Tag Archives: Tribulation

“Petra’s ‘Grave Robber’ Song Is Even MORE Relevant Today!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/12/2024

Even though we have so many churches on almost every street-corner, churches seem to speak less and less about something that should be a MAJOR part of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the ‘End Times’ Great Tribulation. There are some churches and even whole denominations that don’t believe that the Christian Holy Bible’s book of Revelation is to take place in REAL TIME in humanity’s future. They claim it is an allegory, misinterpretation, or even something that shouldn’t have been included at all. Maybe they should read the Christian Holy Bible again, because there are MANY of the other books in the Christian Holy Bible that speak of it TOO. Some people get bent out of shape about claiming that God Almighty the Creator would ever do what it says in Revelation because it is against the narrative of Grace or Love.

While I understand this human mentality, I also know that God Almighty the Creator is the God of Justice as well as of Love. This is the reason that He sent His Son aspect into Mary to become Jesus Christ in sinless human flesh to DIE FOR US! God Almighty the Father casted His anger, hatred, and any other negative emotion His Father aspect has about sin that His perfect nature has that requires Justice – not onto us individually as would be merited by our actions but onto JESUS CHRIST instead – His One and Only Begotten-Son that came to know what humanity felt like so He could be the most impartial judge in the end of time judgment for all those who refuse to receive this supernatural pardon by accepting what Jesus Christ did for us unilaterally while needing EACH ONE of us to personally accept HIM as YOUR SAVIOR.

THAT is the greatest LOVE ever shown in all of human history even if people don’t believe it. God Almighty the Creator wanted to give the answer to our sinful situation BEFORE Adam was created, and Jesus Christ was the aspect that would be the answer for each human IF YOU WILL ACCEPT HIM! This is the ONLY WAY for anyone to escape from what WILL happen AFTER the last person to be saved by Grace and through Faith happens AND the last Jewish citizen returns to Israel that needs to be there when the Rapture occurs – the other moment ALSO NOT accepted by some that is to be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Those who HAVE believed in Jesus Christ as Savior will be REMOVED SUPERNATURALLY from this Earth dimension to NOT be here for the twenty-one judgements that WILL COME.

If I hadn’t spent forty years studying the Christian Holy Bible teachings on my Faith and eschatology, read many history books old and new, and compared various scientific discipline findings and how the documented ones matched the historical and biblical accounts, then I would question ‘End Times’ too; but I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when I was eight years old and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in other Tongues at thirteen, and that allowed the Lord to use me to give the Messages in Tongues several times in services and Interpretation in Tongues once too. This is NOT something you can learn. It is completely Spirit-given and something you don’t control. Even so, the feeling when the Holy Spirit fills you, blesses you, and uses gifts through you feels like LOVE overflowing!

Some Christians seem to fear the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for some reason that I still can’t understand after over fifty-two years. Even though I was raised by an Assembly of God believing Mom, she wasn’t raised in that denomination. She’d actually had a brother that was a Baptist minister. We both always believed that as long as someone accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior then that person was our brother or sister in Christ. ‘End-Time’ prophecies tell about Holy Spirit power falling on Christians for a final world-wide Revival that could happen at any time. It seems to have begun in more than one place on a smaller scale. The thing that seems to be interfering with this happening is the perceived disinterest of Christians when it comes to noticing what is happening around the world that points to us being closer now than before.

This is not meant to be some doom-and-gloom message; it’s meant to be informative to get through to those who are to be part of this rise of Christians who allow God Almighty the Creator to overflow them with a restoration that will lead to many others to begin longing for it so the last harvest of souls happens as the Christian Holy Bible prophesied. It sometimes seems like churches are so comfortable that they don’t want anything to interrupt their well-planned services even if that interruption could lead to a salvation. Salvation doesn’t seem to be the focus of some Christian churches in 2024! Salvation through Faith in Christ is the ONLY reason for a Christian church! The Holy Spirit gifts are meant as a sign to some that need that in these times to believe at all. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the REASON for Salvation.

“Where is the sting? Tell me, where is the bite? When the Grave Robber comes like a thief in the night. Where is the victory? Where is the prize? When the Grave Robber comes and Death finally dies!” Having just lost Mom Vada this year, this song reminds me of the HOPE I have in CHRIST that will let me see her again if I keep my Faith in Jesus Christ and share Him with as many as I can to help them escape what IS COMING. Jesus WILL BE the Grave Robber when He comes in the clouds someday soon to take ALL believers away supernaturally before the Great Tribulation period begins, first by resurrecting those from the dead and then transforming those still alive to join the others to finally go home to Heaven for seven years at the Judgement Seat of Christ for rewards until finally time for the Battle of Armageddon.

I don’t want ANYONE I can reach to be LOST! I honestly believe this with every single molecule of my being! I’m not delusional. I’m not an idiot either. I AM an intellectual who will NOT believe lies that are being thrown out to people to blind them from the ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I plan to write my first nonfiction book – BEFORE ADAM: A PROPOSITION OF POSSIBILITY. If that doesn’t get finished then I want to put the main point I want to make in it before it’s too late: Aliens are NOT our progenitors. Aliens are fallen angels or a new type Nephilim (giants). These beings might no longer be made from actual sexual contact but plain genetic manipulation. Area 51 might not be alien phenomenon; it might be interdimensional ‘beings’ funded by the deep state that are called ‘aliens’ but are demon-born.

For more information on how proof of this possibility isn’t a fantasy read these Christian books that share the reality of these FACTS: BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman; JUDGMENT OF THE NEPHILIM by Ryan Pitterson; WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind. While I know this sounds unbelievable, it truly is the Great Deception that we need to keep our wits about us to not give into these blatantly false ‘proofs’ that the science communities will try to thrust upon humanity either right before the Rapture or right after it. THIS IS SERIOUS. Jesus warned us about false prophets, teachers, and all other groups that society will follow without any compunction. As Christian believers or those who will soon become one, we MUST read the Bible and guard our minds against this all.

You can know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior if you will believe in what the Christian Holy Bible says and pray, “Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God who was born of a virgin to have blood untainted by a human father with sin. I believe He was without sin, lived a sinless life, died on a Cross for humanity’s sin, was buried, rose again, and then ascended to Heaven to wait until time to supernaturally rescue believers before the Great Tribulation happens. Forgive me for my sins, help me to reach others for You, and show me those that need to find their way to You. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!” You can read Christian Holy Bible at: https://www.blueletterbible.org/nlt/rom/8/1/s_1054001 to begin in Romans 8. Blessings Wished! TCK

“Shakin’ the House in 2024” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©01/25/2024

I have been wounded by the Christian church several times. I was betrayed by some I trusted with all that I am, and that is not something a believer in Jesus Christ can quickly heal from to trust others again. If you’ve known me for any time at all then that might surprise some since I’ve been in church for most of my life. That’s a part of what makes something like this hurt so much. You think that you’ve found your church FAMILY to joyfully worship with, think are actually friends, and personally adopt into your Faith life; but then they suddenly reject the main things you shared with them as your God-Given calling with Gifts you have no doubt God Almighty gave to you for HIS purpose to reach the lost that so many others seem to ignore. It hurts more than about anything the world itself could do to you personally.

Some might simply say that I need to pray, forgive, and move on. That’s easy to do if you don’t actually care for those that used to be part of your world that you had to walk away from just because of the actions of a few or even one. I HAVE forgiven and I KEEP praying. I can’t help but wonder if this is not just happening to me but also the reason WHY the real Revival hasn’t happened in churches yet. It might be. Such hurt between those all supposed to be serving the same God Almighty of Creation Who gave His Son Jesus Christ for humanity might be what the REAL enemy (that is SATAN) could be using right now. Hatred between church denominations, races, political parties, and any divisions used could be the ploy of the destroyer of this world if the True Church doesn’t WAKE UP and REACH OUT to ALL who are LOST!

The song “Thankful Heart” by Petra came into my heart on January 8th, and that led me to listen to their album “Back to the Street” from 1986. The song name of this Op-Ed’s title hit me like a ton of bricks! Russ Taff’s song “Shake” has always been one of my favorites to instill the need to pay attention to what’s going on in this world at any given time. Petra’s song reminded me that the ‘Shake’ is going to begin with the house of God… to the real Church of the Lord Jesus Christ! How many believers are ready for that? Do we understand what it could really mean? Petra’s song makes it really clear that we might not understand WHY some things are happening, but maybe it’s WHY some (or even most) are blind about it right now. It breaks my heart since even though I’ve been hurt I don’t want ANYONE to be lost by dismissal.

Since 2020 so many have lost family, friends, and loved ones due to Covid-19, and that loss has maybe hardened the hearts of people to an all-time stone condition. That’s also the reason WHY we all need to reach out to each other in a kind and understanding way of other’s burdens so that healing can begin. If we don’t get our own Houses in order then the final Revival might NOT happen before the Rapture takes place. Do any of us really want to see people be lost and go to Hell because of hurt feelings, unresolved anger, or festering revenge just because some Church person failed to help you? I DON’T! I don’t want to be the reason why a single person refuses to accept Jesus Christ as Personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty! No matter what happened to me or how upset I’ve been, I CHOOSE to forgive ALL who hurt me.

THAT is part of the ‘Shakin’ the House’ that some might not understand. Many view it as getting more ‘religious’ for the sake of seeming ‘Godly’ to others but without honest spiritual growth. It seems like the majority isn’t even paying attention to the heart of the real ‘shaking’ this means – YOUR OWN HOUSE! Some in Christian churches have become worldly to the point that unbelievers wouldn’t even be convicted of sins. Conviction leads to Salvation by Grace through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! I deal with my own shortcomings daily and pray my lapses haven’t caused a single person to turn away from Christ. I fail, but God Almighty through Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit has NEVER failed me! I’ve questioned things that have happened and been hurt over outcomes, but Jesus has been faithful to me for my whole life.

I’m sure many Christians today with all that’s been going on have struggled to keep their fires of Faith burning to be witnesses to those who don’t know Christ as Savior yet. At the same time, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of those claiming to be ‘Christian’ who don’t even believe in true Salvation by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for sins. THIS IS A PROBLEM! False doctrine, false teachers, false prophets… Jesus Christ told His disciples to TURN AWAY from them. We need to be reading the Christian Holy Bible to know what is RIGHT so we don’t accept what is WRONG. I might not have all the answers someone might ask me, but I KNOW when I hear something that is OFF. If you ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as you read, HE WILL DO IT. It’s time we ALL STUDIED the Holy Bible.

I have Bible Sermon Notes up on my www.tribulationhelp.com website for anyone to read for FREE! I also have some essays, links to other study helps, and even prayers for different circumstances. I’m not always right, but I believe in what I’ve written and shared with others in my life and on this website. I’m still mainly Assembly of God in my beliefs. I don’t agree with some restrictions that some teach or the even stricter ones by others, but I do try to live by the teachings of Apostle Paul, and he told Timothy to ‘study to show thyself approved’. If what I have taught or done is wrong then I’ll answer for it at the Judgment Seat of Christ. If you refuse Christ because you got ticked or hurt at someone who failed you or something someone said then YOU will still be responsible for your own soul’s damnation if you refuse Jesus Christ.

I can’t blame those who failed me for the choices I made after them since we each are responsible for ‘our own soul salvation with fear and trembling’ because each of us is supposed to read the Holy Bible on our own to find what it says for ourselves! No preacher will be responsible for you refusing the Salvation that Jesus Christ gave to each of us by shedding His Blood on Calvary to redeem each of us from sin. EACH PERSON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT SOUL! NO ONE ELSE is responsible for YOURS but YOU. Jesus Christ being accepted by a best friend, parents, grandparents, or link back through ancestors doesn’t save YOU. Jesus Christ accepted by your Sunday school teacher, youth pastor, or church pastor doesn’t save YOU through them either. ONLY YOU CAN CHOOSE JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY!

Let me start spitting bars – to keep from ending up in Eternal Hell that will happen to you if you don’t seek the ONLY Salvation from Sin, YOU PERSONALLY must accept Jesus Christ as YOUR SAVIOR by believing HE did all He did for YOU. It is a Spiritual transaction in Heaven – By His Grace and Through Your Faith that He shed His Blood IN YOUR PLACE on Calvary will settle the balance of your own Soul’s Ledger since your age of accountability! If you let His Love into your heart as His Holy Spirit reactivates your spiritual soul-to-God connection that all humanity lost in DNA when Adam and Eve sinned in Eden. Once this major spiritual transaction is applied to YOU God Almighty sees YOU through the blood of Jesus Christ that COVERS YOU upon acceptance for as long as YOU BELIEVE IN HIM!

Yes, there are many religions in this world other than Christianity, and I respect the rights of others to believe in their chosen faith. I simply have studied the Christian Holy Bible and seen that it makes the most sense spiritually. It also does historically, archaeologically, geologically, biologically, and psychologically. Some might argue against that due to those sciences, but I’ve read enough to wade through pseudo-science muddle to find misunderstanding timelines and even an unwillingness to see that science and Christianity are NOT at odds if everyone would be HONEST and not make stuff up that has NO proof at all. Christians need to get over Darwin used as the main point of contention against ALL sciences. Real Science Facts point to something before Adam and Eve, so accept it and preach Jesus Christ to ALL RIGHT NOW!

My possible non-fiction book title is BEFORE ADAM, and some actual Science facts explain how incongruities with the originally accepted Christian timeline, Carbon-14 dating not being as reliable as stated, and technologies pointing to certain things that really DID happen BEFORE the dating of Adam being created in 3762 B.C. will explain WHY two different timelines of Earth existing does NOT disclaim the most important one of Jesus Christ having become humanity’s Savior after homo-sapiens fell from Grace to need HIM since He was ‘slain before the foundations of the world’. It seems Cain comingled with a possible Neanderthal or Denisovan for Nephilim giants to enter his line. When Jesus Christ died for humanity He died for ALL of the resulting humans. Mary’s line was from ONLY homo-sapiens DNA.

Fallen Lucifer renamed Satan tried to use the divergent DNA from other beings before Adam with Cain and fallen angel spawn with human women to create Nephilim giants to pollute the lines of humanity, but God Almighty KNEW the end from the beginning, so the line through Seth was preserved to allow our Savior to be born of a virgin with the Father’s blood of God Almighty for Jesus Christ to have the lineage of King David and Priest Zadok through Mary to make Jesus Christ meet the prophetic demands as Jewish Messiah (Christian Savior), Priest, and King. Mary’s husband Joseph wasn’t the biological father of Jesus Christ, but he ALSO had proper lineage so there would be no discrediting the full lineage of Jesus Christ legally. While Judaism doesn’t recognize Jesus Christ as their Messiah, many Jewish Christians HAVE.

Shakin’ the House should lead Gentile Christians to STOP hating and blaming the Jewish people for the death of Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE… NO ONE took it from Him. I’ve read Christian leaders in our history make very anti-Semitic statements that are NOT TRUE. Ancient Jewish spiritual leaders like the Pharisees and Sadducees were part of what led to Jesus Christ being crucified, but they still did NOT have the power to TAKE the life of Jesus Christ on their own. NO man did. Jesus Christ GAVE HIS LIFE FOR ALL HUMANITY. If hating those responsible for what did happen you should add Rome and all the other nations of people who were THERE and did anything to Jesus Christ. NO MATTER OUR PAST ANCESTORS, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE! We need to acknowledge THAT REALITY.

The Christian Church needs to embrace the Jewish believers in Christ and unite the two groups that share twenty-four thrones as written about by John the Revelator in the Christian Holy Bible New Testament book of Revelation. That might become the HOW a final Revival begins soon! Gentiles are not the only ones represented in the End Times. Jewish believers in Jesus Christ were the FIRST CHRISTIANS and are ALSO part of what makes the COMPLETED Christian Church of the Lord Jesus Christ as Jewish Messiah AND Savior of ALL others! Satan using this hatred to divide those supposed to be working for God Almighty of Creation has always been part of his playbook. Christians should be more aware of this in 2024, but many seem to let divisions between Gentile and other cultural believers discount those others.

ALL Believers in Jesus Christ as Savior: we each need to get our own house in order before it’s too late! We ALL MUST be praying for ourselves and others, reading the Holy Bible for clarity, and living our lives to witness to the others in this world as time seems to be running out for the Grace Period of Biblical Dispensations. Yes, it seemed to have been thought when Jesus Christ rose back to Heaven that He would return in a short time by the original Disciples. Back then there wasn’t what needed to be in place for it to happen prophetically. NOW is VERY different. We MUST be aware of our limited days to show the love of Jesus Christ to a world we ALL have FAILED since an unknown amount of people still need JESUS! Each and Every person who claims Christ as Savior has a CALLING TO FULFILL RIGHT NOW.

You might not be able to preach, sing, play an instrument, or do major outreach due to a number of reasons, but we all can still PRAY and show HIS LOVE to others around us wherever we go. We ALL need to stop judging those who still need to understand the REAL GOSPEL of Jesus Christ without the church indoctrinations, meaningless platitudes, or constrictive dogma that WILL NOT SAVE THEM. Stop preaching hate and start sharing LOVE! Call sin what it is AND give the answer to their soul deficiency – JESUS CHRIST! The Holy Spirit is the ONE who brings conviction to a person that leads to Salvation. Christians can’t do it themselves. ONLY the Holy Spirit can begin the transformation of a human soul being SAVED BY GRACE AND THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST! Share Jesus Christ until we leave…

“Book ‘1984’ is Alive and Well in 2023!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/20/2023

I hadn’t read the book ‘1984’ by George Orwell for some reason, but after finishing book FARENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury I decided to read the other. Book ‘451’ bothered me with what happened in it, but it was trying to get the readers to see they had to keep it from happening in reality. Book ‘1984’ ALARMED me. I’m seeing things being done NOW that reminds me what had been done even before my time. Some things had been removed from daily interactions that I hadn’t realized until the pandemic happened. Reality has startled me to the point that I’m praying for the Rapture (removing) of Christian believers to happen MUCH SOONER. Some governments have done what’s in book ‘1984’ – rewriting ALL former history every time it went against leader’s ideals. It might have or be happening in America too.

Does anyone else understand that if real history keeps being rewritten until the oldest that lived through that time are gone then that would give leaders the ability to have people live a perpetual today from now on? By them not knowing what real past was before it was altered, it would also mean that the present would be a continual past without real futures. I shook my head as I read about the main character going over the events in his ‘Oceania’ that included America in novel, and it gripped my heart with the growing understanding that the real America is about one step away from that happening! News only lasts per cycle, and sometimes one side is told over and over again without a counter side to denounce it. When did we get to this point of one-party rule? The McCarthy era is the closest I remember noted, but we might be close again.

Book ‘1984’ was written in 1949, way before I was born in 1972, but the 1984 in my lifetime didn’t seem to be anything like the book spoke about since I lived through the Reagan era that seemed prosperous to me then and even still. I didn’t know I was actually poor. Both of my parents were old and on social security, so getting reduced or free lunches simply meant to me that we were not ‘well-to-do’. My father always worked until he retired and my mother worked then was a housewife who also babysat other local kids. I actually thought we were ‘middle class’, but we were NOT! I never lacked food, clothing, or toys, but we didn’t have cable or a car. Neither parent had a driver’s license, but I didn’t think it was odd. My older out of state sister and older local brother had cars and helped, but we usually travelled by bus or cab.

Book ‘1984’ made me realize what is happening in America by those trying to make the poorest and middle class no longer be able to afford basic transportation since it would place them under direct control of government like the one in the book did! Trying to outlaw affordable cars, cooking conveniences, and other every day items that make life normal to those they consider UNDER them politically or socially is a slap in the face to regular Americans. Those ‘rulers’ might not see me as being ‘as good as’ them, but I know I AM as good or better than most of them since I KNOW many things these ‘rulers’ are trying to STEAL from the HISTORY of our COUNTRY and the WORLD! Changing meanings of real words and deleting some completely like in the book made me livid since THAT has already started in America now!

When a politician uses ‘totalitarianism’ as a definition for those who support the United States of America and its Constitutional Democratic Republic with the rights afforded to ALL citizens then that politician is using the SAME tactic that the three leaders in book ‘1984’ did to keep the poor as manageable as possible and by not letting them succeed to go beyond the status the higher group decided by continuing an ongoing war to keep those a little bit higher in their hierarchy to accept the revised history of the ‘leaders’ to make them remain in the present by revising the past to not show how bad things HAD changed then got worse under them – to STOP people from seeing REALITY. Those who were in the middle class in America before are now the lower middle class and forced lower. ‘Management’ is now some ‘leaders’ plan.

So America citizens now actually WANT to become like book ‘1984’ in 2023? Yes, that book IS fiction, but it is based on actual known governments and ALSO meant as a CAUTIONARY WARNING to those who want to keep their own freedoms and those of others. America used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave where we cared about each other as citizens. The way many politicians seem now in 2023is making me see shades of book ‘1984’ more every day! No, some things that happened in the book haven’t yet, BUT it seems like some ‘leaders’ are taking THEIR power almost to the point those in book ‘1984’ did. THAT IS FRIGHTENING. Yes, I want a strong leader, but NOT a collective solipsist! We all NEED TO UNDERSTAND what those in power don’t want us to even notice right now.

One of the main things about the ‘leaders’ in book ‘1984’ was that they wanted people to NOT be educated. The ‘Proles’ or lower class people couldn’t be given that choice since if people could read and remember their real history of countries, then they might want more than the flimsy existence given by those in power that don’t want anyone to rise up above a born station in life. WAKE UP PEOPLE! America is NOT supposed to be ruled by a caste system! We are to be FREE with the given rights to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! Reading is PURE FREEDOM! Learning Mathematics, Science, and Proven History is FREEDOM! The ONLY books NOT to be allowed should be for children that have ADULT situations those innocents should not know yet! Other than that… READ, READ, READ!!!

The new digital system they are trying to institute for America is just ANOTHER way to TRACK you and STOP your FREEDOM to spend YOUR MONEY for what YOU deem as being YOURS. In book ‘1984’, the ‘leaders’ of those three governments only allowed some things for certain people who were then forced to get stuff off of a black market. A THOUGHT CRIME was an issue that could lead to a person being ‘vaporized’ (killed) if someone was suspected of NOT thinking like everyone else. I don’t want ANYONE thinking they could control MY THOUGHTS. They would soon find I’d NEVER be a pawn for lies or history-changing. I know OUR country’s History and FACTS no matter what could be said is the exact opposite of an ACTUAL MEANING. You can outlaw a majority of words, but MANY would KNOW!

Some in power want to decrease your intelligence to control you. DON’T LET THEM! READ as much as you can on books explaining the evils of Totalitarian rule. IT IS NOT what America has or wants now. Every belief system needs to have FREEDOM for followers to worship their gods whether Buddhist, Muslim, Chi, Gandhi, Hare Krishna, Wiccan, Jew, or Christian as protected by the United States of America Constitution. I’m a Christian and speak of my Faith without discounting someone else’s rights. We can agree to disagree and not try to kill each other. Even though I believe Jesus Christ is the only Way to Heaven and Salvation, I will share with respect and pray for anyone. THAT is inclusivity in America! People of various beliefs found this place of worship freedom. It needs to REMAIN that way!

This Opinion Editorial is meant to WARN you as an American citizen. Things and Freedoms are being taken from us almost daily, and those in power are trying to take away things that make our lives be bearable and enjoyable without a real reason for their tampering… it is actual TYRANNY! As I’ve written what seems ten million times, my FATHER fought and BLED for THIS COUNTRY in WORLD WAR II, and his brother, MY UNCLE DIED for this country too. Taking away MY FREEDOM is NOT an option. Many of the American Churches are being seen as real terrorist threats! THAT IS INSANE! AMERICANS have a RIGHT to their RELIGION that NO OFFICIAL can stop regular practices of as long as they are not physically hurting or personally maligning an actual individual person!

The story in the book ‘1984’ is something NO ONE should want to happen to the greatest bastion of Democracy in the world that the United States of America has been ever since the founding. Did we make mistakes for years that we aren’t proud of and have tried to rectify? YES! Do we try to learn from that and do better going forward? Many of us are trying, but there are always those that do bad things to keep power at the ruination of others. We have to FIGHT that by voting faithfully, protesting legally, and helping each community to be as good as they can become no matter their color, race, ethnicity, background, religion, or political party. WE THE PEOPLE are NOT as divided as some keep telling you. China might be preparing for WAR against Taiwan and Russia is still against Ukraine. WAR was used like this in book.

You don’t have to have a Political Science degree to see what is going on if you read enough, watch all you can, and listen to the undercurrent words being used that are not meaning what they always have meant before. They are just changing the meaning of words, terms, and even historical records! This is what was done in book ‘1984’ to solely keep people under the ‘rulers’ from knowing REALITY! Some ‘leaders’ are trying to do that now in America. It might seem like some ‘groups’ are doing things for ‘freedom’s’ sake, but they actually are re-classifying things that many know are NOT what is REAL or the consequences of WHAT they are doing. I don’t want to lose what I have already to allow the endless wars that some keep escalating, but then again whether China or Russia, NUCLEAR WAR is NOT an Option!

Could a bomb landing on the USA be what explains why millions to billions of people disappear all of a sudden? It could maybe be used to explain the actual Christian Rapture that could happen as soon as the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the last Israeli meant to return to Jerusalem first happens, and both of those could happen at any time. With the countries aligning like they are on 04/19/2023, I don’t know if we are going to be here for much longer. I don’t want anyone to suffer, but things are going to get really destructive, and I want everyone to know Jesus Christ before you miss your chance. He died FOR YOU. He knows YOU. He wants YOU to KNOW HIM. I don’t know how much time we do have, but please don’t waste time. I don’t know what we’ll have to go through before we are supernaturally rescued.

Like I mentioned before, the digital currency is NOT something we want, but it is another step towards what the anti-Christ leader will use to enslave everyone because he will claim to be ‘god’ and the one of humanity’s origins. THIS IS A LIE, SO DO NOT TAKE THE CURRENCY THAT PROCLAIMS YOU ACCEPT HIM. I can only hope Christians and Messianic-Jews are removed before the jailing, flogging, torture, and executions begin in all but one or two countries. America might not even be here by then IF a bomb is lobbed on us, but if America is and believers in Christ are gone, then Israel will have no support against what is going to happen against them according to Isaiah and other prophetic writings. Americans must try to halt the descent into Marxism then Totalitarianism. Democracy will die if we let it.

If you understand what’s going on and want to possibly escape some of this mess before things go down a path to destructive judgements on humanity, then read Romans 8, Psalm 51, and Isaiah 53. Once believing then pray, “Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Only Son Who came in human flesh to give His life in my place for my sins that is in my blood at birth then rose again from the dead for my soul restoration then returned to Heaven to pray over me until He returns to take me to safety before judgment falls on Earth. Forgive me, help me to be what You saw I could become, and give me strength to serve You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!” If you prayed this and meant it in your heart then YOU ARE NOW SAVE BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH! Welcome…

If you don’t have a Cristian Holy Bible, you can go to https://www.blueletterbible.org/ and read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Acts, I Corinthians, Ephesians, and Revelation to begin. I suggest the King James Version, but a new NIV is really good too with translations that stay true. You can also check out my Faith website if you read this somewhere else where I post to read other things I’ve written at: https://www.tribulationhelp.com. May Jesus Christ bless you, keep you safe, and help you to reach as many as you can in the time we have left in these last days before the Grace Dispensation or Church Age comes to a close as was prophesied thousands of years ago. Christians should reach out with Love, Understanding, Truth, and Compassion to each person He places in your path to be His Ambassador. Blessings Wished! ~TK~

“Is There Enough Shaking Yet, Brothers and Sisters in Christ?”

I’ve been watching both fact-related and opinion-given news, reading articles on our world’s changing political alignments, and comparing it all to the Holy King James Bible in 2020. With all that stated I can only conclude it means we are moving closer to the time known as the “Rapture” of the true Church who accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior by believing the blood He shed for every single person on Calvary paid for ALL of our sins that we have at birth and are each accountable for once we come to the realization of our separation from God Almighty our Creator.

One thing currently concerns me: the last Great Revival has NOT happened yet! Where are present-day Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul? Where are you, Silas, Priscilla, and Timothy? There seem to be very few churches preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Where are the gifts of the Holy Spirit being used? Where are the churches that are yearning for the honest powerful touch of God that can hit you like a wrecking ball to break the chains on your life? Have you ever felt that loving hand of God that convicts you, saves you, cleans you, and restores you to your place with Him?

I have. I know this is real. I’ve felt His healing more than once. I’ve known His consoling touch during times of trial or loss. I’ve screamed, thrown things, and cursed in frustration, but Jesus Christ is always there to remind me WHO I belong to and HOW it’s possible for me to call on Him. Are you crying out for HIS divine touch? If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior then He has more for you in this life until we are taken to safety before the Great Tribulation in REVELATION, DANIEL, EZEKIEL, ISAIAH, and JEREMIAH. THE LAST REVIVAL MUST HAPPEN FIRST!

Have you been shaken yet? I believe God Almighty has been allowing things to happen to get our attention. No, He didn’t send the Corona virus to kill people; evil did that all on its own. The True Church needs to PAY ATTENTION! Jesus Christ is trying to WAKE UP THE CHURCH! Are you not tired of dry and meaningless religion yet? If you have ever been in the kind of church services I’ve been blessed to know then I can’t imagine you not wanting MORE of that infusion of the Holy Spirit in your heart, your mind, and your body! This is not crazy. The Gifts are the Presence of God.

Are you wishing for more joy through the reality of supernatural proof in the existence of God Almighty known in the Christian Faith and connected to the Jewish Faith? After studying scriptures and history, I cannot accept any other explanation for how the prophecies have been fulfilled with precision to the year, day, and even hour for it all to happen. I don’t know what is holding it back unless it’s the ones responsible with beginning this are either scared, frustrated with the leaders, or unaware of their important to DO WHAT GOD TELLS YOU WITH HIS GIFTS!

Receiving a Gift of the Holy Spirit is not some crazy ritual or hokey spiritual awaking. Praying in an Unknown Tongue is a sign that the Holy Spirit has infused you with the Pneuma of God again that ALL of mankind lost when Adam and Eve disobeyed our Creator and the world fell from Grace when sin entered. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Revelation, Prophecy, Healing, Dreams, Faith, Discernment, Messages in Tongues, and Interpretations in Tongues. They are all meant to show God’s Presence to Believers and unbelievers.

As we see the new peace treaty with the United Arab Emirates and Israel we need to understand that this may be the way those serving the Anti-Christ already use to align countries needed for the Anti-Christ to be put in place. He may already be born and in politics in an area of previous Assyrian rule or a descendant from the Israel tribes in Dan. This is a possibility noted on several Christian groups that offer prophecy teachings that seem to line up with the main Holy Bible, world history, and current geographic locations with the layout of religious hierarchy theocracies in the Middle East.

Some things MUST happen before the Church is rescued before the Great Tribulation begins. Some think that won’t happen until the middle of the seven years stated. Others think at the end of the seven years. I believe it will be BEFORE the first judgment happens. I may be wrong, but I hope and pray to God Almighty in the powerful name of Jesus Christ that we will be taken away or “raptured” as the wording is used. Regardless, EVERY BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR, LORD, KING, AND GOD ALMIGHTY should be SEEKING, WATCHING, and PRAYING!

We also must be SHARING the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and not some watered-down religious meeting that has NO POWER, NO ENERGIZING, and NO SALVATION. I WANT MORE!!! More Gifts laying all our hearts bare before God Almighty so we can’t hide and will cause a spiritual reaction that CHANGES LIVES, SAVES SOULS, and RESTORES PEOPLE who desperately need HIM! As Christians we MUST look beyond ourselves, STOP following dry platitudes that have no power, and LET the HOLY SPIRIT into Your Heart after accepting Jesus as SAVIOR!

Is there enough shaking yet? Do ANY of you realize what is at stake if we fail to point people to the TRUTH we have as Believers in the Salvation by GRACE and through FAITH in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary? Do we not care if people go to Hell for eternity? Do any of us? I wouldn’t be writing this or putting it up on social media that may or may not allow it at some point, but I WILL have it up on my website. You can find out more about Jesus Christ and the prophecies of the Bible at: https://www.tribulationhelp.com – It’s not a dry religion… it is Life Eternal through Christ!