Tag Archives: #Revival

“Eirinth Books Meant For Outreach and Interlocking the Complete Church!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/2025

Since my Eirinth Book 2 earned my first award, I wanted to post this to give more backstory for readers so they can understand there is more to this series than just basic Fantasy. I was an avid reader of C.S. Lewis with his Narnia as an eight-year-old but was inspired to write by reading THE HERO FROM OTHERWHERE by Jay Williams. My style didn’t begin until I was a teen from reading HER MAJESTY’S WIZARD by Christopher Stasheff. That was the reason why I include him and his son Edward in both book acknowledgments since Edward gave his father my Prologue to read that he gave me feedback on before I published my first Eirinth book. Imagine my joy from having my favorite Fantasy Author actually read even part of my book to give his opinion! His son Edward was the one who helped that to happen.

Eirinth is the dimension world of my creation that is directly linked to Earth, like my Tenrai Daystar is linked to Jesus Christ on Earth much the way that Lewis did with his Aslan. The difference between my Eirinth and the worlds of Lewis, Williams, and Stasheff is that mine has the added Japanese Anime fighting styles interwoven with tried and true Fantasy writing. Yes, I change point of views between ‘scenes’, but that is what makes my books, as stated by one reader on Harper Collins evaluation site before I published: “Your writing is like reading Anime!”. THAT is what helped me to keep writing Eirinth. Friends from GW (Gundam Wing) online community and Ohayo Con Anime Convention helped focus me on creating this allegoric story to reach hearts and lead them to finding faith in Jesus Christ supernaturally!

My original artist passed away in 2021, but she did over forty pictures since she began in 2009. Her work kept me writing too since she put a face to those I was writing their lives for to connect with teens and young adult readers as well as adults that need this kind of story to break through ‘religious’ barriers. My Eirinth Books are NOT FOR EVERYONE; THEY ARE FOR CERTAIN ONES! My Harvest Field is NOT the usual people that churches want. I write for forgotten ONES that regular churches don’t want in their pews until they dress differently, act differently, and accept what a church demands to be accepted. I don’t agree with someone continuing to ‘SIN’ after they accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, but I care about them BEFORE they let HIM clean them up! Churches need to DISCIPLE believers not judge!

Eirinth Fighters were developed with a specific delineation to show not only Gentile Christian believers but also Jewish Messiah believers that interconnect to make the COMPLETE FIGHTING FORCE of Eirinth to foreshadow years ago the latest present-day occurrence: Jewish Believers in Christ as Messiah and Savior working with Gentile Christian Believers to create the COMPLETE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST! I had hoped this ongoing Speculative Fantasy story would spiritually allow reality to come to pass on Earth as I made it happen in Eirinth. I had thought my story would pull in not only Gentile believers, but Anime fans, and Fantasy readers too. Lo and behold, some ‘church people’ supported me, but in other ways didn’t allow me to share the actual book for people to SEE that it was MORE than a comic book.

I ADORE the movies RED and RED 2, and they were FROM Graphic Novels (adult comic books). My novels are still NOT Graphic Novels since they only have a character picture on the first page of each chapter in color in eBook and grayscale in paperback. I do suggest getting the eBook if possible. I used to be a dyed-in-the-wool paperback reader, but I’m now an eBook Gal! I read so much I don’t have space anymore for paperbacks. I’m going to be working on both Audio-books this year too so those who can’t read or see can have that additional option to help those finally FIND MY EIRINTH! I hope everyone will listen to my songs at the link for FREE that I wrote, sing, professionally recorded, and released as EP CD “Eirinth Breaking” in 2018 that have lyrics from four of the songs used in scenes for my books.

I know many read my posts on several of my social media sites, and if so then you’ve seen me begin to call Jesus Christ Yeshua Jesus and God Almighty as Elohim and Yahweh. There is a real JEWISH JESUS BELIEVERS REVIVAL RIGHT NOW! The writings of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn have shown many Jewish people how JESUS IS YESHUA and the Messiah! Along with the writings of this Jewish Rabbi who preaches Yeshua Jesus as Savior and Messiah, and why  this Yeshua Jesus Revival needs to happen in this recent opening in America with the returning of President Trump who Cahn has perceived as a present-day paradigm of Jewish King Jehu from ancient Israel paradigm leaders. I have been studying his books and still astounded by all of these biblical and historical FACTS of HISTORY and the PROPHECIES NOW!

As a Born-Again Spirit-Filled Full-Gospel Christian, I have seen how President Trump was in the Jehu paradigm in his first term, but there was something not allowing him to finish what was supposed to be then. Even without that, the Church of Jesus Christ didn’t use this ‘PAUSE’ then TO INITIATE REVIVAL! If the Church keeps missing this then we might MISS having a Revival. We are supposed to be the ‘Body of Christ that is GLORIOUS’! I don’t see ANY GLORY. How many who go to ‘church’ have really been SAVED BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD? If a person hasn’t received HIS GIFT OF SALVATION then that person is LOST and going to an ETERNAL HELL! Yes, a Christian may sin sometimes since we’re still in human flesh, but if a person doesn’t REPENT and ACCEPT JESUS they will be LOST!

Due to two deaths I suffered in 2021 from Covid-19 taking my artist friend-sister in May, and then five months later my record-producer-musician friend-brother that I’d known from him playing piano for me to sing songs at church since I was thirteen, I was delayed in writing since I was mourning. I didn’t know if my friend-sister had accepted Jesus before she died, but I have hope since I shared my love for her and the love of Jesus from my faith with her since 2009. I did know my friend-brother has Jesus as his Savior for sure, but he had done vocals, instruments, and arrangements for my songs, and there is no one else I can find who could do what he could or be as anointed for Jesus to make my music become more like he did. I had been determined to continue the books and songs, but then I lost Mom Vada in 2024.

Satan is trying to interfere with the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua the Messiah to keep the Revival from happening by bringing death, destruction, and devastation to the world! Mom Vada’s death was expected since she’d been fighting cancer since 2018, but we thought we would have a couple more years than we did. I know that Mom Vada is in a better place with those we love that have gone before, but I miss her so much. I got this Norwegian knitting troll doll to be a heart-link to Mom Vada since she’d crocheted, and I pat the acorn hat every time I walk by kitchen table where the troll is sitting. Ken got me the pink gnome that has a butterfly to link to Mom Vada’s best friend and my chosen ‘Aunt’ Nellie to be Mama Troll’s best friend Auntie Gnome. My imagination is God-given, so I’ll let Him heal me with my Love-pats!

The two items are NOT idols. I don’t imbue them with any spiritual power. I simply think of good memories each time I pass them, praise Jesus for knowing Mom Vada and Aunt Nellie are in His care with all Jesus-believing family and friends who have gone before to Heaven, ask Him to let my pats get to them with my love, and then feel the JOY from my knowing that I WILL SEE THEM AGAIN SOME SWEET DAY! Some people with an imagination need something that helps them focus on the memories in a way that makes them smile. Mom Vada would complain that Mama Troll is just so ugly and tell me to get something pretty for her! THAT is what makes me smile and even laugh since I can see her doing that if she was still here. That’s why I got Auntie Gnome to comfort her in my imagination. Hey, I’m a Fantasy Writer!

Mom Vada’s character ‘Belva Riverside’ was inspired by her and has so many of her quirks and qualities that she taught me over the past almost fifty-three years of my life with her. I’m just so thankful she was here to see me receive my first writing award for Eirinth. Mom Vada always supported me and Eirinth, even listening to me read BREAKING THE SHACKLES, “Rebirth of Eirinth” Series Book 1, over and over and over and over again when I would do changes for all SEVEN years I wrote it. Yes, Mom Vada was a major influence on how I told the story in both books. I think that’s why I couldn’t write again all last year. I do need to reread my two books, take new notes, and revise my outline to make sure I don’t miss the hanging sub-plots that need rewoven into the action and dialogue for resolution in Book 3 before Book 4.

Samples with Prologue through Chapter 6 for both books are FREE to READ at: https://www.eirinth.com. Online Book Club has links to different formats for the books and the reviews for them that you can read too. I have the links for these on my main Eirinth page. I hope this at least encourages readers to be curious about this Speculative Fantasy Novel Series. Book 1 has 289 pages and Book 2 has 485 pages. It’s NOT ‘religious’ in ways a secular reader might dismiss the story in general, but Seimitsu makes a statement that might come across as being judgmental in the beginning. I hope the readers understand she’s only fifteen in the beginning of this story. I ask for readers to read through Chapter 6 of Book 1 to get to layout of the real spiritual aspects as Seimitsu and her younger sister Shiri finally begin to restore the Kouken.

Even if you don’t want to accept the Bengosha as the Gentile Christian believers or the Kouken as the Jewish Messiah believers, I honestly think that many readers of HIGH FANTASY WILL LOVE THIS SERIES! Many of those beloved series from my childhood on into my mature adulthood have the Christian basis that gives those characters more than a one or two-dimensional presence to be more three-dimensional. As fourth-dimensional gifts for fighting demons in Eirinth are used, it goes on to show the supernatural fourth dimensional reality that I’ve known on Earth since I was eight years old. It’s not meant to ‘indoctrinate’ but to remove scales of disbelief to allow new life for those who will have Faith in Jesus Christ on Earth like my main characters believe in Tenrai Daystar in Eirinth to fight demons and save people.

As the next four years go on, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to SEEK REVIVAL! Before the world will respond to Salvation by Jesus Christ, judgement begins in the house of God… the CHURCH! We ALL have things we need to reject from our lives, repent, and let Jesus through His Holy Spirit re-energize us for the Last Great Harvest! People’s Eternal Souls are at RISK of Eternal Damnation if they don’t accept the FREE GIFT OF SALVATION by the blood of Jesus  Christ given for Every Single Soul if YOU WILL BELIEVE. I respect people have different beliefs, but their gods or goddesses are fallen angels or Nephilim spirits that are demonic in nature, and I DON’T WANT YOU TO BE LOST! This is why I keep posting all of these Op-Eds, write songs, and create stories to REACH ALL I CAN!

If Jesus believers refuse to let Revival fall on THEM then souls of those in the world will be LOST, and it will be THEIR FAULT! Those souls you were supposed to be reaching for Jesus Christ but keep compromising instead could be shown to you at the Judgement Seat of Christ when EACH INDIVIDUAL will watch the things from your life be burned in the crucible as Paul states, and only works for Grace, Love, and Salvation will remain as the gold, silver, and precious stones as rewards. I know I will have wood, hay, and stubble from my life, BUT I HAVE REPENTED! WE ALL MUST REPENT AND THEN REACH OUT TO SOULS THAT NEED JESUS AS SAVIOR! If you don’t weep for lost souls then I wonder if you KNOW JESUS AT ALL. He prays for us to thrive. It’s time we BE THE BODY OF CHRIST!

If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, you can ask Him to be by believing and pray, “Heavenly Father of Creation, I come in the name of Yeshua Jesus Christ. I ask in His name for You to forgive me by my believing that He died in MY PLACE, and by my Faith in His Blood as I declare it, I am SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH! Please help me to live for You and reach others so they can know You as their God Almighty, Elohim Yahweh. Show me in the Christian Holy Bible how I can do this by the Power of the Holy Spirit with restoration to You and Gifts to be Your witness to those souls You send my way. In the name of Yeshua Jesus I pray, Amen!” You can begin with the Bible book of Romans in King James or New Living Translation then research the End Times Prophetic scriptures too. Be Blessed!

“Where Is The Church of Philadelphia from Revelation in 2022?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/17/2022

I’ve been a Christian for forty-two of my fifty years and in church for almost as long. As I see what’s happening around the world and in America specifically in 2022, I’m heart-broken and frustrated as a Christian believer. I’ve asked “Where is the Elijah of each generation?” before, but I’m adding another question to hopefully wake up ALL Christians and bring them to their knees in prayer with understanding and revival purpose. Although I’ve seen groups of people all doing ‘good things’ for others, I’m still failing to SEE the spiritual church of Philadelphia rising again. I saw it in action and was part of it in 1987, so with the prophecies being fulfilled now why hasn’t Philadelphia risen up with His Power? Has the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ become SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP? Does anyone wish for REAL Revival?

I see so many of Ephesus that I have been part of at various times in my fifty years because it’s easy to lose your first love when you’ve been hurt by ‘religious people’ who can be misled. I see some of Smyrna suffering through years or even decades of trial while the rest of us stay safe in pews. I see those trapped in Pergamos, trying to reach the souls their hearts long to pull free from fires of idolatry and depravity that easily ensnare people who don’t know the power of Jesus Christ that can change them and make them whole by His Spirit. I see a few of Thyatira trying to do good works to show loving charity that EVERY Christian is supposed to do in the name of Jesus Christ, but some have been compromised by a Jezebel that shows up as false reward but leads to death. I see those of Sardis still struggling to hold onto true teachings.

The bad thing is that I mostly see those of Laodicea that are neither hot with revival fire of gifts or cold with only poisonous chains of legalism. They are lukewarm with perceived riches that are false as they refuse to accept the spiritual gifts that God Almighty wants to give to them or a calling they fear because they don’t want to lose societal power and are ‘comfortable’ in a world they think they helped to create. They CHOOSE to remain spiritually miserable, poor, blind, and naked. THAT is where a majority of ‘religious’ people living in 2022 are – BLIND TO REALITY. Are you? Do you even know someone who is? Have you been one but were pulled out and are searching for a Spiritual Philadelphia now? Where are you in the spiritual church map? I’ve lived in every single one of them in one way or another over the years of my life.

Although being a part of Ephesus hurts, being Laodicea is the LAST church type you want to be. Read Revelation again and check where you line up right now. Before Revival can even happen, Christ believers MUST BE HONEST with themselves, each other, and the world! There are too many hiding behind their looks of superiority, spouting buzz words they don’t even believe, being slick speakers with messages without a spiritual CHANGE, or teaching we are ALL okay when the reality of our human sin natures means those who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Savior (Yeshua HaMashiach), Lord, King, and God Almighty are in peril of going to Hell. This is a matter of your Eternal Salvation OR damnation. Jesus Christ died in the place of EACH of us on Calvary, and we EACH need to accept HIM personally!

I’m not judging anyone. I’m pointing out that considering where we are right now in the social, political, socio-economical, physical, psychological, and personal aspects of this country, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith in HIS BLOOD GIVEN FOR US TO SAVE US should have already been catapulted into an honest REVIVAL! Why haven’t we been? Is there ANY Philadelphia Christians left in 2022? While these different churches were historic in our past and have spiritual lessons within Revelation, they are STILL AROUND IN 2022. I just can’t seem to SEE Philadelphia. I’ve been looking. I want to be a part of THAT church in these last days because I believe we’re IN the last days of the Grace Dispensation ‘Church Age’. We might even still LEAVE in 2022 if it’s time!

WE MUST EXAMINE OURSELVES! As a born-again Christian and pre-tribulation believer of the prophecies written in the Christian Holy Bible, I have been studying this for forty years. Do I have all the answers? NO. Do I think the Christian Holy Bible does? YES! If so, then why are churches not addressing what is going on in this world RIGHT NOW? I’D REALLY LIKE TO KNOW! The only answer I’ve come up with is that people are refusing to BELIEVE in what the Christian Holy Bible says because they’ve been brainwashed, lied to, and basically BLINDED to what is NOW HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM that the Christian Holy Bible TOLD US WOULD HAPPEN! They can’t SEE IT. It just doesn’t register to their awareness. They’ve accepted a reality that DOESN’T EXIST. It’s all Deception!

I don’t know if the last Great Deception will be alien ancestors, climate change, or some other thing humanity will come up with, but the inability to critically THINK is a MAJOR PROBLEM for humanity! Reading classic literature is no longer encouraged, and when it comes to proven history differing opinions are discouraged. So-called ‘educators’ want all to be ‘group thought’ instead, and that is ignorant and destructive. Satan is LAUGHING. Do you understand? SATAN IS LAUGHING AT ALL OF HUMANITY! Christians gave up education to the enemy decades ago, and yet so many don’t seem to understand HOW America is teetering on the chasm to one of the levels of Hell now! Some didn’t get teachings like I did that MADE a student QUESTION ideas before making a “theory” into a PROVEN absolute, and that’s awful.

I know I write A LOT about the degradation of education in America in these Op-Ed’s, but as a continual learner, reader, researcher, and Christian Apologist, I MUST point out these things while I still have access to get the message out to whomever this is meant for and needs before it’s too late. I don’t know if Jesus Christ will come back in 2022, BUT HE STILL COULD! He COULD come back ANYTIME from this point on. Whether in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 or beyond I KNOW HE WILL. It might not happen the way Christian movies have shown it or even similar to how the movie ENDGAME showed people disappearing, but it’s not a matter of IF or HOW… the matter is WHEN. For my fifty years it’s been taught that a Christian Revival will happen BEFORE Christians are taken, but what if it doesn’t?

I want as many people who can be to be saved by Faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ that purchased EVERY single person’s pardon if you will simply BELIEVE and allow Jesus Christ to restore you to family status with Father God Almighty of Creation BEFORE the Great Tribulation happens on Earth. You can read the Christian Holy Bible Revelation at blueletterbible.org for FREE in various versions. IT IS REAL NOW AND WILL BE LATER. ALL of it hasn’t already happened. THIS isn’t a fable or story to force you into a religious experience. This is a Historical Past being referenced as churches that DID exist but are ALSO in prophecy NOW. They STILL are here in some form as last things DO HAPPEN. Prophetic Christians believe we will be supernaturally taken to safety BEFORE first judgment seal is broken in Chapter 5.

Twenty-one judgements are SCARY even when put in archaic descriptions. We now have technological relevance that shows HOW it could happen NOW when in ancient times it seemed impossible. It still seemed that way centuries ago and even the decades before 2022. Compare the Christian Holy Bible prophetic passages to the historical evidence, proven scientific facts, real archaeological findings, and current substantiated news. If you place the timelines with specifics then it becomes easier to see they line up to what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen and WHEN. The Christian Holy Bible stated that the Earth had a ‘circumference’ while regular people still claimed it was flat. I think I’d rather believe the Christian Holy Bible instead of worldly teachings, especially when my ETERNAL SOUL is at stake of missing Heaven!

I’ve studied different religions over the years as I met people with them and wanted to know the religion’s history and where it differed from Christianity. After thirty-seven years of study, I still believe Christianity is the one true religion with Judaism as a foundation of the Old Testament that was originally in their writings. There are Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as Yeshua (their Messiah) since their own research has proven this conclusion too, and they have been saved as Messianic-Jews. Factual research is the way to compare and contrast to then conclude that evidence has been proven as without doubt for you personally. I might have questions and doubts about certain teachings by others related to my faith, but I’ve known the LOVE of Jesus Christ as MY Savior, and once you know HIM personally, He NEVER leaves YOU.

I have my moments of emotional breakdown about daily things that drive me crazy and cause me to ask my Jesus where He is at that moment. He ALWAYS shows me in some way that can’t be coincidence, and then I am reminded that He is the Potter and I am the clay. He is God Almighty incarnate and I am flesh not yet redeemed physically but reclaimed by soul already. Jesus Christ is NOT a genie. Jesus Christ is NOT Someone we serve ONLY at Easter or Christmas. Jesus Christ IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE! He IS the Savior of the world so ANYONE can accept HIM. HE IS I AM in human form so He could die in humanity’s place for the sin in each human’s blood by birth. God Almighty of Creation loved humanity so much He had part of Himself born as Jesus Christ to die FOR US so He didn’t have to be without us.

Sin is the kryptonite that Satan (fallen Lucifer that was once a worship angel in Heaven) uses against humanity to keep us from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior just so he can fool as many as he can to separate them from God Almighty to hurt the Creator as revenge for God Almighty loving humanity so much that He made the plan for Jesus Christ (the life essence of God) to be born as a sinless human, die in each person’s place, rise again to give new life to each believer, and return to take ALL believers to Heaven. This plan was made BEFORE humanity was created, and that infuriated Lucifer. JESUS CHRIST LOVES EVERY PERSON WHO HAS EVER LIVED AND WILL EVER LIVE. Accepting Jesus is the way to interfere with the evil plans Satan and his demons (other fallen angels) have. “Philadelphia” needs to share it!

Russia, China, and Iran are now lining up the way the Christian Holy Bible spoke of in Old and New Testament prophecies, so that should REALLY be a WARNING to Christians to understand the TIME IT IS! There might only be two more prophecies to be fulfilled: the last soul to accept Jesus as Savior to be saved in the Grace Dispensation and the last Jewish person that needs to have returned physically to Israel right before or at the time the Rapture (‘calling away’, spiritual translation, or supernatural removal) of Christian believers happens. Revival is spoken of happening too, but it might not be the way any of us thinks it will be. After the recent Covid-19 pandemic, a revival might have been halted, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still happen the way those of us in 1987 were expecting then… maybe better now too!

Where are you, church of Philadelphia in 2022? We have a LOT of Ephesus now, but you can change to become Philadelphia! Each of the churches was given a way in Revelation to leave a state of failure to become part of the church of REVIVAL! Even Laodicea can break free and be restored to soul-saving Gospel sharing. No matter which church you are right now, you can ask God the Father to forgive you by Faith in Jesus Christ and be placed where you were meant to be in these End Times of trial that we ALL face in 2022. Every single believer needs to be reaching for those still lost by sharing the Truth of Jesus Christ as soon as possible. None of us know WHO that last person to be saved is BEFORE we will ALL be transferred supernaturally to the realm of Heaven! What if that WHO is someone you know? What if…?

“Forgive and Help Saul so He Becomes Paul!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/10/2021

One of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through has been watching something I created to encourage believers and be used to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way like C.S. Lewis did but then watch as those I thought understood and supported reaching the souls my heart longs to see be saved to instead judge it as something they couldn’t get behind for being different. In the days of Christ the spirit of the Pharisees was dead legalism, and this still blinds some even now. Paul was meant to become the apostle for the Gentiles, but he was a religious man who was killing Christians as Saul first. He had to finally be knocked off of his donkey and blinded on the road to Damascus for him to SEE JESUS and become Paul the apostle. How could Christians back then forgive Saul even after his conversion for what he’d done before?

How many of these “Paul-s” have had those claiming to be Christian denounce them because they only remember a Saul instead of a rebirthed Paul? Or is the meaning behind the gifts or ministries of any new “Paul” given for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ being dismissed since it might only reach a few? Are churches afraid that a REAL REVIVAL will begin because of those against their dead messages who instead actually PREACH NEW LIFE IN CHRIST? I know that churches MUST verify Gifts and ministries used in services, but I also think that some are too scared when it comes to certain Gifts being allowed. If a church is NOT full-gospel then that’s their right; if a church CLAIMS to BE FULL-GOSPEL then they better stop giving FALSE advertising of Gifts that aren’t being allowed in service by members!

I’ve been to several different church denominations over my almost 49 years now, and although I agree most with the Assembly of God teachings and King James Bible, I have gone to and/or sung in Baptist, Brethren, Church of Christ, Nazarene, and even Catholic churches. I’m Full-Gospel but against legalism and lean to Non-Denominational now. I can wear a dress or skirt-suit if necessary with hose and heels, but I prefer my sneakers, blue jeans, and witnessing tee-shirts. Many can’t afford the kind of clothes that some churches seem to demand once someone is ‘Born-Again’. I’m ashamed that some people won’t darken a church door because they fear rejection for that alone! I agree we can’t have people not properly covered, but judging others when you haven’t walked down the path in their shoes is wrong if you won’t help.

No, I don’t agree with the ‘anything goes’ mentality that some ‘progressive’ churches practice either, but outward appearance seems to be the sign of ‘righteousness’ that some churches preach instead of Grace. Rules exclude people who might not even have what they need to buy food sometimes. Even though my parents were both retired on Social Security I did wear dresses when I was about eleven so I would be ‘accepted’ by leaders to then sing in church. My point is that the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ needs to be looking for those “Saul-s” that are supposed to become “Paul-s” for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached EVERYWHERE TO EVERYONE… especially to those without pantyhose! ‘Judge not lest ye be judged!’ Remember that scripture? The True Church needs to be focusing on sharing the Gospel NOT law.

I have been used openly with Messages in Tongues in churches, but I have also been used when I was given them but spoke under my voice out of respect for that denomination’s teachings. The pastor gave the Interpretations to them so he obviously had that Gift even if he didn’t publically acknowledge it. I didn’t have a problem with how God worked out the Messages being Interpreted ‘under the radar’ sort-of-speak, but I still long to see the days of ALL of God’s Gifts being used in concert during a service in a church brave enough to allow the Holy Spirit to break free to set people free in a way nothing else ever could! I’ve seen it happen in person in my teenage years! Saul had to be knocked down to become Paul. Some church people need knocked out in church service – by the Holy Spirit of God not by people – and life changing.

I’ve NEVER been afraid of letting God Almighty of the Christian Faith to allow my mouth and tongue move the way the Holy Spirit was in control of doing because I TRUST THE GIFTS SINCE I KNOW THE SAVIOR WHO SENT THEM! This did NOT end when the original apostles died. Peter told the apostles on the Day of Pentecost that the Gifts were FOR THEM, THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN, AND THOSE AFAR OFF. I’m just one of THOSE AFAR OFF! I’m not brainwashed. I didn’t take a course to learn how to do this. I wasn’t given instructions by a shrouded guru. I felt the Holy Spirit overshadow me in service and shook me gently but with purpose. The church stilled, and I called out to the Pastor that I needed the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues.

“Come on down!” was the reply, and I went up front to the Pastor. He simply touched my forehead lightly as he prayed, and I went down under the Power of God Almighty through His Holy Spirit to begin having initial stuttering lips. THIS IS REAL. I’M PROOF! I was only 13 years old, but I never doubted the Gifts when the Holy Spirit would still the service and begin speaking through me in a tongue I’d never known before! I wasn’t afraid because the Everlasting Love of My Savior would FILL ME with such Joy and Completion unlike anything else I have experienced. It’s amazing when you allow that kind of connection with God Almighty Our Creator. I pray in the Spirit daily, but Gifts like Messages, the Interpretations, and Prophecies are something for God’s Glory to His church and unbelievers to show HIS POWER.

Paul told the Gentile churches that they needed to let the Holy Spirit fill them so they could show the world that God Almighty was Lord of everything, able to do anything, and wanting to know all who would know HIM if they just give up their authority and give His their permission to flow through them to reach others for Him. It’s not for any to be church superstars or more important than someone else. These Gifts are only for HIS GLORY to reach the dying world NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! How things are shaping up in 2021 makes me wonder how much longer Grace Dispensation or the Church Age will continue. We need the LAST GREAT REVIVAL before the Rapture of Christian believers happens, but how can it when churches refuse to let the Holy Spirit into their buildings let alone their hearts?

If Saul hadn’t been taken in by the disciple Ananias as the Lord had spoken when Saul was still blind from seeing Jesus appear to him on the road to Damascus then Paul never would have become the Apostle for Gentiles. That would’ve been one of the greatest losses the church would’ve had then. How many new “Paul-s” were left behind because judging ‘disciples’ who God told to get him refused for fear of incriminating letters that “Saul” carried before Christ claimed him? How many new “Paul-s” now are trying to do something that might lead your children or grandchildren to Jesus but have been stopped due to a misunderstanding or prejudice that says, “Only THIS type of ministry is acceptable – not yours!”? Yes, there are limits so don’t misunderstand me, but why are so many fearful of things NOT against Biblical teachings?

Who came to the grave of Jesus Christ to find He had risen? A former prostitute! Are you going to cast out former Mary Magdalene-s since they don’t fit your mold? Who do you think you are as church leaders? Not of God if you refuse to see the beam in your own eye while kicking out those with a speck in theirs! No, you wouldn’t let a former sex offender teach Sunday school, but maybe if you really believed in ATONEMENT then you might at least disciple that person with the Word of God to be made whole! Yes, Sorcerer “Simon-s” exist out there that want to ‘buy’ the Holy Spirit, but a Gift of Discernment would keep it from happening if you would allow the Holy Spirit full access to your services. If we truly believe ‘There’s Power in The Blood’ then maybe we could let that Holy Power He sent Save, Deliver, Heal, and Fill!

We MUST forgive Saul! Even if he holds the parchment with our name on it for punishment by the Synagogue or Rome, we MUST forgive SAUL! If we don’t then how can we have “Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” We CAN’T LET jealousy, envy, pride, doctrine, or personal feelings make us dismiss a SAUL once he’s on his way to being PAUL! Who are ANY of US to interfere with the Will of God Almighty when it comes to WHO HE WANTS IN HIS CHURCH?! I’d wear a dress every time I’d go through the door if I could find a church that actually LET God’s Holy Spirit work there!

Am I still hurt over something I worked on for seven years and spent hundreds of dollars to bring to life to reach those my heart is longing to go to Heaven that need that extra push that’s different from just religion? Yes, because it has a story that shows Forgiveness, Family, Faith, Gifts, Love, Redemption, Rescue, and so many things that can show Jesus to people the way our Savior appeared to Paul on that road! Do I hate those who misunderstood and stopped it being used the way God intended on one platform? No, since God will use another if it’s HIS will. Does it prod me on to write songs, keep marketing my novels, and do Op-Eds to maybe reach ONE soul to find faith in Christ? YES!!! Is what I do perfect? NO! Is anything anyone else here does perfect right now? NO! We ALL need to be redeemed by Jesus Christ!

Forgive Saul and let him be Paul! Help him be restored. Help him learn the Bible. Help him to believe so he can write songs, books, or even speak to groups that need HIS testimony the most! I’m not a theologian, but I do KNOW the Word of God and try to LIVE by it even though I fail. We are ALL still Living by Faith. I will stand one day on my own before the Judgement Seat of Christ to give an account of my life and see things burn in the crucible, but I also KNOW I will see some gold, silver, and precious stones in the midst of the wood, hay, and stubble. I don’t want to ever see that I failed to love, support, and help someone in church to grow but instead judged them as needing to be something more to my own standards selfishly. I might judge fallen angels one day, but we’re NOT supposed to hurt the new Paul-s!

Paul was the one who warned us in Galatians 5:9 that, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” I have tried to make sure what I wrote in my parable-style stories was not filled with leaven but the concepts of Christ that would reach beyond mere religious platitudes and SHOW JESUS in a way the world, and hopefully the church would find to give us what we need in these final days of Grace. If I failed, it will burn in front of me. If I succeeded then maybe one soul was saved. Between that I have to try to NOT dismiss the new Paul-s and instead encourage them with the Gifts and callings from our Savior for the souls needing saved, delivered, healed, and filled to FIND JESUS when the Holy Spirit restores communion with God Almighty by the Holy Spirit inside as the restored Pneuma that humanity lost when Adam fell!

Someone can be saved without ever allowing the Gifts to be used through them. Everyone who accepts Jesus as Savior has the Holy Spirit restore where the Pneuma used to be so that you can commune with the Father. The Blood of Jesus Christ saves each believer. The Filling is an Overflow of the Gifts from within that the Holy Spirit can only use in you if you give Him permission. I’ve known several people in my life that never spoke in Tongues but had Gifts that all were obviously from God just not as visible as some of the more public ones can be. While I completely agree with Peter about the Gifts and Paul about the leaven, I also know that each person has to decide what they want to do for the Savior and let Him guide you through the Holy Bible with the understanding the Holy Spirit can give. Paul tells all about it!

Un-forgiveness is a hurt that will cripple you through your life. If someone has hurt you then you must give it to Jesus for Him to heal that pain and allow you to let it go. It’s not easy, especially when it happens from someone that you trusted and felt kindred with in church or your own family. The hurt still tries to stop what God wants for you to do even if you keep forgiving by choice. Even offering an olive branch sometimes doesn’t work no matter how you try to mend a rift the enemy is trying to use against you, but remember the promise given in “Isaiah 54:17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Amen and amen!