Tag Archives: Salvation

“In The Middle Of The Chaos, Jesus Still Is The Greatest Christmas Gift!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/25/2024

This is the first year of Christmas without Mom Vada. It has been times of crying, moments of wishing, and days of missing the celebrating with her and all of the family together. The most important thing I want to share this year is that even through all of the things that bring us chaos, anger, hurt, and frustration, we need to focus on the real REASON FOR THE SEASON like Stryper’s song says – the Greatest Gift from God the Father to humanity! Jesus Christ came as a Baby to a virgin mother and her carpenter husband that is celebrated this day even if it’s not the actual time of His arrival in the timeline reality. We celebrate because that Baby was a Promise made centuries before, a Savior born to grow up and then die on the cross of Calvary for all of humanity’s sins, and then rise again to give new life in Him by Grace through Faith.

That Baby brought the Joy of Salvation to come! While we live in America A.D. 2024, in Israel B.C. that Baby was the proof that their Yahweh God Almighty the Creator was fulfilling part of His covenant even though they didn’t understand it yet. The Baby was the first part, Jesus Christ as Yeshua is the second, and soon King of Kings and Lord of Lords is to fulfill the last part of the total restoration to all Gentile Christians and Jewish believers. This invitation is to ALL OF HUMANITY, no matter your race, kindred, creed, or nation. WHOSOEVER WILL IS EVERYONE! Doesn’t matter where you were born, what faith you’ve had, or even if you never believed in a god, YOU CAN KNOW HIM AS SAVIOR! The reality of this is proven through many texts of historic and spiritual origins both then and even NOW.

Everything that is happening right now in this world is setting up the final group of nations that will rally around a leader who will seem to be a man of peace at first after millions to billions of people disappear at one moment, but then he will demand more than loyalty like the former kings fought to attain in our past; he will force a form of worship of him as ‘god’ that will require praise from the masses and religious fealty that will include a ‘mark’ you won’t be able to buy food or necessities without accepting it as you declare him as GOD. Once this happens, any person who takes that type of ID or association of his will be damned for eternity. This leader will be the anti-Christ as spoken of in the Christian Bible books of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, and other prophetic books in Old and New Testaments. THIS ALL WILL HAPPEN.

While we have many scholars and teachers that claim certain days or times, we know that NO MAN KNOWS IT. We have ‘signs’ that we are supposed to look for as we WAIT for the Trumpet of God to sound and Jesus Christ to show up in the clouds to first raise all believers whether by the Old Judean Law OR by Grace and through Faith in Jesus Christ from the dead, and then to change those still alive to be like Him and all just resurrected to join Him in the sky on our way to Heaven. Whether another dimensional realm or even an interdimensional planet, we don’t know for sure. We KNOW that Jesus Christ will take us there to be kept safe while the Great Tribulation begins with 21 judgments on all those who have refused the FREE GIFT of God’s Salvation that He has offered to EVERY ONE throughout this world and time.

Have you ever been told about Jesus Christ and His death in your place? You can read more about this and God’s promises to us in the Christian Holy Bible and Jewish Torah, and there are a lot of other books by more current Christian writers that give more evidential credence to the FACT of Jesus Christ having lived, died, and disappeared from Earth. It really is an act of Faith to believe in Jesus Christ as Savior for your spiritual debt to be paid by the Grace of Jesus Christ. I’m just trying to point out that we have a lot of historical writings like in Josephus, so I want to give a rounded case for Christ to those who have only ever known the empty lifeless religion of even some so-called Christian churches. There is POWER in the Blood of Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith to allow transformation of your soul to be reclaimed.

THIS IS REAL. I have been a born-again full-Gospel Christian since I was 8 years old. I’m 52 now, and I have studied history, literature, science, and society to find that Christianity is the ONLY Faith that asks us to TRUST in God Almighty by accepting what His Only Begotten Son did IN OUR PLACE. I have seen the Power of His Holy Spirit save, deliver, and heal people on a regular basis growing up. I have been part of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit being used since I was thirteen in the church services, not in some crazy hallucinating manner, but in joyful Grace poured out on the people that is life-changing and love-empowering to reach out to every soul for Christ that we as His ambassadors can if we will show His love by giving them the Truth. It’s not supposed to be some religious ‘club’ like some promote that is wrong.

No matter where you have been or what you have done, if you truly BELIEVE that He can forgive you, then pray this out loud, “Father God of Creation known as Yahweh, I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Only Begotten Son who was born to become a man to die in MY PLACE for my sins and all of humanity if each will believe. I ask for You to forgive me for my sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. His blood without sin atoned for me and all who will believe. I believe that You will return to claim Your people, first from the grave and then those alive who wait for You to take us to safety as Your wrath is given in judgement for the sins of those who refuse Your Gift of Salvation. I accept Jesus as MY Savior, believe what You promised, and will share it with all I can. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!”

Begin reading the Christian Holy Bible. I suggest New Living Translation and King James Version to compare for better understanding. You can read it for FREE those and other versions at blueletterbible.org online. ‘What Child is this?’ the song asks. ‘This, This, is Christ the King who shepherds guard and angels sing, Haste, haste to bring Him laud, the Babe, the son of Mary!” is the answer I hope and pray that you will each come to know as you accept Him as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty in the Son as Creator of the universe. Colossians 1:16 states, “All things were created by Him, and for Him.” He IS the ONLY plea we will have to be accepted by God the Father to be allowed into Heaven. No other name is accepted. That Baby named Jesus still IS the Messiah and Savior we EACH ONE NEEDS for Salvation!

“Drones Could Be Just The Beginning, But Christians Have Faith Protection.” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/23/2024

This opinion editorial is in relation to my Christian Faith and continual study of various archaeological, historical, scientific, and spiritual researches that I’ve been compiling information on while outlining my non-fiction book that might give overall reasons for why some things have happened and are happening right now possibly again. I do NOT believe in “space aliens”. I DO believe in fallen angels that are now demons and Nephilim giants that are evil spirits now here if not in chains like others already are from Noah’s time. The new form of Nephilim spoken of by Dr. Peter Ruckman and Ryan Pitterson in their books might be able to control the drones showing up in America, including in my hometown of Dayton, Ohio. Of course, it could be a hobbyist… but what if a different country is using proxy illegals to do this to unstable us?

A drone was reported over Wright Patterson Air Force Base that led to a shutdown of air-space 12/14/2024 to 12/15/2024 according to Dayton Daily Newspaper post by Thomas Gnau updated on Dec 16, 2024. Does it scare me to know one flew over Wright Patt and caused them to shut down our air-space not that far away from where I live? Just a little at first, but then I became angry if it IS evil-controlled drones being used to cause fear since so many people don’t understand if it is spiritually related. If a human enemy then I’m concerned that an apparatus could be more physically dangerous if from them or even if misused by an American. That is why this drone situation needs proper investigation. Recent possibility reported on one news outlet was of lost nuclear matter being searched for, and that’s even scarier!

After reading several Christian books concerning the ongoing presence of the two types of spiritual paranormal interdimensional beings having been seen since the time of Noah, a Christian explanation might exists for the things that include what is happening now with drones, ‘aliens’ and ‘spaceships’ over the years, and in ancient times before writing began around 3300 B.C. I have written an essay about the ‘aliens’ concept on both of my websites to educate people that seek explanations other than what has been given from various groups. These are my opinions based on reading books by Christians who have done more extensive research on this than I have. I’ll give names of books and authors but not links since my other post was taken down from one platform that claimed my post had false information without explanation.

If I don’t give specifics of where I get information from in my writing then that means it is MY OPINION. I have a RIGHT to give MY OPINION just like everyone else, but I know some words cause bots to tag posts for removal due to differences of opinions by the owners of these platforms. I will try to honor their rights to take them down unless they are targeting me purposefully and I can legally make a case. I will be adding where I’m getting certain FACTS from to try to stop some bot issue of possible unintended censorship. I will try to not put blame on any specific person or group unless stated by a source that cannot be refuted. It’s sad that we have to do this now in 2024, but this is too important for me to NOT write something about what I’ve been studying to try to help alieve fearful minds if I can help them understand it.

First of all, I already gave the information where I got my FACTS information in the first paragraph. The date and information from Paragraph two came from Hourly History books on the Mesopotamia, Egypt, Akkad, Babylonia, Hittite, and Roman Empires, as well as the Christian Holy Bible. Other books I got information from will be listed too. FICTION IS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE SINCE IT IS FICTION! I still need to write this since this real situation with drones is scaring people, and they need a reality re-adjustment to help them to cope with it. Some of the verified information in the books I will list scared me even though I’m a Christian that trusts my Lord Jesus Christ to protect me from what has happened according to some of those in-depth books I’ve read for the past few years about other situations related.

BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL by Dr. Peter Ruckman, JUDGEMENT OF THE NEPHILIM by Ryan Pitterson, WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind, and books by former ANCIENT ALIENS History Channel program contributor and Author L. A. Marzulli all give a foundation of understanding spiritual forces at work all over the world at this particular time for reasons that they explain. Findings with scientific and archaeological proof of more going on than present-day disciplines want to accept has caused a loss of fact-based discoveries due to a need for those funding their research to be kept satisfied that nothing with former findings from decades to even centuries before will be changed so the status quo will remain intact and power within academic groups will continue to keep it as they want it to be.

This is WHY people need to READ and RESEARCH for yourselves instead of accepting only what one group or discipline reports! I understand that scientific digs or projects DO take a lot of time, resources, and funds before accepted discoveries are found to be seen worthy of the cost. When discoveries are found that are in opposition to accepted norms then they are easily discarded and unknown to most by those in charge of the narratives. It has ALWAYS been so in any main endeavors of research, whether scientific, historic, or any other realm of study. While this doesn’t encourage some desired studies that many students want to pursue, it does put those needing those funds in a position to either find what funders want or face being defunded, maligned, or forced to take a risk like the scientists with writer Graham Hancock.

AMERICA BEFORE by Graham Hancock has been one of the most controversial writings about archaeology in America because of the findings that seem to disprove the “Clovis First” theory and more than one long-held theory that has been placed in discovery cement. Some have been questioned due to newer findings that seem completely out of the accepted parameters that different disciplines hold onto like a religion they will fight to keep as LAW for as long as they can. I would hold onto my Christian faith with just as much fervor, but scientists have said for as long as there have been scientists that they are ‘impartial’ with their findings. Hancock’s books chronicle how newer scientists have found some things completely against long-held and un-allowed-to-be-disputed theories. I don’t agree with him on all but with most.

This ‘scientific elite’ mindset is also with some denominations in Christianity for some areas being considered as intractable even when the Bible says otherwise. This is one of the main messages of the book I’m working on with all this research that relates to this Op-Ed too. With some of the findings listed in Hancock’s books and the others listed in Chief RiverWind’s book, the idea that some of the happenings in 2024 have links back to during the times of many skeletons of giants being found in the Old West and even in Ohio might be related to the seemingly otherworldly show of these drones now. Is it possible that the spirits of those beings have found a way to control those drones? I don’ know, but people need to be aware of FACTS about what has BEEN in America BEFORE our forefathers even came to claim this ‘New World’.

I’m not a pro-colonist in present-day America, but I also understand from History that every single group that has ever been anywhere on Earth has been either ‘owner’ or ‘slave’ at least at one time. As America seeks to understand these current drones, each citizen needs to come to grips that we are still WE THE PEOPLE AS AMERICANS. I have a lot of different backgrounds from my DNA profile on Ancestry that surprised and also thrilled me since I’m not JUST a WHITE CHIC! Even if I was, I’ve always held the belief that a person’s worth was defined by character and morals that a person not only speaks about but tries to live by. As the ‘End Times’ that THE BOOK OF SIGNS by Dr. David Jeremiah speaks of seems closer to the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ before the Tribulation begins, drones might be seen as one.

Even so, those in charge of this county’s safety and individual protection needs to still try to find out what is the cause of this unprecedented increase of sightings and witnessed behavior that can’t be explained away with tales of some weather balloon like in Roswell, New Mexico in the 1947. While I don’t believe in ‘space aliens’, I do believe that there’s something rotten in the state of Ohio and every other state visited by these inexplicable drones and the behaviors of such. I can only pray for our safety and hope reality can give us an explanation that not only will bring people closer to accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior before they have to face things beyond human belief as spoken about in the books I listed for education, spiritual growth, and overall understanding. I don’t have all the answers.THAT’S WHY I READ A LOT!

Books by L.A. Marzulli really give some insight, especially since he has a background in supernatural situations that changed his life and put him toward this kind of research that included his time on ‘Ancient Aliens’ and his writing. He is a Christian, but his history has some experience with the ‘beings’ I spoke of in the beginning of this. There are real things that people experience that can have two different perceptions depending on their point of view or spiritual faith. One can affect the other. Mine is entrenched in my Christianity, as well as the other writers I listed except for Hancock. Hubby Ken and I went to the 2024 ‘Ancient Aliens Live’ in Dayton, Ohio since we love the show and the archaeology, but we don’t agree with their conclusions even though their findings actually support my main “Before Adam Theory”.

My concern this morning on 12/24/2024 Christmas Eve is that the FACT that Christmas Day AND the beginning of Hanukkah this year are on the same day. Yes, it’s probably happened before, but considering the possible supernatural issue with those drones, I wanted to post this if there IS someone needing to think about the reality of Jesus Christ and to have a chance to accept Jesus Christ as Savior JUST IN CASE. Jesus Christ returning in the clouds to rescue ALL of His believers will be in a moment of time, and it hurts my heart, especially this close to Christmas for anyone not to THINK about missing this opportunity. HE DIED FOR YOU! No matter what you’ve done, HE PAID THE PRICE on the cross of Calvary for EACH AND EVERY PERSON INDIVIDUALLY. We EACH just have to BELIEVE PERSONALLY.

Please pray this if you need Jesus Christ as Savior or to renew your Faith, “Gracious Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus is Your Only Begotten Son who died for each human if one accepts Him as personal Savior and ask for forgiveness by Him. I believe He was born of Mary the virgin, lived a sinless life since His Father God had the angel put Divine cells into Mary to create Jesus Christ without an Earthly father’s sin in His blood. I believe Jesus lived a sinless life, died on Calvary’s cross for humanity to redeem each one to the Father, was buried, raised again, and ascended to Heaven to pray for us and wait until time to return to rescue us from what will be in the Great Tribulation when fallen Lucifer will be worshipped as ‘god’ that I refute. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen!”

Be mindful of what is happening around you and read the Christian Holy Bible books of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah, and the whole New Testament to find out about the plans that God Almighty the Creator has for all of humanity who trust in Jesus Christ. The one that is known as the anti-Christ will come onto the political scene at the time Christian believers will disappear in one moment of time that will send the world into panic to make them seek new leadership. This has been preached for over two thousands years, so don’t you think that the time is getting closer now than ever before? We might not be able to do anything about the drones right now, but knowing Jesus Christ as your own Savior gives you the Hope, Joy, Grace, Mercy, Love, and a future that will be everlasting once believers are redeemed.

All of the books listed are available on Amazon as eBooks or print and some at the local library too. BLACK IS BEAUTIFL by Dr. Peter Ruckman is at a better price at Bible Baptist Bookstore online. I don’t agree with some of his beliefs, but Ruckman’s book has documented proof of findings and what it meant in 1995 for Christians and the future. This means even more in 2024 in relation to what we are seeing right now that does not make sense unless done by an enemy country agent or a supernatural evil power. It led to me to begin my research that gave to me my newest book’s thesis, and now this Op-Ed about drones that might be linked to part of this. I wanted to give information to help people seek books if they will JUST READ THEM. READING IS THE WAY TO LEARN HOW TO DISPROVE LIES!


“Day BEFORE the Resurrection…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04-09-2023

Imagine how Peter, James, John, and the rest of the disciples of Jesus Christ felt the day AFTER the Crucifixion. After the masses left, Peter denying the Lord three times, and then all of them hiding for their lives thinking the Roman soldiers would come for them too, did they wonder IF Jesus Christ would rise again? Did they look at each other for any comfort or at least a lessening of their grief? Did they discuss what Jesus had told them, what He had promised, and all miracles He had done? Could He actually be raised from the dead and give them eternal life if they waited for Him like He’d said? What if their Faith had been for the wrong reasons and they would pay the ultimate price for their mistake? Would the Temple accept them back or would they be lost and go to Hell for heresy by simply following Jesus Christ?

“Arise My Love” by NewSong is a powerful message done in 1987 but still infused with anointing, and I listened to it on 04/08/2023, cried over what I thought the disciples could have been feeling on that day, and then reminded myself how blessed I am now since I already KNOW that Jesus Christ rose again! They didn’t yet, so it had to be one of the most heartbreaking, soul-tearing, and even physically overpowering time. How must it have felt all night as they waited for any sign, any sound, or any kind of change that alerted them that the stone was rolled away? I would think they would pray or share at least the lyrics of songs quietly, but what if they were so terrified that every sound made them jump, every minute seemed like an hour, and every shared look was filled with loss of not just everyday life but the future that could be?

Peter had denied Jesus, even cursing at the guards to make a point, so how despondent did he feel through that night and early morning? Since I fail every day in some way, I understand that frustration, the agony of not being right with actions I can’t explain or wish away. Peter had made the declaration of WHO Jesus Christ was, and yet he denied Jesus THREE times! Then again, how many times have I denied Jesus with my own words spoken in anger when not realizing how it could make someone else feel around me? How did the other disciples feel when Peter denied Jesus? Would they have judged Peter or have understood since they were all linked to the same man turned over to be killed because of what had been considered blasphemy of the religion they might have all once followed themselves?

How had Mary, the mother of Jesus felt? She had known what the angel of God had told her, and she’d believed all that had been shown to her as the path her Son would have to take, but how would the once-virgin Mary deal with the same crowd Jesus had taught, healed, fed, laughed with, and even made wine for at the wedding suddenly turning on Him so easily to demand His death? How does a person forgive something that was blatant betrayal? How could she even look at anyone when she went to get water at a well? I know how hurt I have been over things I felt were betrayal too, and I’ve tried to forgive those responsible, but none of what I’ve faced has been on this level. Church hypocrisy hurts, but it never actually kills in this present day. Back then, it could have. Even with the others looking after her, Mary had to be afraid.

As Christians, we can rejoice because WE KNOW JESUS CHRIST LIVES! He restored our link to the Heavenly Father through His blood shed for us and is praying over us from Heaven until He returns for all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. We have songs to remind us of WHY and HOW, but those waiting together for the morning AFTER the Crucifixion were trying to believe and keep from being arrested. We have some around the world in places they hide now since not all countries allow Christianity and even believing could get them killed like the ones waiting so long ago. Jesus Christ rose again, came through a wall (quantum tunneling is my scientific explanation), showed His scars, forgave Peter, and brought Hope before He left for Heaven while leaving the mandate to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit and SHARE Jesus!

I don’t know what any of you are going through today, Resurrection morning 04/09/2023, but I do KNOW that whatever it is, Jesus Christ can help you handle it if you give Him your heart in return of His Salvation. Human hearts can be wicked, so this sinful member traded for restoration isn’t really a great deal for Him, but it will be the best one you can EVER make. You are reading this because you need HIM. HE gave this to me this morning of rejoicing, and I want to do everything I can to SHARE the JOY HE has given to me for my almost fifty-one years. Jesus loves you no matter what all you’ve done. Look at what Peter did. Look at what Paul did later. Our sins for His RESTORATION of the Soul as we let His Spirit give us what we need to at least TRY to let JESUS CHRIST lead us to the path we were ALWAYS to have.

The path can be hard to TREAD just like my second novel tried to show through fictional characters, but in reality it can be even harder. We have spiritual gifts if we allow them, but we don’t get elemental or energy gifts like most of my Eirinth characters do. I have been used with the spiritual gifts, though, and I’m telling you right now that feeling with any connection to them is beyond anything you can ever feel from anything else in this world. There are many reasons why I can sing the song, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know Who holds the future. And life is worth the living JUST because He lives!” It was true when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 1980 and still is now in 2023. I might do stupid things, but He KNOWS me, and still can SAVE ANYONE!

“Revival Begins With a Moment of Allowing God to Use All Our Scars…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02-17-2023

I have been praying for years now that a revival for the younger generations would start soon since things seem to be lining up for the very last Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled in real time. Seeing the commercials on television by a few ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that reach out to the hearts of humanity have encouraged me to keep on sharing the Truth of Christianity and not the religious ploys that have turned people away in despair. Right now, a praise service in a university in Kentucky is going on since February eighth, and I have been praising Jesus Christ for this confirmation that this is NOT the end of possibilities for the last great harvest to happen in time for those who will accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. Though I have failed at times to do all I was called to do, I still believe!

An attendee at this Kentucky revival gave his testimony that shared his scars, and that one step of allowing others to see we ALL need Jesus because we ALL have scars caused a change in the atmosphere that led to continued outpouring of praise that has brought people from all over! THIS is what we NEED to see the change Jesus Christ can give to anyone who is willing to be HONEST with each other and let Jesus Christ use those scars to heal hearts of others. When believers ADMIT THEIR SCARS, it helps unbelievers to SEE the brokenness that we ALL have! I wrote a song I named, “Use All My Scars” a few years ago but haven’t been able to put it to music yet, but this might be what I needed to get back to that and finish it to record and put up online at my YouTube channel for Anyone Anywhere to listen to for FREE. I’ll try!

Each one of us is needed to reach every individual who seeks the life-changing LOVE that Jesus Christ will use to change them spiritually once they believe He died in the place of EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON to be saved by Grace through Faith! All we have to do is BELIEVE He did what He said and allow Him to begin filling each one of them with His Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, and Power that leads to reaching anyone we can for Him. This might sound like a fairytale to some in the world, but I have known Jesus Christ as MY personal Savior since I was eight years old and I’m fifty now. Even when I get upset and overreact, He has NEVER FAILED ME. That is a Truth I live my life by, and I have NEVER regretted a moment of walking the path He’s given to me. I fail at times at worst times, but HE NEVER HAS!

We Need Revival as the body of Jesus Christ no matter what denomination we are! I see Laodicea all over this land, and that is the worst of the churches mentioned in Revelation for their outright lukewarm attitude. We need to be RED HOT! Christianity is NOT a dead religion. Christianity is the Faith of believing in a Personal Savior to change us from the inside out to show HIS love for each individual. Too many churches only care about fame, money, or worldly status. The REAL church of the Lord Jesus Christ only cares about SOULS! I see people who are LOOKING and even LONGING for what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can GIVE THEM! They just don’t know WHERE to look because too many who claim to be saved doesn’t seem to even know how to help anyone else to be saved. THAT IS FAILURE!

I have my moments of meltdown, failed opportunities to witness, and blatant angry fits that I’m not proud of, but if sharing THAT will help anyone else see that ANYONE can know Jesus Christ, love Him even when we mess up since we are ALL still in the flesh and NOT yet changed to our redeemed bodies that will happen at the time of the Rapture of the church that we might face sooner than many think, then I’m willing to let the Lord USE ALL MY SCARS if that can lead a soul to find HIM. Our own pain can be used to soften the hardest heart if we’ve been placed in the person’s life for THAT PURPOSE. If my having Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission to share how Jesus is still using Me for HIM in spite of my loss of energy from the disease then I’m still willing to keep trying even when it is hard to do.

My Fantasy novels and Original songs are meant to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a different way for those age groups that are having a revival right now at the university! Everything I’ve been through will be worth it if there is even one thing in my novels that reaches ONE person. One SOUL is worth a lifetime of work. One SOUL is worth a life of sickness. One SOUL is worth a thousand tears, a million sighs, and a gazillion moments of doubt about me since it’s NOT really about me in the end… IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS! I can be selfish sometimes and end up ranting and raving when I’m overwhelmed over something that really is stupid in the grand scheme of life but important to me at the time, but even in the middle of my worst breakdowns the Holy Spirit reminds me that HE is the ONE to fix ANY problem.

There are consequences for sin even after you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. New and old Christians make mistakes even if they read the Holy Bible to learn more about how to live a saved by Grace life, but my understanding from the Holy Bible does not say there is an ongoing ‘Grace Exemption’ if a person knows they are purposefully doing the things that the Holy Bible says not to do. Ignorance is NOT bliss; the Holy Bible says that in the latter days people will ‘believe a lie and be damned’, so you lying to yourself will probably have the same result. I struggle with things and question others, and I will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ for His judgment of my life someday and will see what turns to ash and what turns to reward, but I’ve paid in life at times for what I’ve done too, so we all need to keep reading.

Prayer is another important thing to keep yourself in the proper spirit to allow Jesus Christ to have His Holy Spirit to revive you to help revive and reach others. What’s happening in Kentucky right now NEEDS TO BE HAPPENING TO ALL CHRISTIANS AND POSSIBLE CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE! With as bad as things have been during Covid-19 pandemic we should have been praying like never before since church services were stopped, but now that things are a bit better than last year it hadn’t seemed any real change had begun yet… until Kentucky! That kind of revival spirit can be at EVERY SINGLE CHURCH IN AMERICA IF WE ASK HIM IN! Maybe that’s the real problem – too many people who claim to be Christian might not want any change because they haven’t really had SALVATION happen to them.

That is one of the saddest things to think. I know that a lot of people go to church, but how many actually asked Jesus Christ to become a person’s PERSONAL SAVIOR by accepting that He died in that person’s place and asking for forgiveness? THAT is the ONLY way to receive Salvation from the sin each person is born with due to a birth taint that came down through humanity after the spiritual fall of mankind. Those students at the reviving services in Kentucky are spreading the Joy of Salvation by simply sharing it honestly, not corporately or legalistically. They have the Power from Jesus Christ showing on their faces, in their voices, and by their words of encouragement. THAT is what EVERY church in America NEEDS… HONEST PRAISE! When was the last time you were in a church service with that?

Thirty-six years ago when I was fourteen (yes, I can do math), I enjoyed services with the most anointed music services I had ever experienced. Although I’ve enjoyed other churches and concerts over the years, there still wasn’t the acceptance of the Holy Spirit controlling the service like back then. It seems like even churches that preach the Gospel and claim to be ‘Full-Gospel’ don’t seem be letting the Holy Spirit to orchestrate anointing, gifts of the Holy Spirit, or testimonies that could lead to the other two happening. Are people that afraid to let GOD ALMIGHTY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT take control? While I know some charlatans have made leaders question the validity of gifts, it still bothers me that there seems to be a corporate kind of dismissal of anything ‘super-natural’ since they can’t control it. That’s wrong.

It’s also WHAT is needed… uncontrollable Holy Spirit Revival that humans can’t control! I’m not talking about being crazy. I believe that services need to be in decency and in order like the apostle Paul said. I’m saying that when it comes to the Holy Spirit moving, no man should try to interrupt it for their own personal control issues. Those who are spiritually mature should be able to KNOW the difference. When people gave Messages and Interpretations in Tongues during those services I was in so long ago, EVERYONE there KNEW it was the Holy Spirit controlling those. Since we humans seem to mess up everything we’re given control over, then I’d much rather have the Holy Spirit be the One in complete control whenever I want to connect spiritually with like-minded Christians so we ALL can be fully blessed.

Even if Spiritual Gifts aren’t openly used, anointed music like shown in Kentucky can open people’s hearts to consider accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and might even lead to miracles that might not be known about until later. I’m okay with that too. I just want the open praising without any purpose but thanking our Savior for all of the blessings He has given and keeps giving to us even when we don’t deserve them or thank Him enough for them. I’m sorry to say that even I don’t as much as I should. I keep writing lyrics for songs, but setting them to melody can be hard at times, so it’s been frustrating lately. I still have to try to at least do the one for “Use All My Scars” since the Kentucky revival really has blessed me seeing all of those young people doing at their age what I did at that same age decades ago now.

Seeking forgiveness for letting Jesus Christ down with what He has asked for us to do as a church or even as an individual is where overall revival can take root in more places than Kentucky. Are Americans willing to examine their individual hearts and be HONEST with their individual souls? I’m not sure, but I’m hoping there will be enough for this amazing revival to continue since it could be the last before Christians are taken away like Holy Bible prophecies claim happens before the Great Tribulation (pre-Trib viewpoint) begins that will shift world focus to Israel as they endure the missing years sentenced by God Almighty for not resting their land as He had demanded. We seem to be coming to the end-times as warned about thousands of years ago in the Jewish Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments.

We’ve had false dates given over the course of time, and I have warned of possibilities for the past few years too as different things happened that seemed to point to it being time or almost time. Regardless, it seems like things are now progressing towards all of the prophecies needed to be fulfilled according to the Holy Bible have been fulfilled except for the last Israeli that has to be back in Jerusalem and the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior at the time of the taking away or ‘Rapture’ of the Christian and Messianic Jewish believers. Nations listed in the Prophetic scriptures are lining up as alliances right now, technology has advance enough to explain some things that could not be before, and things are like ‘in the days of Noah’ once you compare the Old Testament to current day news. It’s just a matter of time and saved souls.

The present-day human interest in ‘UFO’s’ has grown to unprecedented numbers in 2023. This might be what is thought as the ‘great deception’ according to some theologians, or it could simply be something used to explain millions to billions of disappearances when that happens. I’m not sure, but I have written about this possibility and how all people need to NOT accept any identification (implant, tattoo, or device) that requires a person to proclaim a leader to be ‘god’. Those who do will be lost eternally because that leader will be the anti-Christ against Jesus Christ. After Christians are removed and twenty-one judgments listed in prophecies happen, there will be limited time to accept Jesus Christ once these things begin. I urge YOU reading to consider what time it is and how you NEED JESUS NOW. Please pray:

“Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask you to forgive me for my sins as I accept Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior since He died on the Cross of Calvary to pay for my sins so I can be saved and not have to go to Hell once I accept that He is the Son of God, died sinless, came back to life, and is coming back for believers to be taken to safety while judgment begins on Earth. I don’t deserve Your Love, Mercy, or Grace, but I accept YOU and believe I am now saved from destruction spiritually. Help me to learn how to live, reach out to others to tell of You, and KNOW YOU for my loving Savior You have been before even the beginning of Creation. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN!”

“What If You Are The Only Jesus People See?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/07/2022

Christianity isn’t just a religious way of life, a moral standard of living, or even a fight for the greater good. The reality of Christianity is having Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, the Only Son of the Only Living God of Creation Who died in the place of each and every person’s sins passed down from the first humans through their blood line…until Jesus Christ was born with the blood line of God Almighty instead and was able to die for every single person throughout time who would simply BELIEVE. It sounds simple, but people make it so blasted hard to understand. Whether it’s due to the misunderstanding, misinterpretation, or direct misdirecting, the actual full message of Christianity through Grace by Faith isn’t presented as the Power-filled life of believers since many who claim to be believers have NO POWER by choice.

There are many groups who claim to be Christian that expect you to do all kinds of spiritual contortions that have NOTHING to do with SALVATION as stated in the Christian Holy Bible: “Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” THIS IS A FIRST STEP INTO A NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST WITH HIM AS YOUR SAVIOR. Christianity asks for you to let Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit and His Living Word to begin restoring you spiritually, changing you personally to empower you supernaturally once you claim Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation.

Life is hard. Every day idiocy grates on the nerves and makes even a sane (or semi-sane) person want to destroy what is in the way of peace, joy, love, and even complete sanity. I’m writing this with tears in my eyes since I fail all the time to control my anger over things that overwhelm me when something that should be easier to handle drive me crazy! Is it possible I need to pray more, read the Bible more, and let go of things interfering with my Christian life more? YES! Is it possible the RRMS I have, though in remission, has me taking medicine that could be part of over- reactions? YES! Is it possible that approaching 50 years old with changing hormones could make me do the same? YES! Is it possible the enemy causes things to happen to turn the screws on my psyche so I fall short being a model Christian? YES!

THIS IS PERSONAL. This is the most important relationship you can have in your life since it is with the One who took your sin, knows you better than you know yourself, and wants for you to know HIM. His Spirit fills you again once you accept what He did FOR YOU, let Him take all sin you’ve done away FROM YOU, and let Him give a new life TO YOU. Salvation is instant, but LIVING your new life will take a lifetime. Justification is through Faith in Christ, and Redemption is promised. NONE of us are perfect so no matter how long a person is saved he or she will sin even if they have the best intentions to live for Christ, but His forgiveness is promised as long as you take sins to the Lord for Him to reapply His blood to your life once again for you to go forward AGAIN. AN ONGOING AGAIN!

We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We ALL have the same tainted blood due to the human fall from the Grace of God Almighty our Creator that happened by Adam and Eve. WE ALL NEED JESUS! I can’t do the things I wish I could do or NOT do the things I wish I would NOT do. I AM HUMAN… inherently undisciplined in mind and body. I’m not proud of myself, and I certainly hurt my own heart when I do the things Jesus cries over each time I fail Him. There is NO excuse. I’m still trying to live my Faith to make my Savior be thankful that He did die for me. I am His even when I mess everything up. I’m still redeemed but ONLY by Faith in what HE already did for me. I’m supposed to be learning, progressing, and growing in His Grace, and yet I falter at the worst possible moments I could at times.

Christianity is NOT something to use so you can claim to be perfect; Christianity IS the WAY to reach the ONE who IS perfect as HE then helps you to try to live your life to SHARE that He lives IN YOU by His Grace through your Faith in what He’s already done for you and ALL WHO BELIEVE HIM. We each are supposed to be a Light Shining on the hill by living for Jesus with all of our abilities in spite of our own failures. Do things seem so out of control most of the time that it can make us question why we should even try? Yes. Do some people claim to be Christian yet seem to try to hurt others? Yes. Is either okay? NO! Jesus Christ gave His life to restore yours to how yours was meant to be before you were even born. HE SAW YOU when He was on the Cross of Calvary! Accept HIM to begin Life Restoration!

“That seems a bit dramatic!” some might exclaim. What happened on the Cross was as DRAMATIC as it was TORTUROUS and HEART-BREAKING. Every time I make a mistake and sin then my heart hurts since I know Jesus bled a drop to cover it for me. “That is some nonsensical way of thinking” others might yell out. Each person has your own decisions that you need to take responsibility for doing, and NO ONE has the power to live good enough on your own to overcome the sin in your soul. “Who do you think you are to judge anyone?” more scream in outrage. I’m not. I point to the facts according to the Holy Bible that gives the argument that we ALL have sinned and need a Savior Who has given HIS FREE GIFT for you that you need to accept so HE can change you from the inside out over time.

It is an ongoing struggle to even try to live for Christ sometimes. It is NOT always sunshine and roses. There are moments of rain and thorns. I’ve been through enough storms to tell you that it’s not easy, but in the midst of the storm is when Jesus shows up to help you not sink in a wreck and even walk on some kind of spiritual water if you trust Him. I’m still trying to understand why I had the car accident a couple years ago that totaled it. I only had a couple of bruised knees, so I’m thankful, but why did it have to happen? I was in shock but didn’t have a nervous breakdown and gave out cards to the police officer, towing driver, and owner of car I rear-ended after 30 years without an accident so I still ask WHY? Did any of them come to find the Lord or find a closer walk with the Savior? I don’t know, but the possibility gives solace.

What if I was the only Jesus those people will ever see? That is a thrilling but a frightening prospect since I’m not the best I’d choose for it. How many people have I failed to reach? How many people have I turned against Jesus by some careless action? How many have I pushed away by not showing the kind of Jesus they needed to see? It shadows parts of my life with how they could have happened. All I can do now is to TRY to live more like Him so all those going forward will see HIM instead of just me. Sharing the sea-walking Galilean carpenter Savior that died for all can happen in a better way, but what if that unexpected accident, scary disease, or ongoing illness put you in a place where Jesus can use you to reach even one soul that no one else will ever be able to reach? EVERY Christian needs to REALLY consider that.

Am I glad the car accident happened? Am I glad that I have Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis even if I’m in remission? Am I glad that I have to see a regular doctor, an allergy doctor, and a neurologist doctor? NO to all three, but if I have managed to show even a slight light to someone during one of those visits that reached someone for Jesus then that IS something that I’m glad about happening. I’m not a masochist so I don’t want pain, problems, or persecution, BUT if a moment of discomfort leads to an eternity in Heaven for even one person to have then it ALL will be worth it. I don’t like illness, but it’s an old thing to me since I was a child. I’ve wept sitting in the middle of a hospital bed more than once, but knowing that my Savior was right beside me singing over me has always been a comfort that I want everyone to have.

I used to be an optimist most of the time when I was younger, but if I’m honest I’m more of a realist now when it comes to everyday life. I have moments of utter joy with things I find beautiful, inspiring, and truthful, but desolation hits when the world feels like it’s falling down on me at the toughest times I’ve known. I trust people too quickly and get hurt often, but I still try to see the good a person has inside to help them get closer to Jesus to see good become a brighter light for others. It is part of my calling and the reason for my songs and books, but when others can’t understand things I try to use in a different way to do that reaching then it hurts more than anything else has in my almost 50 years. ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ isn’t something many Christians seem to take very seriously. I do and try to live by it each day.

Like I’ve said before many times, I’m NOT perfect; I’m not even close or approaching it at any speed other than a human crawl. I try to let the Lord change what He wills with music, scripture, books, research, and any media He chooses. It’s interesting what He DOES use sometimes, but there are many who wouldn’t believe it was God Almighty who does it because they try to put God Almighty in a religious box of their own making. I DON’T. I know that HE KNOWS ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES ME. HE KNOWS WHAT REACHES EACH AND EVERY PERSON. That is WHY I still write what I write and sing what I sing. If one part of a book or one stanza of a song reaches them then that means I wrote it FOR THEM TO FIND HIM! Will that be many? Maybe not, but even 1 is worth it. Even 1 matters. Even 1 is enough.

I keep watching “Castle”. That series helped me to finish writing BREAKING THE SHACKLES, Book 1 of my “Rebirth of Eirinth” Christian Speculative Fantasy Novel Series. I don’t claim it’s the best book you’d ever read or if the writing is what some would want, but I tried to do something different to reach a few specific groups of what I’d hoped would be my readers based on my eclectic interests and how the book interlaced Fantasy novels, Japanese Anime series, and Christian music within the pages of the story. It has a positive purpose even if some can’t see it. It definitely has my heart throughout it, so if anyone knows me at all they should see it in the art, read it in the story, and hear it in the music. If it and TREADING THE PATH, “Rebirth of Eirinth” book 2 don’t show Jesus Christ too in some way then I failed.

When I chose ‘Tenrai Daystar’ as the name for my version of Jesus Christ in Eirinth it wasn’t done lightly. Tenrai is a Japanese word that means ‘sound of the wind, divine, beautiful poetry’ and that is how I FEEL about Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. I knew I needed something else, and the song “Daystar Shine Down on Me” came to me when I prayed about it and sounded right when added to the first name. ALL character names were chosen for their meaning to give spiritual background and personality traits once shown through their reactions and places in the storyline. That was how I planned it and hoped readers would understand and find the one they related to the most to then find their path in this world toward Faith with their skills and abilities that God can use to show Jesus to others too. I truly hope.

If my songs and books are my ways to be the only Jesus people see then I’m thankful for what I’ve done as a teen and adult with my music and as an adult with my books even if others can’t recognize it now. I’ll have a table at the Gem City Comic Con on 07/23-24/2022 at the Dayton Convention Center for the first time. Though my book series is NOT the comic genre but written Fantasy books, they have similar artwork. Maybe someone there will be interested. I’m giving my music CD “Eirinth Breaking” with each purchase while supplies last and will be in ‘costume’, so maybe something in my multi-media project will reach out to EVEN ONE PERSON. It might seem a small return for all of my time, money, and tears, but what if THAT ONE is your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, parent, grandparent, spouse, or friend?

A Worldwide Revival is prophesied to happen BEFORE the Rapture (calling away) of the Believers in Christ as many believe happens BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. I recently read the online article at Kehilanews Community Blog under “Yeshua’s Hidden Identity Revealed on Succoth, His True Birthday” by Richard Honorof on Oct 7, 2020. He believes that Worldwide Revival will begin in Jerusalem once people there see the link that Mary (Miriam) has to the line of King David through her father AND the line of Aaronic high priesthood by Zadok through her mother. This gave Jesus Christ not only the KING line but also the HIGH PRIEST line for the final SACRIFICE HE GAVE FOR ALL OF US!

What if YOU are the ONLY JESUS people in your life SEE? What if…?

“Resurrection of MY Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty’s Son”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/04/2021

I don’t just celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ after He died on Calvary for this world’s sin, spent time in Hell to take the keys of death, Hell, and the grave from Satan, or that He came back to life so humanity would be able to be restored through Faith in His sacrifice for every believer. I celebrate the Resurrection of MY Savior Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Almighty because HE did all of this for ME! He split time and changed our world from B.C. to A.D with His Sacrifice and return to life to reclaim a fallen world and fallen humanity that were bound for Hell.

My Faith is PERSONAL. While I believe in the Christian Bible, both Old and New Testaments, I also have felt the Holy Spirit touch my heart, mind, soul, and body over the past 40 years. It’s PERSONAL. I don’t follow a set of rules or regulations to be SAVED. I accepted Jesus Christ as MY PERSONAL SAVIOR when I was 8 years old. That restored me to have a relationship with God Almighty through His Son. That was enough to keep me from losing my soul to the price of the power of the air, otherwise known as Satan who was once Lucifer, the angel who led worship in Heaven.

It was enough to regain my place to go to Heaven, but then the Holy Spirit touched me in church service in a way that only those who know Him and His gifts can explain. The service suddenly became completely quiet, and I called out to the pastor and asked to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues. He smiled and said, ‘Come on down!” to the altar to pray for the infilling. The pastor prayed with and for me, and when he simply touched my forehead, the feeling of absolute love and acceptance filled my entire being and overwhelmed all else.

I have allowed the Holy Spirit to give Messages in Tongues and Interpretations in Tongues through me in church services whenever the Lord ordained it to be. These are facts. No one programmed me, trained me, or brainwashed me to believe any of this. I’ve studied proven history, I pray in English and the Holy Spirit, and I know the Presence of the Holy Spirit like I know my own existence. You can be SAVED by accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior, and you don’t have to seek the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, BUT those Gifts were given so we can know that we know that we know.

If Jesus Christ hadn’t been born of His mother Mary through the Holy Spirit placing the cell of God Almighty in her to make Jesus be born without sin then NONE of us could be saved. If Jesus hadn’t given His life to die on the Cross, die in the flesh, visit Hell to claim what Satan had taken by sin, and then come alive again in a glorified body then NONE of us could be SAVED either. BUT IT HAPPENED! That glorious RESURRECTION MORNING changed the course of humanity once again. The Holy Spirit was sent to help believers to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We each have a choice. We can believe the lies of this fallen world and people who refuse to believe in even a Creator OR we can accept Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty incarnate as the Son (in the flesh). It might seem like one of the superhero or Japanese Anime stories that always have the one character who saves the world. That’s because even those who refuse Jesus Christ all know somewhere inside that they need a Savior. We are ALL in need of THE ONE TRUE SAVIOR. ALL of the fictional stories are based on the need we feel but keep refusing.

You KNOW you NEED a Savior. You KNOW you NEED Restored to the Creator. You might follow other gods or deities that are false and will only lead to destruction. Jesus Christ is as real as I am. I could have died so many times in my life without His Touch, His Grace, His Mercy, His Holy Spirit, and His Promise for an Eternity with Him IF I keep on believing in spite of the craziness of this world that is trying to change history and everything I know for sure happened or is real right now. NO ONE can make me change my mind, heart, or soul. I BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST FOREVER.

Jesus Christ gave His life for ME. He knew I’d fail Him often. He knew when I would fall short. He knew when I would need His blood to fall on my name every single time I sinned even after I became His. He KNEW. He STILL did it. He also knows about you and how you will never be perfect because NONE of us can be. HE IS because HE IS “I AM”! Jesus was born on Earth, but He was also in the beginning when this world was created and that aspect of God Almighty KNEW when humanity was created that HE would have to be born as Jesus Christ, die, and resurrect for ALL OF US.

Each one simply needs to believe He did it for them and then try to become the restored one for Him. Not to be an automaton, a clone, or a mindless puppet. This is PERSONAL. He will have His Holy Spirit rebirth your spirit that was dead when you were born due to sin in your blood, but Faith reclaims you. THAT is Salvation. The Holy Spirit came to bring more abilities to use as you preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as His believers and joint-heirs to God Almighty as He promised with HisWord who became flesh and dwelt among us to die and then live again FOR US to KNOW HIM!

“He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way! He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart! You ask me how I KNOW HE LIVES… HE LIVES WITHIN MY HEART!” The words are more than words, they are a proclamation of the TRUTH we KNOW. I watched the History Channels; THE BIBLE and cried and spoke in the Spirit as the Holy Spirit was shown as coming to the apostles as the Bible said it did. This movie was made by man, and it has flaws just like we all do, but it has an anointing, and I celebrated with it.

This world might try to silence me, and it might even try to kill me, but Jesus Christ is ALIVE, sitting on the throne in Heaven, praying for every believer, and waiting for the time to return in the sky to then remove Christians and Messianic Jews from this world before the Great Tribulation begins. Times will be hard before even the first judgement comes, but His people will be taken to safety until the last trumpet, bowl, and vial are done, and then Jesus Christ will return WITH all of US who serve Him, and He will defeat the anti-Christ and sit on the throne in Jerusalem as KING.

These are the future prophecies yet to be fulfilled, but the only present prophecy that still needs to be completed BEFORE Jesus Christ returns is the last person to accept Jesus as Savior in this time period known as the Church Age or Grace Dispensation. Will you be one of the last? Will you help others that still need Him? Will you follow Jesus Christ as one of His believers in His Grace for all who are willing to accept His blood for their sins? Saul of Tarsus became Paul the apostle to begin churches and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ANYONE can accept Jesus as Savior and change!

Accept God Almighty’s Grace through Jesus Christ and allow Him to SAVE you, give to you His Holy Spirit and Gifts to reach the rest of the world, and do what you can to be one of HIS. No other religion or belief system has the very one worshipped also be the one who saved those worshipping. Jesus Christ did and still does. His Holy Spirit is waiting to give you a new life, new abilities, and a new purpose. It’s not going to be that easy, and it might get hard to deal with the world when they turn on Christians the way Rome did so long ago, but Jesus is WITH US. FEEL HIM. KNOW HIM!

“Father God of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe Jesus was born sinless, died for my sins in the cross, and rose again so I can be accepted by You as I believe His blood paid the price for the sin in my blood by birth. I accept Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, King, and Son of God Almighty of Creation. Forgive me and send me to do what You would have me to do for others, and help me to believe in the times I fail to see Your path for my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask, Father God Almighty of Creation, and give Your Gifts of the Holy Spirit anew. Amen.”

It’s About WHO You Know – Op-Ed 01/29/21

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/29/21

As Americans plunge into the new year of 2021, changes are happening that many may not even realize the significance of when it comes to our freedoms, our rights, and our responsibilities. I’m the daughter of a deceased U.S. veteran of World War II born in 1913, so I will probably react very differently than most of my generation since my dad was already 59 years old when I was born. Yes, I will be 49 this year, my mother turns 90, and my sister will be 71. We each have her own viewpoints of how to live her own life, but all three of us know the fundamental truth in the title.

During different decades the truth in the title never really has faltered – whether in places of employment, groups in society, or even at school it always was about WHO you knew to get the best position, the best material goods, or the best clubs to add skills to your academics. There was a time when I was younger and in church that I didn’t think that it mattered there, but I’m seeing a disparity even in those places where it should never be about ‘who’ as far as people, but more about the WHO as in God Almighty through Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

I believe in Grace through Faith and that not of myself. I believe that my standing in church should be about the love that I show others to express the Love of God the Father as His child. While I work to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I don’t ‘earn points’ or get a higher ‘ranking’ with God for any of it. While I sometimes doubt that Truth and try to PROVE that I am spiritually minded I usually fall flat on my face when I feel so good about what I’ve done that I forget what Jesus Christ already did for me and through me for you. HE is the WHO!

I have always had too much pride in my abilities at school when it came to my grades since I was so sick it was truly a miracle that I got good grades at all. I try to give Jesus the glory since He was the One to save me then give His Holy Spirit to me for help in this world. Yet still, I might try to write more enigmatically (big word that perhaps shows intellect) than I should to prove that I’m not a blonde idiot. Yes, the blonde thing is another issue I’ve dealt with in life though my mother says I didn’t, but she wasn’t at school or work with me. What I’m learning now is NOT the WHAT.

I have heard some of the most prevalent educational people say the DUMBEST things in my almost 49 years. I am aware that you are supposed to spell out the age, but I’m trying to be more honest, open, and less vernacularly high. For anyone who knows that word then you know I’m making a joke about that adjective. I LOVE the English language! Grammar, adjectives, and complex sentences always got great grades in English class, and since I’m a writer by choice now I’m not going to apologize for wanting people to look up what some words mean. There is a point in stating that.

Jesus doesn’t want you to memorize the statutes in Leviticus, the genealogy of the church fathers, or the main feasts celebrated in ancient times. Jesus doesn’t want you to quote scripture for the sake of impressing those at the church you attend either. Jesus wants you to know HIM. Reading the Holy Bible helps you to know HIM. Praying each time you need to helps you to know HIM. Going to church to fellowship with fellow believers in the Salvation He bled to give to you helps you to know HIM. It’s not about us. It’s always about HIM – Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior.

Do you KNOW HIM? Even when doubt slips into my consciousness after 41 years serving Jesus Christ as my Savior, Lord, King, and God, I still have to remind myself of the simple Truth I will believe with my dying breath – I KNOW HIM. Not a religion. Not a principle. Not a philosophy. When I hear a Spirit-inspired song play and cry, I do it because I KNOW HIM. When I read scriptures and think about how He was even before those words were, I KNOW HIM. When I feel the Holy Spirit move inside my heart and soul during the rough times then I KNOW HIM.

It’s personal. It’s passionate. It’s poignant. It’s more than I’ll ever deserve, more than I can ever repay, and more than I will ever be able to truly explain. The Bible says He sings over those He loves. I sometimes think I can hear a song now one else ever has, and though I may be imagining it, I will still try to listen to just a moment to catch the words to use for a song I might write to share with others. It truly is something worth living for, worth dying for, worth giving for, and worth everything. Do I ever want my books to be known and enjoyed by readers? Sure, but I’d rather YOU KNOW HIM.

Beautiful star of Bethlehem, Shine On!

Tonja Condray Klein(c)12/15/20

As we approach Christmas in 2020 with the “Christmas Star” occurring on 12/21, we should try to remember what that star meant over two thousand years ago and then what it could mean for us now. I’m not a soothsayer, theologian, or even a degree-bearing scholar (except the Technical Certificate for Webpage Development). I’m not the only Christian believer who is looking at this ‘sign’ with interest, hope, and maybe even concern since the Holy Bible states that we should be looking at the signs of the times in order to understand when the Grace Dispensation we are currently living in will almost be at a final ending. This should propel us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for as much time as we have!

I’m not religious. I’m a Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Believer in the Blood of Jesus Christ as the ONLY way for my birth dealt sinful blood to be exchanged by His death on Calvary with Grace by Faith and that not of myself. It IS the Gift of God unto Salvation NOW AND FOREVER! Although a horrible and destructive Great Tribulation Period replaces the Grace Dispensation Period, it hasn’t happened yet, and Christians need to be PREACHING, SINGING, and TEACHING like never before. Our time might be limited. We don’t know if this star is a reminder or if it symbolizes something more. Do I want to go home to Heaven? YES! Do I want others to take this seriously? YES!! Do I think it’s time? Maybe…

I realize that the believers in Jesus Christ have thought this many times over the past 2000 years. This is not to ‘scare’ people into a ‘religious’ experience. This is to AWAKEN BELIEVERS to share the Gospel we already know and to help others to at least get what we already have – a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior, the Son of God the Father and giver of God the Holy Spirit as our Comforter after shedding His blood for our sins, rising from the grave, and going to Heaven to wait until this time is over and the focus turns to Israel again. Do you see the shift already? I do! It’s been an ongoing shift for a decade or more. As a Believer for Christ, don’t you feel the stirring? Can’t you hear the whisper inside?


BOOM, BOOM! I FEEL HIM IN MY SOUL! WHEW! FEEL HIM ALL OVER ME! Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what you need? Isn’t that what you thirst for? Isn’t that what you hunger for? Isn’t it? I’m in tears right now LONGING for the RETURN of the ones who WANT ALL HE GAVE! It’s FREE. It’s REAL. It’s FOREVER. It’s ALL-CONSUMING FIRE! NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! You either know that you know that you know… or you don’t. If you don’t know then YOU NEED TO FIND HIM! FIND HIM IN THE FIRE. FIND HIM IN THE FLOOD. FIND HIM IN THE HOSPITAL BED. FIND HIM IN THE FUNERAL. FIND HIM IN THE BAR. FIND HIM IN THE STRIP CLUB.

YOU CAN FIND HIM WAITING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE! You just have to LOOK for the Truth of Jesus. The problem is that too many people who call themselves CHRISTIAN don’t know that they know that they know either. WE ALL NEED REVIVED! For the love of everything Holy you need REVIVED! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US! I don’t care which denomination you are. I don’t care which preacher you claim. I don’t care which church you give to. WE ALL NEED TO BE REVIVED BY GOD ALMIGHTY! Jesus Christ gave us a mandate. Are you fulfilling it? Are you living it? I fail all the time, but as God Almighty is my witness, I AM TRYING TO REACH YOU! Don’t click away. Destiny calls.

“Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Son who died on the cross of Calvary to pay for my sins if I will believe and confess that I do and then live my life to be His soldier of Light to this world from now on. I will try to follow what the Christian Bible states in the New Testament and study the Old Testament to show I belong to You now. Let Your Holy Spirit give what spiritual gift or gifts you wish for me to use for Your Glory. Help me to be a Light to this world in these turbulent times. Lead me in the path You already planned for me before I was born. I am Yours and You are mine! In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and God incarnate… AMEN!”

If you have prayed this, YOU ARE SAVED! Believing is the first step. Living it is an ongoing task of daily trials, failures, and victories. It isn’t easy, but if you keep praying, reading the Bible (start with John, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and Ephesians), and listen to music that ministers – if you love rock then start with Disciple, White Heart, and Skillet; if you love contemporary then start with Mercy Me, Carmen, and Toby Mac; if you love southern gospel start with The Imperials, Hinsons, and Kingsmen. Some are gone now, but their music will live through eternity. There are many others! The styles are plentiful so find your groove to make your soul move toward Jesus more and His Purpose for you!

Andrus, Blackwood, and Company was so long ago, but I jam to “Jesus, You’re So Wonderful” all the time, and it along with the others is mostly available on iTunes. I have versions of most of these on Vinyl, Cassette, CD, and now Digital on my iPhone or computer! You can listen to my songs I wrote and then professionally recorded on my website: https://www.eirinth.com at the link FOR FREE! You can also read the Prologue through Chapter 6 for BOTH of my Fantasy Novels at that link FOR FREE too and then buy on Amazon in E-Book or Paperback! Finding a church right now is difficult, but you can listen to WGNZ radio 1110am and 104.7fm to various ministers that preach the truth you need!

Message me on Facebook if you have a question or need links that can help more. Until then, May Jesus Christ Bless You And Keep You In His Care! Look up on December 21st to see the Christmas Star!