Tag Archives: Times

Scrooges Can Change But Can Those Seeking Power Now?

Tonja Condray Klein – 12/07/20

As Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, and other Holidays approach, is there any way that we all will be allowed to celebrate the way all free Americans were promised with our United States of America Constitution and Bill of Rights? While I understand the danger of Covid-19 and practice proper precautions, some measures (even in Ohio) are beyond common sense and have a foretelling of terrorizing government waiting in the wings if the American people let it. It’s something that my Veteran father would have been enraged over since these statutes are like what he fought against!

The people of our country have faced some of the greatest trials of existence, but we kept finding abilities to excel beyond our limitations with the common goal to be free and make this land free for generations to come; at times through battle when no other course of action was available. At other times we won through diplomacy to protect our citizens and soldiers. We pulled together in this time of medical peril and even found treatments and the coming vaccine for our latest foe. Are we now so careless with our rights that we will let any group against our Democracy bulldoze it with politics?

Our constitution once led our officials elected by the people of this country to keep our freedoms safe from the other kinds of governments that we saw kill innocent people who had no rights like we have enjoyed in America. We still have the poor, mistreated, and misjudged; but this country has been the best one in this whole world when it comes to the rights to live free, the laws to protect against tyranny, and the will to share in spite of our differences once we understand “One Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL!” is something we should still fight for!

Our country is not perfect, but we have led this planet with Democracy ever since we were formed. We’ve had bad leaders make horrible choices, but our Constitution is STILL the way to govern, the Bill of Rights are STILL worth fighting for to preserve, and our Vote is STILL something that needs to be protected with every legal means given to us! If we let any group take away our legislated voting system by illegal means then we will no longer be free. Do you want to live here if you have no say against unjust laws or penalties against freedoms you once had? I don’t think I ever can.

Am I suggesting suicide? Not while I still have Hope in Jesus Christ! Am I supporting violence? Not if there’s a legal way to defend! Am I giving a dark vision of the future we could have if we don’t WAKE UP? YES! These groups wanting to take over our country are not illusions or conspiracy theories; this would be a nightmare we may not wake up from if they take over this country completely. While some Christian prophecies have not come to pass as expected, the possibility that they have in clandestine ways we haven’t noticed could very well mean that they already have unknown.

The way the event of the Christmas Star is happening this Christmas in 2020 should make anyone who has read the Gospels think about how Jesus Christ told His disciples to be aware of the signs of the times that appear in the skies. Could Christians be missing the possible return of Jesus Christ during the time of a similar star to hail His return? Is the sky foretelling the rescue of His believers to evacuate them from Earth before the Great Tribulation begins? With these current political aggressions, Christianity may face a worse round of persecution seen since the time of the gladiators.

This is not meant to scare believers. This is meant to WAKE YOU UP! Christ-Believers roused for a while, but then the inability to meet due to the Covid-19 situation stopped the spiritual awakening. Believers might be able to reach individuals, so even if we don’t shake the world with a Revival we thought we’d have, we still might reach a last soul to be saved in the Church Age Grace Dispensation which seems to be the last piece of the cosmic puzzle of prophecy to be placed before Christians supernaturally disappear to be taken to safety before massive disasters worldwide happen.

Yes, the Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the world, destroying lives in so many ways due to people’s deaths, the job losses that have put people in dire situations, and the loss of so many rights we have had since before I was even born in this country. It’s hard to imagine something worse than what we’ve already seen, but it is possible since the Holy Bible stated that desperate times would happen even before the Great Tribulation truly begins. We haven’t seen the numbers of those having died that matches those listed for during the Great Tribulation, so that isn’t what is happening now.

The last great Revival is supposed to happen before Christians are evacuated, and with the current Covid-19 lock-downs that doesn’t seem possible unless churches find a way to connect through digital media, radio, CB or shortwave if digital stations or websites are confiscated or shut down by a new totalitarian regime. We are already being censored, so. it may come to the point when we won’t be able to text, email, or call someone without it being recorded or disconnected. I’m not paranoid. I’m honest and preparing myself for as many possible outcomes I can manage while I still have rights.

Perhaps we are still missing the one more puzzle piece that none of the theologians, historical laypeople, or those with spiritual gifts can see. Perilous times are already here in 2020, but since many believers before us suffered so much more, we may have to be refined by the fire of persecution to become the purist gold of Faith to shine the reality of God Almighty to the entire world. I don’t know, and I don’t want to go through any of it, but the fear that tries to overtake me at the thought will not prosper since I decided long ago that my ONLY Master is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Am I preaching death and destruction? I hope not. Am I warning Believers in Christ to buckle up and get ready for some rough riding through thorns of hate, prison, and maybe even lashes? Once again, I hope not. Is it possible that all of this had to happen to get us to let go of this world because we are holding onto it to it too much? I hope not, but it could be. I fail every day to do everything I can for my Savior, but I STILL BELIEVE in His Promises, Protection, and Purpose to Believers who will stand fast, blow the trumpet in warning, and WAIT FOR HIM to come in the blink of an eye.

Until then, I MUST keep singing even if it’s outlawed. I MUST keep songwriting even if no one listens. I MUST keep writing to reach anyone for Christ even if I’m imprisoned. I’m a realist who sees something wrong in churches that needs revived for the world to see Jesus Christ. DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? The shepherds praised God for our Savior at His birth. I’m willing to be thought of as a lowly beggar in this world to SEE HIM at His return that is imminent and prevalent at the moment of prophecy fulfillment. Jesus Christ is “King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Glory, Hallelujah!”