented would be something that would be shown as the Completed Church until after I read THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH by Sid Roth. Although I had known about the twenty-four thrones in heaven to represent those two groups, I hadn’t realized that so many Jewish believers in Christ had happened already in present-day time. Since we want the full Christian revival, we need to be praying for a Jewish one first since historic accounts show that’s what usually happens. New Testament writers like Paul said that it’s always been to the Jews first then the Gentiles. Let’s try to help with it!

“Father God Almighty Elohim, we come in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua and ask for You to help us all to see the writing on the wall of prophesy that You are revealing to those that are willing to receive it. We ask for forgiveness for any lack of urgency in this hour, and we offer our abilities You have given to us to do all that You have already called us to be able to do. Let Your Holy Spirit FALL ON ALL OF US! Open our hearts to Your Gifts. Remove any scales from all our eyes that would interfere with us seeing Your Path. Forgive us for our sins and empower us to reach ALL that we can. Help us to be those “For Such A Time As This”. In the name of Jesus Yeshua, we pray, Amen!” You can read all of the Christian Holy Bible for FREE in various versions at blueletterbible.org. HAPPY NEWW YEAR! TK 🙂

“What a Difference a Year Can Make in Prophecy…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02-21-2022

I wrote an earlier Op-Ed about the possibility that the Rapture or ‘Calling Away” of Christian believers happening in 2021 due to certain world events happening and even timelines expressed through certain Biblical scriptures, but I also wrote that I wasn’t saying it was definitely going to happen now yet still wanted both Christians and non-Christians to be aware, consider the possibility, and search their hearts BEFORE it does. The Rapture didn’t happen, and I posted the next Op-Ed to explain that it still COULD happen at ANY time due to the remaining requisite being the last human soul to be saved by Grace through Faith in the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for that person’s sins that we EACH are born having through the lineage we ALL have by Adam and Eve since the birth of Creation by God Almighty the Creator.

My own Ancestry searching has led me to not only search out the lineage lines of my parents backwards that has led me all the way back to the farthest ancestor being in 498 B.C. in the Seleucid Empire. That historical searching led me to finding out through articles and documents that reminded me that when we went from B.C. (now referred to as BCE for ‘before common era’ to remove the ‘Before Christ’) to A.D. (now referred to as CE for ‘common era’ to remove the other that was for the Latin phrase meaning ‘the year of our Lord’ that education no longer wants to acknowledge) that it wasn’t begun at zero but at one. This might not seem important to most people in this world, but when it comes to prophecies that are EXACT as to WHEN certain things would happen to prove is was from the God of Creation, so IT IS IMPORTANT!

While I also agree with the ministers who say not to place an absolute date for the Rapture happening since the Bible actually warns against listening to those in the ‘Last Days’ of the Grace Dispensation that we are presently still in during 2022, I also agree with the writings of many who point out that we should still know the TIME before that WILL happen. I came across a writer who pointed out a one year difference because of a B.C. to A.D. calendar change. If that discrepancy is the only difference then when the Jewish writer claimed that 2028 would be the year their Messiah would return if eighty years a generation marker the Jewish Torah uses; yet one year needs added to make it 2029. This Israel perspective for their ‘Messiah’ is in line for Christians who also believe in Jesus Christ, but there is more to it too now.

As a Christian who has studied eschatology for the past thirty years and also believes that the Christian Rapture happens BEFORE the 7-year Great Tribulation period prophesied in Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation begins then 2029 is the possible time for the return of Jesus Christ landing on Mount Olivet as stated in the Holy Bible but AFTER the Great Tribulation. If any Jew now believes in Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior then that person is considered as a Messianic Jew who will ALSO be taken to safety in the Christian Rapture BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. For generational calculation to be precise then it is possible that instead of 2021 in the article I read that precipitated my other Op-Ed, and mentioned in my other Op-Ed about 2021 not happening, then the 1 year added for B.C. to A.D could point to 2022.

While I agree that Jesus Christ returning to Israel could happen as the Israel writer stated, he didn’t mention the Rapture, so I’m going to calculate it according to the Christian belief about the Rapture timing known as ‘Pre-Trib’. 2022 plus 7 equals 2029, so that WOULD be the exact year that would line up with the generational calculation of 1948 plus 80 to equal 2028 plus 1 year missed at the B.C. to A.D. change to equal the end of the Tribulation to be 2029 and when Jesus Christ would return to stop the anti-Christ and reclaim the world and His Jerusalem to fulfill all final prophecies in Israel’s Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible related to Israel specifically when the Word is properly discerned as which Scripture is meant for Israel, which Scripture is meant for Christians, and which Scripture is meant for the entire world even now.

There is another aspect that is needed to be pointed out – people are now living longer than 80 years, and the one Scripture says the generation who saw Israel become a nation in 1948 would not pass before the coming of the Lord. My mother will turn 91 this April and SAW Israel become a nation. Anyone alive before 1948 is probably considered THAT generation. There are many people in the United States and around the world who are over 100 years old right now. The calculated possibility of 2022 could still happen, but the reality that the Christian church hasn’t seemed to have any real substantial revival to reach the last souls to be saved during the Grace Dispensation Period now as prophesied to happen BEFORE the Rapture does, but revival hasn’t yet. Christians need to REACH OUT TO ALL WE CAN NOW!

I suggest that every single person, whether Christian or not, read the “Defenders of the Realms” novels by Nathan D. Thomas on Amazon. I’m currently reading Book 3 after the first two that I have reviewed as 5-Star for both, and these novels have really uplifted my heart since the loss of my Book Artist and my Record Producer in 2021. It also has helped me to focus again on my ‘Rebirth of Eirinth” Book 3 – SEEKING THE LIGHT, and my music too. We ALL need to get focused on our given gifts to reach out to those that we are the ones to be witnesses of Christ in these Last Days to that might end sooner than we thought or be lengthened if we fail to see where we need to be to do what God Almighty has called each of us to do wherever in the world we are. Whether America, Israel, or Ukraine, WE NEED A REVIVAL!

All of the different aspects that relate to the Christian Revival, Rapture, or Return mean that we each must study to show ourselves approved as Paul told Timothy in the Christian Bible. We each need to be able to give account to WHY we believe WHAT we believe. That means that we can’t take the words of one person or group to be the end-all-be-all of prophecy or Faith. I’m not claiming to know it all about everything. I’m simply putting out some possibilities for ALL to consider while getting ready for a possible Revival we should be trying to support AND begin. The pandemic has halted ALL church activity, and we have lost so many to the point our sorrows cloud the JOY we have in our hearts for the real Salvation in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and the entire world NEEDS IT! WE MUST RESTORE OUT FIRST LOVE!

Is it possible that 2049 is the time Jesus Christ will return WITHOUT the Rapture or the Great Tribulation? The Scriptures give specific prophecies that must occur BEFORE the Rapture can take place, and worse perilous times could happen to shake the church out of its current COMA it seems to be stuck in, but one prophecy doesn’t negate another, so the generation who saw Israel become a nation will not pass away before the Lord Returns is another deciding factor too. Is it possible that the Great Tribulation won’t happen? The Great Tribulation is spoken of happening with certainty in the Jewish Torah and the Holy Bible to the point I’m still surprised there are some who claim to be Christ believers who still don’t believe it will. I understand the question of ‘when’ whether ‘Pre’ or ‘Mid’ but Post or Not at all seem impossible.

I’m a Pre-Trib believer due to the fact the Holy Spirit revives a believer’s spirit to belong to God Almighty again. That very breath of God filling Adam once he was made was that same connection he lost due to sin, but through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ then the Holy Spirit connects us again in a way that might be an even stronger link that doesn’t allow the ‘man of perdition’ known as the anti-Christ spoken of in the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible to take power until Christians are removed – being raised from the dead and those still alive all ‘changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ to meet Jesus Christ in the air and be taken to safety BEFORE the Great Tribulation will begin. Some think the Rapture won’t happen until ‘Mid-Trib’ – 3-1/2 years into the 7-Year Great Tribulation – but I question that possibility.

While there could be reasons why a Mid-Trib would happen, I don’t see Scriptures that support it, especially with 21 judgements being rained down on humanity that Christian believers aren’t listed as having to go through. Not even the Covid-19 pandemic reached the percentages listed in Revelation about how many die with each separate seal, trumpet, or vial judgments as specified. There haven’t been any in history that fulfills a single one even if some in the Post or Not at all group claims it already happened. While some accounts in History might not give the full specifics for certain chaotic situations NUMBERS DON’T LIE. No historical book verifies any of these judgements happening already. The Jewish Torah was the FIRST publication to proclaim the reality that science missed for a very long time – the Earth is round!

I’m not claiming to know WHEN Jesus Christ will return in the clouds, change Christians of all nations, and join Him to get to safety. I’m simply pointing out that with the way certain countries are at this time in 2022 I’m trying to get Christians to WAKE UP! Our Redemption could be drawing nigh soon OR we might all be stuck here for a while longer until we start BEING THE REAL CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST! I don’t want to see this country become more like the ones that don’t allow the freedoms the Unites States of America allowed pre-pandemic. Things are growing dire for even being able to assemble, so we might be forced to have a revival in a different way that doesn’t include being in the same room anymore. While we have communications to do it now, what happens if the government cuts all of the power?

I don’t want to live under a dictator regime. I want my Constitutional Democratic Republic to be restored. While I know things will happen with prophecies that MUST occur, I still want to try to have our FREE COUNTRY for as long as we can until things can’t be maintained any longer. I didn’t think we would be at this point quite this soon, but when final pieces of the prophecy puzzle are placed then there will be NOTHING that can delay or stop the final event. I still see that piece as the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, and then Gabriel will sound the trumpet, Jesus Christ will appear in the air, and ALL CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS AROUND THE WORLD will be transformed with flying shoes and meet Him for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the Third Heaven to wait for time to pass until we return to reclaim Earth!

I know it’s been since the original Word of God Almighty was given to the people of Israel, and the Christian church began when Jesus Christ came to die for EVERY PERSON’S SINS whether Jew or Gentile, so some might say this is nothing but a fairy tale or religious myth, but I have news for you 02/21/2021 – JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN AND ALL WHO BELIEVE IN HIS FORGIVENESS WILL BE SAVED AND RESCUED! Will there be doubters? Yes. Will there be signs that deny any of what I’m typing right now? Yes. Will it mean that any of it could blind you from finding Salvation and safety in time? Yes. That is WHY I put up the information on my Christian website to give you the help if you miss the Rapture. It won’t be easy, and you might still die, but at least READ IT: https://www.tribulationhelp.com

“When Time Matters…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/11/2021

I have been posting Op-Eds for a while now to try to get some things brought to light for those who are believers in Christ as Savior and those who don’t yet but will. While this is still my main focus and will continue to be for as long as I’m alive, this particular post is meant directly for those who are Christ-followers as Christians or Messianic Jews. I finished reading a book a few minutes ago and HAD to write this. I’m not usually so emphatic about certain things, but THIS is something that has changed my perception in VERY wonderful ways that I MUST share with all I can now!

The link above is for the book I’m speaking about called “Giants, Fallen Angels, and the Return of the Nephilim: Ancient Secrets to Prepare for the Coming Days” by Dennis Lindsay. I have studied the Holy Bible for over forty years, listened to countless sermons, and read many biblical commentaries by various writers. I was so moved by this book that after finishing it, I ordered it for my older sister since she still studies at 70 years old. The insights that Dennis Lindsay gives by comparing biblical passages, verified historical content, and present-day science and technology is amazing!

I could point out specifics, contrast them with other views, or cite ten million other things. For now…

GET THE BOOK! I got it in E-Book, but it is also available in Hardcover, Paperback (which I sent to my sister) and Audio-book. Scripture is given in King James Version many times but is mostly in New International Version (NIV). I prefer KJV, but if it bothers you too much then look up the references in your own choice of Bible version too. MOST important thing is to READ it and PRAY for understanding. Some things can be hard to even consider as possible with present situations in this country and world, but this book clears up a lot of things that even I have questioned.

Check out the book, and click the YouTube link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QCBOb22p-Y to listen to the song deftly sung in 1986 that is even MORE true in 2021: WHITEHEART-01 Read The Book Don’t Wait For The Movie.

Your life or those of the ones you love might depend on it! LOVE IN CHRIST ~TK~

“Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!” OP-ED 01/07/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/07/21

I’ve been studying a lot of odd things over the past few years that at first seemed more the “Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fiction Lover” part of me than the “Christian End-of-Times Salvation Writer” part of me. As things seem to be changing in direct and despairing ways, I’ve recently noticed that these two parts of me are finally making sense as those two divergent ways also seem to be merging. Why would a certain part of our government demand another part of our government to give any factual information on extra-terrestrial beings that apparently has been found, studied, and even examined physically?

When Nick Pope appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program on Fox News, I took notice of it since I’ve also been an intellectual watcher of “Ancient Aliens” as research for my Non-Fiction Christian Speculative novel, and Nick Pope is a regular. I wrote an essay on my tribulationhelp.com website already about how ‘extra-terrestrials’ could be linked later as a way to discount the ‘Rapture’ of Christian believers when we supernaturally disappear from this Earth. With the sudden change in leadership in 2021, the government may not share anything about ‘aliens’ until it is of greatest convenience.

I’m not the only Christian asking about these intersections of science fiction and Christian eschatology either. At one point many scientists were also Christians in this world but not in 2021. It seems that when science began discounting Christianity, many Christian leaders decided to discount them and claim that science itself was evil. Spiritual forefathers abandoned scholastics, and that’s why academia has become a weapon against God. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ARE the Creators of science! When God the Creator said, “Let there be light”, the Word began all science disciplines!

I took three years of Chemistry and loved all of the complexities of combining different elements to cause various reactions. It spoke to me as a person of imagination and was also why I created my one character translated from Earth in TREADING THE PATH to be able to do it visually in the mythical parallel world of Eirinth. If I can write my stories in 2021 to have some truth in the fiction, what do you think people have been doing for the thousands of years we’ve been here? The ‘myths’ possibly locked away in Alexandria by the Christian leaders centuries ago might be history instead.

“That’s crazy!” some of you may yell in outrage. Are you forgetting ‘Parables’ Jesus used in His teachings to reach the people emotionally and practically? “But any fiction is false and evil!” more of you cry out in anger. The last time I checked my Holy Bible, JESUS NEVER SINNED! How could parables (spoken stories meant for a purpose but NOT actually happening) be evil if spoken by Jesus Christ, Son of the One True Living God Almighty? IF DONE FOR THE SAME PURPOSE – TO LEAD PEOPLE TO SALVATION – THEY AREN’T! Wake up and read the Truth!

I know there are a lot of people who claim to be ‘Christian’ that haven’t really accepted Jesus Christ as his or her Personal Savior. Like the ‘Republicans in name only’ or RINOS, those who don’t KNOW JESUS aren’t His. I seriously don’t want a single person to not understand the distinction and be lost on this Earth, especially after Christ believers are relocated to Heaven while destruction on Earth happens as judgement. I know it’s been warned about for centuries, but don’t you think the longer is seems to take means the closer we are to the spiritual ENDGAME? Use your brains!

Yes, you are dealing with someone who loves the Marvel hero movies! Did you ever wonder why there are so many fictional heroes that have been created over the existence of time? Whether we are talking about musical, mystical, mythological, science-fictional, or anime-central these all point to what each person’s soul longs for… the Savior! It is in our genes, programmed into our DNA by the Creator of all existence, and crying out for what our fallen sin-nature fights against. THAT is WHY we NEED a SAVIOR! Not just any hero but the One willing to become flesh without sin for us!

The link in all of this is actually simple. The angel Lucifer fell to become Satan and tried to pollute the bloodline of humanity through having other fallen angels bed human women to create ‘Giants’ spoken of in the Torah, Holy Bible of Christianity, and proven history. The ‘Nephilim’ in Hebrew were to stop Jesus Christ from being able to be born intact. IF Satan could have every human woman have even a bit of Nephilim blood then Jesus Christ couldn’t be born in human form without sin to die for humanity to give Salvation through Faith. It’s not rocket science but God’s immortal science!

As more things are happening and look like Bible Prophecies being actually fulfilled in ways that couldn’t happen until now, Christians need to really take a good look at where you are, what you are doing for Christ, and why you fight so hard against admitting that we ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We need to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and get over ourselves! We shouldn’t accept sin as being ‘okay’, ‘water down’ the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or focus on the ‘building a kingdom’ on our own either. We NEED to NEED JESUS more than anything else in this whole universe!

I don’t discredit PROVEN science. I don’t discount Science Fiction either. Supernatural is the dichotomy of the spiritual with the natural intertwined like the DNA strands of our humanity. Yes, I do write FICTION. Yes, I do believe in CHRISTIANITY. Do I honestly think that the two coexist in a Truth that certain groups keep trying to deny because they can’t comprehend the possibility even though God Almighty is a conundrum in Reality? YES! For the Quadrillion to the Umpteenth power, YES! NONE of us know the extensive levels of existence and ability of our Creator. No, not one!

This is meant to not only get Christians to truly think about the reality of our imminent departure but also to call out to those who have dismissed Jesus Christ as a myth or some other foolery that just wants control over you. How many of you are already giving people, places, things, or even substances power enough to control you? No matter what I had to let go of to gain my Faith, it NEVER could have given to me what JESUS HAS ALREADY. Do I have problems? Yes. Do I have times of discouragement? Yes. Do I have moments of doubt? Yes. Why do I still want Jesus? HE IS LIFE!

I have Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission. Do I believe in Healing? Yes. Am I angry that God hasn’t given it to me completely yet? No. Why? Job spoke it the best when he said, “Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!” Ever wonder why the Centurion followed what Jesus told him to do? He KNEW what Jesus said would be. Once you have an experience with the Soul-Saving Son of the Most High God of Creation, YOU KNOW. Even if you doubt sometimes, you’ll find yourself speaking that Faith in spite of any fear. Because HE Lives I can face tomorrow!

I don’t know the battles you are now fighting. I don’t know if you are at the point of giving up. I don’t even know if you are in a place where you will give Jesus Christ a chance to show you what He has for you. I don’t, but HE DOES. I had a car wreck a week before Christmas 2020, so how could I write this since my 2011 Chevy Aveo was totaled? I hit the small bit of water and hydroplaned into an Xterra, but I only got two bruised knees. Do you know how tank-like an Xterra is? I DO NOW! I also KNOW that my guardian angel used that water to slide me in a way so my airbag didn’t trigger.

Why did the accident happen? Maybe it was for the driver of the other vehicle, the tow truck driver, the rental car driver, the insurance customer service agent, or the insurance adjustor. I gave cards to all of those I met in person that has my websites listed and told those on the phone the websites too. Maybe one of them needed an unusual way that points to Jesus, and I may not know until the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven after I’m evacuated from Earth spiritually… or supernaturally as the terms fits. That brings me to the reason for the title of this odd op-ed that may be ignored by most.

After being a Sci-Fi fan for forty years I finally think I found a proper scientific term for the ‘Rapture’ or ‘Calling Away’ of the believers in Christ known as the Church – Quantum Tunneling! I read about this in an article on Wikipedia, but they didn’t give the author name for me to give proper credit so just look it up if you want to read more on it. The term actually is talking about the phenomena in relation to nuclear fusion, but as I read it I began thinking about how Jesus rose again. The New Testament says that our bodies during the Rapture will become like that of Jesus after His resurrection.

What if it DOES take the same kind of powerful energy like nuclear fusion to transform us? What if instead of a flight through the sky we will be taking a rocket-blast through the dimensional realm? What if all that we think we know in logistical data from spiritually-minded mentors turns out to be even less than what was proposed in Star Trek? What if my song lyrics for “Like Rocket Fire” are more reality than even I thought? What if our departure really will be like that Quantum Tunneling with Divine protection? Well, I guess that means I should pray, “Quantum Tunnel Me Up, Jesus!”

Scrooges Can Change But Can Those Seeking Power Now?

Tonja Condray Klein – 12/07/20

As Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, and other Holidays approach, is there any way that we all will be allowed to celebrate the way all free Americans were promised with our United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights? While I understand the danger of Covid-19 and practice proper precautions, some measures (even in Ohio) are beyond common sense and have a foretelling of terrorizing government waiting in the wings if the American people let it. It’s something that my Veteran father would have been enraged over since these statutes are like what he fought against!

The people of our country have faced some of the greatest trials of existence, but we kept finding abilities to excel beyond our limitations with the common goal to be free and make this land free for generations to come; at times through battle when no other course of action was available. At other times we won through diplomacy to protect our citizens and soldiers. We pulled together in this time of medical peril and even found treatments and the coming vaccine for our latest foe. Are we now so careless with our rights that we will let any group against our Democracy bulldoze it with politics?

Our constitution once led our officials elected by the people of this country to keep our freedoms safe from the other kinds of governments that we saw kill innocent people who had no rights like we have enjoyed in America. We still have the poor, mistreated, and misjudged; but this country has been the best one in this whole world when it comes to the rights to live free, the laws to protect against tyranny, and the will to share in spite of our differences once we understand “One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL!” is something we should still fight for!

Our country is not perfect, but we have led this planet with Democracy ever since we were formed. We’ve had bad leaders make horrible choices, but our Constitution is STILL the way to govern, the Bill of Rights are STILL worth fighting for to preserve, and our Vote is STILL something that needs to be protected with every legal means given to us! If we let any group take away our legislated voting system by illegal means then we will no longer be free. Do you want to live here if you have no say against unjust laws or penalties against freedoms you once had? I don’t think I ever can.

Am I suggesting suicide? Not while I still have Hope in Jesus Christ! Am I supporting violence? Not if there’s a legal way to defend! Am I giving a dark vision of the future we could have if we don’t WAKE UP? YES! These groups wanting to take over our country are not illusions or conspiracy theories; this would be a nightmare we may not wake up from if they take over this country completely. While some Christian prophecies have not come to pass as expected, the possibility that they have in clandestine ways we haven’t noticed could very well mean that they already have unknown.

The way the event of the Christmas Star is happening this Christmas in 2020 should make anyone who has read the Gospels think about how Jesus Christ told His disciples to be aware of the signs of the times that appear in the skies. Could Christians be missing the possible return of Jesus Christ during the time of a similar star to hail His return? Is the sky foretelling the rescue of His believers to evacuate them from Earth before the Great Tribulation begins? With these current political aggressions, Christianity may face a worse round of persecution seen since the time of the gladiators.

This is not meant to scare believers. This is meant to WAKE YOU UP! Christ-Believers roused for a while, but then the inability to meet due to the Covid-19 situation stopped the spiritual awakening. Believers might be able to reach individuals, so even if we don’t shake the world with a Revival we thought we’d have, we still might reach a last soul to be saved in the Church Age Grace Dispensation which seems to be the last piece of the cosmic puzzle of prophecy to be placed before Christians supernaturally disappear to be taken to safety before massive disasters worldwide happen.

Yes, the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world, destroying lives in so many ways due to people’s deaths, the job losses that have put people in dire situations, and the loss of so many rights we have had since before I was even born in this country. It’s hard to imagine something worse than what we’ve already seen, but it is possible since the Holy Bible stated that desperate times would happen even before the Great Tribulation truly begins. We haven’t seen the numbers of those having died that matches those listed for during the Great Tribulation, so that isn’t what is happening now.

The last great Revival is supposed to happen before Christians are evacuated, and with the current Covid-19 lock-downs that doesn’t seem possible unless churches find a way to connect through digital media, radio, CB or shortwave if digital stations or websites are confiscated or shut down by a new totalitarian regime. We are already being censored, so. it may come to the point when we won’t be able to text, email, or call someone without it being recorded or disconnected. I’m not paranoid. I’m honest and preparing myself for as many possible outcomes I can manage while I still have rights.

Perhaps we are still missing the one more puzzle piece that none of the theologians, historical laypeople, or those with spiritual gifts can see. Perilous times are already here in 2020, but since many believers before us suffered so much more, we may have to be refined by the fire of persecution to become the purist gold of Faith to shine the reality of God Almighty to the entire world. I don’t know, and I don’t want to go through any of it, but the fear that tries to overtake me at the thought will not prosper since I decided long ago that my ONLY Master is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Am I preaching death and destruction? I hope not. Am I warning Believers in Christ to buckle up and get ready for some rough riding through thorns of hate, prison, and maybe even lashes? Once again, I hope not. Is it possible that all of this had to happen to get us to let go of this world because we are holding onto it to it too much? I hope not, but it could be. I fail every day to do everything I can for my Savior, but I STILL BELIEVE in His Promises, Protection, and Purpose to Believers who will stand fast, blow the trumpet in warning, and WAIT FOR HIM to come in the blink of an eye.

Until then, I MUST keep singing even if it’s outlawed. I MUST keep songwriting even if no one listens. I MUST keep writing to reach anyone for Christ even if I’m imprisoned. I’m a realist who sees something wrong in churches that needs revived for the world to see Jesus Christ. DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? The shepherds praised God for our Savior at His birth. I’m willing to be thought of as a lowly beggar in this world to SEE HIM at His return that is imminent and prevalent at the moment of prophecy fulfillment. Jesus Christ is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory, Hallelujah!”